


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 required for efficient DNA synthesis-coupled nucleosome assembly.
2 tin and the proteins required for new CENP-A nucleosome assembly.
3 eosomes, while the reverse reaction promotes nucleosome assembly.
4  Rtt109, the H3 lysine 56 KAT, to promote RC nucleosome assembly.
5 s only moderate effects on H3-H4 binding and nucleosome assembly.
6 to CAF-1, a histone chaperone involved in RC nucleosome assembly.
7 n of the N-terminal residues of H3 and H4 in nucleosome assembly.
8 way, and enters the nucleus where it impedes nucleosome assembly.
9 ces of genome-scale, replication-independent nucleosome assembly.
10 leosome positioning sequences favored during nucleosome assembly.
11 stent with their role in replication-related nucleosome assembly.
12 AF-1*H3-H4 binding mode and the mechanism of nucleosome assembly.
13 t, the substrate for replication-independent nucleosome assembly.
14 CAT interruptions in (CAG)n tracts decreased nucleosome assembly.
15 nes to regulate the thermodynamic process of nucleosome assembly.
16 anded DNA, has a role in replication-coupled nucleosome assembly.
17 storage, sperm chromatin decondensation, and nucleosome assembly.
18 H3 or H4 is required for replication-coupled nucleosome assembly.
19 ot equalCG in terms of facilitating archaeal nucleosome assembly.
20 for FACT to deposit histones onto DNA during nucleosome assembly.
21 hromatin assembly factor-1 (CAF-1)-dependent nucleosome assembly.
22 in egg extract under conditions that titrate nucleosome assembly.
23 H3-H4)2 tetramers during replication-coupled nucleosome assembly.
24 nized these lysines in yeast and assayed for nucleosome assembly.
25 ent human H4 is therefore completed prior to nucleosome assembly.
26 one acetylation conferred by yCAF-I-mediated nucleosome assembly.
27 nvolved in the nuclear import of H2A-H2B and nucleosome assembly.
28 e most favored DNA sequences yet defined for nucleosome assembly.
29 e re-establishes both cellular viability and nucleosome assembly.
30 interphase centromeres to promote new CENP-A nucleosome assembly.
31 tion itself does not directly interfere with nucleosome assembly.
32  formation of the HIRA-H3.3 complex and H3.3 nucleosome assembly.
33 rlying Nap1-mediated H2A-H2B chaperoning and nucleosome assembly.
34 sis for Nap1-mediated H2A-H2B deposition and nucleosome assembly.
35 ith the DNA replication forks and subsequent nucleosome assembly.
36 leosomal loop of DNA, suggesting a means for nucleosome assembly.
37 a cells depends on the function of Rtt106 in nucleosome assembly.
38 Modification of histones H3 and H4 prevented nucleosome assembly.
39  PCNA unloading is delayed in the absence of nucleosome assembly.
40 intain opportunity for CAF-1 recruitment and nucleosome assembly.
41 ependent on new histone supply and efficient nucleosome assembly.
42 are then transferred to other chaperones for nucleosome assembly.
43 re and gene expression are both regulated by nucleosome assembly.
44 en histone acetylation and ubiquitylation in nucleosome assembly.
45 hat Scm3 plays an active role in centromeric nucleosome assembly.
46 , and the 26S proteasome generally, in plant nucleosome assembly.
47 osed to function in replication-coupled (RC) nucleosome assembly, a process critical for the inherita
48 he absence of DNA replication and stimulated nucleosome assembly activity by recombinant yeast CAF-I
49 defective for PCNA binding displayed reduced nucleosome assembly activity in vitro but were stimulate
50 oth in vitro and in vivo, and it displayed a nucleosome assembly activity in vitro.
51                           This unanticipated nucleosome assembly activity of AM-PARP-1, coupled with
52 tion is to recruit HJURP and that the CENP-A nucleosome assembly activity of HJURP is responsible for
53 geting domain of Cse4 is sufficient for Scm3 nucleosome assembly activity.
54 protein SET after Lys(176) and disrupted its nucleosome assembly activity.
55 s histone-binding domains and inhibiting its nucleosome assembly activity.
56 ncluding K14 also delayed replication-depend nucleosome assembly and advanced replicative life span.
57 14,000) host genes probed, comprising mainly nucleosome assembly and binding, central nervous system
58          In Wwox(-/-) mice, genes related to nucleosome assembly and cell growth genes were down-regu
59 etrameric state can be used as substrates in nucleosome assembly and chaperone-mediated lysine acetyl
60                                           As nucleosome assembly and chromatin remodeling are importa
61 1 in H2A/H2B deposition and exchange, during nucleosome assembly and chromatin remodeling in vivo.
