


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  weight, cortical bone showed a trend in the opposite direction.
2 hibit an ongoing movement and respond in the opposite direction.
3 mmon biological pathway, have changed in the opposite direction.
4 ectional motor often impairs movement in the opposite direction.
5 pG island with STL but is transcribed in the opposite direction.
6 ss-regional coupling effect is absent in the opposite direction.
7 cortex, whereas alpha-waves propagate in the opposite direction.
8 ent stationary object appears to move in the opposite direction.
9 ediated inactivation biased decisions in the opposite direction.
10  and volitional execution of saccades in the opposite direction.
11 energy transport by majority carriers in the opposite direction.
12  the reverse path of those travelling in the opposite direction.
13 the D1 toward the D2 compartment than in the opposite direction.
14 promoter with PTEN and is transcribed in the opposite direction.
15 t in the presence of optic flow going in the opposite direction.
16 mulus and the generation of a saccade in the opposite direction.
17 m MGO to HFO and approximately 84 min in the opposite direction.
18 e direction of the upcoming field, or in the opposite direction.
19 oupled receptor (vGPCR) transcription in the opposite direction.
20 ility to combine weak effects potentially of opposite direction.
21 icase also moves unidirectionally but in the opposite direction.
22 he same speed as the head and in exactly the opposite direction.
23 nality activates peroxisome transport in the opposite direction.
24 o disulfides as in NTRs but functions in the opposite direction.
25  and the immediate neighbors inclined in the opposite direction.
26 lated to immunity mechanisms, but not in the opposite direction.
27 nd to concurrently initiate a saccade in the opposite direction.
28 ion forks approaching the Ter sites from the opposite direction.
29 ) gamma, which regulates its activity in the opposite direction.
30 tion, and overlook the slower process in the opposite direction.
31 Lac repressor also stimulated sliding in the opposite direction.
32 b upstream of CHS3 and is transcribed in the opposite direction.
33 ne, accompanied by transport of OH(-) in the opposite direction.
34 ty of the miRNA and mRNA changes were in the opposite direction.
35  and decreases firing during movement in the opposite direction.
36 se the gliding motors move simultaneously in opposite directions.
37 hen these subdomains can become polarised in opposite directions.
38 y propel along the axis of field rotation in opposite directions.
39 t LK and IPC signaling affect food intake in opposite directions.
40  identical chemical properties may propel in opposite directions.
41  substrate to access the catalytic site from opposite directions.
42  did not react when the magnitudes varied in opposite directions.
43 altered sensitivity to amphetamine albeit in opposite directions.
44 ial infarction (MI) and gallstone disease in opposite directions.
45 use neighboring amide groups are oriented in opposite directions.
46 sponse to salient sensory stimuli, albeit in opposite directions.
47 ed occludin translation competitively and in opposite directions.
48 im1 3'-UTR and regulated stim1 mRNA decay in opposite directions.
49 e hydrophobic sides of two monomers point in opposite directions.
50 of the enantiomers and screw propels them in opposite directions.
51 lly bipolar, with the two strands running in opposite directions.
52 are in either the same direction or possibly opposite directions.
53 t fluids into and out of the airway, i.e. in opposite directions.
54 n or TGF-beta changed microRNA expression in opposite directions.
55 ng 2 had similar circuits but propagating in opposite directions.
56 and regulate its function in HEK293 cells in opposite directions.
57 chromatin) that synthesize mRNA and ncRNA in opposite directions.
58  residues on beta strands sometimes point to opposite directions.
59 esults from rotation of the apex and base in opposite directions.
60 e the excitability of Cajal-Retzius cells in opposite directions.
61 d 1 mm CD altered cholesterol homeostasis in opposite directions.
62  transcripts between them, each occurring in opposite directions.
63  when [Ca(2+)](SR) and [Ca(2+)](i) change in opposite directions.
64 ransparent planes composed of dots moving in opposite directions.
