


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he ocean during low tide transported mercury offshore.
2 ed through the dispersal system and recorded offshore.
3 d secure storage reservoirs both onshore and offshore.
4 ated the 6-km-deep Peru-Chile trench, 150 km offshore.
5  blooms nearshore, but spatially over 100 km offshore.
6  is dominated by eddies that transport water offshore.
7 ve systems (MCSs) propagating from inland to offshore.
8 pic results suggest that prehistoric NFS fed offshore across their entire range, that California popu
9     Assumptions on lifetimes, work times for offshore activities and implementation of NOx abatement
10 nes-termed polar lows-constitute a threat to offshore activities such as shipping or oil and gas expl
11 with cascading effects on recruitment to the offshore adult population and fishery, indicating that h
12            The thorium-232 data suggest that offshore advection of particulate material from the shel
13 at the coast and Cyanobium-related sequences offshore, although it remains unclear whether these came
14         Upon hatching, young turtles migrate offshore and are rarely observed until they return to co
15 om peak levels (38 +/- 11% and 81 +/- 12% in offshore and coastal areas, respectively) reflect domest
16         A general trend was observed for the offshore and coastal reference sites with substantial in
17 eastern regions of the Mediterranean and for offshore and deep sea habitats.
18 g thought to record low-energy conditions of offshore and deeper water environments, our results call
19  of participants being granted visas through offshore and onshore humanitarian programmes, respective
20 three different seawater sources (nearshore, offshore, and near the outlet of a "brown water" stream)
21 orders) tend to originate onshore, diversify offshore, and retreat into deep-water environments.
22 f large amounts of wastewater discharge into offshore areas have helped in the understanding of pollu
23  overall peak year for PCDD/Fs in Baltic Sea offshore areas was estimated (using spline-fit modeling)
24 simulation of complex transport processes in offshore areas, and the results from such modeling syste
25 PCDD/Fs in sediment cores collected from six offshore areas, eight coastal sites impacted by industri
26 e simulation of produced water discharges in offshore areas.
27 rs occurring 1-2 decades earlier compared to offshore areas.
28 e diapycnal nutrient fluxes declined rapidly offshore as a result of decreasing vertical gradients of
29 mapped and unmapped faults before continuing offshore at the island's northeastern extent.
30 s will be compensated by storm tracks moving offshore at the latitude of New York City.
31 erall half-life and reductions of PCDD/Fs in offshore Baltic Sea sediment correspond well to both PCD
32 and mean currents simulated both onshore and offshore bar migration observed over a 45-day period.
33 Cretaceous: (i) decline in anoxia/dysoxia in offshore benthic environments; (ii) extinction of faunas
34 ions yield maximal biomass near shore, while offshore biomass is positively correlated with subsurfac
35 le communities exhibit increasing extinction offshore but that genera within individual taxonomic cla
36 were observed within one minute following an offshore call in almost half of the instances (43.18%).
37   In contrast to their terrestrial call, the offshore call of penguins during their foraging trips ha
38 ths and shorter durations after producing an offshore call than those before producing an offshore ca
39 offshore call than those before producing an offshore call.
40  From the video recordings, we collected 598 offshore calls from 10 individuals in two breeding seaso
41                                          The offshore calls varied in their dominant frequency and le
42 9 m) of the NEMO Phase 2 prototype, deployed offshore Capo Passero (Sicily) at the KM3NeT-Italia site
43                        Satellite imagery and offshore chlorophyll-a samples are consistent with the p
44                     Here, we examine whether offshore CO2EOR can store more CO2 than onshore projects
45 fter oil production has been optimized, then offshore CO2EOR has the potential to be carbon negative-
46  and were higher than MeHg concentrations in offshore-collected seston.
47 r to be fueled by natural iron enrichment of offshore communities as they are transported toward the
48 urprisingly, none of the plastics exposed to offshore conditions displayed the typical signature of a
49 arine gradient from the estuarine head to an offshore continental shelf site.
50 e onshore regions such as the Middle East to offshore continental shelves.
