


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 en referred to as the surface-pelagic [6] or oceanic [7] stage) are a classic example.
2 ombustion; Northern Continental and Southern Oceanic Air and a gas well source, with delta(13)C value
3                                 They are the oceanic analogues of atmospheric storms and are effectiv
4 ese freshwater populations were derived from oceanic ancestors only 50 y ago, we generated over 130,0
5 young age, have diverged phenotypically from oceanic ancestors to nearly the same extent as populatio
6 islands have changed dramatically from their oceanic ancestors.
7                    In parallel, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Boulder
8 s across the United States from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's flask air sampl
9 mental Panel on Climate Change, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Ren
10 ricane track forecasts suggest that National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/NCEP should upgra
11 e our understanding of the response of these oceanic and atmospheric circulation patterns to radiativ
12  Panama had major impacts on global climate, oceanic and atmospheric currents, and biodiversity, yet
13                  Retreat was minimal despite oceanic and climatic conditions during the early-Holocen
14 tle melting, which leads to the formation of oceanic and continental crust, together with crust recyc
15 find evidence of recurrent gene flow between oceanic and freshwater ecotypes where they co-occur.
16 , their importance in the sulfur cycle, both oceanic and physiological, has only recently gained atte
17 rrelation and the timing of the responses of oceanic and terrestrial carbon cycle remain poorly const
18  need for the correct representation of both oceanic and terrestrial sources of moisture in models fo
19   Here, we study moisture transport from the oceanic and terrestrial sources to the Indian landmass a
20 al European eel stock, encompassing both the oceanic and the continental phases of eel's life, and ex
21  constraints on the present-day atmospheric, oceanic, and soil Hg reservoirs, as well as the magnitud
22 ssions, and CO2 cycling between atmospheric, oceanic, and terrestrial carbon reservoirs.
23                                 The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) was characterized by a majo
24  severe climatic warming across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event or T-OAE from an open ocean sedimen
25 racter of enriched metals supports emerging 'oceanic anoxic event' models.
26 e hypotheses, excluding the volcanism-driven oceanic anoxic events of the Early-Middle Triassic and T
27 at scales ranging from small ponds to global oceanic anoxic events.The role of microbial communities
28 companied by climate change and expansion of oceanic anoxic zones.
29  explain why adaptive radiation is common on oceanic archipelagoes - because colonising species can b
30                                              Oceanic archipelagos are the ideal setting for investiga
31 rosol-climate interactions over other remote oceanic areas beyond Pacific.
32 ral reef regions in winter and high latitude oceanic areas in summer, with strong, repeated philopatr
33 ed patterns of variability in leachable P in oceanic areas where primary productivity is limited by t
34 lity to marine Synechococcus throughout many oceanic areas.
35 emporal distribution, especially over remote oceanic areas.
36               To investigate how coastal and oceanic Atlantic Synechococcus strains acclimate to Fe a
37 t the chemical exchange between seawater and oceanic basalt in hydrothermal systems at midocean ridge
38 an from the pyroxenitic remnants of recycled oceanic basalt.
39        The present-day mantle, as sampled by oceanic basalts, shows large chemical and isotopic varia
40 lands in coastal locations receive inputs of oceanic base cations that shift conditions from the envi
41             We reconcile this structuring of oceanic biodiversity using a species-energy framework, w
42 ) plays a major role in both terrestrial and oceanic biogeochemical cycles.
43 t importance because of its critical role in oceanic biogeochemistry and primary production.
44 tial micronutrient, iron plays a key role in oceanic biogeochemistry.
45 n and heat, nutrient resupply for sustaining oceanic biological production, and the melt rate of ice
46                                          The oceanic biological pump is responsible for the important
47 crease in the strength and efficiency of the oceanic biological pump over this period.
48  in delta(13)C-CO2, likely due to a weakened oceanic biological pump.
49 ted local dissipation and mixing outside the oceanic boundary layers.
50 istically to a change in the response of the oceanic carbon reservoir to astronomical forcing.
