


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and a partially folded intermediate that can oligomerize.
2 vity, but 4 of the 8 retained the ability to oligomerize.
3 the related ATPase SERCA, PLM is reported to oligomerize.
4 er RHL2 with little tendency to further homo-oligomerize.
5 y inactive enzyme that is fully competent to oligomerize.
6 ctin is present in a protein complex and can oligomerize.
7  displays a markedly increased propensity to oligomerize.
8 motif (SAM) domain and shows a propensity to oligomerize.
9 n, and that the binding causes fibrinogen to oligomerize.
10 gether with the adjacent helical region homo-oligomerize.
11  interaction is lost when Cox15 is unable to oligomerize.
12 thetic challenge because of their ability to oligomerize.
13  activities are dependent on its capacity to oligomerize.
14 c stability of apoA-IV and its propensity to oligomerize.
15 veral MxB variants that lose the capacity to oligomerize.
16 onounced tendency of TatE and TatA to hetero-oligomerize.
17  in the Golgi apparatus and are able to homo-oligomerize.
18   Here we show that CARMA1 is constitutively oligomerized.
19 ncreased also, suggesting that Py-A54145 had oligomerized.
20 the strand segments are immobilized and thus oligomerized.
21 N1-N9) and the prior knowledge that a N1 TMD oligomerizes.
22   Here we show that AIM PYD (AIM2(PYD)) self-oligomerizes.
23  freeze-fracture experiments show that AQP-0 oligomerizes (3).
24 ide evidence that ARFs have the potential to oligomerize, a property that could be important for gene
25 esulted in GSDMD aggregation, supporting the oligomerizing activity of these mutations.
26               Recombinant apo-alpha subunits oligomerize after activation with NiCl2.
27  the C-terminal polybasic PM-targeting motif oligomerized after Ca(2+) store depletion but failed to
28   Moreover, because all Bax molecules became oligomerized after membrane insertion, we infer that Bax
29  to GPP130 in the Golgi and causes GPP130 to oligomerize/aggregate, and the complexes are diverted to
30 IL are clustered on the exosomal membrane as oligomerized aggregates ready to form death-inducing sig
31              Dynamins are large GTPases that oligomerize along membranes.
32 ese results are emphasized by simulations of oligomerized amphiphysin N-BARs at the atomistic and coa
33               We therefore hypothesized that oligomerized amylin might accumulate in the cerebrovascu
34                                              Oligomerized amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptide is thought to
35 in stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) to oligomerize and accumulate within endoplasmic reticulum-
36 eases the concentration of TAB1-TAK1 and may oligomerize and activate TAK1 in a TAB1-dependent manner
37 RbAB translates into a propensity to rapidly oligomerize and aggregate at 37 degrees C (T50 = 28 min)
38                        WbdD is known to self-oligomerize and also to interact with WbdA.
39 haliana CURT1 proteins (CURT1A, B, C, and D) oligomerize and are highly enriched at grana margins.
40                  The nonfusogenic G proteins oligomerize and are transported normally to the cell sur
41 S remained or re-directed in the nucleus can oligomerize and behave similarly to the wild-type FUS pr
42 omerize upon GAG binding, and the ability to oligomerize and bind GAGs is required for in vivo functi
43                              SMN is known to oligomerize and form a multimeric protein complex; howev
44 constitution with mutants of Bax that cannot oligomerize and form apoptotic pores, but still enhance
45 ype CORO1A in normal lymphocytes but did not oligomerize and had impaired cytoskeletal association.
46        In vitro, Arabidopsis CURT1A proteins oligomerize and induce tubulation of liposomes, implying
47 on studies then revealed that these proteins oligomerize and interact through a dense network of cont
48 into the structural origin of its ability to oligomerize and interact with phospholipid bilayers, pro
49 demonstrated that ASB-Cullin 5 complexes can oligomerize and provides evidence that Cullin 5 forms he
50 f full-length NS1A from different strains to oligomerize and results in a reduction in dsRNA binding
51 l unclear, insight as to how these receptors oligomerize and the relevance of the lipid environment t
52 tion occurs when Mn binding causes GPP130 to oligomerize and traffic to lysosomes.
