


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s are not sensitive to decreased Chrna7 copy number.
2 tribute to the development of the concept of number.
3 ecline of binding stoichiometry with linking number.
4 transporter lax2 mutants showed reduced vein numbers.
5 ong with the rates (0-100 spikes s(-1) ) and number (0-800) of excitatory inputs.
6 ancer Center between 1999 and 2001 (protocol number 98-009).
7  immune metagene expression and somatic copy number alteration levels (rho = -0.484, P = 2 x 10-10).
8  the phenotypic consequences of genomic copy-number alterations that are repeatedly observed in iPS c
9                  An R package for performing number and brightness image analysis, with the implement
10 genicity, consisting of vigorous increase in number and changes in expression levels of inflammation-
11 f higher quality than C-IVF in terms of cell number and hatching ability.
12      Sex had a small effect on the mean (SD) number and severity of symptoms reported by the child (s
13 I, 1.60-5.02]; effect size, 0.35), mean (SD) number and severity of symptoms reported by the parent (
14 hat RARbeta2 plays a specific role in somite number and size, restriction of the presomitic mesoderm
15 sure, and amount of exercise, affected tumor number and size.
16 n family has been expanding in terms of both number and the concept.
17 ulted in a very significant reduction in the number and viability of conidia.
18 confocal microscopy to determine CR1 cluster number and volume.
19 tered during allergen challenge reduced ILC2 numbers and activation, as well as airway inflammation a
20 in treatment reduced survival as well as the numbers and activity of H1N1- and H3N2-specific memory C
21 on associated with increased oligodendrocyte numbers and arrays of microtubules in oligodendrocytes w
22  pivotal for generating cells in the correct numbers and diverse types, and thus dictate proper brain
23 but increased IL-22 in vivo decreased T cell numbers and functions in the liver and lymphoid tissues.
24 s resulted in a marked reduction in TFH cell numbers and IgE antibody levels, but type 2 cytokine res
25 scues, at least in part, T follicular helper numbers and the abnormal Ab production previously report
26 ell (PBMC) ADA activity, improved lymphocyte numbers, and normal proliferative responses to mitogens.
27 f Tk2-deficient mice and restored mtDNA copy number as well as respiratory chain enzyme activities an
28 tion sequencing analysis of chromosomal copy number changes and mutations is useful in distinguishing
29 zing nanoprecipitates with an extremely high number density (more than 10(24) per cubic metre) and sm
30 ansposons (RTs) can rapidly increase in copy number due to periodic bursts of transposition.
31 irst undergoes a change in Si-O coordination number from fourfold to sixfold between 15 and 50 GPa, i
32 omly allocated (1:1), via a web-based random number generator with block sizes of four and six, to li
33 cally improved in GT mice with a vector copy number/genome higher than 1 in the BM and 2 in the thymu
34 s the impact of intravascular bacterial cell numbers (ie, the level of bacteremia), in patients at th
35                             These impressive numbers illustrate why the making and breaking of RBCs i
36 uld most likely be applied to any low photon-number image irrespective of how the data is collected.
37                  We further show that neuron numbers impact overall interconnectivity as the primary
38 uggest that an early deficiency in beta-cell number in infants with CF may contribute to the developm
39 s, and position on the periodic table (group number) influence the structure preference.
40 ) (superscripts denote Ballesteros-Weinstein numbering) is experimentally observed and appears to be
41  'propensity rule' for) the magnetic quantum number m of the molecules, and a previously unrecognized
42  indicating that natural variation in repeat numbers may optimize the chance for survival.
43 at this approach can generate confident copy number measurements in independent transgenic lines in t
44                                           CT numbers obtained from VNCa images were significantly dif
45                                 However, the number of (18)F-labeled tracers addressing PSMA is still
46 -resolution 3D reconstruction from a limited number of 2D projections.
47 nstruct the 3D structure of an object from a number of 2D projections.