62 functional distinction between ATP-dependent nucleosome assembly and chromatin remodeling, and sugges
63 roteins that are central to the processes of nucleosome assembly and disassembly and thus the fluidit
64 nstration of the dynamic equilibrium between nucleosome assembly and disassembly at the single chroma
65 on during Pol II elongation, suggesting that nucleosome assembly and disassembly occur in a stepwise
66 hought to be the first and the last steps in nucleosome assembly and disassembly, respectively.
67  by facilitating histone exchange as well as nucleosome assembly and disassembly.
68 s implicated in histone shuttling as well as nucleosome assembly and disassembly.
69 e in escorting histones to and from sites of nucleosome assembly and disassembly.
70 sition in the nucleosome with regard to both nucleosome assembly and gene regulation.
71 itates Chromatin Transcription) functions in nucleosome assembly and H2A-H2B deposition during transc
72 rk for understanding how Vps75 mediates both nucleosome assembly and histone acetylation by Rtt109.
73 DNA-binding) proteins regulate ATP-dependent nucleosome assembly and mobilization through their conse
74  vitro but, surprisingly, is dispensable for nucleosome assembly and only makes a modest contribution
75  of CGG repeat expansion and methylation for nucleosome assembly and positioning on the Fragile X Men
76 the consequences of CTG repeat expansion for nucleosome assembly and positioning.
77 uitylated by the Rtt101(Mms1) ligase impairs nucleosome assembly and promotes Asf1-H3 interactions.
78 egulate HIRA-H3.3 complex formation and H3.3 nucleosome assembly and reveal the mechanism by which OG
79 dea that the effects of the spt mutations on nucleosome assembly and/or stability activate repressors
80 odifications that accompany DNA replication, nucleosome assembly, and H2A/H2B exchange were examined
81 nucleosomes, the machinery that accomplishes nucleosome assembly, and the functional organization of
82 ults also indicate that the slowest steps in nucleosome assembly are DNA termini wrapping and tetrame
83 ponding lysine acetyltransferase (KAT) in RC nucleosome assembly are not known.
84                            Further, by using nucleosome assembly assays, we demonstrate that these tw
85 shed light on the mechanism of Scm3-mediated nucleosome assembly at the centromere.
86                    This approach resulted in nucleosome assembly beginning immediately downstream of
87 e that H3.3-specific residues involved in RI nucleosome assembly-but not major histone modification s
88                                     However, nucleosome assembly by hyperacetylated histones on inter
89              This is an example of selective nucleosome assembly by Xenopus nuclear extracts on a sho
90 ing transcription regulation (TIF1alpha) and nucleosome assembly (CAF1).
91    NAPs have been reported to have a role in nucleosome assembly, cell cycle regulation, cell prolife
92 s, both interruptions permit a propensity of nucleosome assembly closer to that of random (geneticall
93             Thus, the HIR complex is a novel nucleosome assembly complex which functions with SWI/SNF
94 on onto DNA in vitro and constitutes a novel nucleosome assembly complex.
95 es were found to direct a similar pattern of nucleosome assembly, consistent with the view that nucle
96 ere with Nap1 oligomerization exhibit severe nucleosome assembly defects showing that oligomerization
97                   How the very first step in nucleosome assembly, deposition of histone H3-H4 as tetr
98  simple, intrinsically stochastic process of nucleosome assembly, disassembly, and position-specific
99 to a simple model involving a noncooperative nucleosome assembly/disassembly equilibrium, suggesting
100                       Here, we show that the nucleosome assembly/disassembly process is not strictly
101 amic packaging of the genome by carrying out nucleosome assembly/disassembly, histone exchange, and n
102 ocalization patch in addition to loss of the nucleosome assembly domain.
103 these CGG repeats abolishes the preferential nucleosome assembly due to methylation.
104 H3, has been implicated in the regulation of nucleosome assembly during DNA replication and repair, a
105 ative system could communicate the degree of nucleosome assembly during DNA replication and the need
106          Surprisingly, PIP2 is essential for nucleosome assembly during DNA replication in vitro and
107 uring the cell cycle to provide histones for nucleosome assembly during DNA replication.
108 lated at lysine 56 (H3K56ac) and facilitates nucleosome assembly during several molecular processes.
