


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  SAFE was the most representative of saffron odour.
2 s a compound present at high levels in human odour.
3 mbine a range of dressings to try and manage odour.
4 preference for human versus non-human animal odour.
5 quid extraction was representative of tomato odour.
6  current practice in the management of wound odour.
7 id not concern the similarity to blue cheese odour.
8 ze recognition of associations linked to the odour.
9  antenna that is more strongly stimulated by odour.
10 e trained honeybees to recognize the altered odour.
11 and usually corresponds to different type of odour.
12 different polarity, and their characteristic odour.
13 ili variety was characterised by 'sulfurous' odour.
14 onses when anticipating an upcoming aversive odour.
15 factory sensory neurons (OSNs) to respond to odours.
16 s arise between representations of different odours.
17 nyl butanoate, which contributed banana-like odours.
18 rs that recapitulate the responses to innate odours.
19          It is notoriously difficult to name odours.
20 ld also compromise the ability to lateralize odours.
21 h-sensitivity detection of innately aversive odours.
22 ability to identify hundreds of thousands of odours.
23 ingdom possess sex and biogeography-specific odours.
24 tress hormone responses to volatile predator odours.
25 ons that were activated by volatile predator odours.
26 ty thus indicating their contribution to off-odours.
27                      When encountering novel odours, access to all glomerular activity ensures rapid
28 nets significantly affected the synthesis of odour active aroma compounds during storage.
29 der the yellow net showed a higher number of odour active aroma compounds in the fruit, while black n
30 ne, hotrienol and dihydroactinidiolide to be odour active components.
31 ere obtained evidenced a marked reduction of odour active compounds in microencapsulated wines, after
32 ontribution of geosmin to the profile of the odour active compounds, both in red and in white wine.
33         Fifteen compounds were identified as odour-active and described using a range of attributes s
34     HI samples resulted in higher values for odour-active aroma compounds from Maillard reaction, whi
35 y, our results suggest that Maillard derived odour-active aroma compounds were partially inhibited in
36                             GC-O revealed 15 odour-active components in the headspace, with esters be
37      Thirty-one odourants were considered as odour-active compounds and contribute to the typical ban
38      Twenty-five odorants were considered as odour-active compounds and contribute to the typical pap
39 responding flowers were investigated to find odour-active compounds exclusively representing specific
40        For both 'Hayward' and 'Hort16A', the odour-active compounds found in the bound volatile extra
41 sively representing specific honeys based on odour-active compounds from the blossoms.
42 omatography-olfactometry revealed thirty-two odour-active compounds in a heat-processed tomato-onion
43 roma distillates from the fruits revealed 45 odour-active compounds in the flavour dilution (FD) fact
44                                     Nineteen odour-active compounds were quantified in three black ve
45 lution Analysis revealed the presence of six odour-active compounds, being 2-methyl pyrazine the key
46 etry were used to determine and identify the odour-active compounds.
47 -methoxyphenol, 2-methylphenol were the most odour-active compounds.
48 uit cv. Red Maradol and to estimate the most odour-active compounds.
49 ta-ionone, and methyl benzoate were the most odour-active compounds.
50 cv. Giant Cavendish and to estimate the most odour-active compounds.
51 n of them are reported for the first time as odour-active compounds.
52   Alkyl-methoxypyrazines (MPs) are important odour-active constituents of many grape cultivars and th
53 extraction (SPME) sampling with GC-O located odour-active regions; GC x GC established the complexity
54 gions; GC x GC established the complexity of odour-active regions; MDGC provided high-resolution sepa
55 epper) is described for the first time as an odour-active substance in fish.
56                                          The odour-active volatile compounds of lulo fruit (Solanum q
57 identification and attribution of individual odour-active volatile molecules in complex multi-compone
58                 Biogenic relationships among odour-active volatiles and their glycosidic precursors w
59 hional, were reported here for first time as odour-active volatiles in curuba.
60                                          The odour-active volatiles of curuba fruit (Passiflora molli
61                 In order to characterise the odour-active volatiles of the beverage, a simultaneous s
62                      Among them, the highest odour activities (FD factors) were determined for methyl
63            Five aroma compounds possessed an odour activity value >1 in all wines, and another four i
64  GC-MS, aroma extract dilution analysis, and odour activity value were used to analyse volatile compo
65  GC-MS, aroma extract dilution analysis, and odour activity value were used to analyse volatile compo
66                                              Odour activity values (OAV) were calculated for 19 out o
67                      Based on compounds with odour activity values (OAV)>1, the wines obtained with t
68 dilution analysis (AEDA), calculation of the odour activity values (OAV), and proven by confection of
69 ompounds were detected, quantified and their odour activity values (OAVs) calculated.
