


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 w or none in the lateral and medial superior olivary nuclei.
2 expression in the medial or lateral superior olivary nuclei.
3 minated in the ipsilateral and contralateral olivary nuclei.
4 lemniscus but few or no inputs from the main olivary nuclei.
5 r nuclei and the lateral and medial superior olivary nuclei.
6 ination revealed extreme loss of pontine and olivary nuclei and Purkinje cells, with preservation of
7 dentate nuclei, Purkinje cells, and inferior olivary nuclei, and from a presumably less affected neur
8                                 The inferior olivary nuclei clearly play a role in creating oculopala
9 following: vestibular (e.g., z) and inferior olivary nuclei (e.g., dorsal cap), accessory oculomotor
10 lectrolytic microlesions of the two inferior olivary nuclei from which vestibular climbing fibers ori
11  the lateral (LSO) and medial (MSO) superior olivary nuclei in ferrets 2 months after unilateral coch
12 g in ipsilateral lateral and medial superior olivary nuclei (LSO and MSO).
13 C and LCIC arising from the lateral superior olivary nuclei (LSO) prior to hearing onset.
14 ging from putative bilateral medial superior olivary nuclei (P4) to the more rostral structures such
15 ension of neurites from explants of inferior olivary nuclei, the source of climbing fibers that inner
16 hippocampus, hypothalamus, midbrain, pontine olivary nuclei, trigeminal nuclei, cerebellum, and spina
17     PV expression characterized the superior olivary nuclei, whereas GAD immunoreactivity characteriz
18        In contrast to the principal superior olivary nuclei with identified roles in processing binau

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