65 ach active origin, and they replicate DNA in opposite directions.
66 s Affairs Health Care System have trended in opposite directions.
67 bility to modulate inflammatory responses in opposite directions.
68 nding regions of each domain face in roughly opposite directions.
69   Two forks are established and move away in opposite directions.
70  to be toggled between two genes oriented in opposite directions.
71 ere the Ca(2+)-binding loops are oriented in opposite directions.
72 onse at the same degree day value, albeit in opposite directions.
73 ating the same genes in males and females in opposite directions.
74 ts of three glycan-binding sites oriented in opposite directions.
75  enzymes and approaches the active site from opposite directions.
76 -I 6'-polar group, drive subunit rotation in opposite directions.
77  reference frames were rotated in equal, but opposite, directions.
78               A 10-mm misregistration in the opposite direction (-10 mm along the x-axis [right] and
79 ry stimulus to be perceived as moving in the opposite direction [7, 8].
80 ctional promoter that also expresses, in the opposite direction, a previously uncharacterized gene.
81                  As a result, they rotate in opposite directions according to their handedness.
82 two specificities to drive the two lipids in opposite directions across endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi m
83 atine and inorganic phosphate (Pi) varied in opposite directions across gray matter and white matter
84                    As Cq and CEDL changes in opposite direction after AFB1 capture and the nature of
85 levated plasma glucose were in qualitatively opposite directions after multivariable adjustment in a
86 ng a statistically significant effect in the opposite direction, after adjustment for multiple testin
87 e bias direction nearly always perceived and opposite directions almost never perceived.
88 inal cortex of the bat and rat change in the opposite direction along the dorsal-ventral axis of ento
89 distinct functions in the cell and travel in opposite directions along actin filaments [1-3].
90  sweeping an in-plane magnetic field between opposite directions along the easy axis of the FM contac
91 arbon, and chlorine isotope ratios evolve in opposite directions although both elements are present i
92 nt with overall analyses in boys, but in the opposite direction among girls, particularly for BDE-28
93 ulus location even when subjects move in the opposite direction (an anti-reach).
94 th a different salinity can circulate in the opposite direction: an equatorward flow of polar water a
95  gender and/or race/ethnicity; and 15 in the opposite direction and for a different contrast, lateral
96 C1b, whereas in ASIC3 this shift goes in the opposite direction and is accompanied by a decrease in i
97 dimers should approximate the numbers in the opposite direction and similarly for transitions between
98 en RNA polymerases (RNAPs) transcribing from opposite directions and antisense regulation between com
99 compensatory effects influence expression in opposite directions and are neutral when combined in hom
100 phene's two valleys are predicted to flow in opposite directions and combine to produce long-range ch
101 ling the transport of Cl(-) and H(+) ions in opposite directions and driven by the concentration grad
102  and pXO1-16 genes, which are transcribed in opposite directions and encode predicted proteins of 66.
103 M, segregates DNA by pushing two plasmids in opposite directions and forms the current paradigm for u
104 l-stranded duplexes are coaxially stacked in opposite directions and locked together to form a tetrap
105                          The strips twist in opposite directions and work against each other until th
106              We then introduced wind (in two opposite directions) and remeasured their perceptual per
107 rand (wherein successive residues project in opposite directions) and so suggests that the B-chain in
108 e or more arms, thus pushing the body in the opposite direction, and do so without activating the arm
109 y 4-5 A) compared with Lys265, points in the opposite direction, and exhibits significant conformatio
110 ling do not simply mirror one another in the opposite direction, and low temperature may limit reprod
111 s composed of two layers of Au-Fe3 O4 NPs in opposite direction, and the orientation of Au or Fe3 O4
112 trons and ions are of the same magnitude but opposite direction, and the total OAM is carried by the
113 odulate metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 in opposite directions, and deficits in the mutants disappe
114  a cell migration gene expression program in opposite directions, and provide the first comparison of
115 elix motifs; two globular flaps extending in opposite directions; and a hood over the central core fo
116 evels are also isoform dependent, but in the opposite direction (apoE4 < apoE3).