53 ot BAX) in lymphohematopoietic cell lines is oligomerized and bound to anti-apoptotic BCL2 family mem
54                                    Thus, the oligomerized and FcgammaR-bound anti-Fn14 mAbs mimicked
55  is correctly localized in the IMS, where it oligomerizes and acquires enzymatic activity.
56             STIM1 is a calcium sensor, which oligomerizes and activates Orai channels when calcium le
57 ition, the dsDNA-binding domain of AIM2 also oligomerizes and assists in filament formation.
58 ed to mitochondria and peroxisomes, where it oligomerizes and drives membrane fission.
59 life cycle is the matrix protein VP40, which oligomerizes and drives viral budding.
60  which recognizes H3K9-methylated chromatin, oligomerizes and forms a versatile platform that partici
61 s: canonical holins, like lambda S105, which oligomerizes and forms large membrane holes of unprecede
62 ) is a model alpha-PFT from sea anemone that oligomerizes and forms pores in sphingomyelin-containing
63 ing in, the mitochondrial membrane, where it oligomerizes and is further activated, steps that are ne
64 provide a unique comparison set because CCL2 oligomerizes and oligomerization is required for its ful
65 s from the cytosol to mitochondria, where it oligomerizes and permeabilizes the mitochondrial outer m
66  these data support the hypothesis that EXP2 oligomerizes and potentially forms the putative membrane
67                                       As p62 oligomerizes and sequesters client proteins in inclusion
68                         When activated, Ire1 oligomerizes and trans-autophosphorylates, activating it
69 enic despite their ability to bind ephrinB2, oligomerize, and associate with F at wild-type (WT) leve
70 ought to first bind to the membrane, then to oligomerize, and finally to detach, in a stringently reg
71        Many other transcription factors homo-oligomerize, and our approach provides a unique way for
72 Ag, a portion of MBC receptors spontaneously oligomerized, and phosphorylated kinases accumulated at
73 t binds to cholesterol-containing membranes, oligomerizes, and forms a beta-barrel transmembrane pore
74 into the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM), oligomerizes, and induces MOM permeabilization, causing
75  which Sec17 binds to trans-SNARE complexes, oligomerizes, and inserts apolar loops into the apposed
76 e show that the coiled-coil domain of AtZAR1 oligomerizes, and this domain acts as a signal to induce
77  a more favorable setting in which GPCRs can oligomerize as a prelude to nucleation and crystal growt
78              The structure reveals that ABDC oligomerizes as a homododecamer in an unknown mode among
79 tion, pointing to the possibility that GerBC oligomerizes as a result of either high local protein co
80                                   Ca(v)betas oligomerize at the alpha(1C) subunits residing in the pl
81 tic protein RIBEYE suggest that monomers can oligomerize at the level of the IS before ribbon assembl
82 tant was still able to bind to membranes and oligomerize at the same level as the wild-type or the re
83                                       Arrays oligomerized at lower salt concentrations as the length
84                            We show that UapA oligomerizes (at least dimerizes) and that oligomerizati
85 egions markedly impair the ability of p53 to oligomerize BAK and to induce transcription-independent
86 helices 6 and 9 can independently direct the oligomerized Bax to the mitochondria.
87 d Bid but not with Bid or Bim BH3 peptide or oligomerized Bax.
