


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1         Briefly, the first quadrupole can be operated as 1 amu window band-pass mass filter to select
2 nes, suggesting that the TD/RS interface may operate as a "histone chaperone-like platform."
3  rise to a gamma-band oscillation that could operate as a 'clock'.
4 nscriptional control is generally thought to operate as a binary switch, a behavior that might explai
5 rward module-that allows Warts-Yki-Melted to operate as a bistable switch.
6           In particular, Phe(126) appears to operate as a bridge for TLR4.MD-2 dimerization in the mo
7 a2+/CaM dependent, explaining its ability to operate as a calcium spike frequency detector.
8 dients, we show that the doped mesophase can operate as a charge separation device relying only on th
9 Ano6 Cl(-) currents are probably required to operate as a Cl(-) bypass channel, thereby compensating
10 um SR-11 tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle must operate as a complete cycle for full virulence after ora
11 the human mirror system, and thereby make it operate as a countermirror system, by giving participant
12               The circadian clock appears to operate as a critical interface between nutrition and ho
13 activity, suggesting that the three proteins operate as a decapping complex.
14       But until recently, it was believed to operate as a functional monomer.
15  in shaping STDP and suggest that GABA could operate as a Hebbian/anti-Hebbian switch.
16 t usually act as homohexamers, HrpR and HrpS operate as a highly co-dependent heterohexameric complex
17               It is established that FHL can operate as a highly efficient hydrogen-dependent carbon
18                            It is believed to operate as a homogeneous syncytium of transmitter-specif
19 is most likely a normative function that may operate as a kind of psychological immune system.
20 nd cap electrodes enabled the mass filter to operate as a linear ion trap.
21 er alterations in the brain's reward network operate as a mechanism across the spectrum of risk for d
22     A multicomponent [2]rotaxane designed to operate as a molecular shuttle driven by light energy ha
23 a more integrated framework, fire will never operate as a natural ecosystem process, and the impact o
24 edding by a mechanism in which bound CaM may operate as a negative effector.
25 c evidence that GRP and its neural circuitry operate as a negative feedback regulating fear and estab
26 fish mesoderm, no tail, spadetail, and tbx6, operate as a network of interacting genes to regulate re
27  apelin/apelin receptor signalling nexus may operate as a paracrine signal that sustains tumour cell
28 drial permeability transition pore (PTP) may operate as a physiological Ca2+ release mechanism and al
29 rythronolide B synthase has been proposed to operate as a racemase, aiding in the epimerization proce
30 cate a vertical cavity structure designed to operate as a saser oscillator device at a frequency of 3
31 prion protein (PrP(C)) has been suggested to operate as a scaffold/receptor protein in neurons, parti
32 patial variation in predator communities may operate as a selection mosaic that prevents complete fix
33 ion during early consolidation processes can operate as a switch between multiple memory systems is l
34  located in the medulla oblongata, which may operate as a switchboard for differential, behavior-appr
35 hoA circuit's dynamics, we found that it can operate as a three-way switch.
36 as well as provide good timing resolution to operate as a time-of-flight (TOF) PET scanner.
37 lead us to conclude that myosin-18A does not operate as a traditional molecular motor in cells.
38  behavior allowed the integrated assembly to operate as a two-terminal, stand-alone, photoelectrochem
39 m built setup enabled the OWLS cuvette to be operated as a 1.5 ml mini-incubator, controlling both te
40 -low strain open framework structure, can be operated as a battery electrode in inexpensive aqueous e
41        Specifically, the primary ion beam is operated as a continuous rather than a pulsed beam, resu
42                     (ii) The RIT can also be operated as a continuous rf/dc mass filter for isolation
43               The quadrupole ion trap may be operated as a conventional mass spectrometer, with ion d
44                                         When operated as a function of time, the microscope is config
45 and a diffusion aided Brownian ratchet which operated as a molecular pump.
46                       Mechanistically, SHP-2 operated as a scaffold, facilitating the recruitment of
47 land ecosystems over the last 10 Ma may have operated as a selection pressure for traits and behavior
48 molecule adsorbed on a copper surface can be operated as a single-molecule electric motor.
