コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 out influences from optical gradient forces (optical trapping).
2 sitioned near microtubule plus ends using an optical trap.
3 es under the low-force regime afforded by an optical trap.
4 es them well-suited for manipulation with an optical trap.
5 from the microtubule under the force of the optical trap.
6 ep size under applied load as measured in an optical trap.
7 nating hindering and assisting loads with an optical trap.
8 an elastic lift force upon release from the optical trap.
9 evels when external tension is applied by an optical trap.
10 ment kinetics with varying tensions using an optical trap.
11 rque application and detection in an angular optical trap.
12 .6 degrees C/100 mW in a nonheating (830 nm) optical trap.
13 ulating the input polarization in a standard optical trap.
14 eosomes in a single chromatin fiber using an optical trap.
15 A-binding proteins using a feedback-enhanced optical trap.
16 nucleosomal arrays with a feedback-enhanced optical trap.
17 ove effectively against a load imposed by an optical trap.
18 forces were applied by a feedback-controlled optical trap.
19 ct-induced phase changes being studied in an optical trap.
20 lity but increased force production using an optical trap.
21 he stroke size, as observed with a dual-beam optical trap.
22 en DNA handles that are attached to beads in optical traps.
23 he loading efficiency of (209,210)Fr magneto-optical traps.
24 armonic potential trap analogous to atoms in optical traps.
25 sing arrays of time-multiplexed, holographic optical traps.
26 at both ends by microspheres in two separate optical traps.
27 tanium-sapphire (700-990 nm) laser microbeam optical traps.
28 ached to two beads that were held in the two optical traps.
29 ing dual-labeled gliding filament assays and optical trapping.
30 apillary electrophoresis, patch-clamping and optical trapping.
31 in aqueous solution in a manner analogous to optical trapping.
32 l structure of molecules complicates magneto-optical trapping.
33 ing with 1-nm accuracy (FIONA) and dual-beam optical trapping.
34 , as revealed by atomic force microscopy and optical trapping.
36 ivated by attaching the motor to beads in an optical trap, a situation that may mimic attachment to I
39 aman scattering from a single vesicle, while optical trapping allows more than hour-long observations
41 x-ray scattering (SAXS) and single-molecule optical-trap analyses are consistent with the high bendi
43 n progressively through the transition by an optical trap and an algorithm is used to extract the ene
44 force required to hold the bacterium in the optical trap and determine the propulsion matrix, which
45 e this problem by alternately modulating the optical trap and excitation beams to prevent simultaneou
46 membranes of various cell types by using an optical trap and fast three-dimensional (3D) interferome
47 upper DPPC bilayer can be manipulated by the optical trap and the shape of the vesicle distorted from
48 r aqueous aerosol droplet is captured in the optical trap and used as a sampling volume, accreting ma
49 nts of various lengths using single-molecule optical trapping and bulk fluorescence approaches in the
50 g cells, thereby extending cell viability in optical trapping and cell manipulation applications.
57 his paper describes a method, which combines optical trapping and microfluidic-based droplet generati
59 ucidates the role of convection in plasmonic optical trapping and particle assembly, and opens up new
65 integrin-molecule adhesion kinetics using an optical trap, and diffusion using fluorescence correlati
66 of the diffusion coefficient of a bead in an optical trap, and to demonstrate that it is not in gener
70 transcription elongation complexes, using an optical trapping apparatus that allows for the detection
75 The tight focus excitation requirements of optical trapping are well suited to confocal Raman micro
77 f tension applied with a feedback-controlled optical trap as the MTs lengthened approximately 1 micro