88 is is likely due to the inability of CCL7 to oligomerize because CCL2(P8A) also binds significantly l
89 and generality of this translation system by oligomerizing building blocks including polyethylene gly
90          TM123 displays a strong tendency to oligomerize, but hydrogen exchange data reveal that the
91 nal self-diffusion rates indicate that CCL27 oligomerizes, but in contrast to many other chemokines t
92 mechanism by which yeast NAP1 (yNAP1) dimers oligomerize by applying x-ray crystallographic, hydrodyn
93 om the P subfamily (FoxP) show that they can oligomerize by three-dimensional domain swapping, whereb
94               The two molecular weight forms oligomerize by virtue of the helicase domain to form het
95 ding studies with GpL-FLAG-TNC-TWEAK trimers oligomerized by help of a FLAG tag-specific antibody gav
96            Surfactant Protein D (SP-D) is an oligomerized C-type lectin molecule with immunomodulator
97 ive process whose threshold is sensitized by oligomerized CARMA1 upon receptor activation.
98   This indicates that the higher activity of oligomerized CD95L trimers is not related to an avidity-
99 hought to mediate many cellular processes by oligomerizing cell surface glycoproteins and glycolipids
100  regulated by glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) that oligomerize chemokines.
101 mice, resulting in the formation of a highly oligomerized colonic gel-forming mucin, MUC2.
102 ominantly of three proteins that form highly oligomerized concentric rings spanning the inner and out
103 Our results suggest a physiological role for oligomerized condensin in driving gradual chromatin comp
104            We also found that NCL is able to oligomerize, consistent with a model in which NCL stabil
105                 IAPP was previously shown to oligomerize cooperatively on binding to lipid bilayers.
106                    The propensity of MFPs to oligomerize correlates with the stability of MFP-TolC co
107 t of NA formed intermolecular disulfides and oligomerized cotranslationally.
108                                       Nature oligomerizes, cyclizes, and then oxidizes gamma,gamma-di
109                During inflammasome assembly, oligomerized cytosolic pattern recognition receptors rec
110                        A greater tendency to oligomerize differentiates GAC from its alternatively sp
111 ta alloforms, A beta 40 and A beta 42, which oligomerize differently in vitro.
112 uronal cell line, mild overexpression of the oligomerizing E57K alpha-Syn variant significantly impai
113 r nanocomplex is obtained by complexation of oligomerized EGCG with the anticancer protein Herceptin
114 ell studied small SERCA-regulatory proteins, oligomerize either alone or together.
115         The Apaf-1/cytochrome c complex then oligomerizes either into heptameric caspase-9-activating
116 We selected a green tea catechin derivative, oligomerized (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (OEGCG) as
117 pendant sulfonate group that can bind to Pd, oligomerizes ethylene to a Schultz-Flory distribution of
118            However, the protein continued to oligomerize even when both cysteine residues were mutate
119 rs were incubated in Mg(2+), they folded and oligomerized even further to produce hypercondensed high
120 identical aggregation mechanisms, the latter oligomerized faster due to lower solubility and, hence,
121 olecular pathways that involve dimerized and oligomerized fatty acid derivatives as key intermediates
122 an sulfate and examined for their ability to oligomerize FGF1.
123 idental appearance of Lewy bodies containing oligomerized forms of alpha-synuclein.
124 sting that these substitutions may stabilize oligomerized forms of protegrin that are postulated to b
125 ling complexes ("signalosomes") assembled by oligomerizing hub proteins following their recruitment t
126                      In conclusion, GAAP can oligomerize in a pH-regulated manner, and monomeric GAAP
127 xperiments in HEK-293 confirm that NCS-1 can oligomerize in cell lysates and that oligomerization is
128   These results suggest that beta2ARs do not oligomerize in cells, and demonstrate a reliable method
129 members of the DHHC-S-acyltransferase family oligomerize in intact cells and in vitro.
130                       Some of these proteins oligomerize in membranes and form ion channels.
131 tion.Moreover, the ability of the protein to oligomerize in solution was found to correlate with tran
132  and function as oligomers, but how monomers oligomerize in the cell membrane remains poorly understo
133 ent with its previously described ability to oligomerize in vitro.
134 s was observed on the seconds timescale that oligomerized in a concentration-dependent manner.