109 d biochemically tractable when compared with nucleosome assembly during simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA re
110 sstalk between MMR and replication-dependent nucleosome assembly during the correction of DNA replica
111 mbedded centromeres by blocking conventional nucleosome assembly early in S phase, thereby allowing t
112 t the GAA GAA TTC triplex further lowers the nucleosome assembly efficiency (82% decrease compared to
113 lly similar functions of H2B ubiquitylation (nucleosome assembly) elicit different functional outcome
114                         ES cells lacking the nucleosome assembly factor HirA exhibit elevated levels
115                                    ASF1 is a nucleosome assembly factor which is a member of the H3/H
116 replication initiation factor, securin gene, nucleosome assembly factor, and a subunit of the cohesin
117  show that Scm3 functions as a Cse4-specific nucleosome assembly factor, and that the resulting octam
118  chaperone Scm3 functions as a Cse4-specific nucleosome assembly factor.
119 teract with multiple DNA replication-coupled nucleosome assembly factors, including Rtt106, CAF-1, an
120                                              Nucleosome assembly following DNA replication and gene t
121                                              Nucleosome assembly following DNA replication controls e
122 ly-distributed nucleosomes are formed by the nucleosome assembly function of Chd1, and then regularly
123 one variant Cse4 to centromeres, its role in nucleosome assembly has not been tested.
124 s, plasmid superhelicity in whole cells, and nucleosome assembly in cell extracts.
125 nt protein regulates DNA replication-coupled nucleosome assembly in part through regulating histone-h
126  play an important but redundant function in nucleosome assembly in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces
127 ed understanding of the factors that mediate nucleosome assembly in the nascent male pronucleus, the
128 ng to the results, CpG methylation expedites nucleosome assembly in the presence of abundant DNA and
129 bited upon deletion of Hira due to a lack of nucleosome assembly in the sperm genome.
130                                              Nucleosome assembly in the wake of DNA replication is a
131 reased expression of histones or a defect in nucleosome assembly in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisia
132  similar to NAP-1, NLP, and Nph, facilitates nucleosome assembly in vitro and is therefore a histone
133 ional and rotational positioning of archaeal nucleosome assembly in vitro by a sequence from the 7S R
134 al region of yNAP1, although dispensable for nucleosome assembly in vitro, contributes to binding via
135 ent with these findings, Spt6p is capable of nucleosome assembly in vitro.
136               ToRC facilitates ATP-dependent nucleosome assembly in vitro.
137                             We also analyzed nucleosome assembly in vivo and in vitro by examining pl
138  the histone amino termini are important for nucleosome assembly in vivo and in vitro.
139                                              Nucleosome assembly in vivo requires assembly factors, s
140     The histone H4 mutants are competent for nucleosome assembly in vivo, and the residues that are a
141                                       During nucleosome assembly in vivo, newly synthesized histone H
142     Therefore, K5/K12 cannot be required for nucleosome assembly in yeast.
143 e results demonstrate that Gcn5 regulates RC nucleosome assembly, in part, by promoting H3 associatio
144 ctural components of H3 and H4 necessary for nucleosome assembly into metazoan chromosomes in vivo.
145                                              Nucleosome assembly is a highly regulated process that r
146                          Replication-coupled nucleosome assembly is a major step in packaging the new
147        The first step in replication-coupled nucleosome assembly is CAF-1-dependent histone (H3-H4)2
148 one chaperones have been identified, but how nucleosome assembly is coupled to DNA replication remain
149 stem for the analysis of replication-coupled nucleosome assembly is described.
150                      DNA replication-coupled nucleosome assembly is essential to maintain genome inte
151  Our results reveal that replication-coupled nucleosome assembly is necessary to generate a bilateral
152                   In this "two-step system," nucleosome assembly is performed in a separate reaction
153                                  Because the nucleosome assembly is performed separately from the DNA
154  transcription initiation, on which archaeal nucleosome assembly is positioned downstream from the si
155                    They show that defects in nucleosome assembly lead to DNA double-strand breaks and
156  employed to suppress kinetic bottlenecks in nucleosome assembly, lead to cooperative behavior that c
157 derstanding of the mechanisms of centromeric nucleosome assembly, maintenance, and reorganization rem
158 ypothesized that the information controlling nucleosome assembly may coincide with the information th
159  which H3K56Ac regulates replication-coupled nucleosome assembly mediated by CAF-1 and Rtt106.
160                              We investigated nucleosome assembly mediated by histone chaperone Nap1 a
161 clear transport, nucleotide excision repair, nucleosome assembly, membrane trafficking, and cytoskele
162 e examined the effects of these drugs on the nucleosome assembly of DNA molecules that display differ
163 chanism whereby H4S47ph distinctly regulates nucleosome assembly of H3.1 and H3.3.
