


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                         While Angiopoietin-1 obligately activates its Tie2 receptor, Angiopoietin-2 c
2 of two Pgbs from the Archaea: ApPgb from the obligately aerobic hyperthermophile Aeropyrum pernix, an
3                                Similarly, an obligately aerobic mutant is fully virulent.
4 m; (3) the earliest known fossil eukaryotes, obligately aerobic phytoplankton and putative algae, clo
5 es have several metabolic processes that are obligately aerobic.
6 xamine the patterns of coaggregation between obligately anaerobic and oxygen-tolerant species that co
7  episodes of bloodstream infection caused by obligately anaerobic bacteria (10 versus 3, P < 0.05; 10
8 tle recovered significantly more isolates of obligately anaerobic bacteria (16 versus 4, P < 0.05; 16
9 y either facultatively anaerobic bacteria or obligately anaerobic bacteria and support the routine in
10  resulted from not only enhanced recovery of obligately anaerobic bacteria but also effective recover
11  Porphyromonas gingivalis is a Gram-negative obligately anaerobic bacterium associated with several f
12                                          The obligately anaerobic bacterium Bacteroides fragilis, an
13 the human intestine and is the gram-negative obligately anaerobic bacterium most frequently isolated
14 nt RubisCO using sequences obtained from the obligately anaerobic hyperthermophilic methanogen M. jan
15 cetylase from Methanosarcina thermophila, an obligately anaerobic methanoarchaeon, allowed site-speci
16 not only with both oxygen-tolerant and other obligately anaerobic species but also with otherwise-non
17    Clostridium sordellii is a spore-forming, obligately anaerobic, Gram-positive bacterium that can c
18  Clostridium thermocellum is a thermophilic, obligately anaerobic, gram-positive bacterium that is a
19                                    Pokey, in obligately and cyclically parthenogenetic populations of
20 pecies Mycocepurus smithii was thought to be obligately asexual because only parthenogenetic populati
21             However, at one of the loci, all obligately asexual clones carry an allele containing an
22 rimental populations ('lineages') founded by obligately asexual female Potamopyrgus antipodarum.
23 y identified genomic regions differentiating obligately asexual females from their sexual counterpart
24 ating these issues because lineages that are obligately asexual in terms of female function can never
25 ochondrial protein-coding genes is higher in obligately asexual lineages than in sexual lineages of t
26 enhanced efficiency of selection compared to obligately asexual organisms.
27 genetically distinct clones belonging to two obligately asexual species of the D. pulex species compl
28  ant association has shaped the evolution of obligately associated groups.
29 ike aphids, feed on plant phloem sap and are obligately associated with prokaryotic endosymbionts acq
30 tle Nicrophorus vespilloides, a species that obligately breeds on carcasses of small vertebrates, to
31 5259 is the first to become available for an obligately chemolithoautotrophic, sulfur-compound-oxidiz
32 They unfold separately and neither unfolding obligately contains the other, as indicated by their sim
33 mice, severity of glomerular disease did not obligately correlate with circulating levels of IgG anti
34  signaling in the osteoprogenitor lineage is obligately coupled to chondrocyte proliferation and the
35 hich has led to speculation that they may be obligately dependent on their hosts.
36 le to retain bargaining power, despite being obligately dependent on their hosts.
37 e non-photosynthetic, anaerobic, motile, and obligately fermentative.
38    Methylophaga thiooxydans is a mesophilic, obligately halophilic bacterium that is capable of methy
39                            In the gut of the obligately hematophagous arthropod vector, bartonellae a
40 es, are the only known annelids that survive obligately in glacier ice and snow.