51 We suggest that this boundary represents the offshore continuation of the Median Tectonic Line, which
52 Es, including shallow up-dip events that lie offshore, could lead to accurate forecasts of earthquake
53  zone were significantly higher in MeHg than offshore counterparts.
54 ed by a combination of the northward flowing offshore current and endogenous incompatibilities restri
55 meters) variation in the interaction between offshore currents and winds and continental shelf bathym
56 ereas the studied rhodoliths originated from offshore deep bank pinnacles in the northwestern Gulf of
57        We reveal 18 continental-shelf and 12 offshore deep-sea realms, reflecting the wider ranges of
58 Deepwater Horizon (DWH) blowout, we surveyed offshore demersal fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico
59 istory influenced early life history traits: offshore developers initially grew slowly but compensate
60 cted as symbiotic, corroborating the onshore-offshore diversification trend recorded in marine taxa.
61  flourish in platelet ice is reflected by an offshore downward gradient in diene II concentration in
62 ore than 11,000 water samples were collected offshore during more than 100 cruises and were measured
63 e dismissed as the sources, as no concurrent offshore earthquakes or landslides were detected.
64 impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on offshore ecosystems, 11 sites hosting deep-water coral c
65  is key to divergence, here we show that the offshore ecotype has higher environmental tolerance and
66 ch, we find that the largest contribution to offshore emissions is from flaring or venting of reprodu
67 where threats from shipping, oil spills, and offshore energy development remain.
68 accelerated reproduction at small size in an offshore environment.
69 gative delta(82/78)Se values are observed in offshore environments, only a single formation, evidentl
70 lect lower dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in offshore environments, which is known to affect both the
71 scaped local extinction by diversifying into offshore environments.
72 h the expansion of deep burrowing forms into offshore environments; and (iv) offshore expansion of br
73 g forms into offshore environments; and (iv) offshore expansion of bryozoan diversity.
74 detailed evaluation of TAG:PL ratio in adult offshore-farmed gilthead sea bream.
75 ty hot spot and critical nursery grounds for offshore fisheries in a broader region.
76 an land use activities can indirectly affect offshore fisheries.
77  use measurements of hydraulic gradients and offshore fluxes taken at Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, tog
78 ts have been mapped that extend for 1,500 km offshore from northwest Africa.
79  (129)I in seawater depth profiles collected offshore Fukushima in June 2011.
80 e from the accident was deposited in the sea offshore Fukushima.
81 f 2.2 x 10(-9) in the surface seawater 40 km offshore Fukushima.
82                                              Offshore geological repositories have received relativel
83 c CO2 using a combination of air capture and offshore geological storage can address technical and po
84 also contribute to shelf-sea exchange and to offshore gradation of benthic community structure in sha
85 occasionally for extended periods of time in offshore habitats.
86 w these sharks to exploit multiple shelf and offshore habitats.
87 nd increased utilization of deeper waters in offshore habitats.
88 est in near-shore habitats, but also extends offshore in Lakes Erie, Ontario, and Michigan.
89 ngoing glacial erosion on land and deposited offshore in the marine sedimentary record.
90                                              Offshore installation and maintenance activities cause 2
91 showed evidence of clonal expansion, and one offshore island population had exceptionally high levels
92 , yet today they breed almost exclusively on offshore islands at high latitudes.
93 AH concentrations ranged from 2.4 ng/L at an offshore Lake Erie site to 30.4 ng/L in Sheffield Lake (
94 ure on the seafloor, both at a harbor and an offshore location in the Belgian part of the North Sea.
95 as marine refugia for pelagic fauna, whereas offshore locations are potentially more climatically sen
96 taffing support to U.S. medical centers from offshore locations.
97 ned by colonies originating from inshore and offshore locations.
98                                       Within offshore, low-P regions of the western basin of Lake Eri
99 iver of Hg reactivity and bioavailability in offshore marine waters.
100 lys gigantea and Astrochelys radiata, to two offshore Mauritian islands, and the costs and success of
101 ng potential (CSTP) in the Texas coastal and offshore Miocene interval, comprising lower, middle, and
102 torically has been associated with extensive offshore mixing and greater primary productivity at the
103 ase, a 6-year study of migrating birds to an offshore New England island was conducted during 1989-19
104  deployed at the Hikurangi subduction margin offshore New Zealand.
