


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  accelerated amygdala-mPFC development is an ontogenetic adaptation in response to early adversity.
2         These differences are interpreted as ontogenetic adaptations and potential sources of resilie
3 hese correlated changes could originate from ontogenetic adjustments favored by structural constraint
4 logy also makes it possible to determine the ontogenetic ages of individual specimens, showing that t
5  their approach is less convincing regarding ontogenetic and evolutionary aspects.
6 CD14(+) CD16(-) monocytes and prompt further ontogenetic and functional analysis of CD14(+) CD1c(+) a
7 However, a direct correspondence between the ontogenetic and functional columns has not been demonstr
8 ort the radial unit hypothesis and unify the ontogenetic and functional columns in the visual cortex.
9       Knowledge relating to the influence of ontogenetic and harvest time on the content of specific
10                  Our data reveal substantial ontogenetic and individual dietary variation within a wh
11  attention as a possible manifestation of an ontogenetic and phylogenetic 'frame' underlying the seri
12 e LFPN and their connections have led to big ontogenetic and phylogenetic changes in cognition.
13                    Questions arise about the ontogenetic and phylogenetic emergence of policing indiv
14                    Such scale-invariance has ontogenetic and phylogenetic implications because it all
15 understanding of others' beliefs both at the ontogenetic and phylogenetic levels.
16          These two results indicate possible ontogenetic and/or functional heterogeneity of the beta-
17 obiology of learning, with many comparative, ontogenetic, and clinical applications.
18  how it works (its proximate mechanistic and ontogenetic bases) and why it exists (its adaptive signi
19                                         This ontogenetic basis for alternative female phenotypes in P
20 nnosaurus and Albertosaurus, indicating that ontogenetic change is conservative in tyrannosaurids.
21 ed within many dinosaur species, but extreme ontogenetic changes are rare among dinosaurs, particular
22 us is characterized by a similar sequence of ontogenetic changes as the megapredatory Tyrannosaurus a
23 ur results suggest that IGF2 and H19 undergo ontogenetic changes in allelic expression and that there
24 tic studies, but the genetic architecture of ontogenetic changes in body shape and its associated all
25                                              Ontogenetic changes in eyeblink CR timing may be related
26    Typical of many migratory marine species, ontogenetic changes in habitat use throughout their deca
27 found in animal populations characterized by ontogenetic changes in habitat, and such stage-structure
28 The purpose of this study was to investigate ontogenetic changes in immunoreactivity for MnSOD and Cu
29                                              Ontogenetic changes in intralimb coordination may result
30                                          The ontogenetic changes in learning-related activity may be
31 al issue in developmental science is whether ontogenetic changes in memory are caused by the developm
32                                              Ontogenetic changes in skull shape and size are ubiquito
33  While we better understand language-related ontogenetic changes in the human brain, it remains a mys
34                                              Ontogenetic changes in the relative timing of muscle act
35 es have life history strategies that involve ontogenetic changes in the use of coastal habitats.
36 ul climatic conditions, insects also undergo ontogenetic changes including hardening and acclimation.
37                              At this age the ontogenetic changes observed in the characteristics of t
38 juvenile wolves begs the question if and how ontogenetic changes such as paedomorphosis (evolutionary
39                                     Among 78 ontogenetic changes we identify in these specimens, the
40 inal ganglion cells (RGCs) go through marked ontogenetic changes with respect to their excitable memb
41   The radial unit hypothesis posits that the ontogenetic columns formed by clonally related neurons m
42 cellular infrastructure of radial (vertical) ontogenetic columns in the overlaying cortical plate.
43 drei to test the hypothesis that there is an ontogenetic component to variation in such relationships
44 n period and sleep homeostasis, but also has ontogenetic components (morningness increases with age).
45                                              Ontogenetic conflict between the sexes arises when homol
46                 Here we assess the degree of ontogenetic conflict in the fruit-fly, Drosophila melano
47  that act as developmental scaffolds for the ontogenetic construction of emotions.
48 tical importance of social inputs during the ontogenetic construction of survival-relevant skills.
49 ing the influence of individual, social, and ontogenetic contexts on communication.
50 bial composition while still maintaining the ontogenetic core signature.
51 ples demonstrate the benefits of quantifying ontogenetic data and accounting for developmental variat
52                                          New ontogenetic data for the 350-million-year-old teleost re
53                     A comparison of existing ontogenetic data on other mammals suggests that the prop
54                                 This refined ontogenetic definition will expand understanding of dopa
55 e a mouse model to define DCs based on their ontogenetic descendence from a committed precursor.
