


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 monomer in solution, regardless of the bound nucleotide.
2 encies of correct and all possible incorrect nucleotides.
3 more stable than mRNAs that begin with other nucleotides.
4  of cell-signaling pathways involving cyclic nucleotides.
5  alone is enough for the modification of two nucleotides.
6 roximately 5 nucleotides to as little as 1-2 nucleotides.
7 s proteins scavenging the mutagenic oxidised nucleotide 8-oxo-dGTP.
8 00-nucleotide region of the genome (R0) from nucleotides 889 to 1289 encompassing the 3' end of the d
9 s, sequence-intrinsic SHM-targeting rates of nucleotides across substrates representing maturation st
10               Collectively, we conclude that nucleotides activate P2Y6 receptors to suppress GC growt
11 ions, as well as R1150Q/R1150W, augmented Mg-nucleotide activation.
12  ECs terminate from effects of the TL on the nucleotide addition rate that indirectly affect terminat
13 hance or decrease the anti-HIV-1 efficacy of nucleotide analogue reverse transcription inhibitors pre
14                                      Average nucleotide and amino acid identities revealed that the f
15 c hub in cells that enables the synthesis of nucleotides and amino acids and epigenetic modifications
16  of cDNA target regions of approximately 100 nucleotides and counting of individual molecules.
17 for the de novo synthesis of dTMP and purine nucleotides and for remethylation of homocysteine to met
18 trate-binding domain) in response to adenine nucleotides and substrates.
19 ring dry periods, mean that the synthesis of nucleotides and their polymerization into RNA occurred i
20 iently synthesize polymers composed of these nucleotides, and most interestingly, that SFM4-3 can als
21 e the interaction of myosin-5B with F-actin, nucleotides, and the pyrazolopyrimidine compound myoVin-
22 ilar to other Hsp70s, its activity relies on nucleotide- and substrate-controllable docking and undoc
23 ide strategy for intracellular delivery of a nucleotide antagonist of eIF4E in mantle cell lymphoma (
24                                 The European Nucleotide Archive offers a rich platform for data shari
25  1, asymmetric dimethylarginine, and adenine nucleotides are all products of hemolysis that promote v
26            It requires at least two unpaired nucleotides at the 5' end of its substrates and prefers
27 eaving the 5' strand DNA approximately 10-20 nucleotides away from the ends.
28 ty and by secondary interactions between the nucleotide bases and the metal.
29 thod to detect and correct position-specific nucleotide biases in HTS short read data.
30 site rearrangements that lead to a decreased nucleotide binding affinity and incorporation rate.
31 ve to 8-oxoG bypass is due to an alternative nucleotide binding conformation in the precatalytic tern
32 tion in the catalytic site of the C-terminal nucleotide binding domain restored proper protein traffi
33  the transmembrane domain and the C-terminal nucleotide binding domain.
34 s reveals how reversible dimerization of the nucleotide binding domains drives opening and closing of
35                              Although cyclic nucleotide binding has been shown to promote CNG and HCN
36 hen the catalytic glutamate of the canonical nucleotide binding site 2 was mutated to glutamine.
37 ve site in the absence of PPi, suggests that nucleotide binding stimulates PPi dissociation and occur
38 ogy analysis all strongly support defects in nucleotide-binding activity.
39 n two well-structured domains: an N-terminal nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) and a C-terminal substra
40 te-controllable docking and undocking of its nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) and substrate-binding do
41  docked model predicted that a region in the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) of DnaK interacted with
42                                          the nucleotide-binding domain and substrate-binding domain)
43     We show that TRIP8b binds the HCN cyclic nucleotide-binding domain through a 37-residue domain an
44                            In mice, specific nucleotide-binding domain, leucine-rich repeat-containin
45 sis inhibitory proteins (NAIPs) activate the nucleotide-binding domain, leucine-rich repeat-containin
46 ress immunity; however, the plant can evolve nucleotide-binding domain-leucine-rich repeat domain-con
47                                        Plant nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) proteins en
48                                              Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (Nod)-containi
49 yrin domain containing 1 (NLRP1), NLRP3, and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like rec
50           We demonstrate that both TNF-R and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain stimulation pr
51                    The inflammasome proteins nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich
52 f the Crohn's disease susceptibility protein nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing 2 (
53 bial sensors, recent evidence indicates that nucleotide-binding oligomerization domains (NODs) can al
54           Thus, the NTRs affect the specific nucleotide-binding properties of MYO1C isoforms, adding
55 d that their interaction is sensitive to the nucleotide-bound state of the motor.
