


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  images) and "targetness" (target vs neutral oddballs).
2 ticity respond to stimuli streams containing oddballs.
3 /) in young adults, with stimuli arranged in oddball and reversed oddball blocks (deviant probability
4 e inhibition (Go/NoGo), selective attention (oddball), and selective working memory updating (1-back)
5  delayed word recognition, rhyming, auditory oddball, and cued conditional letter-discrimination task
6 ttention tasks (visual expectation, auditory oddball) as well as the Bayley Scales of Infant and Todd
7                                         Each oddball block consisted of 1000-Hz and 1500-Hz standards
8 ith stimuli arranged in oddball and reversed oddball blocks (deviant probability, p=0.2), allowing fo
9 d stimulus is also relatively rare (e.g., in oddball blocks of mismatch negativity paradigms, or in r
10                        Here, three different oddball categories (novel, neutral, and target images) w
11 tion, subjects monitored for any infrequent "oddball" changes in object identity, location, or identi
12 uggest that differential responses under the oddball condition in macaque A1 reflect stimulus-specifi
13 d the larger responses to deviants under the oddball condition.
14                                          Two oddball conditions were constructed with a common devian
15 ontal and striatal functions during a visual oddball continuous performance task, in ultra-high-risk,
16 nent of the ERP, but not to neutral auditory oddball cues.
17 f ERP subcomponents from 64-channel auditory oddball data in 144 individuals with schizophrenia, 210
18 signal acquisition, resting EEG and auditory oddball data were collected in the morning and in the af
19                                           An oddball design was used and both N1 and MMN components w
20 of each category as stimuli in a "categorial oddball" design.
21 lue and green deviant stimuli during a color oddball detection task in English participants, but it w
22                    Participants performed an oddball detection task while viewing images of objects,
23 acquired while subjects performed a semantic oddball detection task.
24  biologically plausible mechanism for neural oddball detection.
25 ditory cortex in these aged rats by using an oddball discrimination task.
26                               However, vowel oddball effects increased coupling within the left poste
27 s, whereas perceptually equivalent nonspeech oddball effects increased coupling within the right prim
28               SSA was especially strong when oddball frequency matched neuronal preference.
29 differentiate "item novelty" (new vs neutral oddballs) from "contextual deviance" (neutral oddballs v
30 urations can be distorted by saccades, by an oddball in a sequence, or by stimulus complexity or magn
31 on and cognition (a three-stimulus auditory 'oddball' P300 task).
32 human participants in an auditory three-tone oddball paradigm (including rare nontarget sounds) and o
33          The stimuli were presented using an oddball paradigm and consisted of short vibratory bursts
34 gh-intensity standard sounds in an intensity oddball paradigm can elicit an electroencephalographic m
35                                          The oddball paradigm embeds infrequent targets and distracto
36 , we used several variations of the auditory oddball paradigm from the human literature and examined
37  range (0.5-45.0 Hz) during processing of an oddball paradigm in patients with schizophrenia (N=66),
38 imary auditory cortex (A1) using a frequency oddball paradigm in which rare "deviant" tones are rando
39 ppropriate modification of the multifeatured oddball paradigm incorporating, within one run, deviants
40 ts display stimulus-specific adaptation upon oddball paradigm stimulation in the three recorded cell
41 h response (MMR) measured with a traditional oddball paradigm using magnetoencephalography (MEG).
42                                    A passive oddball paradigm was adopted to examine two groups (16 i
43  their P3 amplitude measured, using a visual oddball paradigm when they were approximately 17 years o
44 guals were presented with a multiple-deviant oddball paradigm with four deviant conditions (duration,
45                             First, during an oddball paradigm with frequency deviants, neuronal respo
46 ive processing, we embedded an event-related oddball paradigm within a blocked design.
47    These predictions were tested in a double oddball paradigm, in which frequent standard stimuli and
48 sk, which was a modification of the standard oddball paradigm, participants were instructed to view a
49 ere presented with the local-global auditory oddball paradigm, which distinguishes 2 levels of proces
50 ally with Chinese homophone characters in an oddball paradigm, while they performed a visual detectio
51 deling of mismatch responses, elicited in an oddball paradigm.
52  (MMN) response was elicited using a passive oddball paradigm.
53 nts in three experiments that made use of an oddball paradigm.
54 rols were studied during a standard auditory oddball paradigm.
55 ange = 3-9 months) using an auditory novelty oddball paradigm.
56 ic data acquired during an auditory location oddball paradigm.
57 mologous MMN and P3a ERPs during an auditory oddball paradigm.
58 ogether with a previously established visual oddball paradigm.
59 ophysiological responses were assessed in an oddball paradigm.
60 akers, 10 English and 10 Thai speakers in an oddball paradigm: The Thai syllable [k(h)a:] pronounced
61           ERP abnormalities in the auditory "oddball" paradigm were found only in corticobasal degene
62 ent with the literature on visual search and oddball paradigms and suggests that damage to these regi
63                                      Second, oddball paradigms using intensity or duration deviants r
64 ith these tone pairs, four randomly arranged oddball paradigms were presented to derive mismatch nega
65    Many studies measured neural responses in oddball paradigms, showing a different response to the s
66 surprising or unlikely events in traditional oddball paradigms.
