


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1       Gradual bone uptake was, however, also observed.
2 nts of carotenoids and chlorophylls was also observed.
3 he subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus was observed.
4 tantial motor dysfunction and pathology were observed.
5 the promoter-proximal approximately 25 kb is observed.
6 cases of chronic traumatic encephalopathy is observed.
7 oxidant effect on erythrocyte morphology was observed.
8 ntaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid were observed.
9 0.73 for predicting a large improvement were observed.
10  extent to the multitude of intermediates we observed.
11 ous instances of cross-reactive killing were observed.
12 ate-solvent hydrogen-bonding interaction was observed.
13 ergence of functional mIDH2 neutrophils were observed.
14 no significant MMP-3 or MMP-8 production was observed.
15 al, and ethnic barriers to accessing PC were observed.
16 n, or radiology attributable to vaccine were observed.
17           No evidence of K-ras mutations was observed.
18 he model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum We observed 25 unique centromere sequences typically occurr
19 mplex audiovisual stimuli in humans are also observed [6, 7].
20  termination of initial long-duration VF was observed (66.67%; P=0.01).
21 ctive pumping of chlorophyll f at 740 nm, we observe a final approximately 150 ps decay assigned to t
22                              Furthermore, we observe a statistical symmetry breaking upon varying the
23 under many-body localization conditions, and observe a subharmonic temporal response that is robust t
24                                 Moreover, we observed a clear association of Gene 33 with histone H2A
25                                      We also observed a congruent pattern of cellular damage with tis
26                                    First, we observed a constrained, horseshoe-shaped substrate pocke
27 ism for PEC translocation to myocardium, and observed a fourth mechanism in which PECs migrate along
28                                           We observed a high degree of parental mosaicism indicating
29                                           We observed a modest association between ingestion of water
30 e tetravalent composition of the vaccine, we observed a neutralization bias in the induced repertoire
31                                  However, we observed a significant association between the decrease
32                                           We observed a significant correlation between residential r
33                                           We observed a significant ketamine-induced reduction in mGl
34                                           We observed a significantly higher number of detected cells
35 lusion) to reduce infant mortality rates, we observed a very beneficial effect in the neonatal period
36 rm-like cells that express keratin 6, but we observed abnormal expression of GRHL3.
37 ng that these may be causally related to the observed accumulation of ECM in the kidneys.
38 stimated and measured IEPOX SOA tracers with observed aerosol surface area (r(2) approximately 0.5-0.
39 ition patterns in children with allergy were observed already at 1 month of age, when the IgA antibod
40                      The genome conservation observed also has implications for the potential success
41 g within the insula together with previously observed alterations in chronic pain offer a novel inter
42                                           We observed altered cell morphology and disrupted organizat
43                       Lower mean (SE) IQ was observed among adolescents with past-year bipolar disord
44 re in agreement with the higher rates of ASD observed among males than among females in the general p
45                                           We observe an asymmetric, approximately bell-shaped, relati
46                                      We also observe an overwhelming effect of the established TCF4 l
47 teros-Weinstein numbering) is experimentally observed and appears to be essential for receptor activa
48  in vitro reconstituted F-actin networks, we observed and characterized two distinct Cdc8 cables load
49  relevant catalyst-substrate adduct has been observed, and its constitution elucidated unambiguously
50 s of -157 +/- 2 mV (vs Ag/AgCl/3 M KCl) were observed, and the solid-contact reference electrodes wer
51 is required before there is 95% certainty of observing any hypoxic area reduction between consecutive
52 arate electron and hole relaxation times are observed as a function of hot carrier energies.
53 -3 gene (a DAF-16-specific target gene) were observed as a result of BB68 treatment.
54 cks within the enamel (internal cracks) were observed as bright areas.
55 porters form stable dimers, ClC-4 was mostly observed as monomer, with ClC-3-ClC-4 heterodimers being
56 ng pregnancy in offspring depression, rather observed associations may reflect residual confounding r
57  in mice against the bacterial challenge was observed at a micromolar concentration of Ceftriaxone or
58 stationary), and a similar tendency was also observed at day 4.