135                                         ICP4 oligomerized in a DNA-dependent manner, forming two or m
136 s evidence that purified full-length Syt1 is oligomerized in the membrane, and mutagenesis indicates
137 unspliced viral transcripts and subsequently oligomerizes in a cooperative manner.
138                          In this process Rev oligomerizes in association with a highly structured RNA
139  that this putatively monomeric mutant still oligomerizes in intact membranes but forms more dynamic
140                   Here we show that GSDMD-NT oligomerizes in membranes to form pores that are visible
141 the structures, and PexRD2, but not AVR3a11, oligomerizes in planta.
142 een elucidated, it is unclear how exactly it oligomerizes in situ.
143                          This fusion protein oligomerizes in solution through interaction between the
144 helical with extended tertiary structure and oligomerizes in solution.
145 ere we show that the DEAD-box helicase Ded1p oligomerizes in the cell and in vitro, and unwinds RNA a
146 exin26 (Cx26) is a gap junction protein that oligomerizes in the cell to form hexameric transmembrane
147 RE1 activation are conserved: mammalian IRE1 oligomerizes in the ER membrane and oligomerization corr
148 xit from the ER as monomers and subsequently oligomerizes in the Golgi complex.
149              Several cystatin family members oligomerize, including cystatin C that forms amyloid dep
150                            We show that Sae2 oligomerizes independently of DNA damage and that oligom
151 bunits that are monomeric in the cytosol and oligomerize into a protein lattice only upon membrane bi
152 s study, we design an RNA tile that can homo-oligomerize into a uniform RNA nanostructure.
153 ilament, also has an intrinsic propensity to oligomerize into an elongated structure that activates t
154 lizes an interface used by RAD51 monomers to oligomerize into filaments on DNA.
155 ing domains per monomer (NBD1 and NBD2), and oligomerize into hexameric ring complexes.
156 larly to holins, CidA and LrgA were found to oligomerize into high-molecular-mass complexes whose for
157 h abnormally exposed beta-strands, which can oligomerize into high-order inclusions.
158    Furthermore, the propensity of dynamin to oligomerize into higher-order structures in an actin-dep
159 mprise a family of GTP-binding proteins that oligomerize into higher-order structures, which associat
160 n/nucleoplasmin proteins, which are known to oligomerize into pentamers and decamers.
161                                  EHD2 dimers oligomerize into rings on highly curved membranes, resul
162                                        These oligomerize into separate alpha121 and alpha345 networks
163                        In vitro, gamma-TuSCs oligomerize into spirals of 13 gamma-tubulin molecules p
164 r journey as soluble monomeric proteins, and oligomerize into transmembrane complexes to eventually f
165 sion experiments indicate that penetratin is oligomerized into beta-sheets in gel-phase membranes.
166  the related nematode Caenorhabditis remanei oligomerizes into a decameric assembly that appears roug
167 pported by experimental data: first, dynamin oligomerizes into a helical polymer; second, dynamin oli
168 pon binding to cytochrome c and dATP, Apaf-1 oligomerizes into a heptameric complex known as the apop
169 he cytoplasm to ESCRT-III, where the protein oligomerizes into an active ATPase.
170 th diverse cellular activities) protein that oligomerizes into single hexameric rings in the presence
171            Recombinant and native SAS-6 self-oligomerizes into tetramers with approximately 6-nm subu
172                                      It homo-oligomerizes into trimers, hexamers, and higher molecula
173  kinesin-13s, KLP59D is largely incapable of oligomerizing into MT-associated rings in vitro, suggest
174 lectively attack bacterial membranes without oligomerizing into visible pores.
175                               The ability to oligomerize is critical for binding dsDNA, and in turn p
176  in inducing ER tubules, are more mobile and oligomerize less extensively.
177 ce for a major increase in Fn14 occupancy by oligomerized ligand despite strongly enhanced induction
178                               Immobilized or oligomerized ligands for RAGE induce RPE cells to increa
179 ed diffusion is due to conserved features of oligomerized MACPF proteins, which may include an anioni
180 rylated RIPK-1, as well as phosphorylated or oligomerized MLKL.