56 chemical kinetics, that predicts the time of ontogenetic development as a function of body mass and t
57  Implementation of this mechanism throughout ontogenetic development ensures expression of RGS9-2/typ
58 groups in which the most complex patterns of ontogenetic development occur are descended from this CT
59      We address this problem by modeling the ontogenetic development of an ITD map in the laminar nuc
60  how gene actions and interactions alter the ontogenetic development of an organism and transform the
61 features similar to those seen during normal ontogenetic development of hair cells, could be identifi
62 us laevis is a unique model for studying the ontogenetic development of immune functions.
63 ough dopamine input is not necessary for the ontogenetic development of rhes mRNA expression, changes
64 ection on postnatal day 4 did not affect the ontogenetic development of rhes mRNA, such that expressi
65 rovokes severe scoliotic deformations during ontogenetic development similar to the human syndrome.
66  of age, however, were altered during normal ontogenetic development, but not by vigilance state.
67 at negative effects observed on vital rates (ontogenetic development, somatic growth, fecundity) may
68 ic differences in growth trajectories during ontogenetic development.
69 several new implications for the dynamics of ontogenetic development.
70  superstes to elucidate their morphology and ontogenetic development.
71  ferret is a useful model for studies of the ontogenetic differentiation of ganglion cell types.
72                              To clarify this ontogenetic dilemma, we used genome-wide expression prof
73                     The findings point to an ontogenetic dissociation of function within the hippocam
74 als, representing the first fossil record of ontogenetic edentulism among the jawed vertebrates.
75 ficiency were constant, the presence of both ontogenetic effects and differences in such patterns amo
76                                              Ontogenetic effects were demonstrated for all compounds:
77 minant of feeding rate, independent of other ontogenetic effects.
78 ost likely reflect Neandertal physiology and ontogenetic energy constraints rather than any fundament
79           We conclude that recapitulation of ontogenetic events during myelin repair accounts for the
80 r-Ig fusion proteins for dissecting/ordering ontogenetic events in the absence of genetic modificatio
81 terations (changes in the relative timing of ontogenetic events) in cell cycle activity are a central
82 tally defined and may be related to specific ontogenetic events.
83 els, suggesting that compensatory changes or ontogenetic expression of another unknown homolog may ac
84 rceptual narrowing effects reflect a general ontogenetic feature of perceptual systems by testing acr
85 , to emphasize the relative phylogenetic and ontogenetic features of the cortical inputs.
86           Here, we uncover 15 phenotypic and ontogenetic features that distinguish pre- and postgangl
87 whether head sensory structures share common ontogenetic features.
88 nd behavioural conditions, suggesting higher ontogenetic flexibility in the two social domains.
89 logically to transitional stages observed in ontogenetic forms.
90 ion life-history plasticity in an iterative, ontogenetic framework, in which females may express plas
91                                    To define ontogenetic functions, we employed embryonic DRG and hin
92 etect QTL exerting an effect on the shape of ontogenetic growth and development.
93 ework for studying the genetic regulation of ontogenetic growth and shape.
94                      Here we compile data on ontogenetic growth for extant and fossil vertebrates, in
95                 This connectivity flows from ontogenetic growth in size and spatial movements, which
96 ral equations have been proposed to describe ontogenetic growth trajectories for organisms justified
97 s in both size and shape as well as in their ontogenetic growth trajectory.
98 at these changes were driven by variation in ontogenetic growth, rather than selection acting on the
99 ll organisms face the problem of how to fuel ontogenetic growth.
100 r QTL that interact with the hg locus during ontogenetic growth.
101 on in the timing that juveniles underwent an ontogenetic habitat shift from the oceanic central North
102 , despite its rarity, contributes intriguing ontogenetic hints.
103  better understand how host evolutionary and ontogenetic history is reflected in the microbial functi
104                      Here we reconstruct the ontogenetic history of a Maastrichtian-age fish, Vorhisi
105                                              Ontogenetic, homeostatic, and functional deficiencies wi
106                            Incorporating new ontogenetic information from Limusaurus into phylogeneti
107 r neurons, suggesting that the maturation of ontogenetic into functional columns requires intercellul
108 s has been complicated by the possibility of ontogenetic issues in these genetically modified animal
109                                         This ontogenetic kinship is dramatically reflected in the DiG
110                                       At the ontogenetic level, the proposed model assumes age-depend
111                  Here we report an intricate ontogenetic logic of mouse thalamic structures.
112 r than predicted from an intraspecific 'late ontogenetic' model of dwarfism in which brain size scale
113  15 minutes, we are especially interested in ontogenetic modifications that may facilitate such a rap
114                   We propose that this basic ontogenetic motif underlies cardiac and pharyngeal muscl
115  434,946 images, seven reference atlases, an ontogenetic ontology, and tools to explore coexpression
116      These findings provide support for both ontogenetic origin and shared Ag receptor-influenced sel
117                       We have determined the ontogenetic origin of Merkel cells in Wnt1-cre/R26R comp
118           However, little is known about the ontogenetic origin of this capacity.
119 oth behaviour and physical features, but the ontogenetic origins and development of this capacity are
120                                 However, the ontogenetic origins of these populations have not been e
121 ) and play diverse functional roles, but the ontogenetic origins of this phenotypic diversity are poo
122  and seed-coat regions that are of different ontogenetic origins, and each region can be further divi
123                                 Based on its ontogenetic origins, the amygdala was subdivided into tw
124 primitive hematopoietic cells from different ontogenetic origins.
