


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nutive in Carollia, as is the nucleus of the optic tract.
2  nerve fibers remaining after lesions of the optic tract.
3 located only within layer 1, adjacent to the optic tract.
4 mall deposits of DiI crystals into the fixed optic tract.
5 ntual random axon exit into one or the other optic tract.
6 alon to form a fourth fascicle, the marginal optic tract.
7 the chiasm-tract transition zone to form the optic tract.
8 cerebral tract, mushroom body, and posterior optic tract.
9 ame set of nuclei, except the nucleus of the optic tract.
10 nterior commissure and along the ipsilateral optic tract.
11 d optic stalk/nerve to its junction with the optic tract.
12 rseradish peroxidase injected into the right optic tract.
13 they appeared as a narrow plexus deep to the optic tract.
14 ciated with a commensurately smaller LGN and optic tract.
15 ifferent locales from the retina through the optic tract.
16 d optic axons was most pronounced within the optic tract.
17 rus was initially detected in the retina and optic tract.
18 colleagues, adjusted as needed, to avoid the optic tract.
19 inding defects at the caudal turn in the mid-optic tract.
20 the visual system were glial cells along the optic tract.
21 sneuronal degeneration of their ipsilesional optic tract.
22 more proximal secondary targets and then the optic tract.
23 e D-V sorting of dorsonasal RGC axons in the optic tract.
24 ay from the midline and into the ipsilateral optic tract.
25 genital system, optic vesicle, optic cup and optic tract.
26 e level of the chiasm into the contralateral optic tract.
27 em, neural tube, otic vesicle, optic cup and optic tract.
28 issing filopodia that advanced slowly in the optic tract.
29 tly transduced >70% of the TG neurons in the optic tract.
30 normally guides axons into the contralateral optic tract.
31 om the chiasm midline into the contralateral optic tract.
32 t viral proteins in specific portions of the optic tract.
33          Nestin labeling was elevated in the optic tract.
34  be affected by the ephrin-A gradient in the optic tract.
35 entrolateral hypothalamus and lies along the optic tract.
36 those that do not cross join the ipsilateral optic tract.
37 e retina tend to occupy deeper levels of the optic tract.
38 kinase ligands in the cellular matrix of the optic tract.
39 n the total number of RGCs projecting to the optic tract.
40 lly in the middle stream of the diencephalic optic tract.
41 e proximal optic nerve and eliminated in the optic tract.
42 a and whose axons form the anterior inferior optic tract.
43 ress normally from the optic chiasm into the optic tracts.
44 to the lateral diencephalic wall to form the optic tracts.
45 ain at the optic chiasm for sorting into the optic tracts.
46  there was no gD mRNA present in the treated optic tract 5 days after infection.
47 GC) axons are topographically ordered in the optic tract according to their retinal origin.
48 f temporal axons in the middle stream of the optic tract after regeneration may now be understood in
49 ere distributed mostly in the nucleus of the optic tract and 93.1% contained gamma amino butyric acid
50                     Fasciculation within the optic tract and adhesion within the tectal neuropil are
51 n collaterals as they defasciculate from the optic tract and branch into target neuropils.
52 in and along the margins of the diencephalic optic tract and essentially absent from its middle strea
53                                          The optic tract and fibers within the lateral geniculate nuc
54 ed Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin in the optic tract and found that the retinal axons terminating
55 rtically, the white matter volume around the optic tract and internal capsule in anophthalmic subject
56 tion of the globus pallidus and the adjacent optic tract and internal capsule were identified with mi
57 f the degree of retinotopic order within the optic tract and nerve of wild-type mice both before and
58 e superficial and internal components of the optic tract and only collaterals from the superficial co
59 dients of RAP and LAP binding persist in the optic tract and optic tectum of postmetamorphic frogs, i
60 ye is genetically modified, RGC order in the optic tract and targeting in the LGN and SC are correspo
61                                 In the adult optic tract and tectum, radial glia and free astroglia c
62  of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons in the optic tract and tectum.
63 the ganglion cells are migrating through the optic tract and terminating within the optic tectum.
64 uitry, we have examined L1 expression in the optic tract and thalamic and midbrain synaptic targets o
65  were labeled by DiI crystals into the fixed optic tract and were visualized by confocal microscopy.
66 y fail to grow from the optic chiasm to form optic tracts and are delayed temporarily in the midline
67 tially strong in the retinal ganglion cells, optic tract, and chiasma but thereafter being lost excep
68 ell fate, RGC axon behavior in the ascending optic tract, and retinotopic map formation in the LGN an
69  retinal fibers, maintaining them within the optic tract, and that subsequent down-regulation of L1 m
70 ic related nuclei, (e.g., the nucleus of the optic tract, and the medial terminal nucleus); noradrene
71 ins is similar, occupying the entire chiasm, optic tracts, and prechiasmatic portion of the optic ner
72 er nuclear layer, and in the optic nerve and optic tracts, and, at 72 hours of development, is no lon
73 , accessory optic nuclei, and nucleus of the optic tract are predominantly or exclusively contralater
74 ) axon growth from the optic chiasm into the optic tract are unknown.