105 i Plateau beneath the southern Kermadec arc, offshore New Zealand.
106 structure of the overthrusting (upper) plate offshore northeast Japan.
107 400-kilometer strip of the Sunda megathrust, offshore northern Sumatra, in March 2005.
108 am Expedition 362 sampled incoming sediments offshore northern Sumatra, revealing recent release of f
109  species promote long-distance migrations to offshore nursery grounds.
110          Isla Mocha, a volcanic island 35 km offshore of Central-South Chile, is an example of such a
111 for 40 interplate thrust earthquakes located offshore of Honshu between 1989 and 1995.
112 ake and the subsequent tsunami that occurred offshore of Japan resulted in an important loss of life
113 the Cocos plate at the Middle America trench offshore of Nicaragua.
114  600-kilometer segment of the plate boundary offshore of northwestern Sumatra and the southern Nicoba
115 ng the northern rim of the Mediterranean and offshore of some rapidly developing tropical countries,
116 t cores, we resolve the record of glaciation offshore of South Georgia through the transition from th
117  concentrations recorded in surface seawater offshore of the damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power
118                                              Offshore oil exploration, oil spill contingency planning
119                                      Several offshore oil fields off the Mumbai-Gujarat coast, and re
120 2010 the BP-operated Deepwater Horizon (DWH) offshore oil rig exploded, releasing an estimated 760 mi
121 The Deepwater Horizon blowout is the largest offshore oil spill in history.
122  originating from oil exploration activities offshore, oil sands exploitation onshore, and use of ref
123                                  Relative to offshore open waters, interstitial waters within decayin
124 es have underestimated the impacts caused by offshore operations and (though less important) exchange
125 offset additional emissions produced through offshore operations and incremental oil production.
126 microbial metal utilization in methane seeps offshore Oregon and California, USA, and report dissolve
127                                     However, offshore-origin recruits still grew significantly less u
128 logy became earlier were characterized by an offshore, pelagic distribution, whereas species with del
129                        With the expansion of offshore petroleum extraction, validated models are need
130 ature of crustal deformation measurements at offshore plate boundaries.
131 n to be more tolerant to thermal stress than offshore populations, but it is unclear whether this dif
132 e continental slope), whereas the (cyclonic) offshore portion rests on the density interface of the s
133 E striking aseismic zone of high attenuation offshore Pozzuoli.
134 Omegaaragonite that are partly controlled by offshore processes.
135                                              Offshore production for economic competitiveness can int
136 Minho and Galicia, respectively) and the new offshore production site of Armona (Algarve, south Portu
137 ogeochemical processes that may be linked to offshore productivity and ultimately controlled by large
138 nt of such events corresponding to increased offshore productivity.
139 ospholipids) rearrangements in the muscle of offshore-raised gilthead sea bream was carried out as a
140 ankton biomass along the coast and over 300% offshore, raises the possibility that the current warmin
141 h extensive deforestation, and after 1960 on offshore reefs.
142 supply, wind resources distributed along the offshore region of five coastal provinces in China (Shan
143 c cod (Boreogadus saida) were collected from offshore regions of the Beaufort Sea to determine the co
144 i below the western United States and nearby offshore regions.
145                 The rapid development of the offshore renewable energy sector has led to an increased
146 nce coastal ocean ecosystems and delivery of offshore, river-influenced water may influence estuarine
147       The half-life of PCDD/Fs in Baltic Sea offshore sediments was estimated to be approximately 2 a
148 nt a tomographic model, derived from on- and offshore seismic experiments, that reveals a strong low-
149 ined by the orientation and intensity of the offshore seismic line source and subsequently by the tra
150        We find that delta(82/78)Se values in offshore shales show a positive excursion from 2.32 Ga u
151 at developed in waters depleted in Pb (i.e., offshore signature), potentially dispersing from upstrea
152 ight coastal, one coastal reference, and six offshore sites covering the northern to the southern Bal
153  of this syndrome (15%) were recorded at two offshore sites in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GB
154 zation studies of these reservoirs, although offshore sites may offer larger potential capacity and a
155 r in the 3' UTR, gene bodies, CpG shores or 'offshore' sites, and both positive and negative correlat
156 loor deformation observations made during an offshore slow-slip event (SSE) in September and October
157 d between ecotypes, suggesting more abundant offshore sources of these compounds.