49 electronic MD based on a single-electron box operated as a Szilard engine, where kBT ln 2 of heat is
50 iscovery that a 1,3-diazepinone riboside (4) operated as a tight-binding inhibitor of CDA independent
51                        The instrument can be operated as a two-dimensional force clamp, applying load
52                            The device can be operated as a two-electrode cell and can therefore make
53 e absence of any external current, the model operated as a type I excitable medium that supported pro
54               Evidence indicates that B2 RNA operates as a "speed bump" against advancement of RNA po
55 it reflects an alternative form of NHEJ that operates as a backup (B-NHEJ) to the DNA-PK-dependent (D
56 rent near-IR-emitting lanthanide cations and operates as a barcode material with unique luminescence
57 ltaneously, the oxo group of phosphinic acid operates as a base abstracting the nucleophilic proton a
58 a reaction pathway where the phosphinic acid operates as a bifunctional catalyst in the intramolecula
59                       The integrated circuit operates as a broadband radio-frequency mixer at frequen
60 porting their dominance, whereas gammaCaMKII operates as a carrier, not as a kinase.
61 xpands the current understanding that Dscam1 operates as a cell adhesion molecule that mediates homop
62               Therefore, the molecular clock operates as a cell-autonomous modulator of human pigment
63 transporter family of membrane proteins that operates as a channel with high conductance.
64 ity-based metabolomics, we report that CLYBL operates as a citramalyl-CoA lyase in mammalian cells.
65 etitive array of B cell peptide epitopes but operates as a classical immunological carrier to provide
66            We postulate that the spoke HSP40 operates as a cochaperone to assist chaperone machinery
67 our findings support the hypothesis that ETS operates as a cofactor with other insults such as interc
68 gies of mutant ESLs, suggesting that the ESL operates as a conserved rheostat between long inverted r
69                                          HIR operates as a crucial modulator of hyphal development, s
70  The ATP-gated P2X7 receptor channel (P2X7R) operates as a cytolytic and apoptotic receptor but also
71 lings, (1)O(2)-mediated cell death signaling operates as a default pathway that results in seedlings
72                                    Thus, p53 operates as a direct Krt17 repressor, which invites ther
73  Our study reveals a network in which HSFA6b operates as a downstream regulator of the ABA-mediated s
74                                    RNF4 thus operates as a DSB response factor at the crossroads betw
75 owed that the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle operates as a full cycle during Salmonella enterica sero
76 and RING finger domain-containing protein 1) operates as a functional unit in cells, providing a defi
77 on), we conclude that the subesophageal zone operates as a general premotor center that regulates the
78 s a mechanical barrier to transcription that operates as a general regulator of gene expression.
79  present a novel hybrid membrane system that operates as a heat engine capable of utilizing low-grade
80 A combinatorial fluorescent molecular sensor operates as a highly efficient molecular security system
81 results suggest that the CD28-B7 interaction operates as a key modulator of plasma cell function.
82                        We conclude that FEZ1 operates as a kinesin adaptor for the transport of Stx,
83                                        Foxp3 operates as a late-acting differentiation factor control
84 erefore provides novel evidence that the PRR operates as a limb-dependent stage that lies further alo
85 During growth on ethylamine, the EMC pathway operates as a linear pathway carrying the full assimilat
86 cular weight PCBs and PBDEs, the EVA sampler operates as a linear uptake sampler.
87                          The BMP ligand Dpp, operates as a long range morphogen to control many impor
88 ngs suggest that reduced striatal activation operates as a mechanism across the risk spectrum for dep
89                       We hypothesize that it operates as a modulator of signal dynamics, actively res
90                   Our data indicate that H19 operates as a molecular scaffold that facilitates effect
91  pruning, and suggest that GluN3A expression operates as a molecular signal for controlling the exten
92      Ras is a small GTP binding protein that operates as a molecular switch regulating the control of
93 ction of IGS lncRNA by environmental signals operates as a molecular switch that regulates the struct
94                                 PINK1-Parkin operates as a molecular switch to dictate cell fate deci
95 a copper-platinum (Cu-Pt) segmented rod that operates as a nanobattery in dilute aqueous Br(2) or I(2
96 t that the phosphorylation of RIG-I serine 8 operates as a negative switch of RIG-I activation by sup
97 ngs provide novel insight into how the brain operates as a network and suggest that the integration o
98 ous Disease Research Institute (IDRI), which operates as a not-for-profit biotech company, may start
99                       Among these, Monarch-1 operates as a novel attenuating factor of inflammation b
100  resulting mechanically interlocked molecule operates as a perfect molecular switch, most readily des
101 primary receptor and a separate endoprotease operates as a portal for activation of SARS-CoV cell ent
102                         This oligonucleotide operates as a primer for in situ chain elongation cataly
103 is study investigated whether rs4307059 also operates as a quantitative trait locus underlying a broa
104                                  The circuit operates as a radio frequency receiver performing signal
105  glycine-sensing RNAs from Bacillus subtilis operates as a rare genetic on switch for the gcvT operon
106 m spontaneous (or endogenous) brain activity operates as a regulated positive-feedback rehearsal mech
107 ne cluster in Paenibacillus sp. strain JDR-2 operates as a regulon, coregulated with the expression o
108 ed tissue cyst formation, indicating AP2IX-9 operates as a repressor of bradyzoite development.