117 FF) neurons, whereas those projecting in the opposite direction are called "feedback" (FB) neurons.
118 different functional responses when loads in opposite directions are applied to its tail.
119 uts of two mirror-symmetrical units tuned to opposite directions are thought to be subtracted on the
120                    In light, it flows in the opposite direction as ATP toward the outer segment.
121 ssociated with production traits were in the opposite direction as DPR.
122 ne-third have overlapping suppression in the opposite direction as excitation, and many other neurons
123 ower when the induced admixture LD is in the opposite direction as the LD in the ancestral population
124 asionally having 10% of the dots move in the opposite direction as the majority, we were able to iden
125 ary interactions and impede migration in the opposite direction, as a result of intraspecific apparen
126 ER to the PM but also transfers PtdOH to the opposite direction at ER-PM contact sites.
127 des the passive channel current that has the opposite direction at physiological holding potentials.
128 ease when it meets another travelling in the opposite direction, at which stage the replication machi
129 C and carbonyl group of 5fC face towards the opposite direction because the hydroxymethyl group of 5h
130 activity and infraslow activity propagate in opposite directions between the hippocampus and cerebral
131  D2 receptors seem to promote a shift in the opposite direction by inducing a more parallel processin
132 ' end to the 3' end, such as XRN4, or in the opposite direction by the multisubunit exosome complex.
133 ith the same orientation, and translocate in opposite directions by employing a reverse sequence of t
134 eomic identification of targets regulated in opposite directions by memory extinction compared with r
135  for translocating nucleic acid and track in opposite directions by reversing the firing order of ATP
136 angular-lattice PC Bragg lasers that tilt to opposite directions by taking advantage of the symmetry
137 dent responses in striatum were modulated in opposite directions by the experienced and forgone rewar
138  fast and slow traveling waves with sometime opposite directions can coexist in the same neural tissu
139 active site with its backbone running in the opposite direction compared with a pSer5 peptide.
140 ation, which results in chloride flow in the opposite direction, compared with in vivo conditions.
141 lated error gradually increase; those in the opposite direction decrease.
142  to the current flow - either in the same or opposite direction depending on the specific nature of t
143 ive stimulus, and that the effects can be in opposite directions depending on the behavioral response
144 he rules of metaplasticity might manifest in opposite directions, depending on the plasticity-inducti
145 -1 and POP-1 nuclear levels are regulated in opposite directions, despite the fact that the two prote
146 gnitude higher than that of transport in the opposite direction, disfavoring the efflux of solute via
147    Information flows through visual areas in opposite directions during "bottom-up" intake of current
148 ctions shift their midpoint voltages (Vh) in opposite directions during treatment with salicylate, a
149 t connectivity from V5 to V1 (but not in the opposite direction) enhanced the human ability to percei
150 , and altogether the odds ratios were in the opposite direction for 9 of the 22 SNPs tested.
151 ulates the bipolar cell projective field, in opposite direction for different cell types.
152 st, such relationships were absent or in the opposite direction for other attention-relevant networks
153          For girls, associations were in the opposite direction for the CPT and null for the WISC-III
154 odified the disease risk of some variants in opposite directions for CD vs UC.
155           However, these differences were in opposite directions for FXS and iAUT relative to control
156               Here we report such changes in opposite directions for lithium molybdenum trioxide (Li2
157 ns with F1 when rotary catalysis operates in opposite directions for the hydrolysis or synthesis of A
158                         This shift is in the opposite direction from that reported for cell-derived G
159 mmetric photoacoustic pulses radiated in the opposite direction from the same photoacoustic sources n
160 d TNFAIP3 rs6920220) demonstrated ORs in the opposite direction from those reported for RA patients o
161  in two different ways, parameterized by two opposite directions from a continuous circular variable.
