


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 illation in the concentration of the sampled odorant.
2 nhancement of inhalation-linked responses to odorant.
3  forward or turning and moving away from the odorant.
4 mediately following the termination of every odorant.
5 h is dynamic and typically contains multiple odorants.
6 ory system can discriminate a vast number of odorants.
7 ae result from sustained exposure to kinship odorants.
8 ted with a special focus on musty-earthy off-odorants.
9 pending on the similarity of the experienced odorants.
10 G contained the lowest levels of most of the odorants.
11 scriminate trimethylamine from similar amine odorants.
12 ion process led to differences in the impact odorants.
13 emical and perceptual characteristics of the odorants.
14  key feature for the discrimination of these odorants.
15 suppress excitatory mitral cell responses to odorants.
16 r accounted for the highest number of impact odorants.
17 rity derived from descriptors applied to the odorants.
18 ries of neuronal activity that differ across odorants.
19 eir specific responses to the aldehyde human odorants.
20 er to encode the unique identities of myriad odorants.
21 bGCs were strongly and broadly responsive to odorants.
22 y in MB neurons, altering their responses to odorants.
23 n on the intra-oral aroma release of certain odorants.
24 nes, and a range of more traditional general odorants.
25 onsumed the palatable tastants and dissolved odorants.
26  or whether we habituate differently to each odorant?
27 droxycitronellyl acetate as the least potent odorant (1261ng/Lair).
28 us system, we identified sets of ORs for two odorants, acetophenone and 2,5-dihydro-2,4,5-trimethylth
29 odor quality.Humans and animals recognize an odorant across a range of odorant concentrations, but wh
30                                              Odorant aglycones released in the culture mediums were i
31  during tasting, by retronasal perception of odorant aglycones released in-mouth.
32            beta-Damascenone can be an active odorant, although its contribution was greater in wines
33 nce the sensitivity of glomerular outputs to odorants, an action that is consistent with recent in vi
34 SPW exposures, olfactory responses to a food odorant and a pheromone were reduced to a similar degree
35                                         Most odorant and ionotropic receptor genes seemed to be expre
36 ent that sensitively and selectively detects odorants and displays increased fluorescent intensities
37  in olfactory acuity, fine discrimination of odorants and olfactory memory.
38 tion might influence the interaction between odorants and oral mucosa in the oral cavity during a "wi
39  spectrum of semiochemicals, including human odorants and plant-released volatiles and found that str
40                    The strong interaction of odorants and tastants at the NTS underscores its role as
41 ) of the solvent extract samples revealed 54 odorants, and 47 of them were identified.
42                                              Odorants are delivered to ORNs via the inhaled air at br
43  MEME, and their putative roles in detecting odorants are discussed here.
44 al measurements of the binding of all tested odorants are shown to follow the Langmuir model for liga
45    Humans and other animals can recognize an odorant as the same over a range of odorant concentratio
46 9 and two sorbents, when assessed for the 13 odorants at a 10% breakthrough volume (BTV), was 22.6 +/
47 ter emulsion matrix using 12 selected potent odorants based on the results of AEDA, accurate compound
48 ially overlapping representations of the two odorants became progressively decorrelated, enhancing th
49                                              Odorant binding data suggests that these variants lead t
50  signal of divergent selection, including an odorant binding protein and another in close proximity w
51  along with a number of other less conserved odorant binding protein sequences.
52 , Wigglesworthia, up-regulates expression of odorant binding protein six in the gut of intrauterine t
53                                              Odorant binding proteins (OBPs) are chemical compound ca
54                                              Odorant binding proteins (Obps) are remarkable in their
55                                              Odorant binding proteins (OBPs) play critical roles in c
56 emain largely controversial in comparison to odorant binding proteins (OBPs).