51         In contrast, temporal changes in the oceanic carbon sink remain poorly understood.
52 ocean acidification (OA) with a reduction in oceanic carbonate concentration which could have a negat
53 erwent an ontogenetic habitat shift from the oceanic central North Pacific (CNP) to the neritic east
54 lationship between interannual variations in oceanic chlorophyll (CHL) and sea surface temperature (S
55 then incorporated into the CESM to represent oceanic chlorophyll -induced climate feedback in the tro
56 persal and persistence driven by patterns of oceanic circulation favouring self-recruitment played a
57 f the ocean and highlights the importance of oceanic circulation in determining if deeply sourced Fe
58 olved to exploit predictable atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns.
59 reater impact on continental climate than on oceanic climate.
60                                         This oceanic CO2 outgassing supports the view that the ventil
61 quatorial Pacific as a more direct tracer of oceanic CO2 outgassing.
62 impact of decadal circulation changes on the oceanic CO2 sink using a carbon cycling model.
63 ty is the primary driver of these changes in oceanic CO2 uptake over the past several decades.
64                        Recent data show that oceanic CO2 uptake rates have been growing over the past
65                 As both models have the same oceanic component, but are with different atmospheric co
66                                              Oceanic concentrations of the individual monoterpenes ra
67     Widespread euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) oceanic conditions have been proposed as both extinction
68 e species which tolerates higher temperature oceanic conditions than Bathycoccus prasinos (BI).
69                     However, these anomalous oceanic conditions were largely decoupled from the Europ
70 hore phytoplankton biomass by up to 86% over oceanic conditions, providing basal energetic resources
71 erature at the serpentinized Atlantis Massif oceanic core complex, Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
72                              When conducting oceanic crossings, migratory birds tend to associate wit
73 and as a constraint on the flux of K between oceanic crust and seawater.
74 ally resolvable (41)K/(39)K effects arise in oceanic crust as a result of hydrothermal alteration.
75 ession along the melting curve of carbonated oceanic crust at depths of approximately 300 to 700 kilo
76 nents into surface reservoirs, subduction of oceanic crust is responsible for replenishment of mantle
77 rge amounts of low-temperature exchange with oceanic crust or that the weathering flux of continental
78 /(39)K can be used as an effective tracer of oceanic crust recycled into the mantle, as a diagnostic
79 enriched components, interpreted as recycled oceanic crust supplied by the plume, and subcontinental
80 ed by dating the protoliths of metamorphosed oceanic crust that is formed by underthrusting at the be
81     In the western Philippines, we find that oceanic crust was less than approximately 1 My old when
82 eous rocks, so the addition of seawater K to oceanic crust would be expected to generate (41)K/(39)K
83 on by which to identify ancient fragments of oceanic crust, and as a constraint on the flux of K betw
84 ion zones are observed within the subducting oceanic crust, as well as the mantle.
85 mantle below the lithosphere) underlying the oceanic crust, which covers about 60 per cent of Earth's
86  of abiotic synthesis of hydrocarbons during oceanic crust-seawater interactions.
87 umably by buoyant melt migration to form the oceanic crust.
88 red to represent subducted/recycled basaltic oceanic crust.
89 lusions, indicating an affinity to subducted oceanic crust.
90 ers the chemical and isotopic composition of oceanic crust.
91 matically modified in hydrothermally altered oceanic crust.
92 causally linked to the age of the subducting oceanic crust.
93 t yet been any K-isotope analyses of altered oceanic crustal materials.
94  typus lineages is complex, in which ancient oceanic current systems and (currently unrecognised) spe
95 al communities were passively transported on oceanic currents and locally structured by environmental
96 all, solar radiation, wind speed, waves, and oceanic currents associated with climatic change are lik
97 tiple sections combined with measurements of oceanic currents produced an estimated volcanic CO2 flux
98 des (CUPs) through atmospheric transport and oceanic currents.
99 d show that such floats are able to fill the oceanic data gap.
100 hemselves, but inferred from atmospheric and oceanic data.