48 t variants of RabA2 resulted in an increased number of abortive infection events, including bursting
49                             The data shows a number of absorption bands that are assigned to one- and
50      Our primary outcomes were the projected number of additional unnecessary treatments generated, t
51                                          The number of adverse events was similar regardless of immun
52 ealthy lifestyle was associated with reduced number of AHOs.
53 ensitivity and specificity in predicting the number of alleles associated with complex traits in each
54  were independently associated with a higher number of alterations in a multivariable analysis (P = 0
55                                     The mean number of anti-VEGF injections for an eye with mCNV duri
56 ng full-length FLNC reads, including a large number of AS events associated with rhizome systems.
57 nging to synthesize and yet are present in a number of bioactive natural products and synthetic pharm
58                                      A large number of bioactive peptides isolated from natural sourc
59 his treatment resulted in an increase in the number of blood vessels and sub-epithelial connective ti
60 lted in a decrease in bone formation and the number of bone marrow mesenchymal stem/stromal cells, li
61  pathological oscillations of a network of a number of brain regions are implicated in leading to the
62 icantly associated with time from treatment, number of calcifications, or sex.
63 fraction of the peak maximum) leading to any number of calibration curves.
64  design algorithms enumerate a combinatorial number of candidate structures to compute the Global Min
65 graded association exists between decreasing number of cardiovascular risk factors at target and majo
66  at transcription start sites (TSS), and the number of CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF)-cohesin complexes
67                        However, only a small number of CCS values are available for drugs, which limi
68        FliP expression sensitizes cells to a number of chemical agents, and mutations at predicted ch
69 stic regression, adjusting for community and number of children as fixed effects and research assista
70 ine in the prevalence of stunting, the total number of children with stunting continues to rise in su
71 c risk of autism and ADHD is associated with number of children.
72 erage, transcriptome assembly base coverage, number of chimeras and number of recovered full-length t
73 g daughter cells from inheriting an abnormal number of chromosomes, a condition that occurs frequentl
74 lia defects, and cilia motility is lost in a number of ciliated tissues along with a reduction in the
75 naling are mutated in humans, resulting in a number of ciliopathies, including Joubert syndrome (JS).
76           Mechanistically, CpG increased the number of circulating B cells, which produced elevated a
77        Many dependencies fall into a limited number of classes, and unexpectedly, in 82% of models, t
78 ntrol of the deflection angle with different number of coils, forming a plasma structure similar to t
79                 Here we consider the minimum number of communication rounds needed to perform the loc
80 or health care, currently driving, a greater number of comorbidities, and lower vision-specific quali
81 ent the theoretical analysis of the expected number of comparisons required for the proposed Lexicogr
82 master curve independent of the strength and number of competitor sites.
83 rch that compare favorably with the observed number of computations.
84                               Despite a high number of concussions in RIRP, differences in mental hea
85 eshold can be determined a-priori, since the number of connections to filter only depends on the netw
86       This work has led to advancements in a number of crucial sensing domains, including biomolecule
87 sets, comprising 38-40 unique studies (equal number of CT and MR imaging studies, uniformly distribut
88 ssion in mammals is strictly controlled by a number of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and CDK inhibi
89         Lesions of the RMTg reduced both the number of DA neurons inhibited by, and the duration of i
90                                     When the number of days of clinical training was doubled, the odd
91  mean migraine days per month, change in the number of days of use of acute migraine-specific medicat
92  were summarized using risk ratios (RRs) for number of deaths/recurrences and hazard ratios (HRs), wi
93 of these nanoscale films can be tuned by the number of deposition steps.
94 RNA profiles with respect to C, with a large number of deregulated miRNAs shared by both neoplastic l
95 behavior of SOA can be achieved by a concise number of descriptors of the precursor hydrocarbon inclu
96           We observed a significantly higher number of detected cells in ET injection compared to IV
97 ared to IV and a slight increase in the mean number of detected cells in irradiated lungs compared to
98 nto fibrillar cell inclusions is linked to a number of devastating neurodegenerative disorders collec
99                                We compared a number of different mono- and dinuclear geometries, in s
100 ominated by the number of interfaces, or the number of discrete beads, in the connection.