56 s/s) disassembly, which depends on F-actin's nucleotide-bound state.
57 in the presence of ATP and in the absence of nucleotide, but not in the presence of ADP.
58 s, pentose phosphate pathway, polyamines and nucleotides, but an increase in TCA and urea cycle inter
59 rporation kinetics of non-fluorescent native nucleotides by DNA polymerases.
60 the substitution of a cytosine for a thymine nucleotide (C64T) at codon 22, leading to a premature st
61 poson presence/absence patterns and flanking nucleotide changes suggest an important influence of mos
62 entified 3 amino acid changes, 16 synonymous nucleotide changes, and a 12-bp insertion strongly assoc
63                                          The nucleotide concentration dependence was measured at temp
64 top positions, in a length range of 16 to 22 nucleotides consistently present in the MalaEx.
65  elements, we developed a bisulfite-mediated nucleotide-conversion strategy for large-scale mutationa
66 ssical d mutation was found to be due to one nucleotide deletion that would truncate the deduced prod
67 o, which was detected only for the 7- and 21-nucleotide deletions.
68                           We also probed the nucleotide dependence of this interaction, confirming th
69 ing ability of hGBP1F Furthermore, we report nucleotide-dependent polymerization of hGBP1F, which com
70 cantly altered 35 proteins mainly related to nucleotide-dependent processes and lipid metabolism.
71 inding of hGBP1F In addition, we demonstrate nucleotide-dependent tethering ability of hGBP1F Further
72 rtner [GPCRs, Gbetagamma, effectors, guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (GDIs), GTPase-activa
73 ide site diversity (piN/piS), and synonymous nucleotide diversity (piS), avoiding the statistical non
74 lains the discrepancy between the rather low nucleotide diversity in herring and its huge census popu
75  cultivated G. hirsutum as compared with low nucleotide diversity on these chromosomes in landrace G.
76 ed by highly polymorphic loci with extensive nucleotide diversity, copy number variation of paralogou
77 document a northern-most population with low nucleotide diversity, divergent allele frequencies and t
78 umber of new alleles, representing increased nucleotide diversity, on chromosomes 1 and 2 in cultivat
79                    The cleavage site is 11/9 nucleotides downstream of the A residue.
80 -GCCGC-3' site and cleaves the DNA 7 and 6/7 nucleotides downstream on the top and bottom DNA strands
81 ng frame and TRmD both by a approximately 60 nucleotide element that spans the initiating AUG and by
82                                 Cap-proximal nucleotides encircled by the tunnel provide affinity to
83 a small GTPase that functions as a guanosine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for ARL3-GDP.
84        LARG (leukemia-associated Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF)), PDZ-RhoGEF, and p115R
85          Here, we demonstrate that the Hsp70 nucleotide exchange factor Bag1 promotes hERG degradatio
86 ity by recruiting its activator, the guanine nucleotide exchange factor GEF-H1.
87 tes the nuclear transport of the Ran guanine nucleotide exchange factor RCC1.
88                             The Rac1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor Tiam1 mediates an OGD-induced
89 nositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and the Rac1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor Tiam1.
90  naturally explains how KaiA, by acting as a nucleotide exchange factor, can stimulate phosphorylatio
91 erning, we previously identified the guanine nucleotide exchange factor, RAPGEF5.
92 ologue of the SH3BP5 family of Rab11 guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs).
93                          RasGRPs are guanine nucleotide exchange factors that are specific for Ras or
94 vity that can be stimulated by two different nucleotide exchange factors, Sil1 and Lhs1.
95                            Inhibition of Ras nucleotide exchange is a promising new approach but bett
96 tions at this position impaired GEF-mediated nucleotide exchange.
97 emodeler essential for transcription-coupled nucleotide excision DNA repair.