164 ts indicate that HAT1 differentially impacts nucleosome assembly of H3.1-H4 and H3.3-H4.
165  nucleosome assembly of H3.3-H4 and inhibits nucleosome assembly of H3.1-H4 by increasing the binding
166 7ph), catalyzed by the PAK2 kinase, promotes nucleosome assembly of H3.3-H4 and inhibits nucleosome a
167                            How HIRA-mediated nucleosome assembly of H3.3-H4 is regulated remains not
168 racts with UBN1, modifies HIRA, and promotes nucleosome assembly of H3.3.
169 ble) sequences, suggesting an association of nucleosome assembly of trinucleotide repeats and genetic
170 ective in H3-H4 binding exhibited attenuated nucleosome assembly on nascent chromatin.
171 as a model system to determine the effect of nucleosome assembly on nucleotide excision repair (NER)
172  to increased and decreased propensities for nucleosome assembly on the (CAG)n and (CGG)n repeats, re
173 omes and by an increase in the efficiency of nucleosome assembly on the injected plasmid.
174      We have used magnetic tweezers to study nucleosome assembly on topologically constrained DNA mol
175  verify our hypothesis that the lack of full nucleosome assembly on topologically constrained tethers
176    The FRA16B DNA fragments strongly exclude nucleosome assembly only in the presence of distamycin,
177 , it was shown that H2Bub1 was important for nucleosome assembly onto nascent DNA at active replicati
178  sites are not necessary for CAF-1-dependent nucleosome assembly onto replicated DNA.
179 hat CAC is a key intermediate of the de novo nucleosome assembly pathway and that the p48 subunit par
180 zed histones in this DNA replication-coupled nucleosome assembly pathway remain enigmatic.
181 ors influence histone nuclear import and the nucleosome assembly pathway, leading to changes in chrom
182 e histone octamer, with implications for the nucleosome assembly pathway.
183 ote the entry of histones H3 and H4 into the nucleosome assembly pathway.
184 p among modifications, histone variants, and nucleosome assembly pathways is unclear.
185 ne modifications are tied to the alternative nucleosome assembly pathways that use primarily H3 at re
186 th histone H4, into nucleosomes via distinct nucleosome assembly pathways.
187 nascent DNA, Okazaki fragment processing and nucleosome assembly potentially affect one another.
188 B dimers was generally poor, suggesting that nucleosome assembly precedes and inhibits HSF binding.
189 ost probably in the form of twist) stall the nucleosome assembly process.
190  H4K5,12ac differentially regulate these two nucleosome assembly processes.
191                                  Concomitant nucleosome assembly protects the discontinuous mismatch-
192                                          The nucleosome assembly protein (NAP) family represents a ke
193             This gene is homologous to yeast nucleosome assembly protein (NAP1) and to a human homolo
194 cribe the cloning and analysis of Drosophila nucleosome assembly protein 1 (dNAP-1), a core histone-b
195 emodeling factor (ACF), purified recombinant nucleosome assembly protein 1 (dNAP1), purified native c
196 re we show that the acidic histone chaperone nucleosome assembly protein 1 (NAP-1) from yeast reversi
197           On separation of nuclear proteins, nucleosome assembly protein 1 (Nap-1) has an overlapping
198                                              Nucleosome assembly protein 1 (NAP-1) is an integral com
199 coactivator p300, we obtained cDNAs encoding nucleosome assembly protein 1 (NAP-1), a 60-kDa histone
200                                Homologues of nucleosome assembly protein 1 (NAP1) are found throughou
201 found that the cytoplasmic histone chaperone nucleosome assembly protein 1 (Nap1) associates with the
202                        The histone chaperone nucleosome assembly protein 1 (NAP1) is implicated in hi
203 d adding an excess of the histone chaperone, nucleosome assembly protein 1 (NAP1) to the H3/H4 prior
204          We find that the histone chaperone, nucleosome assembly protein 1 (NAP1), cooperates with CB
205                     Histone chaperones, like nucleosome assembly protein 1 (Nap1), play a critical ro
206 mechanism of action of the histone chaperone nucleosome assembly protein 1 (Nap1).
207 actors, including histone chaperones such as nucleosome assembly protein 1 (Nap1).
208 of chromatin (RSC) and the histone chaperone nucleosome assembly protein 1 (NAP1).