57                                         Upon odorant binding, odor receptors couple to G-protein acti
58                     mJHBP is a member of the odorant-binding protein (OBP) family, and orthologs are
59 fect transistor (FET), functionalized by the odorant-binding protein 14 (OBP14) from the honey bee (A
60                                              Odorant-binding proteins (OBP) are believed to capture a
61 ve SAW resonators coated with three types of odorant-binding proteins (OBPs): the wild-type OBP from
62 h inhibitors, to identify a component of the odorant-binding site of an OR from the malaria vector, A
63 useful in further expanding our knowledge of odorant-binding site structures in ORs of disease vector
64 unctional analyses using agonists to map the odorant-binding sites of these receptors have been limit
65              Both a TAAR ligand and a common odorant block aversion to a predator odor, indicating th
66 ble in people with low sensitivity to a test odorant but an otherwise normal sense of smell.
67 significantly reduced responses to intraoral odorants but not to tastants.
68           C. elegans responds to a repulsive odorant by first backing up and then either continuing f
69 onstrate sexually dimorphic neural coding of odorants by olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), primary se
70 t affect wine after-odour, the adsorption of odorants by the oral mucosa could be important but has b
71 ditions, odor recognition is very stable and odorants can be reliably identified independently from p
72 erences in a structure of odorous molecules (odorants) can lead to significant change of odour, which
73 w that protracted exposure to kin or non-kin odorants changes the number of dopamine (DA)- or gamma a
74                                          The odorant compounds in the analysed brandies changed signi
75 f this work was to study the kinetics of the odorant compounds of a wine brandy during two years of a
76                                          The odorants compounds of aged wine brandies comprise compou
77                                              Odorant concentration had no systematic effect on spike
78 participates in generating the perception of odorant concentration invariance.
79 imals recognize an odorant across a range of odorant concentrations, but where in the olfactory proce
80  from the input and output across a range of odorant concentrations.
81 gnize an odorant as the same over a range of odorant concentrations.
82 ance-learning inducers, and (iii) aposematic odorant cues.
83 lation state of Orco (S289) is altered in an odorant-dependent manner and changes in phosphorylation
84  inspiration-and demonstrated an increase in odorant detection by a factor of up to 18 for active sni
85 k allows us to describe an extensive rule in odorant detection by mammalian olfactory receptors.
86 provide exciting new insights into the human odorant detection of bed bugs, but also offer valuable i
87 nt, adult tissue homeostasis, and vision and odorant detection, and their dysfunction contributes to
88 rtant sensory functions beyond their role as odorant detectors in the olfactory epithelium.
89                               Results showed odorants differed significantly in habituation, highligh
90      To test this, the odour intensity of 32 odorants differing in physicochemical characteristics wa
91 intraorally delivered tastants and tasteless odorants dissolved in water and whether/how these two mo
92  similar responses to palatable tastants and odorants dissolved in water.
93 ncrease in the intra-oral release of certain odorants (e.g. linalool, beta-ionone), while flavonoids
94                              Different human odorants elicited different neuronal responses with diff
95                                              Odorants elicited unique patterns of suppression in only
96 e intermingled, suggesting the complexity of odorant encoding in the bed bug odorant receptors.
97 rties, that together preserved the timing of odorant encounters in ORN spiking, regardless of intensi
98 sults demonstrate that OBP14 is able to bind odorants even after immobilization on rGO and can discri
99 nesthetized and awake mice to visualize both odorant-evoked excitation and suppression in OB output n
100 in vivo optical neurophysiology to visualize odorant-evoked OSN synaptic output into olfactory bub gl
101 th an overall modest increase in resting and odorant-evoked responses during serotonergic afferent st
102 well as modest increases in the magnitude of odorant-evoked responses.
103 ding the structural changes induced by early odorant experience can provide insight into how bulbar o
104                                 We find that odorant experience increases the number of projection ne
105  (OB) is well known, but the impact of early odorant experience on its circuit structure is unclear.
106                  Our results show that early odorant exposure has a profound effect on OB connectivit
107 lomerulus in the mouse olfactory bulb, early odorant exposure increases the number of associated mitr
108 merular module of the mouse OB and show that odorant exposure that starts prenatally and continues th
109  phosphorylated in the sensitized state, and odorant exposure triggers dephosphorylation and desensit
110  at this residue is dynamically regulated by odorant exposure with concomitant modulation of odorant
111 imals' ability to consciously relearn a pure odorant, first experienced under general anesthesia, is
112 try and olfactometry (MDGC-MS-O) on targeted odorant fractions.