181 nal studies showed that G51D alpha-synuclein oligomerizes more slowly and its fibrils are more toxic
182 type arrestin-1 in living animals with a non-oligomerizing mutant retaining all other functions.
183 uired for a specific interaction between the oligomerized NHR2 domain and a novel NHR2-binding (N2B)
184                                  All mutants oligomerized normally in the absence of DNA.
185 ucleus, as well as inhibiting its ability to oligomerize, not only neutralizes NPM1 toxicity but also
186 on to compacting chromatin, we show that PSC oligomerizes nucleosome arrays.
187  virus encoding a mutant protein that cannot oligomerize on DNA, ICP8 microfoci are not detected; how
188   They are secreted as soluble monomers that oligomerize on target membranes in the so-called prepore
189 eleased as water-soluble monomers that first oligomerize on the membrane before inserting a transmemb
190 talytically active monomers or dimers slowly oligomerize on the viral genome and inhibit reverse tran
191              The C-terminal domain of Dnmt3a oligomerizes on DNA to form a nucleoprotein filament.
192 ges in the local environment of SP1 when Gag oligomerizes on nucleic acid might trigger this switch.
193                        The HIV-1 protein Rev oligomerizes on viral transcripts and directs their nucl
194 viral structural proteins, by binding to and oligomerizing on the Rev Response Element (RRE).
195       pUL31 can inwardly deform membranes by oligomerizing on their inner surface to form buds that c
196 host cell binding rather than the ability to oligomerize or form functional pores.
197 y other activities of soluble TWEAK, whereas oligomerized or FcgammaR-bound Fn14 antibodies fully mim
198 calized by MPO and then either spontaneously oligomerizes or binds to matrix proteins, all leading to
199                           AP7N and AP7C both oligomerize over the pH range of 4-9, with the AP7C sequ
200 a in the neuropil and that this synaptotoxic oligomerized peptide is present at a subset of synapses.
201  Arabidopsis ADH1 and TT4 genes were made by Oligomerized Pool ENgineering (OPEN)-a publicly availabl
202                       Here we describe OPEN (Oligomerized Pool ENgineering), a rapid, publicly availa
203           In recent work, we described OPEN (oligomerized pool engineering), an 'open-source,' combin
204  variant (LONP1 c.2161C>G[p.Arg721Gly]) homo-oligomerizes poorly in vitro.
205  malignancies, regulate the ability of NS to oligomerize, prevent its degradation, and may alter its
206 equently, cIAP1 cooperatively interacts with oligomerized processed caspase-9 in the apoptosome and b
207 t preferentially self-assemble without cross-oligomerizing provides for controlled experiments to ana
208 show that CALM-AF10 has a propensity to homo-oligomerize, raising the possibility that the function o
209  the assembly-competent protomer, which then oligomerizes rapidly to active pore complexes.
210 ssed, but in the presence of its ligands, it oligomerizes, recruits apoptosis-associated speck-like p
211 of intracellular localization and ability to oligomerize, respectively.
212             A mutant vGAAP that is unable to oligomerize revealed that monomeric vGAAP retains both i
213 have been derived from structural studies of oligomerized, RNA-encapsidating nucleoprotein, and cryo-
214 scTNF trimers impacts the bioactivity of the oligomerized scTNF ligands.
215                                         VP35 oligomerizes (self-assembles) in order to function, yet
216 , the VPV substitution caused the peptide to oligomerize similarly to Abeta42.
217 TNFR2 activation, we constructed differently oligomerized single chain TNF ligands (scTNF) comprised
218 s a monomer and highly populated large-order oligomerized species.
219  the structure of this complete domain in an oligomerized state.