59      Furthermore, reduced cytokine secretion observed at high Ag density for both TCRs and CARs sugge
60 striking DFe isotope minimum (light iron) is observed at intermediate depths (200-1,300 m), contrasti
61       Moderate agreement (Kappa = 0.424) was observed between hotspots defined based on parasite prev
62                         No interactions were observed between lead or bone turnover and other prognos
63                 A significant difference was observed between the impaired and nonimpaired groups in
64 gnificant difference in overall survival was observed between the two groups (102.7 v 115.7 months, r
65  homozygotes, with no significant difference observed between wildtype and heterozygous patients in t
66 ch is consistent with the activation process observed biophysically on the metabotropic glutamate rec
67 ate general properties of ligand binding: we observe both a direct stabilizing effect of ligand-prote
68                                      We also observed broader fluctuations of DRN(DA) activity across
69 d was composed mainly of 11S globulin as was observed by electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analys
70 ional confocal microscopy of live animals to observe changes to spermathecal actomyosin network organ
71    We show that the mechanism underlying the observed changes in cBLI signal is mediated by rearrange
72 wever, recent efforts to relate a century of observed changes in U.S. frost timing to various atmosph
73                          However, we did not observe co-immunoprecipitation between Nedd4L and NKCC1,
74 ), significantly lower ASM precipitation was observed compared with that during the inactive volcanic
75                                       Having observed complete eradication of solid tumor xenografts,
76                                          The observed complexity is consistent with evolution by dupl
77 transition region between different types of observed crawling behavior in the dynamical phase diagra
78 logical superconductivity, and show that the observed critical supercurrent enhancement is compatible
79 -based grazing incident X-ray diffraction to observe crystal structure and chemical transition of per
80  for each location with simulations based on observed data from San Juan, Puerto Rico, where dengue i
81                              We consistently observed decreased expression of inflammation-related ge
82                                          The observed differences in low-temperature adaptation betwe
83 s followed two strategies: one that concerns observing differences between nonhuman species (G), the
84  growth rate and cell yield as L1 medium and observed DIP release from ATP into the medium, suggestin
85  orientation, swimming in the experimentally observed direction from the corresponding locations woul
86 ance, makes qualities of their evidence, not observed directly, socially accessible.
87 ions with the increased risk, may reduce the observed disparities for digestive cancers.
88                                  However, we observe distinct kinetic profiles, even for proximal sit
89                             Specifically, we observed dramatically altered community composition and
90                       Partial recurrence was observed during follow-up in a patient treated for 6 mon
91                                           We observed enhanced photoluminescence from the 2D photonic
92 e analysis and experimental results show the observed error is the result of electrostatic assumption
93                                          The observed evolution in the FSRS spectrum is assigned to v
94 icture explains the formation of the species observed experimentally.
95                   Absorption enhancement was observed extending 1-2 orders of magnitude over that of
96                                           We observe extensive splicing diversity leading to the form
97 ments showed that the mean number of species observed feeding at carcasses and the percentage of cons
98 interval delay between maternal symptoms and observed fetal malformations following infection has bee
99 ferred for surgical management of LVOTO were observed for at least 18 months after the procedure (mea
100  responsible for the sub-picosecond lifetime observed for dCyd in all the solvents.
101        No significant treatment effects were observed for duration or severity of other acute lower r
102     Similar patterns overall and by sex were observed for ID.
103 y significant negative trend in survival was observed for increasing pack-years of smoking ( Ptrend =
104                         Similar results were observed for influenza A/H1N1, influenza A/H3N2, and inf
105 ow-gamma oscillations resumed the low levels observed for intelligible speech.
106 known for covalent liquids, but has not been observed for metallic liquids.
107 value of approximately 2 nm, similar to that observed for ssDNA.