101               We present observations of the oceanic decrease in pH at the basin scale (50 degrees S-
102 merged as an abundant, stable substratum for oceanic dispersal of organisms via rafting.
103 esize that BSi in chert was a major sink for oceanic dissolved silica (DSi), with fluctuations propor
104  probably make a significant contribution to oceanic DMSP production.
105                      Comparing porewater and oceanic DOS molecular formulas, solar irradiation increa
106 persistent atmospheric forcing, points to an oceanic driving mechanism.
107 halopods, some of which are very abundant in oceanic ecosystems and which are known for their elabora
108                                              Oceanic ecosystems are dominated by minute microorganism
109  are pervasive predators in many neritic and oceanic ecosystems.
110 The finding highlights the unique feature of oceanic eddies along the western boundary currents.
111 er Program (GDP) data set, it was found that oceanic eddies are asymmetrically distributed across the
112                         From the analysis of oceanic eddies detected in the drifter trajectories of t
113                                     Although oceanic eddies have been ubiquitously observed in the wo
114 ies affecting the wind field above them, the oceanic eddies in the presence of a large-scale wind gra
115 ed that BADGEs are widely distributed in the oceanic environment.
116 despread distribution of MeP and 4-HB in the oceanic environment.
117  exclusively established from terrestrial or oceanic environments but signifies a potentially major,
118 postulate that such devices could be used in oceanic environments for monitoring electrical signals f
119 of microbially mediated methane oxidation in oceanic environments have examined the many different fa
120 jority of them weaken due to atmospheric and oceanic environments unfavorable for typhoon intensifica
121  processes, common to a range of coastal and oceanic environments, are responsible.
122 on of photosynthetic biomass in low-nutrient oceanic environments.
123 tch the typical fluorescent signals found in oceanic environments.
124  critical interval of major evolutionary and oceanic events in the Spathian.
125 ongly suggests potential contribution of non-oceanic factors (e.g., land cover change and CO2-induced
126 hese observations, we track the evolution of oceanic Fe-concentrations by considering the temporal re
127 m, highlighting the importance of meso-scale oceanic features in forcing the atmospheric planetary bo
128 tical transition hypothesis are borne out in oceanic fisheries (cod and pollock) that have experience
129 put and loss and a longer residence time for oceanic fixed N-a "sluggish" ocean N budget during ice a
130 rgy from the lateral shear of the background oceanic flow.
131 f plate tectonics originated largely with an oceanic focus, where dynamic and mostly horizontal movem
132 mate change is of critical importance to the oceanic food web and fish stocks.
133  governing their response to atmospheric and oceanic forcing, with implications for sea-level change.
134      We propose that a approximately 1.90 Ga oceanic fragment was subducted and exhumed into an accre
135 nderstanding of the dynamics governing these oceanic frontal regimes.
136 ation the intense air-sea feedbacks in these oceanic frontal regions.
137 systematically underestimate the strength of oceanic fronts associated with strong western boundary c
138 ving climate models' representation of major oceanic fronts, which are essential components in the si
139 t was enabled by the tectonic opening of key oceanic gateways during the break-up of Gondwana (for ex
140 take of LREEs is an overlooked aspect of the oceanic geochemistry of this group of elements previousl
141 erable amount of NH3 from atmospheric N2 and oceanic H2O through reduction by meteoritic iron.
142                                          The oceanic habitats around New Zealand are diverse with ext
143 kably stable and that hatchling dispersal to oceanic habitats itself does not vary on decadal timesca
144 Sharks used both continental shelf areas and oceanic habitats, primarily in the upper 50-200 m of the
145 otope ratios between glacial-marine and more oceanic habitats.
146           The associated enhanced release of oceanic heat has reduced winter sea-ice formation at a r
147 These results constrain the role of variable oceanic heat transport between hemispheres during deglac
148  striking, and we hypothesize that northward oceanic heat transport was impeded by uplift, triggering
149 ed haplotype sharing between spring-spawning oceanic herring and autumn-spawning populations across t
150 gma and CO2 fluxes from mid-ocean ridges and oceanic hotspot volcanoes.