220 er N terminus correlates with the ability to oligomerize, store iron, and form stable contacts with N
221                           All six constructs oligomerize, suggesting that inserting Ub into each surf
222 ms of protection induced by the treatment of oligomerized T cell epitope of myelin proteolipid protei
223 ts can disrupt organelle architecture due to oligomerizing tendencies of numerous common FPs.
224  We furthermore show that diffusive JPO2 can oligomerize; that JPO2 and LEDGF/p75 interact directly a
225                         A rapamycin analogue oligomerizes the fusion proteins and causes them to accu
226         In addition, select E2~Ub conjugates oligomerize through a noncovalent "backside" interaction
227  Bacterial enhancer-binding proteins (bEBPs) oligomerize through AAA(+) domains and use ATP hydrolysi
228 at FGFR1OP2/wit3.0 were able to dimerize and oligomerize through coiled-coil structures and appeared
229 studies demonstrate that Abeta40 and Abeta42 oligomerize through distinct pathways.
230        We show that the KCTD proteins hetero-oligomerize through self-interacting T1 and H1 homology
231  SWAP-70 is an F-actin-bundling protein that oligomerizes through a Gln/Glu-rich stretch within a coi
232 d that the transmembrane domain of FtsB homo-oligomerizes through an evolutionarily conserved interac
233 lacking all cytosolic domains (STIM1-DeltaC) oligomerizes through EF-SAM interactions alone, but thes
234                                         SPOP oligomerizes through its BTB and BACK domains.
235                       PC2-C is elongated and oligomerizes through PC2-CC, as measured by analytical u
236 the interface of mTOR complex 1 dimer, which oligomerizes through two spatially separate interfaces.
237 rtially buried when CCL3, CCL4, and CCL5 are oligomerized; thus, the mechanism by which GAG binds the
238 inal truncated SAA2.2 (SAA2.2DeltaC) did not oligomerize to a hexamer or octamer, but formed a high m
239 e their ability to insert into membranes and oligomerize to create the large curvatures; however, the
240 cooperativity suggests that STIM1 must first oligomerize to enable its accumulation at ER-PM junction
241  during procapsid morphogenesis, 10 proteins oligomerize to form a DNA translocating conduit (H-tube)
242 y ATPases to date have one ATPase domain and oligomerize to form a functional molecular machine, most
243                   Multiple Ply monomers then oligomerize to form a prepore.
244  proteins of about 110 residues that need to oligomerize to form a structural pathway for substrate e
245                                COPI proteins oligomerize to form coated vesicles that transport conte
246 self-associating protein building blocks can oligomerize to form discrete supramolecular assemblies u
247 ggested that in the heart, Cx40 and Cx43 can oligomerize to form heteromeric hemichannels.
248 in/dermatan sulfate side chains and tends to oligomerize to form higher aggregates.
249     In Schwann cells, connexin 32 (Cx32) can oligomerize to form intracellular gap junction channels
250 o through reactions in which capsid proteins oligomerize to form long tubes, and this process can be
251 p4 and any mixture of the 56- and 63-kDa gp4 oligomerize to form more hexamers than does the 63-kDa g
252  a class of pathogen-secreted molecules that oligomerize to form transmembrane channels in cellular m
253                              Alkynes usually oligomerize to give rings with a conjugated pi-electron
254 ith DnaA contacting low affinity sites as it oligomerizes to 'fill the gaps' between high affinity si
255 of ER stress, the transmembrane protein Ire1 oligomerizes to activate its cytoplasmic kinase and ribo
256 -forming component, protective antigen (PA), oligomerizes to create a prechannel that forms toxic com
257 s suggest a model in which cyclic peptide 3a oligomerizes to form a dimer of beta-sheet dimers.
258                     Mechanistically, CBFA2T2 oligomerizes to form a scaffold upon which PRDM14 and OC
259 s lividans KcsA is a 160-aa polypeptide that oligomerizes to form a tetrameric potassium channel.