101       Cmya5 is an expression biomarker for a number of diseases affecting striated muscle and may als
102 D(+)) is emerging as a metabolic target in a number of diseases including heart failure.
103                        Changing the relative number of dopaminergic and GABAergic AOB interneurons or
104 eight, the Odor Activity Value (OAV) and the number of double bonds mostly contributed to the modulat
105              The groups also differed in the number of draws required prior to committing to a decisi
106                                          The number of early life risk factors, including high levels
107 g of career development grants, only a small number of early-career American College of Cardiology me
108            We demonstrate translocation of a number of effectors in the U. maydis-maize system and sh
109 though the most common endpoint is a reduced number of eosinophils in biopsies, changes in symptoms a
110                                    The total number of epialleles, the epiallele DNAm patterns, and a
111                       The pattern, rate, and number of episodes were variable, commonly chronic, and
112            Patients were classified by their number of exacerbations in the past year: none, few (one
113                                            A number of experimental variables (e.g., a composition an
114                                            A number of factors can increase the risk of FGR, one of w
115                                            A number of factors, including age, sex, and genotype, may
116 more challenging to develop; attenuating the number of false positives and false negatives under high
117 ctional anisotropy in the forceps major with number of fights (P = .03, d = 0.38) and years of fighti
118 quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained and number of fragility fractures.
119 en contrasting reports regarding the maximal number of fucose substitutions in C. elegans, which in p
120 r scanning microscopy (CLSM) showed that the number of fungal cells attached to the modified PMMA res
121 edictor of transcriptomic variation; a small number of genes (n = 263) were differentially regulated
122 nt in Down syndrome is hindered by the large number of genes duplicated in Trisomy 21 and a lack of u
123                         Mutations in a small number of genes have been reported to cause PCH, and the
124 strong swells are inferred to have created a number of geologic features that can be observed today a
125            Their flexibility limits both the number of high-resolution structures available, leaving
126 matched samples of acute care hospitals (the number of hospitals included in the analyses ranged from
127 mitted for pneumonia) and control hospitals (number of hospitals ranged from 31 to 617).
128 aluations, such as a comparison of the total number of HRMS signals, a comparison of the targeted scr
129 lurea 4a is more preorganized and the higher number of hydrogen bond donor sites provides a remarkabl
130                                            A number of images used in this article are believed to be
131               Overall, we identified a small number of immunodominant regions, which were in function
132 eat infections, there continue to be a large number of inappropriately prescribed antibiotics.
133                                The effective number of independent SNPs was calculated to correct for
134            Interestingly, we showed that the number of infection events per cell during cell-free HIV
135                                            A number of initiatives were identified which can be used
136                                            A number of injectable hydrogels are approved by FDA as su
137 photocoagulation significantly decreased the number of injections given while providing similar visua
138 f Hdac3 results in a severe reduction in the number of iNKT cells, particularly of NKT1 cells.
139                             In contrast, the number of inputs per neuron in cerebral cortex is more u
140 imple to implement even for medium and large number of interactive particles, and uses tools and conc
141 tances that were not solely dominated by the number of interfaces, or the number of discrete beads, i
142 tations and the dI/dS ratio, where dI is the number of intergenic SNPs per intergenic site.
143 s of the precursor hydrocarbon including the number of internal and external double bonds, number of
144                         This is the greatest number of introns observed in annelid mtDNA genomes, and
145                                          The number of items in working memory can be regulated by ex
146  fly photoreceptor, this limit is set by the number of its photon sampling units (microvilli), consti
147 robabilistic graphical models requires large number of labeled training samples, we propose to use si
148                  The primary outcome was the number of laboratory-confirmed viral upper respiratory t
149  unique tunable bandgap as a function of the number of layers.
150 L differently; Trained subjects had a higher number of LDs compared to T2DM subjects (0.037 +/- 0.004
151                                 Only a small number of leaf transcripts and metabolites were changed
152                       Total fresh weight and number of leaves were higher at 4th growth stage; howeve
153              IR prolonged survival; the mean number of life-years per patient was 19.4 in the scenari
154                                          The number of LSK cells from the Bmal1(fx/fx);Tek-Cre mice d
155  .005), and less lung allergic inflammation (number of lung eosinophils, P < .005).