113 me chemical group are widely dispersed while odorants from different groups are intermingled, suggest
114  strawberry vinegars retained certain impact odorants from strawberries: 3-nonen-2-one, (E,E)-2,4-dec
115  neurons might represent a substrate for how odorants gain the quality of tastants.
116 esponses of mitral cell ensembles to the two odorants gradually became less discrete, increasing the
117 es and that this phenomenon is important for odorant-guided behaviors in Drosophila This phosphorylat
118  the olfactory epithelium and detect diverse odorants; however, they do not express known GPCR odor r
119                        In bed bugs, both the odorant identity and concentrations play important roles
120 termined to be an important character-impact odorant in male giant water bug aroma.
121  sampling technique, recovers 95% of the key-odorants in a fully automated work-flow.
122  majority altered the responses to different odorants in a similar manner and the overall response of
123  real-time monitoring of a broad spectrum of odorants in aqueous solutions known to be attractants fo
124 neural representations of chemically related odorants in females compared to males during stimulus pr
125 ompounds in 'Tasti-Lee', with 10 reported as odorants in fresh tomatoes for the first time.
126                                       Potent odorants in frozen fresh (FFB) and salted boiled (SBB) m
127 ve of this study was to identify the primary odorants in rice protein slurries using static headspace
128 ased on odour activity values, the strongest odorants in SGW were fruity esters.
129                     Identification of potent odorants in Shiraz wine and the headspace of ground coff
130                                       Impact odorants in strawberry vinegars produced in different co
131      The ability of bed bugs to detect human odorants in the environment is critical for their host-s
132 amyl acetate were identified as other potent odorants in the three tamarinds.
133 ane lactones constitute a family of powerful odorants, including the isomers of mintlactone and menth
134 ssed in mature ORNs, controls both basal and odorant-induced cAMP levels in an OR-dependent manner.
135  to transform the spatial information of the odorant into the asymmetry between the axonal activities
136 Ns) in the nasal cavity detect and transduce odorants into action potentials to be conveyed to the ol
137 actory sensory neurons (OSNs) that transduce odorants into neural electrical signals.
138     In contrast, when a mixture of two novel odorants is first experienced under anesthesia and then
139 N level, information regarding the three fly odorants is transferred from the antennal lobe to higher
140 e ventral-laterally expired air jets entrain odorant-laden air toward the nose, thereby extending the
141          Increasing concentrations of single odorants led to proportionately larger population activi
142 lfactory epithelium and olfactory bulb in an odorant ligand-specific manner.
143 nsory neurons (OSNs) detect the fly-produced odorants methyl laurate (ML), methyl myristate, and meth
144  assessed against a total of 13 slurry-borne odorants ((methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), isobutyl alcohol (
145 gnificant defects in perception of a complex odorant mixture (Henkel100) in both air-phase and submer
146 itro testing of single receptors with binary odorant mixtures indicates that behavioral blocking can
147 oma precursors, releasing different types of odorant molecules (terpenes, benzenic compounds and lipi
148               It is unclear how the numerous odorant molecules and their possible mixtures are discri
149 ectronic nose" for vapour phase detection of odorant molecules based on surface acoustic wave (SAW) r
150 tics of the affinities between receptors and odorant molecules for a broad class of odor statistics.
151 vestigation focuses on the quantification of odorant molecules in the headspace of latrines.
152 sent a natural reservoir of potential active odorant molecules in wines.
153                          Since the amount of odorant molecules is very low in the gas phase, we devel
154      Olfaction is mediated by the binding of odorant molecules to olfactory receptors (ORs).
155 onmental stimuli as different as photons and odorant molecules.
156  affect olfaction by enzymatic conversion of odorant molecules.
157  when combined, some attractive and aversive odorants neutralize one another's behavioral effects.