70 ed out by picturing "Aroma Wheels", built by Odour Activity Values (OAVs) of all the identified volat
71                           Calculation of the odour activity values (OAVs) of the odorants showed that
72 e data with descriptive sensory analysis and odour activity values clearly established the role of co
73 idered as active odorants according to their odour activity values was also evaluated.
74                                     Based on odour activity values, esters were prominent aroma volat
75                                     Based on odour activity values, the strongest odorants in SGW wer
76 e compound quantification and the calculated odour-activity values (OAV).
77                                  Mouse urine odours allow subspecific mate discrimination, with assor
78 timuli caught more Anopheles than traps with odour alone, showing that despite their nocturnal habit,
79  same (aroma perception sweet creamy, floral odour and Chinese seasoning powder).
80                            The perception of odour and flavour of foods is a complicated physiologica
81 rotein hydrolysate with the negligible muddy odour and flavour.
82 gression to investigate whether mildew/musty odour and increased concentrations of Alternaria alterna
83 or research and education on means to assess odour and odour management options.
84 The best performing traps, however, combined odour and visual stimuli with a thermal signature in the
85 mice from recognizing previously experienced odours and differentially delay discrimination learning
86 tional bias of antennal use in responding to odours and learning to associate odours with a food rewa
87 e demonstrate that each mechanism can enable odour approach but the combination of mechanisms is most
88     In the main olfactory system of mammals, odours are detected by sensory neurons that express a la
89                                              Odours are encoded in a combinatorial fashion across glo
90 foundation for understanding why even common odours are hard to name.
91 y: colour hues, transparency and brightness, odour/aroma and taste/flavour/texture and 2 more for car
92 ant frontotemporal dementia rated unpleasant odours as less aversive than did controls and displayed
93 ate input from olfactory glomeruli to encode odours as sparse distributed patterns of neural activity
94                   Exposure to a mildew/musty odour, as a proxy for exposure to fungus, was implicated
95 e possibility that chicks recognise parental odour at hatching has been completely overlooked, despit
96 guttata) are capable of identifying parental odours at hatching.
97 to identify and track odour sources in multi-odour backgrounds.
98 is is likely mediated by alterations in host odour because of its importance in mosquito host-searchi
99               Differences in the language of odours between subpopulations have the potential to affe
100 he evolutionary couplings and models predict odour binding and ion conduction domains, and provide a
101 tensities of sensory attributes like pungent odour, bitterness, astringency and fibrousness, while lo
102    Furthermore, we identify a synthetic rice odour blend, using electrophysiological and chemical ana
103  experiencing an altered concentration of an odour but from perception of apparent novel qualities.
104 minimize the presence of a fishy flavour and odour, but this treatment may cause the colour to lose s
105                 Turmeric powder with reduced odour can be used as a nutrient supplement or natural co
106 es of odour-evoked fMRI activity reveal that odour category, identity and value are coded in piriform
107                        The attractiveness of odour collected from individual hamsters (n = 13), befor
108 er ABTS radical scavenging activity and less odour, compared with those of crude extract (CE).
109                                         Skin odour composition differed between parasitologically neg
110 summed and expressed as percentage of active odour compound, in order to monitor changes in odour pro
111 f this work was to reliably identify the key odour compounds in cooked ham and acquire new knowledge
112 ic acids, the main dairy product flavour and odour compounds.
113 d with maps recorded in shams and by varying odour concentration.
114  reduces anticipatory licking to conditioned odours, consistent with an important role for these neur
115 tiate the valence of pleasant and unpleasant odours correlated with atrophy in right ventral mid-insu
116 atin hydrolysate with negligible undesirable odour could be prepared with the aid of PPGE.
117 pus circuits evolves as rats learn to use an odour cue to guide navigational behaviour, and that such
118                                  Wine "after-odour" defined as the long lasting aroma perception that
119  exhaust gases was a key facilitator of this odour degradation.
120               To confirm these results, 4MMB odour detection threshold and odour recognition were inv
121 on yielded larger effect sizes than those of odour detection threshold or memory.
122 re the odorous molecules responsible for off-odour development in earthen-ponds rainbow trout (Oncorh
123 , retarding lipid oxidation as well as beany odour development in flour.