156  used to examine the association between the number of macrocyclic GBCA administrations and DeltanSID
157  of 6 patients, there was concordance in the number of metastases identified with (68)Ga-HBED-PSMA-11
158 umber of internal and external double bonds, number of methyl- and ethyl- functional groups, molecula
159                                          The number of mitochondrial genomes varies depending on the
160                                  Because the number of molecules modulating RGGT is limited, we combi
161  and semiquantification is only based on the number of MS(2) scans.
162         The amounts of PML and SP100 and the number of ND10 structures increase in cells exposed to I
163  global and regional estimates of the annual number of neonatal herpes cases during 2010-15.
164 for evolutionary changes in the size and the number of neurons in the human nervous system, as well a
165                         We have identified a number of neuropeptide signaling systems with both oncog
166 lesion volume on T2-weighted MRI, cumulative number of new lesions enhanced on T1-weighted MRI ["enha
167 uding bursting of ITs and a reduction in the number of nodules.
168  The grafting density (number of side chains/number of norbornene backbone repeats) could be straight
169 er the course of clinical management (median number of OCT scans per eye, 5; range, 1-15).
170                            We determined the number of OHCAs that occurred within 100 m of each locat
171            There was a wide variation in the number of opioid pills prescribed to patients undergoing
172 liated tissues along with a reduction in the number of outer and inner dynein arms.
173  a high level of variability in the modelled number of pandemics from 2010-2110.
174     Within only two synaptic layers, a large number of parallel information channels emerge, each enc
175  the Seebeck coefficient is sensitive to the number of parallel molecules sandwiched between the elec
176 ation to high resolution with minimal data.A number of parameters influence the resolution of a cryo-
177  and space cost linearly proportional to the number of particles in the system.
178  African vs 47.4% for white British) and the number of partners in the past 5 years was greater (medi
179  Sphingosine kinase 1 (Sphk1) in the highest number of pathways affected by AngII.
180 ained reasonably complete data for a limited number of patient characteristics, namely age, sex, and
181 HIV disease progression by analyzing a large number of patients in 3 cohorts with different HIV disea
182     In conclusion, we demonstrate a relevant number of patients with FDG-PET false-negative MM and a
183                   Stages were defined as (1) number of people living with HIV in the country by end o
184 ndicate that cell-specific variants affect a number of phenotypes and pathologies.
185 es of the fungus Olpidium bornovanus While a number of plant viruses are transmitted via insect vecto
186 ry APS patients with regard to the increased number of plaques or abnormal arterial wall thickness.
187                                        Total number of possible abnormalities did not differ between
188  mass accuracy it was possible to reduce the number of possible molecular formulas for organic compou
189 tionable alteration (94.7%), with the median number of potentially actionable alterations per patient
190 n or death within 12 months adjusted for the number of previous COPD admissions, previous use of long
191  median age was 58 years (IQR 51-62), median number of previous lines of therapy was two (2-5), 38 pa
192  such values exist, and they provide a large number of previously unavailable values.
193 t spiders gained from prey, but not with the number of prey killed.
194 tylated alpha-tubulin and SOX9 proteins, the number of primary cilia(+) LPCs, and increased active ga
195 iable models adjusting for PSA, Gleason sum, number of prior hormone therapies, prior abiraterone or
196 n structures available, leaving only a small number of protein-ssNA crystal structures, while forcing
197  cooperative units called foldons and that a number of proteins fold in a reproducible pathway one fo
198 q analysis of whole skin identified a larger number of psoriasis-increased differentially expressed g
199 ine the academic contribution as measured by number of publications, citations, and National Institut
200 ent years, there has been a huge rise in the number of publicly available transcriptional profiling d
201                            There are a large number of published studies with deposited datasets.
202 of the art of the field by showing a diverse number of recent highlights, including out-of-equilibriu
203 sembly base coverage, number of chimeras and number of recovered full-length transcripts.
