


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tip and F-actin distributed diffusely at the opposite end.
2 f the filament and loss of subunits from the opposite end.
3 tact with a cyclic disulfide attached to the opposite end.
4 ng-growth at one end and shortening from the opposite end.
5 eward site, mounted in a sliding box, at the opposite end.
6 olecule and containing an aryl moiety on the opposite end.
7 propagate unobstructed all of the way to the opposite end.
8 d of an aggregate suppressed invasion at the opposite end.
9 phosphate, which enters the channel from the opposite end.
10 differentially distributes components to its opposite ends.
11 l-length genes and their truncated copies at opposite ends.
12 ce as the molecule is unfolded by pulling on opposite ends.
13 e cofactor analogue desulfo-CoA project from opposite ends.
14 he rods and N-terminal domains projecting at opposite ends.
15 e vector containing various human repeats at opposite ends.
16 r by concurrent growth and shortening at the opposite ends [5].
17 ATP-modulated clamp with two sets of jaws at opposite ends: a DNA-bound enzyme can admit a second DNA
18 to a bipolar aggregate with motor domains at opposite ends, analogous to a miniature myosin filament.
19 electrodes with dual thermocouples placed at opposite ends and on opposing sides of the electrode.
20 l dimerization domain and earmuff domains at opposite ends and sides of the dimerization domain.
21 es parallel to the bilayer with N termini at opposite ends bound to Fis1 and C-terminal beta-propelle
22 ATP-modulated clamp with two sets of jaws at opposite ends, connected by multiple joints.
23 es at one end and to free sulfhydryls in the opposite end, cross-link the N terminus of receptor-boun
24 Zip1 polymerization, is often present at the opposite end from the centromere, implying that Zip2 and
25 gth of VPS35, and that VPS26 is bound at the opposite end from VPS29.
26 ric prehairpin intermediate, anchored at its opposite end in the target membrane through its fusion p
27 odel, the catalytic module of ROS-GC1 at its opposite ends is flanked by GCAP1 and S100beta modules.
28  populations, but disequilibrium between the opposite ends is significant only in Native American pop
29                                       At the opposite end, is type 2 diabetes that is clearly associa
30 n of Arg-398 with alanine, which lies on the opposite end of C2B from the Ca2+/membrane-binding loops
31 gar, an unusual 4-O-methyldigitoxose, at the opposite end of selvamicin's shortened polyene macrolide
32 t binds to a distinct, conserved site on the opposite end of Sra1.
33 ion of the covalently linked protease to the opposite end of the A-sheet.
34  the (A 3-4) (+*) polaron by a G base at the opposite end of the A-tract from P is competitive with c
35 te loss of hydrophobic interactions with the opposite end of the active site.
36                                       At the opposite end of the active-site cavity, the structure re
37 he metal ion-dependent adhesion site, at the opposite end of the alphaI domain from its site of inser
38 ; (ii) the three-residue turn located on the opposite end of the beta-strand (turn 8/9) was pushed in
39 ns, 40 A from the ligand binding site to the opposite end of the betaI domain and 80 A to the far end
40 rnal KIR and fetal HLA-C combinations at the opposite end of the birth weight spectrum.
41 e, and the two least accessible sites at the opposite end of the bundle are occupied last.
42 the cable within the bud and movement of the opposite end of the cable toward the tip of the mother c
43 hatidylinositide-binding site locates to the opposite end of the catalytic domain.
44 d later by the second qubit connected to the opposite end of the cavity.
45 origin region, one copy moves rapidly to the opposite end of the cell in an MreB-dependent manner.
46 ed by an N-terminal helical domain, with the opposite end of the channel packed against the domain-sw
47 ched in S-adenosyl-L-methionine, lies at the opposite end of the channel, approximately 4 A away from
48 rom a negatively charged group placed at the opposite end of the chromophore.
49 imity with a large intervening domain at the opposite end of the coiled coil.
50 is located near the zinc binding site at the opposite end of the conserved subdomain.
51 e that is located 20 A away from N139 at the opposite end of the D channel.
52 a retraction of the actomyosin cortex to the opposite end of the embryo by an unknown mechanism.
53 s sperm DNA stays in a fixed position at the opposite end of the embryo from the meiotic spindle whil
54                                       At the opposite end of the hybrid helix, the RNA separates from
55 terminal region of PDEA was relocated at the opposite end of the inverted chromosomal region.