124 s in lipids, lipoxygenase activity and fishy odour development in the skin of Nile tilapia (Oreochrom
125 nstrate for the first time the existence of 'odour dialects' in genetically distinct mammalian subpop
126 etween individuals does not explain regional odour differences, refuting other potential explanations
127 ymmetry in piriform cortical function during odour discrimination learning until mastery, suggesting
128 ivity that emerges during specific stages of odour discrimination learning, with a transient bias tow
129 eld potentials that occur over the course of odour discrimination training to test for functional asy
130 nd GnRHa treatment in adults improved stream odour discrimination.
131 ny molecular features are most important for odour discrimination.
132 a plays a critical role in generating innate odour-driven behaviours but do not preclude its particip
133 ant reduction in mosquito attraction to skin odour during infection for one experiment, but not in a
134 wever, there has been no clear evidence that odours encode population-level information in wild mamma
135                    While some changes in the odour environment are rapid, the synaptogenesis of adult
136 ntegrity of glomerular activity by comparing odour-evoked activity maps before and after epithelial l
137 ll migrating, but at DPI 9, 52% of them have odour-evoked Ca(2+) signals.
138 ivo strongly suppresses both spontaneous and odour-evoked firing of bulbar output neurons.
139                    Pattern-based analyses of odour-evoked fMRI activity reveal that odour category, i
140                        The mature pattern of odour-evoked responses of these cells strongly contrasts
141 reatly reduced spontaneous activity and lack odour-evoked responses.
142  surrounding JGNs, and their spontaneous and odour-evoked spiking is similar to that of their residen
143 le was found to correlate with reductions in odour familiarity and odour matching to visual cues, whe
144 ic acids correlated with perceived fermented odour/flavour in yeast fermentations, in which increase
145 ers (magnetic map hypothesis) or atmospheric odour-forming gradients (olfactory map hypothesis).
146 ometer experiments parasitoids preferred the odour from well-watered plants compared with other treat
147 ess to Anopheles coluzzii mosquitoes of skin odours from participants that were infected by Controlle
148 ation with natamycin, improved the taste and odour (fruity, pleasant, refreshing with reduced garlic
149 Rs), membrane proteins that form heteromeric odour-gated ion channels comprising a variable ligand-se
150 e characterised the relationship between the odour gradient and the runs, head casts and turns made b
151 t day of ripening of the ewes' curd, and the odour gradually culminated at the end of ripening.
152 lesions of lateral OFC, as they performed an odour-guided spatial choice task.
153 responsible for innate responses to volatile odours have not been identified.
154                                              Odour identification is most impaired in MCI, which para
155      As such, a simple-to-administer test of odour identification warrants inclusion in the screening
156 a general neuropsychological assessment, and odour identification was also assessed using a modified
157    Moderator analysis revealed that tests of odour identification yielded larger effect sizes than th
158                  Included studies contrasted odour identification, discrimination, detection threshol
159  all three FTLD subgroups showed deficits of odour identification.
160 hanol could be used to lower beany or grassy odour in Bambara groundnut flour.
161 w that the evolution of preference for human odour in domestic mosquitoes is tightly linked to increa
162                                   A capsicum odour in ground coffee was identified as 2-methoxy-3-iso
163 ght antennal lobes, and can turn towards the odour in less time than it requires the fly to complete
164                     The development of fishy odour in Nile tilapia skin during iced storage was mostl
165 ed changes in lipids and the increased fishy odour in the skin.
166 atile phenolic compounds associated with off-odour in wine.
167 assical conditioning of perceptually similar odours in the context of human fMRI.
168                         The intensity of off-odours in the raw meat increased with ageing and display
169 t mice, circuit formation of Nrp2(+) MCs and odour-induced attractive social responses are impaired.
170 ract with odorant receptors (ORs) to promote odour-induced responses in a heterologous expression sys
171 , we show that an M3-R antagonist attenuates odour-induced responses in OSNs from wild-type, but not
172 tin-2 to ORs, resulting in a potentiation of odour-induced responses in OSNs.
173 to generate odour percepts and memories, and odour information encoded in piriform is routed to targe
174                                              Odour information induces various innate responses that
175  OB network with functional consequences for odour information processing.
176  as species-specific features in decoding of odour information.
177 earn to categorise non-biologically relevant odour information.
178              Lesion experiments suggest that odour input to the olfactory bulb contains significant r
179 rstood, and even basic models to explain how odour inputs gain access to transmodal representations r
180 ple transformations of the recent history of odour intensity at the head location.