204 ns-ABySS performed best in gene coverage and number of recovered full-length transcripts.
205 nchangmycin (1) and salinomycin (4) harbor a number of redox-inactive ketoreductase (KR(0)) domains t
206 -related factors (sex, patient age, smoking, number of remaining teeth, percentage of teeth with bone
207                   Interestingly, the optimal number of repeats varies under different types of stress
208  extraction solvent, extraction time and the number of repetitions of extraction were evaluated with
209                       However, an increasing number of reports suggest the ubiquity of pleiotropy, i.
210 our example, this prefiltering increased the number of residue pairs (5% FDR) by 33% (n = 108 to n =
211 al discriminations that differed only in the number of rewarded trials between goal reversals.
212 yl- functional groups, molecular weight, and number of ring structures, in addition to the volume of
213 ended on male morphology and varied with the number of rival males in the pool, suggesting mechanisms
214                         The number of roots, number of root canals and canal configuration were inves
215                                          The number of roots, number of root canals and canal configu
216                         Results Although the number of samples tested increased between 2012 and 2014
217 the treatment efficiency especially when the number of samples to be tested is extensive.
218          Dynamic networks are important in a number of scenarios.
219 ntrol Point system by seafood companies, the number of seafood-related foodborne illnesses has increa
220 rs of the disease that represent the average number of secondary infections produced by a random infe
221 cessive necroptotic cell death and a reduced number of secretory epithelial cells.
222 ess of route formation in detail for a small number of selected individuals.
223                        The grafting density (number of side chains/number of norbornene backbone repe
224 , we first predict the CO binding at a large number of sites and select four exhibiting CO binding st
225 y dysfunction, skeletal morbidity rate (mean number of skeletal-related events per year), and, in a s
226 398 (LA-MRSA CC398) is causing an increasing number of skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) in Den
227                         Here we estimate the number of spacers in a CRISPR array of a prokaryotic cel
228 , our field experiments showed that the mean number of species observed feeding at carcasses and the
229                                          The number of spikelets/CS correlated with the average SS fi
230  to optimal solutions in significantly lower number of steps as compared to exhaustive search.
231 ieving a four-fold increase in the supported number of subscribers and approximately doubling the tra
232 7]) can catalyse Diels-Alder reactions for a number of substituted and unreactive N-allyl-2-furfuryla
233 s: species with the ability to harbour large number of symbionts, Orbicella annularis and O. faveolat
234  rescues the loss of dendritic outgrowth and number of synapses after treatment with a PERK activator
235  Parkinson diseases, type II diabetes, and a number of systemic amyloidoses.
236 ecessary treatments generated, the projected number of TB deaths averted, and the projected number of
237                                  There are a number of techniques to represent and organize data glea
238 ion of ID1, it induced expression of a large number of terminal differentiation genes.
239 dborne L. monocytogenes infection, a reduced number of the mutant strain compared to the parental str
240 Zn-deficiency-response elements (ZDREs) in a number of the ZIPs.
241 en PI values of the popliteal artery and the number of thrombosed calf veins was investigated.
242 we observe an increase in the proportion and number of thymic and peripheral Foxp3(+) regulatory T ce
243 kendall cavitation process can be repeated a number of times to gradually inflate the hollow metal na
244 kout mice, with substantial reduction in the number of tumor cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
245 f Leber congenital amaurosis and reduced the number of TUNEL(+) cells.
246 enhancing lesions"], and cumulative combined number of unique lesions [new enhancing lesions on T1-we
247 mber of TB deaths averted, and the projected number of unnecessary treatments generated per TB death
248 , we tested their ability to generalize to a number of untrained, novel videos depicting grasps or ot
249 variables including size, electronegativity, number of valence electrons, and position on the periodi
250 emically analysed and employed to reduce the number of variables used to construct the models.
251                                          The number of vessels was also significantly higher in carot
252 ichannel capabilities for a greatly extended number of volume channels, but also enables new analysis
253 oved performance monitoring paid off, as the number of wild poliovirus (WPV) cases detected in Nigeri
254                                          The number of years of fighting had a significant (P = 8.8 x
255 view of RNA structure changes with increased numbers of 2-5-linkages in the same duplex.
