


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of the brainstem (at 3.5 mm anterior to the obex).
2 nd paratrigeminal nucleus just caudal to the obex.
3 or field at and up to 500 mum rostral to the obex.
4 rom 0.75 mm caudal to 3.45 mm rostral to the obex.
5 ed cells were observed immediately caudal to obex.
6 500 microm in length around the level of the obex.
7 tract from -0.3 mm to +1.5 mm with regard to obex.
8 inly located between 1 to 4 mm caudal to the obex.
9 culus and move laterally after they pass the obex.
10 l in the brainstem 4.0-4.4 mm rostral to the obex.
11 eurons, especially at and just caudal to the obex.
12  peptide into the DMV at sites caudal to the obex (0.0 to -0.3 mm from the CS) decreased IGP and redu
13  neurons, 86% were distributed caudal to the obex (22% in C2, 22% in C1, 23% in subnucleus caudalis,
14 is and interpolaris), and 14% rostral to the obex (6% in subnucleus interpolaris, 4% in subnucleus or
15  reticular formation at levels caudal to the obex abolished sympathetic nerve responses elicited by e
16  by a low intensity of immunostaining in the obex and/or a polymorphism at PRNP codon 96.
17 leus of the solitary tract (NTS), rostral to obex, and negative dromotropic neurons in the NA-VL.
18 , the lateral tegmental field rostral to the obex, and the parabrachial nucleus, had no appreciable e
19 eminal complex (Sp5) pars caudalis, near the obex, and the Sp5 pars oralis near the rostral pole of t
20 obex mediate the NPR and those caudal to the obex are important mediators of respiratory-related GG a
21 over 2mm in the rostrocaudal plane using the obex as a reference point.
22 edible interval (CI) 97.15-100%) than IHC of obex (brain stem, 76.56%, CI 57.00-91.46%) or retrophary
23 he ventrolateral medulla at the level of the obex (caudal C1 area) or into the nucleus tractus solita
24 nding approximately 0.2-0.9 mm caudal to the obex, characterized by precise somatotopy of primary aff
25 eminal nucleus, 100-150 microm caudal to the obex compared to control rats.
26 ontrast, inhibition of neurons caudal to the obex decreased phasic GG activity but had no impact on t
27 astrointestinal tissues along with blood and obex from CWD-exposed cervids (comprising 27 animals and
28    These neurones were located caudal to the obex in the vicinity of the nucleus retroambiguus.
29  caudal level tested (1.3 mm anterior to the obex) in response to contractions.
30 t perihypoglossal GG premotoneurons near the obex mediate the NPR and those caudal to the obex are im
31                                Caudal to the obex, most labeled neurons were found in laminae I-II an
32  microm rostral and 600 microm caudal to the obex) or at nine sites (1,600 microm rostral to 1,600 mi
33 rs and a middle zone, in the vicinity of the obex, receives input primarily from cutaneous receptors
34 n BoPrP(Sc) levels in different areas of the obex region, where neuropathology has been consistently
35 pe and disease progression determined by the obex score.
36 ion of the matrix region (2 mm caudal to the obex) selectively reduced transmission in descending (ce
37 was significantly greater 1mm rostral to the obex than at either end of the test grid.
38 rts of the medulla from 1.5 mm caudal to the obex to 2.0 mm rostral.
39 spiratory/expiratory-modulated VRG (level of obex, transitional VRG) yielded either apnea or a signif
40 caudalis transition zone at the level of the obex was activated and projected to the oval paracentral
41 ons obtained from the medulla rostral to the obex were immunostained for tyrosine hydroxylase, trypto
42 nfined to a location 300 mum anterior to the obex where a medial-to-lateral row of electrode penetrat

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