125 subpopulations of macrophages with different ontogenetic origins: prenatal yolk sac-derived Kupffer c
126          Here we show that the use of dental ontogenetic parameters can provide clues to better under
127 suggesting that a distinct, Lhx3-independent ontogenetic pathway exists for the initial specification
128  development, and suggest a disease-specific ontogenetic pathway for megakaryocyte development.
129                    Here, we describe a novel ontogenetic pathway of medulloblastoma that significantl
130  mycelial growth while elaborating two basic ontogenetic pathways for ascoma formation and centrum de
131 4e1) that are grossly normal for the overall ontogenetic pattern also lack the MSC-derived contributi
132 the peripheral T cell pool recapitulated the ontogenetic pattern of gamma delta T cell replenishment
133                 The embryo first develops an ontogenetic pattern that is largely composed of ErbB-ind
134 er MSC-derived melanocytes contribute to the ontogenetic pattern.
135                                              Ontogenetic patterns in delta(15)N values vary considera
136 tionally, this study shows how the postnatal ontogenetic patterns lead to the adult expression map fo
137 ed with high dimensions can characterize the ontogenetic patterns of genetic effects of QTL over the
138  can be useful for the identification of the ontogenetic patterns of QTL genetic effects during time
139                 Insect species exhibit three ontogenetic patterns of receptivity: cyclic, in which fe
140                                 However, the ontogenetic patterns of regional AVP receptor binding we
141                    The authors evaluated the ontogenetic performance of a grey parrot (Psittacus erit
142                            Adolescence is an ontogenetic period characterized by numerous hormonal, n
143 he expression of risky behaviors during this ontogenetic period.
144                                           An ontogenetic perspective better captures the complexity o
145  properties, this model establishes a simple ontogenetic perspective on the principal organization of
146                                We present an ontogenetic perspective to analyze and summarize the com
147 f novel complex structures following massive ontogenetic perturbation.
148 ultiple levels of explanation - mechanistic, ontogenetic, phylogenetic, and functional - enables rese
149 t deal of knowledge regarding the phylo- and ontogenetic plasticity of the neocortex, the precise nat
150 lvinar and the amygdala are suggested as the ontogenetic precursors of the mature control system cent
151 f not, then there has been change within the ontogenetic process under study.
152 uniform change in the rate or timing of some ontogenetic process, with no change in the internal stru
153 ide (VIP) has been found to regulate diverse ontogenetic processes in sympathetics, though functional
154 though Esrp is involved in a wide variety of ontogenetic processes, our results suggest ancient roles
155 nism's genotype is converted to phenotype by ontogenetic processes.
156 dinal experimental design, we quantified the ontogenetic profile of bite-force performance in post-me
157 of the current study was to characterize the ontogenetic profile of Ucn 1 and CART during postnatal d
158 ow cell cycle control is integrated into the ontogenetic program of multicellular organisms, and show
159                  We suggest that the similar ontogenetic programs of closely related populations cons
160 r cerebellar lobes are regulated by distinct ontogenetic programs, and PCs of functionally distinct c
161 pment is unique, it is not known whether the ontogenetic progression of myelination in the human neoc
162 eny and between sister excitatory neurons in ontogenetic radial clones at the embryonic stage.
163  microcircuits develop preferentially within ontogenetic radial clones of excitatory neurons in the d
164                                  We labelled ontogenetic radial clones of excitatory neurons in the m
165 s shows that all classes of fin melanocytes (ontogenetic, regeneration and kit-independent melanocyte
166  these interactions is critical for both the ontogenetic registration of the jaws and the evolutionar
167                                    Thus, the ontogenetic regulation of Ly49C/I expression determines
168              Our studies reveal a surprising ontogenetic relationship between relay visceral sensory
169                                              Ontogenetic relationships therefore influence the fine-s
170 , both phylogenetic (research with apes) and ontogenetic (research with children).
171 utions of supply and demand of oxygen to the ontogenetic scaling of metabolic rate.