98 ubgroups with impaired transcription coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER) (category 1: XP-A, B
99 ts normally recognized by Fanconi anemia and nucleotide excision repair machinery, although the mecha
100 lly mutagenic if not properly removed by the nucleotide excision repair machinery.
101  important and well-conserved sub-pathway of nucleotide excision repair that preferentially removes D
102  to essentially all DNA damages processed by nucleotide excision repair.
103 or required for transcription initiation and nucleotide excision repair.
104  bulky lesions more commonly associated with nucleotide excision repair.
105 ding ataxias, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, nucleotide expansion disorders (Friedreich ataxia and fr
106  much faster than the lesion-recognition and nucleotide flipping steps that were independently determ
107 tes (rNMPs) are the most common non-standard nucleotides found in DNA of eukaryotic cells, with over
108                  Comparison of ATP-bound and nucleotide-free states reveals how reversible dimerizati
109 the crystal structure of kinesin-6 Zen4 in a nucleotide-free, apo state, with the NL initial segment
110  A transient conformation of decoding-centre nucleotide G530 stabilizes the cognate codon-anticodon h
111 ng the response through the olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel and stimulates a depolari
112          We found that cAMP activates cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels and thereby induces a Ca
113 n through hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels, and contributes to depo
114                                       Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (CNGC) family members mediate C
115                            cAMP opens cyclic nucleotide-gated channels allowing a Ca(2+) influx that
116                                       Cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels are essential for vision and o
117     Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are 26-30-nucleotide germ line-specific small non-coding RNAs that
118 ient protein targeting to the INM depends on nucleotide hydrolysis.
119 hat the most stable dCn i-motifs possess one nucleotide in each of the three loops and a core built o
120 t to 0.056 and 0.065 adducts in 10(8) normal nucleotides in 50 mug of DNA.
121 show that while the hexameric HerA binds six nucleotides in an 'all-or-none' fashion, HerA-NurA harbo
122 A that forms a T-loop module and a subset of nucleotides in the cobalamin-binding pocket.
123 n the DNA helix, where it effectively blocks nucleotide incorporation across the adduct by Dpo4.
124  Polbeta mouse tissue and KO cells had lower nucleotide incorporation activity.
125 ultiple mismatches, abasic sites, and single nucleotide insertions.
126 ined that the ribosomal footprint extends 13 nucleotides into the N-terminal coding region and, when
127 oth extension contexts, wherein the incoming nucleotide is bound in either the canonical Watson-Crick
128 on of Structure-seq2 in which a biotinylated nucleotide is incorporated during reverse transcription,
129  that protein accessibility decreases as the nucleotide is located closer to the backbone.
130 ethylation measurements at the resolution of nucleotides, it is relatively costly and so several stud
131              However, addition of the second nucleotide (kobs2) is 700-fold faster for tCfTP than tCT
132 trafficking machinery, and increased adenine nucleotide levels.
133 ng noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs)-transcripts >200 nucleotides long that do not encode proteins.
134   The relative fluxes through glycolysis and nucleotide metabolism pathways were consistent across th
135  iminosugars as glycosyl phosphate and sugar nucleotide mimics.
136 avage in elongation complexes backtracked by nucleotide misincorporation.
137 ep, a complete discrimination against single nucleotide mismatched sequences under practical conditio
138 icantly increased its capacity to remove G/T nucleotide mismatches or 5-formylcytosine.
139  16 different HEV sequences with significant nucleotide mismatching in primer/probe binding regions,
140 ion of HCN4 by cAMP, i.e. the primary cyclic nucleotide modulator of HCN channels.
141 For type I and II CRISPR-Cas systems, single-nucleotide mutations in the seed or protospacer adjacent
142 stigate only a subset of all possible single nucleotide mutations.
143 ized short RNA corresponding to the first 19 nucleotides (nt) of the rabies virus genome, we demonstr
144 synthesis, which could restore the full 100 nucleotides of (T2AG3)n lost from replicated chromosome
145 siently forming loops and hairpins within 30 nucleotides of the break.
146 ogen bond interactions between the first two nucleotides of the codon and anticodon and then is stabi
147 f PALADIN against existing tools that employ nucleotide or protein alignment algorithms.