108                  The lowest oil recovery was observed for the most oil-wet sample, where the oil rema
109 with grain size lying between 2-8 mum can be observed from scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
110                                  Further, we observed generation of an effective anti-WNV immune resp
111                           The model fits the observed GPP well (R(2) = 0.79), which was confirmed by
112                          The most frequently observed grade 3 and 4 adverse events were transaminase
113 nstraints are still necessary to recover the observed growth rate distribution in SD medium.
114 urbations in tissue-wide gene expression, as observed here, may underpin a profound immune dysregulat
115 ard tissue diagnoses of DJD, progression was observed in 122 (15%) joints, no change in 564 (71%), an
116 was more common with aripiprazole at week 2 (observed in 34 [60%] of 57 patients; estimated 63.5%) th
117              Progressive clinical course was observed in 45%, carotidodynia in 10%, and retinopathy i
118                                      SSA was observed in 93% of 42 time periods analyzed.
119              No significant aging effect was observed in [(18) F]Nifene binding over 5 decades.
120 nate silicon species have thus far only been observed in a few high pressure silicate phases.
121 he disrupted interfollicular CCL21 gradients observed in Ackr4-deficient LNs to ACKR4 loss upstream.
122 d in the ameliorating effects of AD symptoms observed in AD/TTR(+/-) animal models after IDIF treatme
123 granule cell neurons, effects that were also observed in aged mice, albeit to a lesser extent, indica
124           Strikingly, similar responses were observed in allergic patients and beekeepers after venom
125  a metastatic-like phenotype only previously observed in an all-or-none manner.
126  by in situ hybridization, and generally was observed in animals with episodes of cerebrospinal fluid
127       This is the greatest number of introns observed in annelid mtDNA genomes, and possibly in bilat
128  explanation for why Allee effects are often observed in anthropogenically rare species.
129 r pattern) have improved salt tolerance, was observed in Arabidopsis, but is not well understood.
130     Although a slight increase in number was observed in ASD patients and family members compared to
131 on-receptor repressor (AHRR) locus, which is observed in blood and squamous epithelial cells of smoke
132            Higher odds of daily smoking were observed in both cohorts for those adolescents whose par
133 H19 lncRNA due to promoter demethylation was observed in cells isolated from metastases and was assoc
134                     EGFR expression was also observed in circulating tumor cells (CTC) during prostat
135 ditional allele for Braf(V600E) , a mutation observed in clinical cases of GIST, we observed that Bra
136 he micro-diversity of specialized metabolism observed in closely related environmental bacteria.
137  to LTP in PE animals, whereas LTD was still observed in controls.
138 urane-activated background potassium current observed in cortical pyramidal neurons from wild type mi
139                               They have been observed in diverse vertebrate groups, yet their roles i
140 on microscopy, is strikingly similar to that observed in dsDNA viruses of the PRD1-adenovirus lineage
141                                    Catalysis observed in enzymatic processes and protein polymerizati
142 vities of proteins separated by RP-HPLC were observed in glutein-2 and albumin, respectively, for bot
143 h rates of amelogenesis have been previously observed in hadrosaurids, where they have been associate
144                None of these signatures were observed in healthy carriers nor at the species-level, s
145  related targets expression, similar to that observed in healthy controls.
146 ss such as urinary methionine sulfoxide were observed in Hhip (+/-) but not in Hhip (+/+) mice.
147  possess both MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2-1 genes as observed in homothallic filamentous Ascomycetes.
148 d an explanation for RAG off-target cleavage observed in humans.
149                       This phenotype was not observed in Ig-treated Rag1(-/-) mice or wild-type mice
150  differences in OS or second neoplasias were observed in in both trials.
151  copy-number alterations that are repeatedly observed in iPS cells.
152                 Additive gene expression was observed in leaves (3605 genes) and tubers (6156 genes)
153                         Oxidative damage was observed in livers from Ppargc1a(f/+)Alb-cre(+/0) mice o
154 stry aims to emulate the functional behavior observed in living systems by constructing chemical reac
155 , and scleral cells, similar to the behavior observed in macrophages.
