


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 novo circuit between the red nucleus and the nucleus raphe magnus.
2  maximum current in brainstem neurons in the nucleus raphe magnus.
3 - and alpha2-adrenoceptors on neurons in the nucleus raphe magnus.
4 lation, fos was significantly greater in the nucleus raphe magnus.
5 c circuits located in the PAG itself, in the nucleus raphe magnus and adjacent structures, and in the
6  and catecholamine-containing neurons in the nucleus raphe magnus and locus coeruleus that project to
7 dulla (nucleus gigantocellularis pars alpha, nucleus raphe magnus, and nucleus raphe pallidus); 6) th
8 cleus raphe obscurus-nucleus raphe pallidus, nucleus raphe magnus, and rostral and caudal ventrolater
9 laustrum, lateral amygdala, ventral cochlear nucleus, raphe magnus, and in the ventral horn of thorac
10  other sites that support MOR analgesia, the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) and spinal cord.
11 the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) and nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) appear to originate from neur
12 ss-induced hyperalgesia, is dependent on the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) but independent of the nucleu
13                                          The nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) is purported to be a relay th
14                                     Only the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) meets these requirements.
15 uced DORs and their interaction with MORs in nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) neurons important for opioid
16  microinjection of L-glutamate in either the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) or the nucleus reticularis gi
17 oforms and immunoreactivity of ACV/VI in the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM), a brainstem site critically
18                                       In the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM), a brainstem structure that c
19 oral effects in neurons of the rat brainstem nucleus raphe magnus (NRM), a key supraspinal site for o
20 rostral ventral medulla (RVM), including the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM), nuclei reticularis gigantoce
21  stimulation of the hindbrain's serotonergic nucleus raphe magnus (NRM).
22 ed either systemically or centrally into the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM).
23 nalgesic effect is mediated by the brainstem nucleus raphe magnus (NRM).
24 cell groups, and serotonergic neurons of the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM).
25 5HT neurons of the dorsal raphe (DR) and the nucleus raphe magnus of the rostroventral medulla (RVM).
26 he ventrolateral and lateral PAG or into the nucleus raphe magnus or by direct application of naloxon
27 of 0.5 or 3.0 micrograms of CGP 35348 in the nucleus raphe magnus or nucleus reticularis gigantocellu
28 saline or CGP 35348 was microinjected in the nucleus raphe magnus or nucleus reticularis gigantocellu
29 onist carbachol (5 microg) into sites in the nucleus raphe magnus or the nucleus gigantocellularis pa
30 , infratrigeminal nucleus, reticular nuclei, nucleus raphe magnus, pontine blink premotor area, and s
31 ere depletion of serotonergic neurons in the nucleus raphe magnus, raphe obscurus, raphe pallidus, an
32  medullary reticular formation, Barrington's nucleus, raphe magnus, raphe pallidus, subcoeruleus pars
33          Serotonergic cells in the medullary nucleus raphe magnus (RM) and adjacent nucleus reticular
34 eceptors within the periaqueductal gray, the nucleus raphe magnus, the gigantocellular reticular nucl
35  of 4 days or more, the locus coeruleus, the nucleus raphe magnus, the nucleus paragigantocellularis,
36       We show here that in the rat brainstem nucleus raphe magnus, which is important for central mec

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