162           Salt cations and anions migrate in opposite directions from the sample solution on applicat
163  that facilitate polypeptide movement in the opposite direction-from the cytosol into or across membr
164 f implication sometimes primarily ran in the opposite direction-from, for instance, economics and pol
165  may seem surprising that genomic changes in opposite direction have consequences on downstream pathw
166 Other studies have reported an effect in the opposite direction (higher heritability in lower SES), o
167 he equilibrium distribution of ISP-HD in the opposite direction (i.e. toward the Qo site), also act i
168 itiation factor TFAM binds to HSP and LSP in opposite directions, implying that the mechanisms of tra
169  cell-type specific, as they occurred in the opposite direction in anorexigenic pro-opiomelanocortin
170 n with BMI or associated with BMI but in the opposite direction in other ethnic groups.
171 ries of others were changed in expression in opposite direction in our previous studies on suicide, s
172 ated longevity were changed in expression in opposite direction in previous studies in the Alzheimer
173  positive end-expiratory pressure changes in opposite directions in % of patients.
174  positive end-expiratory pressure changes in opposite directions in 33% of patients.
175  register between AS1 and AS2 alternately in opposite directions in adjacent HAMPs.
176 O(4), FeO(4), and SiO(4) tetrahedra point in opposite directions in an ordered manner and exhibit ext
177          This approach revealed dramatic and opposite directions in changes of organelle numbers, GFP
178 lg/Pins/Mud complex to orient the spindle in opposite directions in distinct cell types.
179  of one another and corrections can occur in opposite directions in each eye.
180              Different cell types migrate in opposite directions in EFs [4], and the same cell can sw
181 sex-specific analyses showed associations in opposite directions in girls and boys.
182               If, however, selection acts in opposite directions in haploids and diploids ("ploidally
183 n the test case of two cracks propagating in opposite directions in polycarbonate, a material with hi
184 ain interstitial fluid (ISF) Abeta levels in opposite directions in the living mouse.
185 57 and SLOB71, modulate SLOWPOKE channels in opposite directions in vitro, we investigated whether di
186 e with the two hydroxyl groups pointing into opposite directions is adsorbed.
187 ograde pathway, which directs traffic in the opposite direction, is used following endocytosis of exo
188 ferent tissues may influence tumor growth in opposite directions: it has a proinflammatory role in in
189 et, because a strong target imbalance in the opposite direction later drove nearly all responses towa
190 alence (98%) shifts response criteria in the opposite direction, leading to elevated false alarms in
191 and structures can shift this equilibrium in opposite directions, leading to a functional switch from
192 ds in TTP and contraceptive failure being in opposite directions, likely indicating an artifact.
193 cues resulted in simultaneous, superimposed, opposite-direction MAEs.
194  a novel tumor suppressor transcribed in the opposite direction, may account for the remainder of Cow
195 nduced by the cis and trans variants were in opposite directions more frequently than expected by cha
196                                Acting in the opposite direction, NKA moves Na(+) ions from the cytopl
197 n, a gait in which thrust is produced in the opposite direction of a traveling wave of body bending,
198 ncrease circulating HDL-cholesterol have the opposite direction of association with AMD risk.
199 were much more common than those showing the opposite direction of association with coronary artery d
200                                Regarding the opposite direction of association, a higher BMI z score
201  concentrations was also associated with the opposite direction of effect, with IGF-I concentration a
202          Applying a pressure gradient in the opposite direction of electro-osmotic flow can allow for
203 eudomonas aeruginosa [3, 4], can move in the opposite direction of fluid flow.
204 r on Purkinje cells with CS responses to the opposite direction of instruction, and last in sites out
205 tromagnetic radiation that is emitted in the opposite direction of moving charged particles in a left
206  the membrane with two Cl ions moving in the opposite direction of one proton.