158 hey had previously been identified as potent odorants of coffee and were also identified in all coffe
159 s a major role in the formation of three key odorants of cooked ham: 2-methyl-3-furanthiol, 2-methyl-
160 solvent extracts revealed the presence of 76 odorants of which 75 were successfully identified.
161          Results revealed diverse effects of odorants on taste-response magnitude and latency across
162 ether habituation works the same way for any odorant or whether we habituate differently to each odor
163 ther exclusively to tastants, exclusively to odorants, or to both (bimodal).
164 rimethylthiazoline (TMT), encompassing 69 OR-odorant pairs.
165 We demonstrate striking functions of Orco in odorant perception, reproductive physiology, and social
166 range of applications, including analyses of odorants, pesticide residues, or toxins in foodstuffs an
167    Insects find food and mates by navigating odorant plumes that can be highly intermittent, with int
168 y acids, prostaglandins, cyclic nucleotides, odorants, polyamines, and vitamins.
169 e from both sexes, and found that in females odorant presentation evoked more rapid OSN signaling ove
170 mined the single-unit responses to intraoral odorant presentation.
171 ffect on OB connectivity and thus may affect odorant processing significantly.
172 e sense of smell is mediated by GPCRs in the odorant receptor (OR) family.
173 sensory neurons (OSNs) that express the same odorant receptor (OR) gene coalesce into one or a few gl
174 ies on the expression of approximately 1,100 odorant receptor (OR) genes across millions of olfactory
175                                              Odorant receptor (OR) genes and proteins represent more
176 ants have evolved a large and novel clade of odorant receptor (OR) genes to perceive hydrocarbon-base
177 ch olfactory receptor neurons expressing the odorant receptor co-receptor (Orco) gene are labelled wi
178 /Or13 were each co-expressed with Agam/Orco (odorant receptor co-receptor subunit) in Xenopus oocytes
179                         Because of increased odorant receptor expression, daf-2(e1370) mutants prefer
180                 Here, we show that the Or47b odorant receptor is required for the copulation advantag
181   KEY POINTS: The release probability of the odorant receptor neuron (ORN) is reportedly one of the h
182                                              Odorant receptor neurons (ORNs) express specific odorant
183 li in the antennal lobe region innervated by odorant receptor neurons from basiconic sensilla.
184 or, interacts with Galphaolf and can amplify odorant receptor signal transduction in vitro To explore
185 mic criteria was carried out across discrete odorant receptor subfamilies.
186  called protoglomeruli well before they form odorant receptor-specific glomeruli.
187 such as H. saltator, the 9-exon subfamily of odorant receptors (HsOrs) responds to CHCs, and ectopic
188 he mouse nose is mediated by 1,000 different odorant receptors (ORs) and 14 trace amine-associated re
189 nts evolved via expansions in the numbers of odorant receptors (ORs) and antennal lobe glomeruli.
190 ncoded by large gene families, including the odorant receptors (ORs) and the variant ionotropic recep
191  mouse nose is mediated by >1, 000 different odorant receptors (ORs) and trace amine-associated recep
192                                              Odorant receptors (ORs) belong to a large gene family of
193             Here we report the expression of odorant receptors (ORs) belonging to the superfamily of
194                                       Insect odorant receptors (ORs) comprise an enormous protein fam
195    Moreover, the mechanisms of expression of odorant receptors (ORs) constitute one of the biggest en
196 ant receptor neurons (ORNs) express specific odorant receptors (ORs) encoded by a dramatically expand
197 of information about the structure of insect odorant receptors (ORs) hinders the development of more
198          Ectopic expression and functions of odorant receptors (ORs) in the human body have aroused m
199                  The ciliary localization of odorant receptors (ORs) is evolutionary conserved and es
200                                Activation of odorant receptors (ORs) leads to adenylyl cyclase III ac
201 lian olfactory system uses a large family of odorant receptors (ORs) to detect and discriminate among
202 e receptors (M3-Rs) physically interact with odorant receptors (ORs) to promote odour-induced respons
203  we functionally characterize a subfamily of odorant receptors (Ors) with a nine-exon gene structure
204 s of a critical class of chemoreceptors, the odorant receptors (ORs), from the ponerine ant Harpegnat
205    Chemosensory receptor proteins, including odorant receptors (ORs), gustatory receptors (GRs) and i
206 dors via a large family of G protein-coupled odorant receptors (ORs).
