


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  along a 10 km length of normally dispersive optical fibre.
2 teracting with the optical signal within the optical fibre.
3 esigned to mode match a standard single mode optical fibre.
4 und in the homogeneous core of a single-mode optical fibre.
5 ransmitted 5km over a graded-index, few-mode optical fibre.
6 oadening when propagating through lengths of optical fibre.
7 r decoherence with distance than light in an optical fibre.
8 icon-on-insulator technology and single-mode optical fibre.
9  ring laser cavity was formed by an 8-m-long optical fibre.
10 rected to another site through 100 metres of optical fibre.
11 on a long-period grating (LPG) induced in an optical fibre.
12 localized polarization knots in conventional optical fibres.
13  high propagation loss and depolarization in optical fibres.
14  of radii comparable to that of conventional optical fibres.
15  cases is provided by the use of single-mode optical fibres.
16 lly confined waves similar to those found in optical fibres.
17 e connected by single-photon transmission in optical fibres.
18 enhanced design freedom compared to standard optical fibres.
19  the window of minimal absorption in current optical fibres.
20 g due to polarisation-altering properties of optical fibres.
21 ementation utilizes polarization-maintaining optical fibre and photons with a wavelength of 850 nm.
22 utilise the parallel processing potential of optical fibres and amplifiers.
23 r waves in narrow canals, as light pulses in optical fibres and as quantum mechanical matter waves in
24 es include singularities capable of damaging optical fibres and lasers in nonlinear optical systems,
25                                    Unlike in optical fibres and semiconductor waveguides, we observe
26       We report the fabrication of SiGe-core optical fibres, and the use of CO2 laser irradiation to
27 e show that localized states of a disordered optical fibre are single mode: the transmission channels
28 bution of water in the glass rods from which optical fibres are drawn and explain the distribution qu
29 cal limits to the information capacity of an optical fibre arising from these nonlinearities.
30 ial to replace highly power-hungry intrusive optical fibre based endoscopes and to extend the range o
31            We examine the lasing dynamics in optical fibre-based coupled cavities more than a kilomet
32              Using dielectric sensors and an optical fibre-based readout ensures minimal field pertur
33 tal demonstration of temporal cloaking in an optical fibre-based system by applying concepts from the
34  waveguide attached to the tapered tip of an optical fibre can guide visible light into intracellular
35                 Light propagation through an optical fibre causes a long, non-resonant (true) time de
36                  Propagation time through an optical fibre changes with the environment, e.g., a chan
37 evable transmission capacity of conventional optical fibre communication systems is limited by nonlin
38 overy by Kao and Hockman that ultra-low-loss optical fibres could be made from pure silica through th
39                                              Optical fibres designed to support multiple transverse m
40    When an optical pulse propagates along an optical fibre, different wavelengths travel at different
41 n nanosphere fabrication process based on an optical fibre drawing technique.
42                                 In contrast, optical-fibre drawing from a macroscopic preformed rod i
43  on a flexible fibre bundle of six multimode optical fibres, each terminated with a distal polariser
44 )) delivered to the sensory epithelium by an optical fibre evoked profound changes in phasic and toni
45 es lag far behind the corresponding rates of optical fibre, featuring attenuation many orders larger.
46 disordered light within a standard multimode optical fibre for lensless microscopy and optical mode c
47 linear nature of the propagation of light in optical fibre has made these limits difficult to elucida
48        High-speed broadband services require optical fibres in access networks, in which multiple sub
49 ive optics to achieve focusing in disordered optical fibres in the Anderson regime.
50 g padeliporfin intravenously over 10 min and optical fibres inserted into the prostate to cover the d
51 rier would enable their transmission through optical fibres instead of through copper wires, drastica
52 An important group of nonlinear processes in optical fibre involves the mixing of four waves due to t
53 h information can be communicated through an optical fibre is a key element in the 'information revol
54                 Our understanding of what an optical fibre is and what it does is changing because of
55 t quality obtained in the polymer disordered optical fibre is comparable to or better than some of th
56 e direct transmission of an image through an optical fibre is difficult because spatial information i
57                     The classical purpose of optical fibres is delivery of either optical power, as f
58 report on the design and drawing of a hollow optical fibre lined with an interior omnidirectional die
59                                           An optical fibre long period grating (LPG), modified with a
60 n optical system, based on a microstructured optical fibre, near the threshold of soliton-fission sup
61 ractive means for securing communications in optical fibre networks.
62  of a quantum repeater, akin to repeaters in optical fibre networks.
63 uced optical transmission when combined with optical fibres of low refractive index.
64                                       Hollow optical fibres offer the potential to minimize the depen
65                     Imaging through a single optical fibre offers attractive possibilities in many ap
66 idly and efficiently between locations using optical fibres or microwave cables.
67 iverse physical settings, including liquids, optical fibres, plasmas and condensed matter.
68 tical modulator developed on a side-polished optical fibre platform.
69                                           An optical fibre probe is used to illuminate the lip and ac
70  Its successful implementation in disordered optical fibres recently resulted in the propagation of l
71                      Conventional solid-core optical fibres require highly transparent materials.
72                        Significant effort in optical-fibre research has been put in recent years into
73 e from leaky modes along a multimode tapered optical fibre, resulting in spectrally distinguishable s
74                                              Optical fibre surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based sens
75 ogy, we perform real-time measurements in an optical fibre system of the unstable breakup of a contin
76 uses a mechanical resonator coupled with the optical fibre system to produce periodic and chaotic opt
77 s is the achievement of the clarity limit in optical fibres--that is, ensuring that the SiO2 glass fr
78 able long-distance transmission of data over optical fibres; they also ensure narrow spot-size laser
79 hannelrhodopsin-2 to Hcrt cells and using an optical fibre to deliver light deep in the brain, direct
80                                              Optical fibre underpins the global communications infras
81 tocol in a cryogenically cooled erbium-doped optical fibre, we report the quantum storage of heralded
82  of loss to 0.037 dB m(-1), close to that of optical fibres when first considered a viable technology
83                  In contrast to conventional optical fibres, which must be removed from the body soon
84 hich are conveniently handled by mirrors and optical fibres without loss of coherence, atoms lose the

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