207            In Purkinje cells that prefer the opposite direction of pursuit and therefore do not recei
208                    These results went in the opposite direction of the a priori hypothesis and of oth
209                                          The opposite direction of the effects of propranolol on cort
210 s lagging strand synthesis to proceed in the opposite direction of the replication fork.
211                            The magnitude and opposite direction of this shift enabled us to spectrosc
212 sing unit: they migrate to the anode, in the opposite direction of whole cells.
213 mon and rare variants, and (4) variants with opposite directions of effect from other population-base
214 exhibited the largest age interactions, with opposite directions of effect in the young versus the ol
215 ulate cortex (CC) play roles in representing opposite directions of facial preference.
216 Td cells reversed their depth preference for opposite directions of motion [direction-dependent dispa
217 arger signal values (e.g., discrimination of opposite directions of motion compared with neighboring
218 on, but do not contain subregions excited by opposite directions of motion.
219                                          The opposite directions of risk allele in African population
220 in African population might be driven by the opposite directions of risk allele in cocaine dependence
221 rs became increasingly likely to dive in the opposite direction on the next kick.
222 ted pathways or transcription factors act in opposite directions on a target gene, to control the est
223 ive molecular motors that transport cargo in opposite directions on actin tracks.
224 a primate, the result of selection acting in opposite directions on each limb at different points in
225 n resulting from movement of UL5 and UL52 in opposite directions on the lagging strand template, and
226 e opponents to push increasingly hard and in opposite directions on the regulation of traits.
227               These somatic cells migrate in opposite directions on the ventral basement membrane unt
228 ication, which require enzyme progression in opposite directions on the viral template.
229 om-dot patterns containing dots streaming in opposite directions on two depth planes.
230                             With flow in the opposite direction, only the donor vessel dilates.
231 used (discrimination during a saccade in the opposite direction or at a different stimulus location t
232 th estrogen receptor-positive disease in the opposite direction (OR = 1.07, 95% CI 1.01-1.14, P(trend
233 e motorically congruent but spatially in the opposite direction, participants felt that the hand behi
234 dies and that of RTN vary in the same or the opposite directions, producing additive or countervailin
235 fication shifted g(j)-V(j) dependence in the opposite direction, reducing open probability; acidifica
236 ses of semi-arid vegetation to ENSO occur in opposite directions, resulting from opposing controls of
237  tone; and (2) direct current flowing in the opposite direction (sciatic-to-spinal DCS) would excite
238  concordant (same direction) and discordant (opposite direction) sense/antisense expression patterns.
239 hen mortality and morbidity effects moved in opposite directions, simulation results became impossibl
240 l activity in two connected brain regions in opposite directions simultaneously.
241 the summation and difference signals move in opposite directions, so perceived motion direction (upwa
242         These color appearance shifts in the opposite directions suggest that normalization induced b
243 ity influence from FEF to IT, but not in the opposite direction, suggesting the role of the FEF in th
244 t other mechanisms might also operate in the opposite direction, that is, have beneficial outcomes am
245                Though the two motors move in opposite directions, their synergistic activity is requi
246  unstructured N-terminal domain threading in opposite directions through two OmpF subunits, capturing
247 ies at the poles, which bias the buckling in opposite directions, thus leading to a helical shape.
248 that the former runs across the cleft in the opposite direction to a bound substrate and inhibits the
249 y of 3'-5' polymerases synthesize RNA in the opposite direction to all other DNA/RNA polymerases, and
250 These activity-dependent changes were in the opposite direction to both those we saw in non-GABAergic
251 ivergent lncRNAs that are transcribed in the opposite direction to nearby protein-coding genes compri
252 3'-5' nucleotide addition that occurs in the opposite direction to nucleotide addition by all known D
253 lotas Birth Cohort but were generally in the opposite direction to our a priori hypothesis: Parental
254 oreductase complex IA likely operates in the opposite direction to oxidize NADH.
