コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 rface-enhanced NMR spectroscopy to the (17)O nuclide.
2 of the short, 68-min half-life of the (68)Ga nuclide.
3 assuming instant decay of unstable daughter nuclides.
4 of the time with conventional gamma-emitting nuclides.
5 nt fractionation of these two uranium-series nuclides.
6 ent with radioactive powering from r-process nuclides.
7 d the method could be extended to some other nuclides.
8 nct peak-to-peak correlation with cosmogenic nuclide (14)C, total solar irradiance (TSI), and sunspot
9 coherent with time series of the cosmogenic nuclides 14C and 10Be as well as North Atlantic drift ic
10 5)Ac to its ultimate alpha-emitting daughter nuclide (213)Bi, generation of monkey anti-HuM195 antibo
11 isotope shift of the emission lines of both nuclides, (234)U and (238)Pu were selectively and direct
12 abundance from the decay of the short-lived nuclide 60Fe (t(1/2) = 1.49 My) and for possible nucleos
14 corporating the long-lived positron-emitting nuclide (89)Zr were developed using 2 different approach
15 s an inexpensive and readily available radio-nuclide, adds clinically significant information in asse
16 acer candidates were radiolabeled with a PET nuclide and tested in vivo in tau-naive baboons to asses
17 maged 5% of the time using positron-emitting nuclides and 77% of the time with conventional gamma-emi
18 tron excess over the heaviest stable silicon nuclide, and has only one neutron fewer than the heavies
19 diation of mixtures of organics, metals, and nuclides, and the search for life in extreme environment
21 63 were successfully radiolabeled with a PET nuclide at high specific activity, radiochemical purity,
22 owever, with natural radioactive-decay-chain nuclides, because chemical disruption to secular equilib
23 Here we show that the cosmic ray-produced nuclides beryllium-10 and aluminum-26 can be used to dat
24 9 is sufficient to produce other short-lived nuclides, calcium-41 and manganese-53, found in meteorit
25 hanges in production rates of the cosmogenic nuclides carbon-14 and beryllium-10 and centennial to mi
27 ent detailed geomorphological and cosmogenic nuclide data from the southern Ellsworth Mountains in th
28 rphological evidence and multiple cosmogenic nuclide data from the southern Ellsworth Mountains to su
30 CPMS) in two- and three-dimensional (2D, 3D) nuclide distribution mapping beyond the laser beam waist
31 (MMPIs) radiolabeled with positron emitting nuclides (e.g., (18)F) represent a suitable tool for the
33 ionuclides into the cell nucleus by means of nuclide-filled liposomes (Nuclisome particles), that is,
36 e, which uses multiple quench parameters for nuclide identification, has been tested on both contamin
38 n the electronic environment at each yttrium nuclide in the (Y(3)N)(6+) cluster (more than 200 ppm fo
39 abundance and quadrupolar nature, the (17)O nuclide is very rarely used for spectroscopic investigat
41 nation of apatite helium ages and cosmogenic nuclides measured in multiple sizes of stream sediment.
45 ted 206-year period in records of cosmogenic nuclide production (carbon-14 and beryllium-10) that is
46 targets, especially concerning the residual nuclide production, the physicochemical behavior of the
48 troduction (e.g., (68)Ga isotope) or optimal nuclide properties for PET imaging (slightly favoring th
49 fluctuations that correlate with cosmogenic nuclide proxies of solar variability, with inferred sola
50 suring almost quantitative labeling and high nuclide purity of final (68)Ga-PSMA(HBED), making subseq
52 erved open-system behavior of uranium-series nuclides, substantially improving the resolution of sea-
55 riments to be performed on a wide variety of nuclides that are important in bioinorganic chemistry, f
56 e approximately 3,000 stable and radioactive nuclides that either occur naturally on Earth or are syn
57 rates are commonly measured using cosmogenic nuclides, there has been no complementary way to quantif
58 novae sources supplying the p- and r-process nuclides to the solar nebula were thus disconnected or o
59 ughter product relative to its parent (234)U nuclide using inductively coupled plasma mass spectromet
60 ns of the mass-to-charge ratio of the target nuclide were admitted into the octopole reaction cell, t
63 nd neutrons, occupies a spot on the chart of nuclides, which is bounded by 'drip lines' indicating th
64 edge of the production history of cosmogenic nuclides, which is needed for geological and archaeologi
65 computing, and find that the number of bound nuclides with between 2 and 120 protons is around 7,000.
66 is overestimate (which is most important for nuclides with large "nonpenetrating" emission components
67 facilitate the introduction of a radioactive nuclide without detrimental effects on the pharmacokinet
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