156  by increased meal size and duration, is not observed in Mc3r(TB/TB) mice.
157 Indeed, a reduced HLA class-I expression was observed in MCC tumor tissues and MCC cell lines.
158 imilar to the ventilator-induced lung injury observed in mechanically ventilated patients.
159 stallization textures closely resemble those observed in natural microcrystalline inclusions.
160 tribution of radiographic-OA similar to that observed in naturally conceived sheep, and our healthy a
161 t effect on the associated protomer was also observed in neurons, supporting the physiological releva
162                A similar phenomenon was also observed in neutrophils from healthy controls exposed to
163                Lower uptake was consistently observed in nonspecific tissues for (18)F-4FMFES, notabl
164 rate that, while transgenerational memory is observed in one of six traits examined, they are not ass
165 e) T cells, an immunophenotypic pattern also observed in other cases of anti-PD-1-induced lichenoid d
166 duced expression of the GLI target PTCH1 was observed in patient fibroblasts after chemical induction
167 the serum levels of these noncoding RNAs are observed in patients with asymptomatic high-grade caroti
168 ay contribute to inflammatory manifestations observed in patients with AT, Artemis deficiency, and SA
169 sed risk for calcium oxalate stone formation observed in patients with cystic fibrosis.
170 igodendrocyte precursor cell differentiation observed in patients with high remyelination pattern.
171 vide insight into the dysregulation of CXCR4 observed in patients with various forms of WHIM syndrome
172 photocarrier lifetimes and diffusion lengths observed in perovskite solar cells.
173 ing from TORC1 to the PHO regulon previously observed in S. cerevisiae was genetically shown in C. al
174  in the abundance of [M + Na](+) adducts was observed in samples from spinal cord with demyelination,
175 hat higher postchallenge glucagon levels are observed in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IG
176 re severe clinical attachment loss (CAL) was observed in the 3D RSA measurement than in the 2D RL mea
177 2 activation nor C-H hydride abstraction was observed in the analogous complex with a pincer-type mer
178 nced deviations of the local order from that observed in the bulk at defects and interfaces lead to s
179          However, no dopamine increases were observed in the caudate (p = 0.1) or putamen (p = 0.8) f
180 erogeneous fates of metastatic lesions often observed in the clinic post-therapy.
181 dependent T1-weighted signal enhancement was observed in the DN after multiple macrocyclic GBCA injec
182 , forming a plasma structure similar to that observed in the experiment.
183                        Differences have been observed in the microbiota of children with and without
184          A reduced 14-day mortality rate was observed in the molecular adsorbent recirculating system
185 ATP5alpha, whereas this relationship was not observed in the mutant FANCD2 (K561R)-carrying cells.
186 etics in nanodiscs shows the characteristics observed in the native membranes, and is described by a
187                     While a language-CPS was observed in the neuro-typical group, for ASD participant
188  lesional biopsy, a lichenoid infiltrate was observed in the underlying dermis, predominantly compose
189                            Perturbations are observed in vesicular trafficking, lipid metabolism and
190  of combined bortezomib and doxorubicin were observed in vitro against both multiple myeloma and ovar
191 C3 on apoptosis of M1 macrophages previously observed in vitro.
192 ugh unique sequences in plasma or liver were observed, in the majority of cases the most dominant seq
193                       In this study, we have observed increased endoglin expression on the cell surfa
194                                      We also observed increased gene expression of the pro-inflammato
195                                      We also observed increased susceptibility of cisplatin-resistant
196 ng (71% +/- 12% after 5 mm, 100 muL/min) was observed, indicating a strength in fabricating micromixe
197 nhuman species (G), the second that concerns observing individual differences within a nonhuman speci
198                                           We observed interaction effects between self-reported healt
199 anistic scenario based on the experimentally observed intermediates.