109  that localizes to synaptodendritic domains, operates as a requisite adaptor by specifically binding
110                                        XRCC1 operates as a scaffold protein in base excision repair,
111 ntain resistance to irradiation, but that it operates as a second-tier antioxidant adaptive response
112 We propose that meiotic crossover regulation operates as a self-limiting system in which meiotic chro
113 ent between subunits or whether each subunit operates as a separate exchanger.
114                                   The switch operates as a short-term integrator, a property that can
115 requency-dependent fluctuations in input and operates as a simple pulse counter over a wide range of
116 rs to the filament tip, suggesting that VASP operates as a single tetramer in solution or when cluste
117  ubiquitin E3 ligase, we find that TIF1gamma operates as a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) E3 li
118 tory of attempts to understand how the brain operates as a system began at the macrolevel in the fift
119                                    Cre-ER(T) operates as a tamoxifen-dependent DNA recombinase to exc
120               These findings show that Hoxa2 operates as a tissue-specific cofactor, enhancing Meis b
121 sion and helper virus influences), the p5IEE operates as a transcription/integration switch sequence
122 results delineate a mechanism by which STAT3 operates as a transcriptional repressor on Ube2n, thus m
123 well-established phagocytosis component that operates as a transducer of so-called "eat-me" signals d
124  is mutated in Peutz-Jeghers cancer syndrome operates as a tumor suppressor.
125  is mutated in Peutz-Jeghers cancer syndrome operates as a tumor suppressor.We discuss evidence that
126 ndings suggest that cortical tissue normally operates as a type I excitable medium but it is locally
127  the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii operates as a type of single-cell C(4) photosynthesis.
128 by cleaving and inactivating the AAT serpin, operates as a unique functional link that regulates a co
129 mechanism that receives input from a circuit operating as a Boolean OR gate and involves the activati
130 strogen and androgen response elements, thus operating as a brake on certain hormone actions.
131 ) and NMe3 as intermediates, with the former operating as a catalyst and accelerating the redistribut
132 ctive alkene isomerization initiator, either operating as a catalyst itself, via a eta(3)-allyl mecha
133 urs through the generation of singlet oxygen operating as a cell death inducer.
134 ncer progression in mouse and human cells by operating as a competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) for the
135  importance for precise thermal control when operating as a cooler, and for portable power when opera
136 of two parallel positive-feedback loops, one operating as a diffusion-based system, and the other inv
137 ing particular attention to the interstitium operating as a dynamic interface for water and solute di
138  fibres, with the centromeric spring tension operating as a feedback to slow or accelerate the clocks
139 ator in some lineages of Gammaproteobacteria operating as a functional replacement of the Cra regulat
140                                              Operating as a half-cell, the FcMe2-LPEI electrode mater
141 ors-proteins and probably RNAs, collectively operating as a kind of "cis-trans" dualism.
142 ing as a cooler, and for portable power when operating as a micro power generator.
143               The human heart is continually operating as a muscular pump, contracting, on average, 8
144 ost likely candidate gene underlying ENDO-2, operating as a rate-determining factor of endoreduplicat
145 ecific sequence of the DNA tag is capable of operating as a secondary biocatalyst as well as bridging
146  of uncoupled or weakly interacting elements operating as a single whole; this is particularly the ca
147 plied that under reducing conditions GSH was operating as a thiol donor with minimal S-glutathionylat
148 f 14 discrete NWs into an electronic circuit operating as a three-bit address decoder.
149 ein molecules, or a group of protein domains operating as a unit).