181                               p-Anisaldehyde odour intensity for both samples remained the same (arom
182                            To test this, the odour intensity of 32 odorants differing in physicochemi
183                           An increase in the odour intensity of egg powders was observed during stora
184 aroma-active volatile compounds and in their odour intensity or concentration took place during the f
185 arbituric acid-reactive substances and beany odour intensity than the non-defatted flour and those de
186 nt feature of the olfactory bulb response to odour is fast synchronized oscillations at beta (15-40 H
187 noid insecticide, thiamethoxam, on bumblebee odour learning and memory.
188 ased dressings were the most frequently used odour management agents, yet, only 48.4% and 23% respect
189              A 'trial and error' approach to odour management exists with low overall satisfaction wi
190 h and education on means to assess odour and odour management options.
191                               To investigate odour masking properties of a wall material combination,
192    The aim of this study was to evaluate the odour masking property, encapsulation efficiency and phy
193 e availability of picture cues or word cues, odour matching performance approached control levels, de
194 ate with reductions in odour familiarity and odour matching to visual cues, whereas the inferior fron
195 rm cortex may contribute something unique to odour memory.
196 were trained to recognise the full synthetic odour mix; altering the blend, by removing the two chemi
197 hich are a basic source of information about odour mixture.
198  inferior frontal gyrus correlated with both odour naming and matching.
199 revealed much more pronounced impairments of odour naming and matching.
200 mantic subtypes were severely impaired on an odour naming task, in comparison with an age-matched con
201 "fruit candy" aroma was stronger and "green" odour notes less intensively perceived in kiwifruit whic
202 ha-terpineol, compounds that exhibit flowery odour notes.
203 mporal pole would play a key role in linking odour object representations to transmodal networks, giv
204                         Boar taint is an off-odour occurring while heating meat or fat from boars.
205 eir genetic mother or father compared to the odour of a non-relative of the same sex and reproductive
206 on the removal of lipids and beany or grassy odour of Bambara groundnut flour were studied.
207                 Boar taint is a specific off-odour of boar meat products, known to be caused by at le
208 d spray-drying temperature do not affect the odour of egg yolk powders.
209 fection compared to before infection and the odour of four of the golden hamsters was significantly m
210 ective of this study was to determine if the odour of hamsters, infected with Le. infantum, was more
211 acetate and 4-ethylphenol contributed to the odour of imported olives but were not detected in domest
212 concentrations of volatile amines and to the odour of predator urine.
213                                          The odour of six of the golden hamsters was significantly mo
214                        The increase in fishy odour of skin was observed as the storage time increased
215                Bed bugs are attracted to the odour of sleeping humans and we suggest that soiled clot
216 udinal study, with the attractiveness of the odour of the same hamster in a Y-tube olfactometer bioas
217 h Le. infantum, was more attractive than the odour of the same hamsters, before they were infected.
218 etect potential donors, such as learning the odour of the transferred food.
219 gged significantly longer in response to the odour of their genetic mother or father compared to the
220 red eggs responded significantly more to the odour of their genetic mother than their foster mother,
221 here are significant differences between the odour of whole-egg and egg-yolk powders as well as betwe
222  and can induce, in this case, an earthy off-odour on condition that the start concentration is high
223 xamined for redness, pus, swelling, and foul odour on day 0, 1, 4, 10, and 28.
224 ing glomeruli that may respond to human body odours or carbon dioxide.
225                      No beetroot-derived off-odours or off-flavours were perceived in the model juice
226                                              Odour, pain and exudate management were the greatest wou
227 imination learning of unrecognized and novel odour pairs.
228 titution of the benzene ring will change the odour percept of acetophenone.
229 hich individual receptor genes contribute to odour perception is unclear.
230 ceptor genes can contribute substantially to odour perception.
231 ory (piriform) cortex is thought to generate odour percepts and memories, and odour information encod
232  sweeps that appear adapted for encountering odour plumes.
233                      Traps baited with human odour plus high contrast visual stimuli caught more Anop
234 ents were successfully shown to exhibit high odour potency, alongside a high potential to influence t
235 also enabled us to study the effect of these odour precursors on the formation of odorant furans duri
236 tion memories neutralizes previously learned odour preference.
237 re attracted and oviposit in response to the odour present in the air surrounding rice.
238                                Specific host odours probably drive this strong preference because oth
239 and generalization by a few neural layers of odour processing in the l-ALT.
240 the brainstem provide an input essential for odour processing in the olfactory bulb (OB).
241 with gum Arabic by using spray drying on the odour profile and volatile compounds of the two encapsul
242          Here, we report that the human skin odour profile is affected by malaria infection.
243 our compound, in order to monitor changes in odour profile.