200 of a tracer to be simply calculated from the observed ion intensities using a standard curve with cur
201 state is the lowest energy excited state, we observe its population through significant solvatochromi
202                                          The observed KIE for three isotopologues and density functio
203 that resist crack propagation is key for the observed leap in mechanical response.
204 pulation genetic models in fact well predict observed levels of both intra- and interhost variability
205  increases in dried aerosol mass were rarely observed (<1 mug/m(3) in all cases), consistent with pre
206                                           We observed maximal repression with intermediate codon opti
207                                           We observed mitochondrial fission during osmotic stress, bu
208                            The theory behind observed nanoparticle heteroaggregation rates (alphabeta
209 is amino group, providing a rational for the observed need for a general base in the E3 ligase HOIP,
210                                           We observed no significant associations between the highest
211                                           We observed no significant group differences in pseudorefer
212 aphic search that compare favorably with the observed number of computations.
213 aphy results; and retinal structural changes observed on clinical funduscopy as well as by pseudocolo
214  diverge from long-wavelength topography, as observed on Earth.
215  Although a favorable effect on peak VO2 was observed on FCM, compared with standard of care in the p
216 ed for a long time, it has not been directly observed on polycrystalline silver films which suffer fr
217                          Domain migration is observed on the surface of ternary giant unilamellar ves
218 simulated tumors as close as possible to the observed ones, vary by an order of magnitude between the
219              Treatment-specific changes were observed only during cognitive reappraisal of negative i
220                                              Observed outcomes are consistent with slow rates of dise
221                                   Of the 100 observed patients, half were male and all were white; th
222 d better the core elements that produced the observed pattern of dates.
223  literature, these results suggest that most observed polymorphisms are likely nearly neutral with re
224 enes is low albeit positive, compatible with observed positive correlation between genome size and ef
225 g and ozone is projected to return to levels observed pre-1980 later this century.
226 ynamical model of poliovirus transmission to observe prevalence and incidence of Sabin 2 virus.
227                   Comparing our results with observed properties of over 400 CMEs, we show that CMEs
228 tRNA(Pro)) were strongly associated with the observed race disparities in TNBC.
229 atios (SMRs) were estimated by comparing the observed rates of cancer in relatives with population-ex
230                                           We observed reduced myotube diameter, impaired protein synt
231 -dependent evolution of these structures, we observe several new features.
232                                           We observed significant enrichments of haloperidol-regulate
233 restoration of near wild-type FXN levels, we observed significant recovery of function, associated pa
234                                           We observed similar results with experimental reads for NA2
235 omplete structural integrity is necessary to observe single-molecule fluorescence of GFP.
236                                           We observed some improvement in accrual to adjuvant trials
237                               In females, we observed song reinforcement exclusively to the mate's so
238  Our mathematical modeling proposes that the observed spectral tuning of simple ocellar photoreceptor
239 mated glomerular filtration rate decline was observed starting a decade later in life in the 30- to 3
240 to structurally tiered spatial groups and we observed striking enrichment for region-specific process
241 el domain-a threshold that is low enough for observing subtle near-surface changes such as water cont
242 ression and chromosomal shattering were also observed, suggesting replication stress as a root causat
243 les, particularly low levels of sucrose were observed, suggesting that plant sanctions affect carbon
244 e was no shift to shorter acyl chain lengths observed, suggesting that the fatty acid chain elongatio
245 s found between the computed deltaNA and the observed T1/2.
246 es that lie outside each country's currently observed temperature range.