209                     Here we demonstrate that nucleosome assembly protein 1 (Nap1p), a protein previou
210 The self-association properties of the yeast nucleosome assembly protein 1 (yNAP1) have been investig
211                                    The yeast nucleosome assembly protein 1 (yNAP1) participates in ma
212                                    The yeast nucleosome assembly protein 1 (yNap1) plays a role in ch
213  similar overall architecture with the yeast nucleosome assembly protein 1 and human SET/TAF-1beta/IN
214 3/H4 during their deposition on DNA by NAP1 (nucleosome assembly protein 1).
215  helicase-interacting protein 1), along with nucleosome assembly protein 1, as novel ubiquitin-intera
216          Several unbiased screens identified nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1 (NAP1L1) as an inte
217                          This factor, called nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1 (NAP1L1), is a nucl
218                           Here, we show that nucleosome assembly protein 1-like protein 1 (NAP1L1) as
219 mber of cellular proteins, in particular the nucleosome assembly protein 1-like protein 1 (NAP1L1), b
220 ion vehicle used for this analysis was NAP1, nucleosome assembly protein 1.
221 ue of NAP1, and we designate it hNAP2 (human nucleosome assembly protein 2).
222 a peptide domain with strong homology to the nucleosome assembly protein family.
223                                          The nucleosome assembly protein Nap1 is used extensively in
224                             GzmA cleaved the nucleosome assembly protein SET after Lys(176) and disru
225 ch contains three granzyme A substrates, the nucleosome assembly protein SET, the DNA bending protein
226 ociated complex (SET complex) containing the nucleosome assembly protein SET, the tumor suppressor pp
227 es, two histone modification proteins, and a nucleosome assembly protein were detected, clearly indic
228                               xNAP1 (Xenopus nucleosome assembly protein) belongs to the family of nu
229 ompared the abilities of dNLP and Drosophila nucleosome assembly protein-1 (dNAP-1) to promote the de
230 release that was enhanced by the presence of nucleosome assembly protein-1 (NAP1).
231 mbly and remodeling factor (ACF), Drosophila nucleosome assembly protein-1, plasmid DNA, and ATP.
232 interacts with nap1, which encodes the NAP-1 nucleosome assembly protein.
233        TSPYL2 is an X-linked gene encoding a nucleosome assembly protein.
234                                              Nucleosome assembly proteins (Nap proteins) represent a
235 e assembly protein) belongs to the family of nucleosome assembly proteins (NAPs) and shares 92% ident
236 e 6 and encodes a protein with homology with nucleosome assembly proteins (NAPs); it has tissue-speci
237 ny factors, including the four HIR genes and nucleosome assembly proteins Asf1p and chromatin assembl
238 identified an mRNA, belonging to a family of nucleosome assembly proteins, whose expression is upregu
239 coupling of fork speed and PCNA unloading to nucleosome assembly provides a simple mechanism to adjus
240 IPs are capable of preferentially inhibiting nucleosome assembly, rather than DNA synthesis, suggesti
241  We present evidence for a paradigm in which nucleosome assembly requires the elimination of competin
242                                       CENP-A nucleosome assembly requires the Mis18 complex and the C
243                                       CENP-A nucleosome assembly requires the three-protein Mis18 com
244 ate DNA-synthesis-dependent and -independent nucleosome assembly, respectively.
245 acts occur during concomitant nick-dependent nucleosome assembly shaped by the replication histone ch
246 eosomes replicated in the absence of de novo nucleosome assembly showed that histone modifications do
247 lates one of two Arabidopsis homologs of the nucleosome assembly/silencing protein Asf1 and histone H
248  block is 4.9 +/- 0.6-fold less efficient in nucleosome assembly than a similar length pUC19 fragment
249 -fold and 2.1 +/- 0.3-fold less efficient in nucleosome assembly than the respective unmethylated for
250 o aid in understanding the thermodynamics of nucleosome assembly, the equilibrium stabilities of the
251   Indeed, oocytes lack any measurable CENP-A nucleosome assembly through the entire fertile lifespan
252 at as few as six CTG repeats will facilitate nucleosome assembly to a similar extent as the 50 or mor
253 iation suggests that HMG2 may facilitate the nucleosome assembly, transcriptional activation, and DNA
254                                              Nucleosome assembly was assayed by three methods.
255        Here, we investigate the mechanism of nucleosome assembly with a purified chromatin assembly s
256  replication fork, through which RPA couples nucleosome assembly with ongoing DNA replication.
257 l cycle surveillance mechanism that monitors nucleosome assembly without involving the DNA repair pat

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