56 is loosens the mannose-binding pocket on the opposite end of the lectin domain, resulting in an inact
57 m the direct repeat 2 (DR2) located near the opposite end of the minus-strand DNA, a process called p
58 d at DR1 to the acceptor site (DR2) near the opposite end of the minus-strand DNA.
59 e N- and C-termini lie close together at the opposite end of the molecule in the other beta-sheet.
60 main and around the PRPP binding site at the opposite end of the molecule, supporting a common functi
61 gment of the protein and appending it to the opposite end of the molecule.
62 atalytic P-1 domain is likely located at the opposite end of the motor.
63 t to where they are bound, but rather on the opposite end of the phage genome.
64 ple, for F68A which is located closer to the opposite end of the protein from the portal region, the
65 op formed by residues 26-31, which is on the opposite end of the protein relative to the active site,
66 osite I and the other in the Na+ site at the opposite end of the protein.
67 arged surface surrounds the PRPP site at the opposite end of the PurR dimer.
68                                       At the opposite end of the scale, we identified almost no pepti
69 nal extension of Dsn1 recruits Ndc80C to the opposite end of the shaft.
70  collagen stalk, and a smaller sphere on the opposite end of the stalk.
71 e to placement of the carboxylic acid at the opposite end of the steroid (carbon 24).
72                 Although Arg-310 lies on the opposite end of the substrate from the C-8 position that
73 drogen-bonds to the C8 hydroxyl group at the opposite end of the substrate, serving as a pivot for th
74 sparagine 5 and proline 6 are located at the opposite end of the toxin structure.
75                                          The opposite end of these compounds contains a basic substit
76 ory axis, whereas temperate birds lie at the opposite end of this continuum.
77 n rhodamine and fluorescein dyes attached to opposite ends of a 14-mer DNA duplex.
78  donor and a Cy3 acceptor were positioned at opposite ends of a 23-bp double helical DNA oligomer.
79 ini of the 27-base mini TAR DNA relocated to opposite ends of a 27 bp RNA-DNA duplex with 76.5 A betw
80 R family of R-genes have also been mapped to opposite ends of a BAC in the contig Gm_Isb001_091F11 (B
81 nans to become spontaneously out-of-phase at opposite ends of a cardiac cell.
82 occupy symmetric but distal positions at the opposite ends of a central ER-anchored Mmm1 homodimer.
83 ) subunits with the MoaD subunits located at opposite ends of a central MoaE dimer.
84 ecture, with pairs of motor domains lying at opposite ends of a central rod, allows it to crosslink m
85 ganization consisting of two motor dimers at opposite ends of a central rod.
86  congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD) sit at opposite ends of a clinical spectrum caused by mutations
87 ith two pairs of motor domains positioned at opposite ends of a dumbbell-shaped molecule [1-3].
88 he catalytic domain, but move inward to bind opposite ends of a group I intron RNA.
89  Ru(CO)2(eta(5)-C5H5) units are bound at the opposite ends of a hexagon on the fullerene surface and
90  caused by these mutations actually falls at opposite ends of a physiological spectrum.
91 ifferent environmental conditions falling at opposite ends of a saliency spectrum ranging from reward
92 ding mode in which two APOBEC3H molecules at opposite ends of a seven-base-pair duplex interact exten
93 ent of A-box and B-box DNA motifs located on opposite ends of a sharply bent parS partition site of a
94 e globular DNA-binding domains positioned at opposite ends of a solvent-exposed coiled-coil rod.
95  evolution, the two processes may be seen as opposite ends of a spectrum; however, there is no straig
96 oot and root stem cell populations occurs at opposite ends of an apical-basal axis.
97 interactions between factors associated with opposite ends of an mRNA stimulate translation initiatio
98 y transfer from donor fluorophores linked to opposite ends of an oligonucleotide to an acceptor fluor
99 o discriminate between 2 sounds presented at opposite ends of an outdoor aviary.
100 es, which induces opposite potentials on the opposite ends of black phosphorus macroparticles thereby
101                        The two donors lie at opposite ends of chromosome III, approximately 190 and 9
102 iking differences in peak pairing levels for opposite ends of chromosomes in syp-1 mutants reveal the
103 mon genealogical ancestors, individuals from opposite ends of Europe are still expected to share mill
104 ocessive molecular motors, but travel toward opposite ends of filamentous actin.
105               Kin1 and Pom1 were enriched at opposite ends of growing cells, and they phosphorylated
106 Competition between targeting signals at the opposite ends of Hedgehog apparently controls the match
107 ed cis elements named pac1 and pac2 lie near opposite ends of herpesvirus genomes and are important f
108 ne on the growing and shortening dynamics at opposite ends of individual bovine brain microtubules at
109 r proteins transport cellular cargoes toward opposite ends of microtubule tracks.