247                                           We observe that binding of agonists to VFD2 of TAS1R2 leads
248                                           We observe that EMT silences protective mucosal interferon
249                                           We observed that 104 461 (19.0%) patients missed more than
250  vitro with an IC50 of 21 nm Furthermore, we observed that 1B6 displayed a rapid dose-dependent clear
251                                           We observed that autonomic innervation of sweat glands in t
252                                           We observed that basal metabolic content measured in lympho
253 ation observed in clinical cases of GIST, we observed that Braf(V600E) activation was sufficient to d
254                                           We observed that EpCAM expression is decreased with activat
255                                           We observed that exosomes released during a mouse M. tuberc
256                               Previously, we observed that genetic variations in ECM genes are associ
257                              Furthermore, we observed that in drought-responsive genes, levels of H2A
258                                           We observed that individuals over 90 years old carried low
259                             Additionally, we observed that Olig1 and the BMP signaling effector, phos
260                              In addition, we observed that prion replication in cell culture was inve
261 ious theory, we predicted and experimentally observed that spatial diffusion increased total equilibr
262 DENT 1 (CKI1RD) from Arabidopsis thaliana We observed that the crystal structures of free, Mg(2+)-bou
263                                           We observed that the renal concentration mechanism couples
264                                        It is observed that the timing and amplitude of the MASER outp
265 the construct containing the first 4 ZFs, we observed that ZFs 3 and 4 form an unusual compact and st
266 sticide known to display neurotoxic effects, observing that it can react rapidly with bGP and readily
267                Using confocal microscopy, we observe the initial particle attachment to the membrane,
268 llel, polarized light microscopy was used to observe the microstructure.
269                  Using F-PTS1 we are able to observe the pH conditions inside glycosomes in response
270                                           We observed the same patterns in human transcriptomes and w
271 he precision of the fold-change response was observed throughout the signaling duration and across Tg
272  thresholds chosen to reflect experimentally observed thymic survival rates result in near-optimal pr
273  The degree of hydrolysis (DH) of casein was observed to be the highest throughout the course of hydr
274       The binding of multiple fullerenes was observed to increase the electron affinity of the overal
275 e dodecaborate ion, whereby this cluster was observed to react directly with a wide range of arenes i
276 le with a high GIST displacement penalty was observed to stay in place.
277 ed a number of geologic features that can be observed today along the coastlines of Bermuda and the B
278 al state and the functional relevance of the observed tonic signaling heterogeneity remain open quest
279 s in vivo in a xenograft mouse model without observed toxicity.
280 l theory calculations, which account for the observed trends and levels of enantioselectivity, are pr
281     Different accumulation trends of miRNAs, observed upon drought and in different genotypes and org
282 nsic single particle spectral broadening, as observed using spectral hole burning measurements.
283 oninferior for TacHexal versus Prograf using observed values (47.7 vs 38.6 mL/min per 1.73 m, P < 0.0
284 1.73 m, P < 0.001) and was superior based on observed values (P = 0.044) but not using last observati
285                                           We observed variation in 40 of 41 genes comprising the NOD
286  extracting NAI drug efficacy using only the observed viral titer decay rates seen in patients.
287 t rather MgO; and that the transformation we observed was the formation of Kirkendall voids due to th
288                       This behavior was only observed when animals were water-deprived but not under
289  specificity and area under curve (AUC) were observed when comparing dwgLASSO with conventional diffe
290                 Decreases in T1 energies are observed when going from isomers with linear connectivit
291 ing changes in wall ingrowth deposition were observed when miR156 was overexpressed or its activity s
292 As/GaMnAs multilayer, hystereses are clearly observed when the magnetization switches direction in th
293 " both in helical pattern and handedness was observed when the sequence begins with a beta-hGly resid
294    Rather, a higher transporter activity was observed, which possibly acted as a compensatory mechani
295    In Uganda, cost savings of up to 62% were observed with a centralized model.
296 ion and function of the oral microbiome were observed with poor oral hygiene, tobacco smoking, and or
297 t, without exceeding the concentration range observed with the manufacturers' recommended regimen.
298  required its hydrolysis into PGE2, were not observed with the non-hydrolyzable PGE2-serinol amide, a
299  highest variability of uptake intensity was observed within the group of melanoma metastases.
300 lties, by contrast, persisted across age, as observed within two independent PGC-SCZ2 subsamples, and

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