244     Subpopulations with the most distinctive odour profiles are also the most genetically diverse but
245 ) of the odorants showed that differences in odour profiles of the tamarinds were mainly caused by li
246 ocessing parameters have an influence on the odour quality of egg powders.
247        Here we investigate the dependence of odour-quality perception on the integrity of glomerular
248               Together, these data show that odour recognition relies on comprehensively matching inp
249  results, 4MMB odour detection threshold and odour recognition were investigated.
250                                        Seven odour regions in Shiraz were analysed with MDGC-O/MS det
251            Instead, at the population level, odour representations are reformatted so that positive a
252                                   Chemotopic odour representations in the olfactory bulb are transfer
253 d as the strong green-grassy and green-leafy odour, respectively.
254 set of experimentally observed physiological odour responses, successfully implements the hypothesise
255 in trace amounts proved to have very intense odours responsible for the "meaty, cooked ham" notes of
256 g other potential explanations such as group odour sharing behaviour.
257 gh display, eight compounds were proposed as odour shelf-life markers.
258     There is a growing body of evidence that odours signal genetic information that may confer consid
259 en vmPFC and PC predict changes in perceived odour similarity.
260 prevent animals from ultimately locating the odour source.
261 e a remarkable ability to identify and track odour sources in multi-odour backgrounds.
262 cient neurons exhibit attenuated response to odour stimulation.
263 haust pollution could interrupt these floral odour stimuli.
264 rocarbons (50.0%) responsible for the pepper odour, such as beta-pinene (34.0%) and alpha-pinene (10.
265 ure (9 degrees C) was associated with acidic odour, sweet taste, crispiness and juiciness.
266                         Boar taint is an off-odour that entails negative consumer reactions.
267 eurons of the cortical amygdala activated by odours that elicit innate behaviours.
268 rent parameters that might affect wine after-odour, the adsorption of odorants by the oral mucosa cou
269 Dogs were trained to discriminate between 40 odours; the presence or absence of accelerants formed th
270 it values, calculated from concentration and odour threshold data, indicate that the following compou
271 ification limits were lower than the sotolon odour threshold in wine (10mug/L), 0.86mug/L and 0.013mu
272 on measured in both media was well above the odour threshold of the substance.
273                                Moreover, low odour threshold volatile compounds, which can be derived
274          Considering the OAVs (concentration/odour threshold) only the treatment with grape seed oil
275 re often found to be lower than the reported odour threshold, with the highest concentration being 9.
276 ethanol and ethyl acetate, but far below the odour threshold.
277 concentration of ethyl acetate was below the odour threshold.
278                               In this study, odour thresholds (indole: 24-65microgkg(-1), skatole: 44
279           Ethyl butyrate and ethyl octanoate odour thresholds doubled or tripled in the presence of c
280 ast three unpleasant odorants, with very low odour thresholds.
281 scernible organization with respect to their odour tuning, anatomic features or developmental origins
282                                              Odour unit values, calculated from concentration and odo
283 dundant signal such that rodents can discern odours using minimal stimulus-related information.
284                                Insects sense odours via several chemosensory receptor families, inclu
285         Exposure to sensory stimuli, such as odours, visual stimuli, and sounds, commonly triggers mi
286 lysed with MDGC-O/MS detection, revealing 11 odour volatiles through matching of mass spectrometry an
287                  Reporting of a mildew/musty odour was associated with increased risk of childhood as
288 nsity of 'kidney bean', 'earthy' and 'smoky' odour was observed in Kashmiri red while Sharmili variet
289 as observed during storage, while unpleasant odours were perceived when the egg powders were stored a
290 yclohexanol with vinegar, cheese and camphor odours were the most abundant compounds.
291 l-2-thiazoline, responsible for popcorn-like odours, were detected in SBB only.
292                     Honeybees utilise floral odours when foraging for flowers; we investigated whethe
293 pigs is the occurrence of boar taint, an off-odour, which compromises meat consumability.
294 (odorants) can lead to significant change of odour, which is due to the fact that each of the olfacto
295 acids were associated with floral and fruity odours while ethyl esters of branched-chain fatty acids
296 perform elemental learning by associating an odour with a reward signal even after lesions in m-ALT o
297                                   12% assess odour with descriptive words being the most frequent for
298 sponding to odours and learning to associate odours with a food reward is absent in species that feed
299 uced the stress hormone response to predator odours without affecting a fear behaviour.
300                                 In total, 23 odour zones were detected by GC-O, of which 16 were foun

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