255 wires, domain walls are found to move in the opposite direction to that expected from bulk spin trans
256 nd to the peptide-binding grooves run in the opposite direction to that of canonical phosphotyrosine
257 p1 levels also affect the O(2)-threshold, in opposite direction to that of the modification enzymes s
258 r for R-loop initiation and elongation in an opposite direction to that previously proposed.
259 as revealed by an early force impulse in the opposite direction to that seen in LG.
260 the absence of predators, as they are in the opposite direction to the evolved changes.
261 egrees ; a group showing large errors in the opposite direction to the frame tilt; and a small number
262 ced electric field and magnetic field in the opposite direction to the incident fields are varied and
263 kov radiation emitted predominantly near the opposite direction to the movement of a single sheet ele
264 ither not dimorphic or were dimorphic in the opposite direction to the parental species.
265 es, glucose, and body mass index were in the opposite direction to those expected.
266                               This is in the opposite direction to what would be expected if salmon e
267 d to be decreasing with time--in exactly the opposite direction to which voltage for a regular capaci
268 of the rat Abeta(1-16) dimer are oriented in opposite directions to each other, which hinders the ass
269 th of branches increase exponentially but in opposite directions to mimic tree growth.
270 ces interact with psychopathic tendencies in opposite directions to predict ToM performance-the inter
271 erior Wave neurons extend their dendrites in opposite directions to receive somatosensory inputs from
272 e assembled, one on each strand, and move in opposite directions to replicate the parental DNA during
273 mation and difference signals were tilted in opposite directions, to give ambiguous information about
274             Because an attention bias in the opposite direction, toward the ipsilesional space, occur
275 ies, slender axonal processes grow along the opposite direction towards the floor plate.
276 ential, while directing bud emergence in the opposite direction, towards sites of depolarized potenti
277 m temporal to frontal areas, but also in the opposite direction; transferring of speech information f
278 mode while cationic molecules migrate in the opposite direction under conditions close to CZE.
279 s work in men, whereas others had changes in opposite directions, underlying the issue of biological
280 ~60 pN), as compared to the unfolding in the opposite direction (unfolding force approximately 30 pN)
281 roduces different orbital angular momenta in opposite directions upon excitation-spin-helicity revers
282                     Vagal metrics changed in opposite directions: vagal baroreflex gain and two indic
283                     Vagal metrics changed in opposite directions: vagal baroreflex gain and two indic
284 ith these two expression cassettes placed in opposite directions was optimal, characterized by a robu
285 that shift Drp1 polymerization equilibria in opposite directions, we demonstrate that dimers, and not
286  blood pressure, whereas associations in the opposite direction were found for glucose, lipids, and b
287 splay similar skewed trajectories, albeit in opposite directions, when traversing the keratocyte acti
288  excitation and inhibition of the circuit in opposite directions, whereas the excitatory synaptic dri
289 ce activity in extrastriate visual cortex in opposite directions: whereas the target item in WM enhan
290  associated with incident type 2 diabetes in opposite directions, which suggests that SFAs are not ho
291      Uniform polarization is obtained in two opposite directions with an effective piezoelectric cons
292 6500161, located in ABCG1, was associated in opposite directions with both high-density lipoprotein c
293  thickness and surface area were affected in opposite directions with more widespread effects of gene
294   However, eCO2 alone induced changes in the opposite direction, with larger aggregates containing le
295 arbon and chlorine isotope ratios evolved in opposite directions, with a normal isotope effect for ch
296 ntially growing cells, CodY and CovRS act in opposite directions, with CodY stimulating and CovRS rep
297 e systems and modulate allergic responses in opposite directions, with sCD23 enhancing and sCD14 blun
298 ecules and CCL3 approach this interface from opposite directions, with some residues being mutually e
299 e efficiency of the two mechanisms varies in opposite directions within the DDSNs series, with mechan
300 ive helicase complexes at origins, moving in opposite directions within the replication bubble.

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