207   Functional characterization of two bed bug odorant receptors and co-receptors in response to human
208 ablished cell lines stably expressing insect odorant receptors are able to detect odorants with consi
209 SNs expressing about 1000 different types of odorant receptors are precisely organized and sorted out
210 ives from the existence of a large family of odorant receptors expressed in the cilia of the olfactor
211  with an earlier study, does not contain the odorant receptors expressed in the male antenna that det
212                                              Odorant receptors in the periphery map precisely onto ol
213 t, and can amplify odorant signaling through odorant receptors in vitro However, the functional signi
214 e mechanisms underlying regulation of insect odorant receptors in vivoSIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We have
215              Chemoreception, mediated by the odorant receptors on the membrane of olfactory sensory n
216                                              Odorant receptors signal through the olfactory-specific
217 structed based on the responses from all the odorant receptors tested revealed that odorants within t
218             We investigated the responses of odorant receptors to a large spectrum of semiochemicals,
219 e electro-physiological responses of bed bug odorant receptors to human odorants with the Xenopus exp
220 ot differences in pheromone detection by the odorant receptors, are primarily responsible for the beh
221 s by reducing the constitutive activities of odorant receptors, inhibiting the basal spike firing in
222 rved, in neurons that express the M71 or M72 odorant receptors, that Nrp1 inactivation leads to two d
223 cally, with the use of Sf21 cells and insect odorant receptors, we demonstrated that the established
224 junction with the large repertoire of insect odorant receptors, will aid in the development of practi
225 omplexity of odorant encoding in the bed bug odorant receptors.
226 ffective in eliciting responses from bed bug odorant receptors.
227 ophobic odorants through an aqueous lymph to odorant receptors.
228 vivo approach that determined the amounts of odorants remaining in expectorated wine samples.
229 ed the dynamic regulation of cAMP during the odorant response and examined how basal levels of cAMP a
230 c OR enrichment and distinctive OR subfamily odorant response profiles, our findings suggest that whe
231 iology by controlling multiple facets of the odorant response.
232 arned to discriminate between two dissimilar odorants, responses of mitral cell ensembles to the two
233 ity (urine + MF), 2) identify characteristic odorants responsible for the overall scent of MF as perc
234                     Here we demonstrate that odorant responsiveness and OR transport is regulated by
235 w that olfactory stimulation with particular odorants results in modulation of dozens of OSN subtypes
236 eptors and co-receptors in response to human odorants revealed their specific responses to the aldehy
237                               Associating an odorant's chemical structure with its percept is a long-
238 pecific impulse responses convolved with the odorant's temporal profile.
239    We show that subsets of MDT units display odorant selectivity during sampling, as well as encoding
240 t had not been shown to play a role in mouse odorant sensation.
241 homimetic allele, Orco(S289D) , has enhanced odorant sensitivity compared with wild-type controls.
242 osure is a mechanism underlying reduction in odorant sensitivity in Drosophila primary olfactory neur
243 sphorylate this position, have low intrinsic odorant sensitivity that is independent of altered expre
244 rant exposure with concomitant modulation of odorant sensitivity.
245 so demonstrated the development of a compact odorant sensor chip by integrating the established insec
246 report the development of a novel cell-based odorant sensor element that sensitively and selectively
247 d in the development of practical cell-based odorant sensors for various applications, including food
248 neuron firing rates across the population of odorant sensory neurons is an exponential for nearly all
249 n of the odour activity values (OAVs) of the odorants showed that differences in odour profiles of th
250 olfactory Galphaolf subunit, and can amplify odorant signaling through odorant receptors in vitro How
251 tegrate signals reflecting a wide variety of odorants.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Inhibitory circuits in t
252 fingerprints relied on matrices of perceived odorant similarity derived from descriptors applied to t
253 We found that abGCs can become responsive to odorants soon after they arrive in the olfactory bulb.
254 factory fear conditioning leads to increased odorant-specific receptor representation in the main olf
255 ector, Anopheles gambiae The closely related odorant-specificity subunits Agam/Or15 and Agam/Or13 wer
256 t to mitral cells depends on the strength of odorant stimulation.