110 IIA and IIB distribute preferentially toward opposite ends of migrating endothelial cells.
111 gene sequences from individuals collected on opposite ends of North America, a region spanning 4,000
112 vating and -inhibiting activities located on opposite ends of Pib2.
113 otoaffinity-labeling moieties were placed at opposite ends of PLG peptidomimetic 1 to generate a seri
114 y for the formation of secondary alcohols on opposite ends of steroid hormone substrates.
115    The transmembrane segments are located at opposite ends of the 95 angstrom coiled coil and provide
116              Trehalose binds in two sites at opposite ends of the active-site cleft.
117  with a series of loops and short helices at opposite ends of the beta sandwich.
118 section and two ventral positions develop at opposite ends of the blastodermal halves.
119 l division, cellular components segregate to opposite ends of the cell defining an axis of polarity.
120   Bacterial replication origins move towards opposite ends of the cell during DNA segregation.
121 he mitotic spindle segregates chromosomes to opposite ends of the cell in preparation for cell divisi
122 teins within these pathways are localized at opposite ends of the cell to generate two progenies in d
123  to push replicated copies of the plasmid to opposite ends of the cell, ensuring partitioning into da
124 olves the anchoring of sister chromosomes to opposite ends of the cell.
125 is the initial movement of sister origins to opposite ends of the cell.
126 n regions of newly formed chromosomes toward opposite ends of the cell.
127 gonism between determinants that localise to opposite ends of the cell.
128                  These mutation sites are at opposite ends of the central helix.
129 D23 and FcepsilonRI interaction sites are at opposite ends of the Cepsilon3 domain of IgE, but that r
130  some distance from each other in IgE-Fc (at opposite ends of the Cepsilon3 domain).
131  FcepsilonRI binding site, which lies at the opposite ends of the Cepsilon3 domains.
132          The pairing of two alpha-helices at opposite ends of the chain is a highly conserved structu
133 , while the relation between oscillations at opposite ends of the chain was examined.
134 uivalent monobody-binding epitopes reside on opposite ends of the channel, a double-sided blocking si
135 that the centromere and transgene signals at opposite ends of the chromosome generally match in copy
136 wo sets of symmetrical hydrogen bonds at the opposite ends of the class II antigen-binding groove (be
137 M-cluster mimic with Fe and Mo positioned at opposite ends of the cluster.
138 ocate the fragments at separate hot spots on opposite ends of the cofactor-binding site.
139 nds of the crRNA are anchored by proteins at opposite ends of the complex, whereas the guide sequence
140 it and the ATPase domain of the B subunit at opposite ends of the complexes.
141 bands, the C-O and C = N stretching modes at opposite ends of the conjugated chromophore, oscillate o
142                  Myopia and hyperopia are at opposite ends of the continuum of refraction, the measur
143            Two distinct repetitive motifs at opposite ends of the control region contribute to the re
144 omatic amino acids, including those found at opposite ends of the crystal structure.
145        The resulting binding surfaces at the opposite ends of the cylindrical trimer have the potenti
146 ion the N-terminal catalytic RING domains at opposite ends of the dimer and the C-terminal substrate-
147 independent Rab-binding sites located at the opposite ends of the dimer, where the PH domain directly
148       Two of these putative sites are at the opposite ends of the dimer, while the other two are at t
149 structure, the Src homology 2 domains are at opposite ends of the dimer, with the coiled:coil domain
150  hinge region and two secondary sites on the opposite ends of the dimer.
151 ance between fluorescence probes attached to opposite ends of the DNA fragment.
152 This constraint is achieved by anchoring the opposite ends of the DNA to two separate surfaces via mu
153 n-helix DNA-binding motif that is located at opposite ends of the elongated dimer.
154              The winged helix domains are at opposite ends of the extended coiled coil with two putat
155  electrodes (e.g., placed at the same or the opposite ends of the flow channel).
156 ure (head-to-tail), two loops are located on opposite ends of the G-tetrad core.
157 ating calcium and phosphate solutions on the opposite ends of the gels loaded with 0-2% amelogenin fo
158 ally was found not to exist between RFLPs at opposite ends of the gene but was found to exist among t
159 enetic trees constructed from sequences from opposite ends of the genome as a result of recombination
160 he Nup84 complex places Nup120 and Nup133 at opposite ends of the heptamer, our findings indicate a h
161  solvation structure and dynamics of ions on opposite ends of the Hofmeister series.