260 ere we show that the PhiX174 pilot protein H oligomerizes to form a tube whose function is most proba
261      Similar to other nacre proteins, rPFMG1 oligomerizes to form amorphous, heterogeneously sized pr
262 e attack complex/perforin (MACPF) domain and oligomerizes to form an aqueous pore in the plasma membr
263 a coli, a membrane-bound TatA complex, which oligomerizes to form complexes of less than 100 to more
264  (ORF54) gene encodes an 87-kDa monomer that oligomerizes to form the VZV portal protein, pORF54.
265 y adenosine triphosphates to unwind helices, oligomerizes to function as efficient RNA helicase, and
266 fted features only emerge when the ion pairs oligomerize together into larger (TOTA.[CS2BF4])n assemb
267 al IL8 production, more than 2500 cell-bound oligomerized TWEAK trimers were required to elicit a sim
268 e from Mycobacterium smegmatis also fails to oligomerize under standard conditions.
269 while the remaining part of the B-subcomplex oligomerizes underneath into a cage.
270 upled receptors as monomers, many chemokines oligomerize upon GAG binding, and the ability to oligome
271                               In yeast, Ire1 oligomerizes upon activation in response to an accumulat
272 low measurements revealed that Atg18 rapidly oligomerizes upon membrane binding while it is mainly mo
273                                 Catechin was oligomerized using free laccase and laccase-gum Arabic c
274 nity similar to CCL2 but higher than the non-oligomerizing variant, CCL2(P8A), suggesting that, in co
275                                    The probe oligomerizes via a condensation reaction and accumulates
276                                  Then, MyD88 oligomerizes via its DD and TIR domain and interacts wit
277 ion of micrometer-sized "buttons" containing oligomerized viral Gag protein.
278 contrast, C73A-mutant channels, which do not oligomerize, were normally internalized.
279 experiments mimics the process by which VacA oligomerizes when in contact with membranes of host cell
280 e NTD charge density required more Mg(2+) to oligomerize, whereas mutants that increased the charge d
281 ependent membrane recruitment causes FGF2 to oligomerize, which in turn triggers the formation of a l
282 xpressed on the surface membrane, but it did oligomerize with alpha1 and beta2 subunits.
283  inactive variant (alphaKAP) that can hetero-oligomerize with and target active enzyme to membranes.
284 the fact that the CII proteins do not hetero-oligomerize with CI sHSPs.
285 lasmic reticulum after synthesis, where they oligomerize with other binding partners, such as alpha a
286 ment of CLL cells with Wnt5a induced ROR1 to oligomerize with ROR2 and recruit guanine exchange facto
287  of which have an equal propensity to hetero-oligomerize with SEPT7-containing hexamers to generate o
288 phosphorylation of Smad2 and Smad3 that then oligomerize with Smad4 and translocate into the nucleus
289 ugh the TSP-N domain, but they do not hetero-oligomerize with thrombospondin-1.
290 ently split fragments of NiV, RSV, and MeV L oligomerized with comparable efficiency in all homo- and
291                           The mutant subunit oligomerized with wild-type subunits and trapped them in
292                           Abeta(3(pE)-42) co-oligomerizes with excess Abeta(1-42) to form metastable
293                            This glycoprotein oligomerizes with gH to form a membrane-bound heterodime
294       The data revealed that the bound toxin oligomerizes with increasing DT concentration and that t
295                                        PRPH2 oligomerizes with its homologue rod outer segment (OS) m
296 onstrated that the PNKD long isoform monomer oligomerizes with itself as well as interacts with the s
297 2 homolog, also has a RING domain and hetero-oligomerizes with Mdm2 to stimulate its E3 ligase activi
298 death-domain-containing adaptor protein that oligomerizes with PIDD and caspase-2 to initiate apoptos
299 iving cells and furthermore that DARC hetero-oligomerizes with the CC chemokine receptor CCR5.
300 s show that the transmembrane helix of ADCK3 oligomerizes, with an interface based on an extended Gly

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