41 lphaviruses, which replicate alternately and obligately in mosquitoes and vertebrates, appear to expe
42                                Wolbachia are obligately intracellular and challenging to study; there
43                    The distinct lifestyle of obligately intracellular bacteria can alter fundamental
44 lichiae are tick-transmitted, gram-negative, obligately intracellular bacteria that live and replicat
45 ickettsioses are severe infections caused by obligately intracellular bacteria that preferentially in
46                               Ehrlichiae are obligately intracellular bacteria that reside and replic
47                  Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligately intracellular bacterial parasite of eucaryoti
48 g tick-transmitted disease, is caused by the obligately intracellular bacterium Ehrlichia chaffeensis
49                 Anaplasma phagocytophila, an obligately intracellular bacterium of granulocytes, caus
50     Ehrlichia chaffeensis is the tick-borne, obligately intracellular bacterium that causes human mon
51                  Ehrlichia chaffeensis is an obligately intracellular bacterium that exhibits tropism
52                  Ehrlichia chaffeensis is an obligately intracellular bacterium that exhibits tropism
53                  Ehrlichia chaffeensis is an obligately intracellular bacterium that exhibits tropism
54                  Ehrlichia chaffeensis is an obligately intracellular bacterium that modulates host c
55      These genes are the first evidence that obligately intracellular chlamydiae may encounter acidic
56 thetic nitric oxide donor, on replication of obligately intracellular Coxiella burnetii in murine L-9
57              Rickettsiae, a diverse group of obligately intracellular gram-negative bacteria, include
58                  Ehrlichia chaffeensis is an obligately intracellular gram-negative bacterium and is
59                  Ehrlichia chaffeensis is an obligately intracellular Gram-negative bacterium that se
60          Employing needle inoculation of the obligately intracellular parasite Leishmania major, whic
61                       Leishmania major is an obligately intracellular protozoan parasite that causes
62                  The mechanism of killing of obligately intracellular Rickettsia conorii within human
63                     Ehrlichia canis, a small obligately intracellular, tick-transmitted, gram-negativ
64 he causative agent of epidemic typhus, is an obligately intracytoplasmic bacterium, a lifestyle that
65 tivities of hydrogen producers and consumers obligately linked by interspecies metabolite exchange in
66                   However, regulation is not obligately linked to biogenesis of LROs but instead to s
67                As the earliest whales became obligately marine, all of their organ systems adapted to
68       Furthermore, segregation of EGJ is not obligately mediated by the bilobe, rather assembly of th
69 ssifies these strains into heterotrophic and obligately or facultatively autotrophic methylotrophs.
70  the events of termination and recycling are obligately ordered.
71 e otherwise nonweedy Arabidopsis arenosa, an obligately outbreeding relative of Arabidopsis thaliana
72 evolved self-fertile hermaphrodites from the obligately outcrossing females of their ancestors.
73 Independent gene conversion events in mutant obligately outcrossing populations of C. elegans [fog-2(
74 eir sexual system (e.g., self-fertile versus obligately outcrossing) because self-fertility promotes
75 glycines provides a useful model despite its obligately parasitic nature.
76 This could have been due to the existence of obligately parthenogenetic lineages living on the second
77 ept that PITPbeta localization to the TGN is obligately regulated by conventional protein kinase C (P
78 h has been purified to homogeneity, that are obligately required for alkene epoxidation activity.
79 h along with a source of pterin cofactor was obligately required for CNO activity.
80 a 12.3 kDa soluble Rieske ferredoxin that is obligately required for electron transfer between the ox
81 tracts into four protein components that are obligately required for functional reconstitution of epo
82 ponents, designated I, II, and III, that are obligately required for functional reconstitution of epo
83 r the 11-kDa protein, but this component was obligately required for steady-state alkene epoxidation.
84 e now show that triggering of functional IDO obligately requires ligation of B7-1/B7-2 molecules on t
85  coevolution with the pathogen rapidly drove obligately selfing populations to extinction, whereas ou
86 s linked neutral diversity for 40 species of obligately sexual eukaryotes.
87                                          Its obligately sexual reproduction and ready adaptation to r
88                The results also suggest that obligately sexual species will win ecological competitio
89 ese results indicate that soldier larvae are obligately sterile and reveal a previously unknown role
90 ary theory predicts that the distribution of obligately symbiotic organisms will be determined by the
91 tes (Symbiodinium spp.), with which they are obligately symbiotic.
92         Cretotrichopsenius, belonging to the obligately termitophilous rove beetle tribe Trichopsenii
93 rabiont, implying most memory cells were not obligately tissue resident.
94 eds of economically important plants and are obligately transmitted by sap-feeding insects of the ord
95 -transmembrane segment receptor that is both obligately uncoupled from G proteins and a negative modu
96 nlike the previously described C5aR, C5L2 is obligately uncoupled from heterotrimeric G proteins, in

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