257      Critical period activity modulation via odorant stimuli, optogenetics, and transgenic tetanus to
258 litude and time course over a broad range of odorant strengths.
259                                              Odorants such as p-cresol and a sweet-character unknown
260 sponses similar to those expected of natural odorants, suggesting that fish could smell OSPW.
261        A group 123 components, including key-odorants, technological and botanical tracers, were mapp
262 ay a predominant role in detecting the human odorants tested.
263  much longer cilia and are more sensitive to odorants than those in weakly stimulated regions.
264 ding both cuticular hydrocarbons and general odorants that are likely to mediate distinct behaviors.
265 y, the high sensitivity for the detection of odorants that contain benzene rings.
266 ry resolution (SMELL-R) that use mixtures of odorants that have unfamiliar smells.
267 cts underwent fMRI scanning while smelling 9 odorants that systematically varied in perceived valence
268 ned to discriminate between two very similar odorants, the initially overlapping representations of t
269    For a low concentration and nontrigeminal odorant, this time was 90-140 ms, showing that mice proc
270  to be required for transporting hydrophobic odorants through an aqueous lymph to odorant receptors.
271 m sensory neurons responding directly to the odorant to others responding to a host of additional env
272                             By applying male odorants to females to increase resident male aggressive
273 aldehyde, as well as lipid oxidation derived odorants to the overall odor of rice proteins.
274 ts suggest that this Obp is not required for odorant transport and that this sensillum does not requi
275 entification of OR repertoires responding to odorants using phosphorylated ribosome immunoprecipitati
276  response of olfactory sensilla to 104 human odorants using single sensillum recording and characteri
277       First, human sensitivity to individual odorants varies significantly, so test results may be un
278                                         Each odorant was delivered at a constant concentration.
279 factory fingerprint matching using only four odorants was significantly related to HLA matching (P <
280  1-octen-3-one and one unknown spicy-vegetal odorant were highly correlated to the maturation stage.
281                                              Odorants were characterised by means of gas chromatograp
282                         Twenty and 27 potent odorants were detected in FFB and SBB, respectively.
283        In RP-RS1 and RP-RS2, the predominant odorants were dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, a
284  similar changes were observed when the same odorants were experienced passively, a condition that wo
285             In this part of the study, water odorants were extracted using solvent-assisted flavour e
286                                              Odorants were n-amyl acetate (banana), acetic acid (vine
287                                     Selected odorants were quantitated by GC-mass spectrometry and od
288 yrazine with a 5-fold increase in S/N of the odorant when acquired using a 6-time cumulative SPME sam
289 h ask subjects to discriminate monomolecular odorants whose difference in odor cannot be quantified.
290             The trans-4-MCHM is the dominant odorant with descriptors of "licorice" and "sweet".
291 rons respond to increasing concentrations of odorants with barrages of action potentials, and their t
292  insect odorant receptors are able to detect odorants with consistent responsiveness for at least 2 m
293                                       Impact odorants with grassy characteristics were predominant in
294                                        Other odorants with relevance because their contribution (high
295 ponses of bed bug odorant receptors to human odorants with the Xenopus expression system.
296 l the odorant receptors tested revealed that odorants within the same chemical group are widely dispe
297 ified a fragrant lactone corresponding to an odorant zone reminiscent of coconut and dried figs as 5,
298                          HT wines showed new odorant zones from both the added product and oxidation.
299                                      Two new odorant zones with high modified frequency appeared in w
300 he presence of those lactones to interesting odorant zones, reminiscent of mint, detected in the stud

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