151                        They suggest that the oceanic iron cycle, and therefore oceanic primary produc
152                    The isotopic diversity of oceanic island basalts (OIB) is usually attributed to th
153                       The peopling of Remote Oceanic islands by Austronesian speakers is a fascinatin
154 e distribution and evolution of organisms on oceanic islands have advanced towards a dynamic perspect
155 rsification - frequently employing assets of oceanic islands in inferring the geographic area within
156            Humans reached arctic regions and oceanic islands last-arctic North America about 5 kya, m
157                        Wallacea, the zone of oceanic islands separating the continental regions of So
158                    Remote locations, such as oceanic islands, typically harbour relatively few specie
159 inable limits/borders that are comparable to oceanic islands.
160 te, particularly in isolated locales such as oceanic islands.
161                                              Oceanic life-stage sea turtles are at the highest risk o
162 s an explanation of why LIPs erupted through oceanic lithosphere are not associated with climatic and
163 ds) asthenospheric layer beneath the elastic oceanic lithosphere is required to produce the observed
164 's core-mantle boundary to subduction of the oceanic lithosphere through the deep carbon cycle.
165 chanism behind plate tectonics, which allows oceanic lithosphere to be subducted into the mantle as "
166 stic of ocean plateaux cause slower necking; oceanic lithosphere with normal or slightly thickened cr
167  slab breakoff of the subducting Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere, rather than the onset of the India-
168 ects the physical and chemical properties of oceanic lithosphere, represents one of the major mechani
169 ak, buoyant layer present beneath the entire oceanic lithosphere.
170 ge fluid release from subducting slow-spread oceanic lithosphere.
171 t depths, compatible with dry olivine in the oceanic lithosphere.
172  via the composition of the seawater-altered oceanic lithosphere.
173                            Measurement at an oceanic location, distant from nuclear reactors and cont
174 p chemolithoautotrophic life in the hydrated oceanic mantle (i.e., serpentinite).
175 e most direct constraint on the structure of oceanic mantle rheology.
176 ons for air-sea interaction and implies that oceanic mean and mesoscale circulations and their effect
177      By means of synergistic atmospheric and oceanic measurements in the Southern Ocean near Antarcti
178 identified the incorporation of deeper water oceanic MeHg sources into deeper water sediments prior t
179                                Variations in oceanic meridional heat transport may contribute to thes
180                                              Oceanic mesoscale eddies with horizontal scales of 50-30
181                                              Oceanic mesoscale eddies with typical sizes of 30-200 km
182 e for up to 10% of the kinetic energy of the oceanic mesoscale eddy field in the South Atlantic.
183 h is now routinely used as a proxy to assess oceanic metal contamination.
184  are proposed to be of global importance for oceanic microbial energy generation.
185 s of ocean circulation, facilitates the vast oceanic migrations of the Anguilla genus [7, 13, 14].
186  and carbon uptake are better represented in oceanic models that include this feedback.
187                                          The oceanic N2-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium spp. form
188 ng that magnetic cues appear unimportant for oceanic navigation by seabirds, our results support the
189 ing to the same clade and occupying a common oceanic niche.
190  genomes rarely co-occur and occupy distinct oceanic niches in particular with respect to depth.
191 s of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Oceanic Nino Index, an indicator of El Nino events.
192 nt for iron controlling the coupling between oceanic nitrogen and phosphorus cycles.
193 ss therefore has the ability to modulate the oceanic northward heat transport.
194 g retreat of the grounding line triggered by oceanic or atmospheric changes.
195 ve, partly because proxies that track subtle oceanic or atmospheric redox trends are lacking.
196 s for understanding bacterial utilization of oceanic organic matter.
197 erged almost one billion years ago, when the oceanic oxygen content was low, and extant Breviatea hav
198                                              Oceanic oxygen minimum zones are strong sources of the p
199 e investigate the direct influence of future oceanic pH conditions on the structure and function of t
200 sm to explain altered behaviour under future oceanic pH conditions.