150                               In addition to operating as a weak red light sensor, phyC may perform a
151        Our toolkit contains 12 TFs, flexibly operating as activators, repressors, dual activator-repr
152 refore, probably allowed bats to effectively operate as an array of sensors, increasing their searchi
153 ily conserved protein COP1 has been shown to operate as an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, and a number
154 lar explantion for how hydrogen peroxide can operate as an endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor
155                     Thus, although H2A.Z may operate as an epigenetic marker for active genes, its N-
156                          Thus, MR appears to operate as an essential regulator of serum glycoprotein
157 lution of increased CO2 responsiveness or to operate as an important feedback in the global carbon cy
158 igger for innate immune cells, it appears to operate as an inhibitor of T lymphocyte immune adaptive
159 d Screens using Python (PinAPL-Py), which is operated as an intuitive web-service.
160 e in the dc-biased end plate, which was also operated as an ion gate.
161 , otx, and krox inputs, as predicted, and it operates as an "AND" logic processor in that removal of
162 rganisms that suggest that sex determination operates as an antagonistic network with the emergent pr
163 egulated as part of the myogenic program and operates as an autocrine signal regulating skeletal myog
164         In sum, these data suggest that BrgE operates as an auxiliary factor to stimulate the SdeK si
165  the discrete time birth-death process which operates as an efficient and accurate numerical solution
166       Here, we show that lung adenocarcinoma operates as an endogenous reorganizer of circadian metab
167 egulatory model in which the heme-PAS domain operates as an ensemble that couples to the kinase rathe
168                                 Whereas GABP operates as an essential upstream activator, PU.1 assist
169 r or trimer production, indicating that AlgL operates as an exopolysaccharide lyase.
170 heir hydrophobic tails, and UCP1 effectively operates as an H(+) carrier activated by LCFA.
171  same time the plasma membrane Ca(2+) ATPase operates as an important Ca(2+) removal process.
172                                   Thus, Lhx2 operates as an important regulator of epithelial stem ce
173 operates exclusively via TCRzeta/CD3 or also operates as an independent signaling unit.
174 work that this behavior can only arise if V1 operates as an inhibition-stabilized network (ISN), in w
175  that one of the DHFR-TS isoforms (DHFR-TS3) operates as an inhibitor of its two homologs, thus regul
176 ; in relaxed muscles at low Ca(2+), troponin operates as an inhibitor, while in activated muscles at
177 7B trafficking, whereas lysosomal exocytosis operates as an integral process in copper excretion and
178  enhancer reporter assays revealed that Isl1 operates as an integrator factor, translating the densit
179 routes to the diiron active site, the enzyme operates as an NADH oxidase rather than a monooxygenase.
180 tions following redistribution of CCS, which operates as an oxygen sensor.
181 tagonize PS-dependent functions, possibly by operating as an active site-directed inhibitor of gamma-
182 O) glass, confined with an annular electrode operating as an artificial ciliary muscle.
183 d by Yasuda et al. for the F(1)-ATP synthase operating as an ATP-powered molecular rotor.
184 yl H3K4 and monomethyl H3K4, with the latter operating as an epigenetic mark for repressed euchromati
185 l cycle progression involves the entire cell operating as an integrated system.
186 ork of how neurotransmitter transporters can operate as anion-selective and ligand-gated ion channels
187 studied sample, gingivitis and periodontitis operate as antagonistic modulators of gingival perfusion
188        By making bundles from a single organ operate as any of four distinct types of signal detector
189 membrane currents showed that four receptors operated as ATP-gated channels (P2XA, P2XB, P2XD, and P2
190        Combinations of floral traits - which operate as attractive signals to pollinators - act on mu
191 rror-prone, alternative form of end joining, operating as backup (B-NHEJ) functions robustly througho
192 titutive production rates of Gal1p and Gal3p operate as bifurcation parameters because variations in
193 ype I polyketide synthase (PKS) enzymes that operate as biosynthetic assembly lines.
194 activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades can operate as bistable switches residing in either of two d
195 y initially increased pCO2 levels would have operated as both a direct and indirect negative feedback
196                           Legged robots that operate as bouncing, "spring-mass" systems can maintain
197  revealed that tertiary amines predominately operate as Bronsted rather than Lewis bases.