148 the TRBO-sgRNA constructs, which retained 5' nucleotide overhangs.
149                                 Amino acids, nucleotide pathways, and metabolites involved in redox r
150                              The lead single-nucleotide polymorphism (rs12445022) was also associated
151 ificantly associated with a genotyped single-nucleotide polymorphism (rs12519770, P=2.98x10(-)(8)) in
152                                     A single nucleotide polymorphism (rs16260) linked to increased ca
153 AC4 CpG sites were tagged by a nearby single-nucleotide polymorphism (rs7570903), which also associat
154                                       Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associations were stratifi
155  we present a genome-wide analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data for Spanish teosinte,
156  TB-DzT combines a multiplex PCR with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection using highly sel
157 type-phenotype studies based first on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping and then with w
158                              The lead single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in TRACK-HD (rs557874766)
159 ntified an atherosclerosis-associated single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) located in the intron of t
160                  Our data show that a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation in the GL4 gene r
161  high-affinity AICE2 motif at a human single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the gene encoding the i
162 tion of a specific variant type (e.g. single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) or indel) within a broader
163 show that ADABF is more powerful than single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-set kernel association tes
164 otype for rs72820264, an intragenetic single-nucleotide polymorphism associated with LVOTDs (P=2.1x10
165 breeding coefficients based on 37 037 single-nucleotide polymorphism loci, and population density as
166      Exploration of the CRF1 receptor single nucleotide polymorphism rs110402 found that response to
167 e investigated whether the functional single nucleotide polymorphism rs4523957, which is an expressio
168 ion radioligands are sensitive to the single nucleotide polymorphism rs6971; however, this is probabl
169  inhibitors, those with the rs1898671 single-nucleotide polymorphism were more likely to have stopped
170                    A widely prevalent single nucleotide polymorphism, rs13266634 in the SLC30A8 gene
171      We also demonstrate that the SRR single nucleotide polymorphism, rs4523957, is associated with p
172                    This mutation- and single nucleotide polymorphism-independent method could be cruc
173 , or homozygous for the TSLPrs1898671 single-nucleotide polymorphism.
174 cus ( TSNAX-DISC1 noncoding RNA, lead single-nucleotide polymorphism: rs149133391, minor allele [C] f
175 he gene for complement factor H (lead single nucleotide polymorphism: rs800292; P=2.4x10(-35)).
176 e aim of the study was to investigate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) located in genes encoding
177 quence diversity was high with a mean single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) rate of approximately 1 p
178         In total, 24,710 high-quality Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) were identified.
179                        Ten correlated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (r(2)>0.9) located in an
180 genome identified approximately 7.4 M single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 1.9 M indels.
181 by incorporating prior information of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and combining two releva
182 ons between published type 2 diabetes single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and genome-wide methylat
183  Europeans, we genotyped the 10 novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and performed an associa
184 cted a follow-up study to examine the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with family h
185 mmary statistics for four independent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with isoleuci
186 DNA (dd-cfDNA) by taking advantage of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) distributed across the g
187 of 1284 AMD cases and controls for 93 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 7 genes.
188 using summary statistics obtained for single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified from a genome
189 sed the associations of 19,830 common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 151 Wnt pathway autos
190 gle nucleotide variants (SNVs) due to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the genome, or RNA ed
191   Conditional analysis on known index single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) indicated an additional
192                                   (2) Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) known to be involved in
193                By using the 2,271,584 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the panel from previo
194 fter removing potentially pleiotropic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) possibly acting via obes
195 cally significant association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs1800544 ADRA2A (odds r
196                                       Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that surpassed a signifi
197 ssociation between IA development and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), but many SNPs have not
198                                       Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the most common genetic
199 elect the most potentially associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), whereas the markers on
200 re simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
201  differences among ST382 strains were single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
202 ian population (n = 769) yielded nine single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): G-1106A, A-1018T, T-101
203  METHOD: We genotyped nine IL13 "tag" single nucleotide polymorphisms (tag SNPs) in 367 challenge-pro
204 ' for typing Y-STRs and Y-chromosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (Y-SNPs).