75 he contralesional eye and ipsi/contralateral optic tract areas were calculated and compared.
76                 L1 immunoreactivity wanes in optic tract as axon terminal arbors are elaborated in th
77         Astrocytes reacted to changes in the optic tract at all time points, and strong glial reactio
78 ment and after unilateral transection of the optic tract at postnatal day 7.
79 e DRN were observed: one descending from the optic tract at the level of the pretectum and anterior s
80 e, fine-caliber optic axons emerged from the optic tract at the level of the pretectum/anterior mesen
81  colliculus (SC), which removed terminals of optic tract axons and the superficial layers of the SC.
82 during development but that only superficial optic tract axons can permanently retain thalamic collat
83 a suggest that both superficial and internal optic tract axons can produce thalamic collaterals durin
84 esponses evoked by electrical stimulation of optic tract axons, and by investigating the ultrastructu
85 nergic axons in the brain and by a subset of optic tract axons.
86  the basal optic nucleus (BON) via the basal optic tract (BOT) were studied in the red-eared turtle.
87 utants, some dorsal RGC axons missort in the optic tract but innervate the tectum topographically.
88 idance of post-crossing RGC axons within the optic tracts but are not required for target innervation
89 s reduced and corresponding shrinkage of the optic tract can be demonstrated by magnetic resonance im
90 SPGs were densest in the deeper parts of the optic tract, coincident with radial glial fibers that tu
91 onkeys following unilateral lesioning of the optic tract combined with transection of the corpus call
92 haped fiber bundle immediately caudal to the optic tract connects the left and right sides of the Fz3
93                                 The dominant optic tract contains four times as many axons as the oth
94 ic and thalamocortical targeting, as well as optic tract defects.
95 est intensity values, indicating significant optic tract degeneration.
96 nvasive approach to monitor the timescale of optic tract degeneration.
97                            Results show that optic tract development requires cell autonomous GAP-43
98 iencephalon and telencephalon, help regulate optic tract development.
99                              The regenerated optic tract does not regain its normal organization, e.g
100 echanism to eliminate missorted axons in the optic tract during retinotectal development in zebrafish
101 lant replacement of the lateral diencephalon optic tract entry zone in GAP-43-deficient embryo prepar
102                Electrical stimulation of the optic tract evoked in interneurones apparently pure EPSP
103              At early postnatal ages (<P12), optic tract evoked responses were primarily excitatory.
104 tivity did not increase for either sEPSCs or optic tract-evoked EPSCs.
105 bitor-treated axons that did extend into the optic tract exhibited normal pathfinding behavior.
106 nal midline crossing at the optic chiasm and optic tract fasciculation.
107                This probe integrates a fiber-optic tract for the delivery of laser light with a two-w
108 se removal of native HSs at the beginning of optic tract formation retards retinal axon elongation; a
109 ement of PKC and calmodulin signaling during optic tract formation.
110              Those with recent damage to the optic tract had even higher laterality indices due to di
111 medial pretectal area and the nucleus of the optic tract (IGL and VLG).
112 h cones were tracked from retina through the optic tract in mouse brain at embryonic day (E) 15-17, a
113               In experiments using a severed optic tract in the hamster, we show that regenerated axo
114 tinal inputs specifically by stimulating the optic tract in the presence of strontium and recording e
115                      RGC axons extend in the optic tracts in a manner that correlates with the expres
116           They also extend their axons as an optic tract into the connective to innervate optic neuro
117 ystem to determine how the dimensions of the optic tract, lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), and prima
118 etinal axons stalled at the beginning of the optic tract, leading to an 80% reduction in projection l
119 spects of retinotopic order exist within the optic tract, leading to the suggestion that this "preord
120 uting into the ipsilateral and contralateral optic tracts, leading to duplicated representations of t
121                                              Optic tract low-grade gliomas are one of the commonest c
122 dherin (NFPC) is expressed in the mid-dorsal optic tract neuroepithelium and in the axons of developi
123 ruption of NFPC function in RGC axons or the optic tract neuroepithelium results in unexpectedly loca
124 onnections with the pretectal nucleus of the optic tract (NOT) and superior colliculus (SC), suggest
125 ctive RGCs fail to target the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT)--the accessory optic system (AOS) targ
126        Other (predominantly dopaminergic and optic tract) nuclei also retained reduced [(125)I]mAb 27
127 he lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), and the optic tract of anesthetized cats using stimuli that prod
128 magnetic resonance images to see whether the optic tracts of four human hemianopes would show similar
129 pic analysis of the optic nerve, chiasm, and optic tracts of Rana pipiens after the anterograde and r
130  superior colliculus, nigrostriatal pathway, optic tract, olivary pretectal, and mediolateral and dor
131  exhibit an orientation bias with respect to optic tract or boundaries of dLGN.