158  we present a continuous 150,000-year record offshore south-western Australia and identify the timing
159  the low-altitude basement landforms on- and offshore southwestern Scandinavia are a rejuvenated geom
160 e the cause of damage to ships at sea and to offshore structures.
161 ues in the design and operation of ships and offshore structures: how high can rogues be and how freq
162                                 Shallow slip offshore Sumatra appears driven by diagenetic strengthen
163 nsient fish and invertebrate species rely on offshore surface waters for egg and larval transport bef
164 eir life history in potentially contaminated offshore surface waters prior to their recruitment to ne
165          Using geophysical observations from offshore Svalbard to constrain a coupled ice sheet/gas h
166 ticles have recently reported on gas seepage offshore Svalbard, because the gas emission from these A
167 tly more abundant at sampling stations 300 m offshore than close to the shore.
168 ntrasts with adjacent areas to the south and offshore that have lower species richness, and higher te
169 coast, the central Pacific Ocean, and waters offshore the Antarctica Peninsula.
170 earthquake that occurred on 27 February 2010 offshore the Maule region of central Chile triggered a d
171                                         Once offshore, the pressure anomalies generated shallow water
172 lumbia River plume from the mid-shelf, 20 km offshore, to the coast and eventually into Yaquina Bay (
173 (-), a relationship that held along a 550 km offshore transect in the North Pacific.
174 n station, whereas variability along onshore-offshore transects was driven by oxygen concentration in
175 ntrations in Asian rivers and variability in offshore transport across different types of estuaries.
176 on supplies voluminous clastic debris to the offshore trench, and vast quantities are subducted.
177                                          The offshore trend at the community level results from a con
178 nd, over 50 GW will be required from shallow offshore turbines.
179  undiscovered oil may be found there, mostly offshore under less than 500 meters of water.
180 s occurring in the northwestern Adriatic Sea offshore Venice at 17-24 m depth.
181 ated water is the largest contributor to the offshore waste stream.
182  the intersection of iron-poor, nitrate-rich offshore waters and iron-rich, nitrate-poor coastal wate
183 at fecal indicator microbe concentrations in offshore waters from Lake Pontchartrain returned to preh
184 dual and combined data sets from coastal and offshore waters impacted by the DwH spill further reveal
185 ply of larvae is limiting, and events in the offshore waters, such as wind-driven upwelling, explain
186                                              Offshore, we find evidence for efficient terrestrial org
187 ane emission measurements at three abandoned offshore wells in the Central North Sea (CNS) were condu
188        Oil spill simulations for 19 existing offshore wells were carried out based on novel and high
189 trations in their muscle than specimens from offshore, which confirms mineral dissolution in their gu
190 e day tends to displace and deposit material offshore, which partially sets up the system by the earl
191 sk--can greatly enhance the probability that offshore wind can help to meet the United States' electr
192 ramework to assess potential conflicts among offshore wind energy, commercial fishing, and whale-watc
193 ssess life cycle inventories of a conceptual offshore wind farm using a hybrid life cycle assessment
194  that would be destroyed by hurricanes in an offshore wind farm.
195  We apply this model to estimate the risk to offshore wind farms in four representative locations in
196 results of the three tidal stream devices to offshore wind power plants (without considering water de
197 had on average 3.5 times higher impacts than offshore wind power.
198 pacity credits that should be recognized for offshore wind resources supplying power demands for Jian
199 ckling has been observed in typhoons, but no offshore wind turbines have yet been built in the United
200 4)Cs and (137)Cs throughout waters 30-600 km offshore, with the highest activities associated with ne

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