205 to previously reported CKD-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms and provided evidence for inter
206 me-wide association study to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with genetic suscept
207 strumental variable analysis based on single nucleotide polymorphisms determining birth weight combin
208 ity-based transmission (five or fewer single nucleotide polymorphisms different and with identical re
209 n of variance explained by all common single-nucleotide polymorphisms for this tiredness question was
210 olygenic risk score (PRS) composed of single nucleotide polymorphisms from the pathway most consisten
211 on and validation of 234,452 putative single nucleotide polymorphisms in-silico, of which 8,967 high
212  in all three species, the density of single nucleotide polymorphisms increases as one approaches a m
213  of how specific genetic mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms influence the onset of disease,
214 six candidate PSS1 genes by comparing single-nucleotide polymorphisms of (1) the bulked DNA sample of
215 o identify significant differences in single-nucleotide polymorphisms or copy number variants, respec
216 ubsequent imputation revealed 660,238 single nucleotide polymorphisms that are rare (<1%) or absent i
217 dy to assess the association of EFNB3 single nucleotide polymorphisms with human hypertension risks,
218                                       Single nucleotide polymorphisms within the prion protein gene h
219 ing population by using clustering of single nucleotide polymorphisms' trajectories and (ii) use quan
220      We tested a total of 3.8 million single nucleotide polymorphisms, as well as imputed HLA alleles
221 ompare allele read fractions at known single-nucleotide polymorphisms, considering depth-dependent be
222 n six clusters of strongly associated single nucleotide polymorphisms, selected on the basis of their
223 s-methylation quantitative trait loci single nucleotide polymorphisms.
224  with approximately 9 000 000 imputed single-nucleotide polymorphisms.
225 plasticity, using 45,608 high-quality single-nucleotide polymorphisms.
226 ments and genotyped with 2.5 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms.
227  typing with microsatellites and 9230 single-nucleotide polymorphisms.
228    The dCTP pyrophosphatase 1 (dCTPase) is a nucleotide pool "housekeeping" enzyme responsible for th
229 art procedure to identify quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) associated with complex traits.
230 generation by targeting proregenerative P2Y2 nucleotide receptor (P2Y2R) activated by extracellular A
231                      Correlations between P2 nucleotide receptor expression and hCPC growth kinetics
232 radical (Fe(III)2-Y(*)) cofactor to initiate nucleotide reduction.
233 and extensive phylogenetic analyses of a 400-nucleotide region of the genome (R0) from nucleotides 88
234                          Expansions of short nucleotide repeats produce several neurological and neur
235 in de novo gene "birth." TGA provided single-nucleotide resolution for each binding site and delineat
236         We explored the landscape of BCAs at nucleotide resolution in 273 subjects with a spectrum of
237 put RNA structure probing method, we provide nucleotide resolution insights into rRNA structural rear
238 hat can interrogate nascent RNA structure at nucleotide resolution.
239 mage and repair in these organisms at single-nucleotide resolution.
240                                       Single-nucleotide-resolution mapping of m(6)A coupled with ribo
241 3 +/- 0.92 and 1.05 +/- 0.99 in 10(8) normal nucleotides, respectively).
242 4 +/- 1.20 and 2.10 +/- 1.77 in 10(8) normal nucleotides, respectively, which were significantly high
243 fined by DNA binding site sizes of 30 and 60 nucleotides, respectively.
244  3.1 and 1.3 BPDE-N(2)-dG adducts per 10(11) nucleotides, respectively.
245                          Addition of guanine nucleotides resulted in changes in the solvent accessibi
246 ll stages are abundant in heterogeneous 28-nucleotide RNAs.
247 anosine (ddI), and lamivudine (3TC), and the nucleotide RTI inhibitor tenofovir (TDF), show efficacy
248 es on the concerted action of DNA polymerase nucleotide selectivity, proofreading activity, and DNA m
249 associated type I (VAI) RNA in terms of both nucleotide sequence and secondary structure but differs
250 e with point mutations without chromosome or nucleotide sequence context bias would open the door to
251                                          The nucleotide sequence in this region has been determined f
252      Transfer RNA (tRNA) links messenger RNA nucleotide sequence with amino acid sequence during prot
253                     Cpf1 requires a specific nucleotide sequence, called a protospacer adjacent motif
254 by genomic aberrations, including changes in nucleotide sequences.