162                                   At the two opposite ends of the homeostatic system spectrum are hea
163 ibe asymptomatic disease states occurring at opposite ends of the host response spectrum.
164 nd Juniperus monosperma, two tree species on opposite ends of the isohydry-anisohydry spectrum, were
165 oma brucei progeny minicircles accumulate on opposite ends of the kDNA disk, a pattern that did not s
166 embly and disassembly of the cytoskeleton at opposite ends of the lamellipodium.
167 rved in these two disorders, which emerge at opposite ends of the life spectrum, might be influenced
168 ivation occur through two separate motifs at opposite ends of the LMP-1 COOH-terminal sequence.
169 bilizing spindle structure while acting from opposite ends of the microtubules.
170 n with the canonical RNA-binding surfaces at opposite ends of the molecule.
171 tions at residues (A112T, S135F) that map to opposite ends of the monomeric protein.
172 ng 40S to position key initiation factors on opposite ends of the mRNA channel, providing a platform
173 he cap structure and the poly(A) tail are on opposite ends of the mRNA molecule, previous work has su
174 ods, we determined that proteins targeted to opposite ends of the neuron were organized and regulated
175 c day 12.5 and postnatal day 0, representing opposite ends of the notochord to NP transformation.
176                     These two regions are at opposite ends of the oblong-shaped cargo-binding domain,
177 o alpha-helical 'reading heads' project from opposite ends of the p19 homodimer and position pairs of
178 t monoclonal antibodies were associated with opposite ends of the P29 protein, by mapping products ex
179 gate and selectivity filter are localized to opposite ends of the permeation pathway.
180 us conditions, these compounds are stable on opposite ends of the pH scale.
181  2,7-diamido-1,8-naphthyridine (DAN), at the opposite ends of the polymer was synthesized via ring-op
182 ]-cluster cofactor; the remaining two are at opposite ends of the polypeptide.
183 f the two sequential reactions that occur at opposite ends of the polyphosphate chain.
184  coalescence are more likely to have been at opposite ends of the population range, whereas coalescen
185 atest interference occurs between fingers at opposite ends of the protein in the TFIIIA.5 S rRNA gene
186 olve two separate regions on PAP, located at opposite ends of the protein sequence.
187 ing sites of differing affinities located at opposite ends of the protein.
188 ing sites of differing affinities located on opposite ends of the protein.
189 ction in high-altitude catfishes, located at opposite ends of the RH1 intramolecular hydrogen-bonding
190 oci, HMLalpha and HMRa, which are located at opposite ends of the same chromosome-encoding MAT.
191 tion and BTB restructuring that occur at the opposite ends of the seminiferous epithelium during sper
192 d the basal ES/BTB remodeling near the BM at opposite ends of the seminiferous epithelium during the
193  which differ by a single residue yet lie at opposite ends of the spectrum in their intrinsic ability
194 lle genomes of these two lineages evolved to opposite ends of the spectrum of genomic complexity, des
195 TLR3-ECD binds dsRNA at two sites located at opposite ends of the TLR3 horseshoe, and an intermolecul
196 tings that involve sampling individuals from opposite ends of the trait distribution.
197 two aryl groups from the arylboronic acid to opposite ends of the triple bond of the internal alkyne.
198 ding opposite changes in protein dynamics at opposite ends of the troponin core domain.
199 haracterized by an AAV-2 and an AAV-5 ITR at opposite ends of the viral genome.
200 me 6 in diploid congeners, but is located at opposite ends of their respective chromosomes.
201 nt enzymes contain two cysteines, located at opposite ends of this cluster, which are glycines in the
202                                           At opposite ends of this pathway are the kinetochore, where
203 e conserved aspartate and position 45 are at opposite ends of TM-2, these results suggest that the ro
204 We investigate two sets of cTnT mutations at opposite ends of TNT1, mutations in residue 92 in the Tm
205 ng hydroperoxide isomerase cycling, with the opposite end represented by readily activated enzymes in
206 mum of one of every 12 branches has nodes at opposite ends representing viruses that reside on differ
207                                       On its opposite end, the pore is capped by the side chain of Hi
208 ure containing two receptor-binding sites at opposite ends through which it brings together receptor
209 r containing an alkyne and a thiol moiety on opposite ends was synthesized and attached to the dehydr
210  chain end and optionally a dye-label on the opposite end, were obtained virtually devoid of any side
211 ser illuminating one end of the array to its opposite end where surface-enhanced Raman of molecules r

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