256 r sucrose or glucose esterified with varying numbers of acyl chains of differing length.
257    For all taxonomic groups, the increase in numbers of alien species does not show any sign of satur
258  the lesions over the next 7 d, as did large numbers of axons that were not present in controls.
259 model of bacterial sepsis, we found that the numbers of B-1a cells in various anatomical locations we
260 e computational methods to investigate small numbers of bonds at the interface between two membranes.
261 more neurons than 2-deoxyglucose but similar numbers of catecholaminergic neurons.
262 om H2 R-deficient animals revealed increased numbers of CD1d(+) dendritic cells and increased numbers
263 since they can be expanded to generate large numbers of cells and differentiated into presumably all
264 g is predicated on the availability of large numbers of cells, in vitro cell expansion of tooth-induc
265                                     The mean numbers of cigarettes smoked per day at 2 weeks and 1-mo
266 ase to less than 200 cells/muL; however, the numbers of circulating CD4+ cells in the HIV-negative (H
267 immune signature, characterized by increased numbers of circulating monocytes and dendritic cells tha
268 ll responses, and co-circulate in increasing numbers of countries.
269  previous studies to estimate changes in the numbers of deaths and in life years and life expectancy
270 o evaluate this test using PB against larger numbers of Enterobacter A total of 143 nonduplicate Ente
271 ) for any cancer in families with increasing numbers of first-degree relatives diagnosed with melanom
272 about 11,200 years ago, which produced large numbers of icebergs smaller than the typical tabular ice
273 promise were also detected, notably elevated numbers of immune suppressive CD16BRIGHT CD62LDIM neutro
274 ers of CD1d(+) dendritic cells and increased numbers of iNKT cells.
275  natural infections or after recovery, small numbers of Leishmania parasites remain indefinitely in t
276 uromorphic computing will require very large numbers of nanoscale nonlinear oscillators.
277 be should be capable of recording from large numbers of neurons across multiple local circuits and, i
278 i Gli-2 region, including insertions of high numbers of non-syntenic genes and a high rate of tandem
279 pre-treatment loss to follow-up) between the numbers of patients with laboratory-confirmed RR-TB and
280 in medullary perivascular spaces and reduced numbers of recent thymic emigrants.
281 nces are moderated sufficiently and if large numbers of seed can be collected in sufficient quantity
282 dels of varying size, we show that for large numbers of simulations PySB/cupSODA achieves order-of-ma
283 s have focused primarily on the reproductive numbers of the disease that represent the average number
284 ng, Pcr, playing the role of the fundamental number-of-particles integral of motion of the nonlinear
285 e PCE (PCEI-P) with ethylene oxide (EO) unit numbers (P) of 25, 34 and 25, respectively.
286                                     Particle number (PN) emissions were 28% and 17% higher with the P
287                    In addition, we show copy number profiles can also be obtained from the same data,
288     The SP develops with a low toroidal mode number (typically unity) in the pedestal ingrained with
289 yses show six genes that have recurrent copy-number variants in three squamous-cell carcinomas (oesop
290                                  Causal copy-number variants were found in 12 patients (11.9%) with m
291  methods are limited by low accuracy of copy-number variation (CNV) detection and low amplification f
292                                Recently copy number variation (CNV) has gained considerable interest
293 bility to IAV segregates independent of copy number variation in multicopy ChrY gene families that in
294 ci with extensive nucleotide diversity, copy number variation of paralogous genes, and long repetitiv
295 ys, compounds, quantitative proteomics, copy number variation, and polysomal transcriptomics.
296                      AMY1 and AMY2 show copy number variations that affect differences in amylase amo
297                Although a slight increase in number was observed in ASD patients and family members c
298 cant association between the decrease in CTC number with ALK-CNG on crizotinib and a longer PFS (like
299  unique opportunity to quantify protein copy number with nanoscale resolution.
300           We argue that visual attention and number word knowledge influence each other over developm

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