198  in an aprotic solvent 2-cyanothioacetamides operating as C-C-S building blocks produce 5-amino-4-cya
199 ing Golgi bodies and lysosomes, are known to operate as Ca(2+) storage sites in many cell types.
200 e a mutation in K-RAS or N-RAS, GTPases that operate as central hubs for multiple key signaling pathw
201 that DNA sequences can have a dual function, operating as coding exons in one tissue and enhancers of
202      Class II MHC-positive endothelial cells operate as competent superantigen-presenting cells for C
203               Although initially believed to operate as components of distinct signaling pathways, se
204 Two isoenzymes of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) operate as components of the malate-aspartate shuttle, i
205 rafficking and activation of leukocytes, and operate as coreceptors in the entry of HIV-1.
206 reimbursement climate necessitates that ASPs operate as cost-cutting programs rather than focus on pa
207 ntify a program of NuRD-repressed genes that operate as critical regulators of presynaptic differenti
208 on of lysine 9 at histone H3 (H3K9me3), also operate as critical regulators of stem-cell functions (w
209 c templates for their own formation and also operate as cross-catalytic templates for each other.
210  desaturases, fish Fads2 have the ability to operate as Delta6 desaturases towards C24 PUFA enabling
211                               AMPA receptors operate as dimers, whereas the functional stoichiometry
212                   These domains were able to operate as discrete signaling units, suggesting that the
213                        Whether the two sites operate as distinct binding domains or cooperate in CAD
214 e other enzymes or transporters necessary to operate as dopaminergic neurons and exert widespread GAB
215  myelomonocytic leukemia and are unlikely to operate as driver mutations.
216 inwardly rectifying K(+) (GIRK) channels can operate as dynamic integrators of alpha-adrenergic and c
217 y of intergenerational transmission that may operate as early as during intrauterine life.
218              Thus, color-based attention can operate as early as, and independently from, spatial att
219 ese results suggest that plate tectonics was operating as early as Paleoarchean times, approximately
220 lycerol lactones (DAG-lactones) are known to operate as effective agonists of protein kinase C (PKC),
221 pects of the emmetropization process may not operate as effectively under constant light as they do u
222 3) regulate cell fate in development and can operate as either oncogenes or tumor suppressors in canc
223                  The FETs are first shown to operate as electrical sensors via sensitivity to changes
224  shown that the optical breadboard system is operating as expected based on modeling and can be used
225                 We hypothesized that TRs can operate as expression (eQTLs) and methylation (mQTLs) qu
226 al dendritic trees of hippocampal neurons to operate as facile computational subunits capable of supp
227                                 Plasma cells operate as factories where large quantities of Ig heavy
228                                 This network operates as follows: The Telemedicine Center sends each
229 s that these single nucleotide substitutions operate as gain-of-function mutations that activate Shh
230  Because of their shape, these enzymes often operate as gates that separate distinct cellular compart
231 ed synaptic and intrinsic adaptive responses operating as global homeostatic mechanisms to maintain f
232   There are fewer examples of modifiers that operate as growth promoters, whereby modifier-crystal in
233 nitiation factors--the 4E-BP protein family--operate as guardians of a translational control checkpoi
234 d endocrine organ, secreting adipokines that operate as hormones to mediate the crosstalk with other
235 at the multiple firing fields of a grid cell operate as independent elements for encoding physical sp
236 hypothesis that spatial and olfactory memory operate as independent working memory resources in the r
237                                       An FDS operated as intended by the manufacturer is safer than a
238 -containing cells in the pituitary gland may operate as key calendar cells, transmitting seasonal tem
239                                      Devices operating as lasers in the few-emitter limit provide opp
240 wafers are captured in a polymer matrix that operates as Li(+) gel-electrolyte and electrode separato
241 iological conditions BKCa channels primarily operate as ligand-activated channels gated by intracellu
242 hodopsins are microbial type rhodopsins that operate as light-gated ion channels.
243 trode activity by external enzymatic systems operating as logic switches in the system.
244 putative Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channels and operates as membrane phospholipid scramblase.
