


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                   A comparison and analysis of the mechanisms in these models is provided, with a focus o
2 ystems-approach presents a strategy for systematic analysis of the mechanisms that limit effective tumor cell killing and
3 ures of amyloid fibrils and their oligomeric precursors and of the mechanisms by which they are formed and proliferate to
4  of mitotic progression is able to highlight the complexity of the mechanisms required to prevent chromosome loss during
5 dent changes in metabolite oxidation states and elucidation of the mechanisms whereby the redox state influences circadia
6                                             The elucidation of the mechanisms of aggressive NFPAs in bone destruction is
7                                             The elucidation of the mechanisms underlying folate action has been challengi
8 ase at excitatory and inhibitory synapses and heterogeneity of the mechanisms of release across the CNS.
9 ng altering communities by shifting the relative influences of the mechanisms controlling species distributions and abund
10                 This review describes our current knowledge of the mechanisms by which antifungal drug resistance evolves
11                              However, our current knowledge of the mechanisms that drive prostate organogenesis is far fr
12 e to their coisolation with contaminants, lack of knowledge of the mechanisms of RNA sorting into EVs, and limitations of
13 ergetic crosstalk, and the rapid expansion of our knowledge of the mechanisms contributing to neuropathic pain in diabete
14                                       Despite the knowledge of the mechanisms underlying neural and mechanical functions,
15                                                         One of the mechanisms used by the mucosal immune system to mainta
16                            In this Perspective, an overview of the mechanisms by which GLP-1R activation exerts its effec
17                      Calcium signalling silencing is a part of the mechanisms that contribute to the natural progression
18 ack of an open cytoplasmic sleeve, forcing the reassessment of the mechanisms that control plant cell-cell communication.
19                                              The resolution of the mechanisms underlying p53 dysfunction will better addr
20 ing a potential endocrine/paracrine role for BMPs, but some of the mechanisms are unclear.
21                                             We discuss some of the mechanisms by which SES may influence behaviour.
22 l characterized and validated and allows dissection of some of the mechanisms of the bone metastatic processes in prostat
23 ng MS lesions, and suggest the necessity of ongoing studies of the mechanisms underlying subsequent adult human oligodend
24 alls is uncertain, but their presence enables further study of the mechanisms that govern the formation and assembly of f
25                                               Understanding of the mechanisms by which systemically administered nanopart
26                                            An understanding of the mechanisms involved may provide strategies for limitin
27 e advances in structure-function insights and understanding of the mechanisms and locations of complement activation, whi
28                    Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms contributing to generalized fear is essenti
29  these can provide valuable and comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms involved.
30 r cancer treatment depends on a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms that govern cell survival.
31       Next, the authors summarize the current understanding of the mechanisms implicated in cardiovascular aging, and the
32                                      A deeper understanding of the mechanisms of GBS infections during pregnancy will fac
33                                      A deeper understanding of the mechanisms that facilitate and restrain generalization
34                                   An enhanced understanding of the mechanisms by which DSA causes allograft injury, and e
35                                       Further understanding of the mechanisms underlying mutp53 protein accumulation and
36                       Although we have a good understanding of the mechanisms of sensitization at the periphery during in
37                     This disease has improved understanding of the mechanisms of lung fibrosis, and offers hope that simi
38                                      Improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying migrations allows for improved m
39 ty and scope of existing evidence, incomplete understanding of the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of exerci
40                    At present, we have little understanding of the mechanisms underlying these differences and how variat
41                                     A lack of understanding of the mechanisms underlying these adverse outcomes limits ou
42                    These findings advance our understanding of the mechanisms and dynamics of perceptual metacognition.
43                  Considerable advances in our understanding of the mechanisms and functions of rapid-eye-movement (REM) s
44 is sui generis cellulosome model enhances our understanding of the mechanisms governing the remarkable ability of R. flav
45                These findings may improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved in rotor-guided ablation.
46 encing forest functions and dynamics, but our understanding of the mechanisms leading to mortality and the associated cha
47 ne acetylome in SK-N-AS cells and expands our understanding of the mechanisms of perifosine action in neuroblastoma.
48 chniques have contributed a great deal to our understanding of the mechanisms regulating fundamental biological processes
49                       In order to improve the understanding of the mechanisms involved in the generation of early DNA dam
50 can elevate arterial blood pressure (ABP) yet understanding of the mechanisms involved remain incomplete.

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