201                   Nitrogen frequently limits oceanic photosynthesis and the availability of inorganic
202 y reconstructing it in the globally abundant oceanic phytoplankter Prochlorococcus To understand what
203                The biogeographic response of oceanic planktonic communities to climatic change has a
204 m a high-resolution image for the base of an oceanic plate that is subducting beneath North Island, N
205 osed that the subaerial phases of Cretaceous oceanic plateau formation spurred the global environment
206 ught to result from a combination of buoyant oceanic-plateau subduction and hydrodynamic mantle-wedge
207 e massive volumes of melt preserved today as oceanic plateaus.
208 al components, probably related to subducted oceanic plates or primordial material associated with Ea
209                      Subduction zones, where oceanic plates sink into the Earth's interior, are the m
210 climate processes, little is known about the oceanic pool of nonvolatile dissolved organic sulfur (DO
211 chlorosin biosynthesis genes-from genomes to oceanic populations-we show that marine picocyanobacteri
212 as identified and found to be coancestral to Oceanic populations.
213 e now found at high frequency exclusively in Oceanic populations.
214 ce our ability to assess and monitor elusive oceanic predators, and lead to improved conservation str
215 t that the oceanic iron cycle, and therefore oceanic primary production and climate, could be more se
216                       Nutrient limitation of oceanic primary production exerts a fundamental control
217 kton that contains important contributors to oceanic primary production.
218                   Understanding responses of oceanic primary productivity, carbon export, and burial
219 c changes were further linked to large-scale oceanic processes, particularly diminishing sea ice cove
220                                   Biological oceanic processes, principally the surface production, s
221 graphic conditions, being influenced by both oceanic productivity and sea surface temperature.
222 ial communities that significantly influence oceanic productivity, biogeochemistry, and ecosystem pro
223 ailable essential nutrient playing a role in oceanic productivity.
224 es have made the assumption that fundamental oceanic properties, such as salinity, temperature, and d
225 f microbial populations inhabiting different oceanic provinces we compared the daily metatranscriptom
226 ng nearly the entire water column of diverse oceanic provinces.
227 ns in the study of biogeochemical cycles and oceanic redox balance in the past.
228                                 Heterogenous oceanic redox conditions are expressed by trace element
229 g of deep-ocean oxygenation.The evolution of oceanic redox state in the past is poorly known.
230 rt the archaeal lipidome in SPM from diverse oceanic regimes.
231 eubayanus' known distribution to include the Oceanic region.
232 rbon uptake can be directly observed in most oceanic regions at present, but that this may become pos
233 ation collected samples from a wide range of oceanic regions using a standardized sampling procedure.
234 for growth is limited, with three restricted oceanic regions where seasonal conditions permit high gr
235 explosive eruptions can provide iron (Fe) to oceanic regions where this micronutrient limits primary
236       Recycling of nitrogen oxides in remote oceanic regions with minimal direct nitrogen oxide emiss
237 such structures have been documented in many oceanic regions, none has been observed in the China Sea
238 near-surface atmospheric flow over eddy-rich oceanic regions, such as the Kuroshio and Gulf Stream, h
239  change throughout this century in different oceanic regions.
240  primary production in the most oligotrophic oceanic regions.
241 m demise in both temperate and sub-temperate oceanic regions.
242                In this work, we question the oceanic relevance of this paradigm.
243 line values is interpreted to record a major oceanic reorganization with global climate amelioration.
244 inuing discovery of ancient rocks in the mid-oceanic ridges and abyssal ocean basins.
245  We consider the observation and analysis of oceanic rogue waves collected within spatio-temporal (ST
246              Tectonically induced changes in oceanic seaways had profound effects on global and regio
247 per than the 122 degrees C isotherm in known oceanic serpentinizing regions and an order of magnitude
248 the largest Fe isotopic variations in modern oceanic settings, the record requires that these deep Fe
249 arbonates across a wide range of neritic and oceanic settings, with potentially major implications fo
250 important carbonate producers in neritic and oceanic settings.