245                          They are thought to operate as modulators of local protein synthesis in post
246                              Allosteric RNAs operate as molecular switches that alter folding and fun
247                                        Su(H) operates as molecular switch on Notch target genes: with
248  pathogens that inhibit viral replication by operating as molecular barriers to steps of the viral li
249          Although most transcription factors operate as monomers or dimers, a few, including the E26
250 RecA/Rad51), and helicases/translocases that operate as motor proteins and play central roles in geno
251         As we demonstrate, these devices can operate as multimodal sensors for strain, rotation, cont
252 rting the notion that these interneurons can operate as multiplexors, containing numerous independent
253 t time, that individual nanoparticles can be operated as multistate switches in condensed media at ro
254 ermed the homeostat) engages mechanisms that operate as negative feedback elements to keep the biolog
255                                As such, they operate as nodal points at the convergence of multiple p
256 ding apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy, thus operating as nodal points at the convergence of multiple
257 e the genesis of endothelial dysfunction and operate as part of the normal processes of developmental
258          The orbital prefrontal cortex (PFo) operates as part of a network involved in reward-based l
259 chanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) protein operates as part of two molecularly and functionally dis
260 pins in functional ionic crystals, which may operate as potential qubits.
261 ted that O-bonded palladium enolates did not operate as predominant intermediates in the insertion pr
262                    The packed-bed column was operated as prescribed by the column manufacturer.
263                                 Wnt proteins operate as primordial symmetry-breaking signals.
264                         Because both systems operate as quantum heat engines (QHEs) that convert the
265  the notion that 6TM AC membrane domains may operate as receptors which directly regulate AC activity
266                Specialized protein cysteines operate as redox switches using H2O2 as thiol oxidant, m
267 hes which presently harbor these populations operate as refugia during the current interglacial.
268 minal linker region plus a SH3 domain, which operate as regulatory moieties.
269 functionalized with Os-complex redox species operating as relay units to mediate electron transport b
270 des the biological function, but most ncRNAs operate as RNA-protein complexes, including ribosomes, s
271              The protein translocases do not operate as separate entities but are connected to each o
272 pting chemotaxis proteins, and phosphatases, operate as signal mediators in two-component signal tran
273                      Supramolecular switches operate as simple machines by using a stimulus to turn s
274 tive group 1 or group 3 coronaviruses cannot operate as substitutes for the MHV 3' UTR.
275 provide clues on how this class of compounds operate as suicide substrate inhibitors leading to heme
276 Cs, NK cells, B cells, and T cells) that can operate as "super" immune cells, for example, through ge
277 junctions to ECs, SMCs, and fibroblasts that operate as supporting cells.
278         In conclusion, transcription factors operate as terminal selectors in distinct combinations i
279 y a recoded in-frame UGA codon that does not operate as the canonical opal stop codon.
280 e Armstrong-McGehee mechanism is unlikely to operate as the sole coexistence-promoting mechanism in c
281                 Surgeons were more likely to operate as their perceptions of operative benefit increa
282                 Surgeons were less likely to operate as their perceptions of operative risk increased
283 ix-it" model as an independent rationale for operating as they deliberated about the value of surgery
284 ith conventional lithography may effectively operate as three-dimensional helical structures with bro
285  restricted feeding, and hormonal inputs may operate as time givers (zeitgebers) for the circadian cl
286 ay have dual receptor-transporter functions, operating as "transceptors" to sense extracellular (or i
287 e that the proposed sensing architecture can operate as transducer not only to confirm the adsorption
288                 The two flexible Omega loops operate as transducers of the electrostatic signal.
289 ng cascades, cGMP and cAMP respectively, and operate as transduction channels generating the stimulus
290 peration of linear ion guides allows them to operate as traps and mass filters by modulating the duty
291 established whether respiratory disturbances operate as triggers for nocturnal arrhythmias.
292 e pgrl1 mutant, measured in photobioreactors operated as turbidostats, was similar to its wild-type p
293 tially distinct, lineage-specific mechanisms operate, as turnover in the macromeres depends on entry
294 UCNPs modified with porphyrin-dendrimers can operate as upconverting ratiometric pH nanosensors.
295 verse proapoptotic interacting proteins that operate as upstream agonists or antagonists.
296 verse proapoptotic interacting proteins that operate as upstream agonists or antagonists.
297                            BH3-only proteins operate as upstream sentinels, selectively sensing both
298 Day 1, the residents' wood burning appliance operated as usual with no air cleaner.
299  the frequency at which the chosen technique operates as well as the interactions with subcellular co
300 the dimeric class I tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase, operates as well in this homotetrameric class II tRNA sy

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