


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 erative airway disease (OAD), a correlate of obliterative bronchiolitis.
2 to the small human airway grafts, and caused obliterative bronchiolitis.
3 rlying another chronic inflammatory disease, obliterative bronchiolitis.
4 tion-associated chronic complications, e.g., obliterative bronchiolitis.
5 s isolated from the airways of patients with obliterative bronchiolitis.
6 ine heterotopic tracheal allograft model for obliterative bronchiolitis.
7 mplicated in late graft failure secondary to obliterative bronchiolitis.
8 s in the mouse heterotopic tracheal model of obliterative bronchiolitis.
9 tology to study the airway injury related to obliterative bronchiolitis.
10 ave value in the prevention and treatment of obliterative bronchiolitis.
11 gainst the mesenchymal cell proliferation of obliterative bronchiolitis.
12 afts develop chronic rejection manifested as obliterative bronchiolitis.
13  baseline) and/or the presence of histologic obliterative bronchiolitis.
14 e (OAD) leading to a lesion resembling human obliterative bronchiolitis.
15 etely effective therapy for the treatment of obliterative bronchiolitis.
16                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis after lung transplantation is
17             The etiology and pathogenesis of obliterative bronchiolitis after lung transplantation re
18 ulate T-cell responses in the development of obliterative bronchiolitis after lung transplantation.
19 geneic immune response in the development of obliterative bronchiolitis after lung transplantation.
20 e critical role of T cells in development of obliterative bronchiolitis among human lung allograft re
21 s treated with CMVIG had lower incidences of obliterative bronchiolitis and death from obliterative b
22 of obliterative bronchiolitis and death from obliterative bronchiolitis and longer survival compared
23         Nine patients with histologic active obliterative bronchiolitis and progressively worsening a
24                    In this study, we induced obliterative bronchiolitis and studied the contribution
25 isorders include constrictive bronchiolitis (obliterative bronchiolitis, bronchiolitis obliterans), a
26 tic cells (DC) is thought to be important in obliterative bronchiolitis/bronchiolitis obliterans synd
27 cessive amount of NO promotes posttransplant obliterative bronchiolitis by destroying airway epitheli
28 tes to the development of lung rejection and obliterative bronchiolitis by mediating effector T lymph
29 (angiographic); and incidence and death from obliterative bronchiolitis defined by pathological crite
30 logical lesions similar to those typical for obliterative bronchiolitis developed in vivo after recon
31 iogenesis during development of experimental obliterative bronchiolitis [ie, obliterative airway dise
32 ith cyclosporine, in preventing and treating obliterative bronchiolitis in heart-lung and lung allogr
33 hymal cells, which is a lesion comparable to obliterative bronchiolitis in human lung transplant reci
34 n with histologic features characteristic of obliterative bronchiolitis in human lung transplant reci
35 ubtypes all contribute to the development of obliterative bronchiolitis in the heterotopic mouse trac
36 nifestations of chronic rejection, including obliterative bronchiolitis, interstitial fibrosis, and o
37                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis is a frequent, morbid, and us
38                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis is the major cause of long-te
39          Chronic inflammation, a hallmark of obliterative bronchiolitis, is known to induce lymphangi
40 ication of lung transplantation, may promote obliterative bronchiolitis leading to graft failure in l
41 y of HO-1 accelerates the development of the obliterative bronchiolitis-like lesion.
42         Efforts to reduce the development of obliterative bronchiolitis may require the antagonism of
43 ose of this study was to investigate whether obliterative bronchiolitis might occur after xenogenic p
44  characterized by the pathologic findings of obliterative bronchiolitis: neutrophil influx and extrac
45                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) after lung transplantati
46 id into the lung mediates the development of obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) in orthotopic WKY-to-F34
47                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) is a clinical syndrome m
48                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) is a devastating complic
49                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) is a dreaded and frequen
50                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) is the histopathological
51                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) is the most serious late
52                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) is the primary cause of
53                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) post-lung transplantatio
54    Chronic allograft rejection manifested as obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) remains the single great
55 Actuarial probability of remaining free from obliterative bronchiolitis (OB)* tended to be higher in
56                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB), an important threat to
57  syndrome and its histopathologic correlate, obliterative bronchiolitis (OB), are a major source of m
58 n bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) had developed obliterative bronchiolitis (OB), but only 8 of the 38 su
59       Lung transplant survival is limited by obliterative bronchiolitis (OB), but the mechanisms of O
60 mmation, lymphocytic bronchiolitis (LB), and obliterative bronchiolitis (OB), causes substantial morb
61                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB), chronic allograft rejec
62   Chronic lung allograft rejection, known as obliterative bronchiolitis (OB), is the leading cause of
63                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB), or chronic allograft re
64 changed); both parameters correlated with an obliterative bronchiolitis (OB)-free state.
65 ut survival is limited by the development of obliterative bronchiolitis (OB).
66 ion, epithelial damage, and eventual luminal obliterative bronchiolitis (OB).
67 afts develop chronic rejection manifested as obliterative bronchiolitis (OB).
68 ajor histological features of posttransplant obliterative bronchiolitis (OB).
69 ognized small-airway histological process of obliterative bronchiolitis (OB).
70 isk factor for the subsequent development of obliterative bronchiolitis (OB).
71 ection, manifested as small airway fibrosis (obliterative bronchiolitis [OB]), is the main obstacle t
72 o develop a murine chimera model that mimics obliterative bronchiolitis of lung allograft recipients
73 ET-1 expression did not vary with rejection, obliterative bronchiolitis, or infection.
74                                              Obliterative bronchiolitis remains a major long-term com
75 assified as stable (DL-S, n = 11), or having obliterative bronchiolitis syndrome (DL-OBS, n = 4).
76  because of chronic rejection in the form of obliterative bronchiolitis syndrome (OBS).
77 These data show that in this murine model of obliterative bronchiolitis, these chemokines are differe
78 tatins during postoperative Year 1 developed obliterative bronchiolitis, whereas the cumulative incid
79                         Mechanistic study of obliterative bronchiolitis would be aided by development

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