132 njections involving fibers of passage in the optic tract, or centered in the medial terminal nucleus
133 stem, such topography is seen clearly in the optic tract (OT) and in the optic radiations.
134 tic pathway [including the optic nerve (ON), optic tract (OT) and lateral geniculate nucleus] of the
135 nucleus (dLGN), synaptic responses evoked by optic tract (OT) stimulation give rise to long-lasting,
136                                          The optic tract (OT) was defined and measured in the structu
137 t 3, 4, or 5 days post infection (dpi), both optic tracts (OT) were dissected and viral genome was qu
138 vigate in highly fasciculated bundles in the optic tract overlying the lateral geniculate body and in
139 lamic radiation and right geniculate nucleus optic tracts (P < .0001).
140 posterior, olivary, anterior, nucleus of the optic tract, posterior limitans), into the superior coll
141                          The measures of the optic tracts provide evidence for comparable transneuron
142 s extending within the host optic nerves and optic tract, reaching usual synaptic targets in the brai
143 PC translation reporter activity in this mid-optic tract region that are attenuated by blocking neuro
144 ee genotypes, and graft axon growth into the optic tract region was assessed.
145 uded ectopically projecting axons within the optic tract region, meandering and splaying of axons in
146    Between E30 and E35, the optic chiasm and optic tract remain acellular, but the latter contains ra
147  the superior colliculus, stimulation of the optic tract resulted in a field EPSP recorded from the S
148 osal, the fact that neglect is not caused by optic tract section alone is explained by the ability of
149               Neglect was not observed after optic tract section alone, or forebrain commissurotomy a
150                   Neglect was observed after optic tract section combined with forebrain commissuroto
151 However, neglect does follow when unilateral optic tract section is combined with forebrain commissur
152 ecline was initially more pronounced for the optic tract, slackened after 3 years post-lesion and was
153 ulfate proteoglycan function is required for optic tract sorting provides clues to begin understandin
154                                              Optic tract stimulation increases inhibitory activity in
155  glutamate receptors (mGluRs) by agonists or optic tract stimulation increases the output of these pr
156 st (RS)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG) or optic tract stimulation produced a robust increase in sp
157  emerge until after eye opening (>P14), when optic tract stimulation routinely evoked an excitatory p
158  Furthermore, the enhanced sIPSC activity by optic tract stimulation was reduced when paired with cor
159  and central areas extend dendrites into the optic tract, suggesting a predominant retinal influence
160  RGC axon sorting produces axon order in the optic tract that reflects the dorsoventral position of t
161 ebbian teacher located in the nucleus of the optic tract that strengthens connections of a subpopulat
162 retectal olivary nucleus, the nucleus of the optic tract, the brachium of the superior colliculus, an
163 ulomotor periaqueductal gray, nucleus of the optic tract, the inferior olive, and raphe interpositus.
164 form three central, optic tracts: the medial optic tract, the projection to the corpus geniculatum, a
165 were made of the cross-sectional area of the optic tract, the volumes of the magnocellular and parvoc
166 chiasm, axons diverge to form three central, optic tracts: the medial optic tract, the projection to
167 he ventral midline to join the contralateral optic tract; those that do not cross join the ipsilatera
168 al dendrites and follow a course through the optic tract to finally form very fine and restricted ter
169 nglion cell axons first navigate through the optic tract to reach their target, the optic tectum.
170 ) send their axons via the anterior superior optic tract to the mushroom bodies.
171 al retinal axons as they project through the optic tract to the tectum.
172 racing of the optic nerve, optic chiasm, and optic tracts to the level of the lateral geniculate nucl
173 In addition, the cross-sectional area of the optic tract was measured in archived coronal histologica
174  expression in temporal retinal axons in the optic tract was significantly reduced after nerve sectio
175 jections from DL/MT(C) to the nucleus of the optic tract were also observed in squirrel and owl monke
176 ponses of retinal ganglion cell axons in the optic tract were never correlated with brightness.
177 the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), or the optic tract were scanned with structural MRI.
178     Whole mounts of optic nerve, chiasm, and optic tract were sectioned horizontally and incubated wi
179 d cross-sectional area of the left and right optic tracts were computed based on the intensity values
180 lly expressed along the border of the dorsal optic tract whereas 2-O-sulfotransferase is expressed br
181 sociated with a commensurately large LGN and optic tract, whereas a relatively small V1 was associate
182     The superior fasciculus of the accessory optic tract, which innervates the medial terminal nucleu
183 ablation induced axon exclusion zones in the optic tracts without impairing axon crossing.

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