251                                              Oceanic shark conservation is hampered by basic knowledg
252 es of many highly migratory fishes including oceanic sharks remain largely unregulated with poor moni
253 he fishing exploitation efficiently "tracks" oceanic sharks within their space-use hotspots year-roun
254 ss-based studies are needed to constrain the oceanic sink of PFAS.
255  PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs, respectively, than the oceanic sink.
256 ood web structure between glacial-marine and oceanic sites.
257 een extensively documented within subducting oceanic slabs, but their mechanics remains enigmatic.
258                             We find that the oceanic sources of moisture, namely western and central
259  patterns is especially difficult for remote oceanic species.
260 n leads to the ecological extinction of many oceanic species.
261            Numerical modeling has shown that oceanic spreading centers are some of the weakest parts
262 ression of hot mantle rock upwelling beneath oceanic spreading centers causes it to exceed the meltin
263 e occurrence probability and strength during oceanic storms.
264 e-ocean coupling characterized by subsurface oceanic structure is responsible for more realistic inte
265 rustal thickness evolution of an orogen from oceanic subduction to continental collision.
266 dence is crucial for hazard assessment along oceanic subduction zones, where pelagic clays participat
267 -II) are among the most abundant microbes in oceanic surface waters [1-4].
268  which results in a drawdown of nutrients in oceanic surface waters.
269 g that diatoms may be more relevant in these oceanic systems than generally considered.
270 w of the ubiquity of LREE-containing MDHs in oceanic systems, our results suggest that biological upt
271 iological alteration of REE distributions in oceanic systems.
272              Regions of high overlap between oceanic tagged sharks and longliners included the North
273  influence the vertical distribution of many oceanic taxa, with implications for the foraging behavio
274 g results provide the first evidence that an oceanic teleconnection between AMOC strength and subsurf
275 he relative importance of atmospheric versus oceanic transport for poly- and perfluorinated alkyl sub
276                                              Oceanic transport hence appears to be a crucial aspect i
277 dissolved iron may facilitate its long-range oceanic transport.
278 t the horizontal transport properties of the oceanic turbulent flow in which they are embedded.
279 s an important period of global climatic and oceanic upheaval, which began 4 million years before the
280                                          The oceanic upper mantle contains 50 to 200 micrograms per
281 lts requires that existing estimates for the oceanic upper mantle potential temperature be adjusted u
282  combine this database with a flow model for oceanic upper mantle to predict the structure of the sei
283                                              Oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) has
284  in the deep ocean, but ultimately may limit oceanic uptake of anthropogenic CO2.
285 rculation and is fundamentally important for oceanic uptake of carbon and heat, nutrient resupply for
286                   We explored climate-driven oceanic variability as a source of estuarine variability
287 Ice Shelf (PIIS), that there is considerable oceanic variability at seasonal and interannual timescal
288 therefore plays an important role in driving oceanic variability close to PIIS.
289 ntic are used to assess the role of tropical oceanic variability in the observed precipitation anomal
290 identified clear signals of climate-mediated oceanic variability in this estuary and discovered that
291              In the tropics, long time-scale oceanic variability precludes determination of how much
292 zoa approximately 1.0-1.2 Ga, at a time when oceanic ventilation released free oxygen to the atmosphe
293  for marine organisms, and contribute to the oceanic vertical flux of particulate organic matter as p
294 ting the seed-bank hypothesis to explain how oceanic viral communities maintain high local diversity.
295  been widely debated in light of atmospheric/oceanic warming and increases in glacial melt over the p
296 he predicted continuation of atmospheric and oceanic warming.
297 crobial community is depth stratified in the oceanic water column down to abyssopelagic layers.
298 ems such as the oxygen-deficient zone in the oceanic water column, sea ice or polar snow.
299 ly, community changes tracked changes in the oceanic water masses, but these relations broke down dur
300  a biochemically dependant interplay between oceanic zinc, iron and phosphorus cycles.

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