255 yped in our reference laboratory by means of nucleotide sequencing and extensive phylogenetic analyse
256 4 rootstocks produced more DCL2-dependent 22-nucleotide siRNAs than the wild type and showed enhanced
257 the nonsynonymous relative to the synonymous nucleotide site diversity (piN/piS), and synonymous nucl
258  this is the first observation of non-cyclic-nucleotide small molecules with agonist properties towar
259 s of Abs, and achieved breadth with only 10% nucleotide somatic hypermutation and no insertions or de
260 tion response element (TAR) RNA, we achieved nucleotide-specific classification of two independent se
261 e 'G-loop' element that accounts for guanine nucleotide specificity.
262 K phosphorylation of Mcm2, binding to eighty-nucleotide ssDNA, and recruiting pol alpha to Mcm2-7 in
263 dmilling in filamentous actin (F-actin) in a nucleotide-state dependent manner.
264 actions between flavodoxin and the different nucleotide states of the Fe protein is critically import
265 D) using Cas9D10A nickase promotes efficient nucleotide substitution by gene editing.
266 s not sufficient to explain the variation of nucleotide substitution rates.
267 igh affinity and abundance of its endogenous nucleotide substrates.
268 olyases, but they retain the ability to bind nucleotides such as ATP.
269                Moreover, Coop-seq uncovers a nucleotide switch within the POU half-site when spacing
270 ular membranes and are essential for salvage nucleotide synthesis and purinergic signaling.
271 ells generates formate, and thereby promotes nucleotide synthesis.
272 h of the editing window from approximately 5 nucleotides to as little as 1-2 nucleotides.
273 ditors to knock out genes by changing single nucleotides to create stop codons.
274                Model studies using thymidine nucleotides to lock in i-motif loop lengths support the
275                                      Adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) exchanges ADP/ATP through t
276                                     However, nucleotide transport across the additional plastid membr
277 fficient to partially populate the OF state, nucleotide trapping in the pre- or post-hydrolytic state
278 t, we further validate that the nonconsensus nucleotide triplet code constitutes a key signature prov
279 viously unseen drug-induced rearrangement of nucleotides U2506 and U2585 of the 23S rRNA resulting in
280 ertions and deletions (indels) and of single-nucleotide variant (SNV) mutations.
281  customize the classification of genome-wide nucleotide variant data most relevant to biological rese
282 Here we report de novo non-synonymous single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) by conducting whole exome seq
283      RNA sequences of a gene can have single nucleotide variants (SNVs) due to single nucleotide poly
284 evel analysis of rare (<1% frequency) single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) revealed that the gene encodi
285 tion (indels) accumulating as fast as single nucleotide variants (SNVs), and elevated amounts of dele
286 specific antigen analyses has been on single nucleotide variants (SNVs), with the contribution of sma
287                    We identified 2719 single nucleotide variants (SNVs).
288   We found an average of 73.8 de novo single nucleotide variants and 12.6 de novo insertions and dele
289 ion of rare genic CNVs and regulatory single-nucleotide variants and found that reactivation of gene
290 of frequency, they are second only to single nucleotide variants as pathogenic mutations.
291  was found between ACQ and single non-coding nucleotide variants of the GLRB gene (rs78726293, P=3.3
292 ly significant P-values also for GLRB single-nucleotide variants rs17035816 (P=3.8 x 10(-4)) and rs76
293 ctly call allele frequencies of known single nucleotide variants.
294 ts primarily recognize the PAM-complementary nucleotides via the substituted residues.
295   A rapid shift toward higher energy adenine nucleotides was observed following clinical reperfusion,
296          Here we demonstrate that activating nucleotides with 2-aminoimidazole results in superior re
297 entional DNA synthesizer, containing neutral nucleotides with a methylated phosphate group.
298 quantum point contact measurements on single nucleotides within DNA macromolecules, we demonstrate th
299 uld be R-tracts, contiguous runs of >/=4 RNA nucleotides within DNA strand and the only common substr
300 ere the OrzO antitoxin base pairs to the 174-nucleotide zorO 5 UTR.

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