67              While the identity and location oddballs preferentially activated ventral and dorsal bra
68 alyses could better identify unique auditory oddball responses among patients with different psychoti
69 ed stimuli generate suppressed responses but oddball responses are large and distinct.
70 clusters and the rest of the brain during an oddball salience processing task.
71 se a model in which the efficiency of global oddball search depends on contrast-enhancing lateral int
72  (SC) neurons during performance of a color, oddball selection task.
73 ater response to the deviant stimulus in the oddball sequence than to the same stimulus presented wit
74                                  An auditory oddball sequence was presented to measure cortical respo
75 e deviant, underlies the responses in visual oddball sequences even in higher visual cortex.
76 of a surprise response to deviants in visual oddball sequences in macaque (Macaca mulatta) inferior t
77 andard compared with the deviant stimulus in oddball sequences.
78 ferent contexts: as Standard and Deviants in Oddball sequences; in equiprobable sequences; in sequenc
79 a simultaneously-presented visual categorial oddball shape discrimination task; in Exp 2 (Auditory-At
80  performance improves for distinct and rare (oddball) sound elements, at the expense of rare sounds t
81 ide the first evidence of enhanced coding of oddball sounds in a human auditory discrimination task a
82 suggest a two-phase cortical activation upon oddball stimulation, with oddball tones first reactivati
83 ted to discriminate between the standard and oddball stimuli at either the central location or at the
84 i, trials were run in four subjects in which oddball stimuli required a different-sized vergence move
85 vity during processing of target and novelty oddball stimuli that engage attention.
86                            Most responses to oddball stimuli were not significantly different from re
87  in which frequent standard stimuli and rare oddball stimuli were presented at central and peripheral
88 ng "standard" and periodically introduced 3 "oddball" stimuli that differed in the frequency spectrum
89  to a standard repeated stimulus and a rare 'oddball' stimulus, is proposed as such a change detectio
90 ed during which subjects performed a visual "oddball" target detection task.
91 ed in a same-different task, a variant of an oddball task [2].
92 ubjects (15 HC, 14 SZ) performed an auditory oddball task during electroencephalogram recording befor
93 arison subjects (N=22) performed an auditory oddball task during functional magnetic resonance imagin
94 tentials (ERP) were acquired during a visual oddball task in patients with depressive disorder, patie
95           They were administered an auditory oddball task in the electroencephalography environment.
96 cessing were investigated using an emotional oddball task in which circles were presented infrequentl
97 ministered a hybrid error-monitoring/novelty-oddball task in which the frequency of novel, surprising
98 mplitude (p<0.00001) during a three-stimulus oddball task independent of trait cognitive control.
99  monetary rewards--we modified the emotional oddball task to use behaviorally irrelevant reward stimu
100 s a broad frequency range during an auditory oddball task using a comprehensive analysis approach to
101 during the prestimulus baseline period of an oddball task using Lempel-Ziv complexity, a nonlinear me
102 pared on neural responses during an auditory oddball task using multisensor electroencephalography.
103                    Performance on the visual oddball task was measured with percentage of hits and d'
104                                     A visual oddball task was presented to 22 patients with schizophr
105              Participants completed a visual oddball task whereby neutral, exercise, and cannabis cue
106 mages were presented, and a neutral auditory oddball task while event-related brain potentials (ERPs)
107               In rats performing an auditory oddball task, both the amplitude and timing of the front
108  collected while subjects performed a visual oddball task.
109 s while they performed a visual and auditory oddball task.
110 icipants performed a three-stimulus auditory oddball task.
111 itional experiments: (i) a visual attention "oddball" task and (ii) a task-free resting state.
112 t baseline and follow-up) using an auditory "oddball" task.
113 while subjects performed auditory and visual oddball tasks and used these data to investigate the BOL
114 h passive (listening) and active (detecting) oddball tasks in a pretest and two posttests (1 and 9 we
115 the P300 event-related potential in auditory oddball tasks may characterize schizophrenia (SZ) but is
116 t is often assessed with target detection or oddball tasks, and individuals with ADHD perform poorly
117 temporal P3 reductions reported for auditory oddball tasks.
118 ited by reliance on simple target detection (oddball) tasks with pure tones.
119 ralizing to a low-probability deviant tone ("oddball") that breaks the preceding regularity.
120 al activation upon oddball stimulation, with oddball tones first reactivating the adapted auditory co
121 bthreshold and suprathreshold responses with oddball tones of a deviant frequency eliciting enlarged
122 nts of membrane potential responses encoding oddball tones that break stimulus regularity.
123  and dorsal brain regions respectively, each oddball type activated both pathways.
124                             Furthermore, all oddball types recruited the lateral temporal cortex and
125 ic (different word) and acoustic (same word) oddballs using dynamic causal modelling.
126 ddballs) from "contextual deviance" (neutral oddballs vs standard images) and "targetness" (target vs

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