172   The chondral modeling theory also explains ontogenetic scaling patterns of limb joint curvature obs
173      We studied paired fin development in an ontogenetic series of a phylogenetically basal chondrich
174 the first geometric morphometric study using ontogenetic series of dog and wolf crania, and samples o
175 rica), we detected a heretofore unrecognized ontogenetic series, sexual dimorphism (a rare instance f
176  dinosaurs are inferred to have undergone an ontogenetic shift from quadrupedal-to-bipedal posture, o
177                             Occurrence of an ontogenetic shift from quadrupedality to bipedality was
178 lation that significantly contributes to the ontogenetic shift in chloride concentration and GABA act
179 ishes were sampled, we found evidence for an ontogenetic shift in the diet, with smaller individuals
180  circuitry in adolescence may be a normative ontogenetic shift that is due to greater valuation in th
181    This is the first evidence of alternative ontogenetic shifts and habitat-use patterns for juvenile
182           Determining location and timing of ontogenetic shifts in the habitat use of highly migrator
183                                         Such ontogenetic shifts may place these species at particular
184       Sauropod dinosaurs exhibit the largest ontogenetic size range among terrestrial vertebrates, bu
185  defined by both anatomical distribution and ontogenetic specification, the pattern of trophic factor
186                    These findings define the ontogenetic stage of donor cells for successful rod phot
187 h a partial skeleton representing a distinct ontogenetic stage of the titanosaur Rapetosaurus krausei
188 whether they had a cellularly differentiated ontogenetic stage, making it difficult to test their var
189  of reproduction varied with environment and ontogenetic stage.
190  Limusaurus inextricabilis, representing six ontogenetic stages based on body size and histological d
191 ated individuals of Chilesaurus at different ontogenetic stages have been collected, as well as less
192 itted progenitor or precursor cells at later ontogenetic stages might have a higher probability of su
193 to study events associated with the earliest ontogenetic stages of hematopoiesis.
194 tion of multiple glomeruli is present in all ontogenetic stages of this species, from the larva to th
195 are not exposed to certain conditions at key ontogenetic stages.
196 nd by being differentially expressed between ontogenetic stages.
197 t segregate as major genes in two successive ontogenetic stages: germinating embryo tissues and seedl
198 at significance both from a phylogenetic and ontogenetic standpoint, as well as for the physiology an
199                            Thus, the precise ontogenetic, structural and topological similarities bet
200 community ecology, despite the fact that the ontogenetic structure of populations influences processe
201                                              Ontogenetic studies help us understand the processes of
202 eserving physiological responsiveness during ontogenetic surges of adrenergic activity.
203                                    The short ontogenetic time courses of conformity and stereotyping,
204 unicative responses on both evolutionary and ontogenetic time scales.
205 tion of such developmental organization, the ontogenetic timing of HC subfield maturation remains con
206 l dental alveolar vestiges and indicate that ontogenetic tooth loss in Limusaurus is a gradual, compl
207                                              Ontogenetic trajectories can involve switches among defe
208 hile considerable research has characterised ontogenetic trajectories for now hundreds of plant speci
209             New material indicates differing ontogenetic trajectories for their forelimbs: In Ichthyo
210 actors that may have led to the evolution of ontogenetic trajectories in plant defence, including dev
211                            We determined the ontogenetic trajectories of phonotactic responses as ani
212 le of acquired syntax information in guiding ontogenetic trajectories of syntax, however, and the res
213 t species, sibling larvae follow alternative ontogenetic trajectories that generate striking variatio
214                                    Given two ontogenetic trajectories, we can test for this restricte
215 ian C cell development involves a homologous ontogenetic trajectory has not been experimentally verif
216 ly related species, temporal displacement of ontogenetic trajectory is detected even at the earliest
217 ty captured ontogeny, indicating a conserved ontogenetic trajectory.
218                        Here, we compared the ontogenetic transcriptomes of the Pacific oyster, Crasso
219 eta2, and -beta3) has been implicated in the ontogenetic transition from scarless fetal repair to adu
220        Based on our results, we put forth an ontogenetic-transitional wing hypothesis that posits tha
221 ion and shared perspective for the efficient ontogenetic transmission of crucial knowledge and skills
222 er, resulted in a significant decline in the ontogenetic upregulation of ChAT activity in the septal
223 LA-ICP-MS analyses revealed element-specific ontogenetic variability in metal concentrations, likely
224 in mammalian evolution and may be related to ontogenetic variables such as neurogenesis time span rat
225 ut instead a combination of phylogenetic and ontogenetic variables.
226 the innate cochlear blueprint and its actual ontogenetic variants were determined by spatial constrai
227                                              Ontogenetic variation in the causal components of phenot
228                                              Ontogenetic variation is documented within many dinosaur
229 that these morphospecies represent sexual or ontogenetic variation within a single species are thus u
230                       They were subjected to ontogenetic vertical migration, increased their swimming

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