78 A molecules have previously been observed in optical traps as sudden changes in molecular extension.
79 rm the reader about recent progress in axial optical trapping, as well as the potential for these dev
81 ion, applied load, and temperature, using an optical trapping assay capable of distinguishing pauses
84 ium of a DNA hairpin using a single-molecule optical trapping assay, in which the unfolded state is c
87 sphate (ATP) (2-4 muM) was measured using an optical-trapping assay featuring 1 base-pair (bp) precis
94 the bead rotational fluctuations inherent in optical trapping assays where beads are used to apply th
98 O) at the single-molecule level, we utilized optical trap-based force spectroscopy to measure the str
102 ity of myosin to produce force using a novel optical-trap-based isometric force in vitro motility ass
103 es, labeling with beads remains critical for optical-trapping-based investigations of molecular motor
104 ich are highly sought after in the fields of optical trapping, biological sensing and quantum informa
105 ing in the well-controlled environment of an optical trap but also for spores germinating when adhere
106 s from such cells by pulling on them with an optical trap but failed, even when we used forces large
107 eeds of the spheres were monitored in a weak optical trap by back-focal-plane interferometry in solut
108 ns of (7)Li atoms in a quasi-one-dimensional optical trap, by magnetically tuning the interactions in
110 Here we show that an infrared single-beam optical trap can be used to individually trap, transfer
112 rpin, recorded under constant force using an optical trap, can be used to reconstruct the energy land
113 was constructed, based on a feedback-driven optical trap capable of maintaining constant loads on si
115 analyzed individually with a combination of optical trapping, capillary electrophoresis separation,
118 eriments on actin filaments manipulated with optical traps confirm the scaling law predicted by the a
120 ly 0.6 microm in size) have been acquired by optical-trapping confocal Raman microscopy over the 900-
121 work with laser tweezers has suggested that optical traps could be used to create novel spatial prob
122 we develop an in silico model, supported by optical trapping data, suggesting that the motors' diffu
124 sed on scanning force microscopy imaging and optical trap-driven unzipping assays, it has recently be
125 at probe the H-NS-DNA interaction: a dynamic optical-trap-driven unzipping assay and an equilibrium H
135 to perform high-precision and high-bandwidth optical trapping experiments to study motor regulation i
137 ) = 6.2 s(-1)) determined in single molecule optical trapping experiments, indicating that myosin 15-
146 hered microsphere from equilibrium using the optical trapping force, the tensions of individual stran
149 ams in these fluids can generate anisotropic optical trapping forces, even for particles larger than
152 tal advances are complemented by insights in optical-trapping geometry and single-molecule motility a
153 3 muK in a micro-fabricated grating magneto-optical trap (GMOT), enabling future mass-deployment in
158 e bio-chemical detection, reflective filter, optical trapping, hot-electron generation, and heat-assi
160 hods that provide in situ calibration of the optical trap in the complex cellular environment, taking
162 We describe the exciting advances of using optical trapping in the field of analytical biotechnolog
163 hough our magnetic moulds currently resemble optical traps in that they are limited to the manipulati
164 molecular oxygen is generated locally by the optical traps in the presence of a sensitizer, which we
165 al calibrations, results in a more versatile optical trapping instrument that is accurately calibrate
169 ipulation of live cells in a dual-beam fibre-optical trap integrated into a modular lab-on-chip syste
170 ines a time-shared ultrahigh-resolution dual optical trap interlaced with a confocal fluorescence mic
171 to apply forces on single molecules with an optical trap is combined with the endogenous structural
177 ended between two beads and held in separate optical traps is brought close to a surface that is spar
178 n array of stable, three-dimensional on-chip optical traps is formed at the antinodes of a standing-w
187 assay in conjunction with a high-resolution optical trapping microscope, we have examined the behavi
189 echnique in cold-atom physics is the magneto-optical trap (MOT), which combines laser cooling with a
193 ere we demonstrate three-dimensional magneto-optical trapping of a diatomic molecule, strontium monof
204 nti-integrin antibody was restrained with an optical trap on fibroblasts to mimic extracellular attac
205 ic device may find potential applications in optical trapping, optical data storage and many other re
206 tem, were immobilized with an infrared laser optical trap or by adhesion to modified borosilicate gla
208 mic-force microscopy, magnetic tweezers, and optical traps (OTs) have been employed to probe the many
210 xciton confinement layer, and a conventional optical trapping scheme, we show a peak external quantum
211 plets for high-resolution measurements in an optical trap showed that they compare well with plastic
213 The model reproduces key signatures found in optical trapping studies of structurally defined complex
214 s work, we improved the spatial precision of optical trapping studies of transcription to approximate
219 e present the development of an ultra-stable optical trapping system with angstrom-level resolution,
230 g pathways under the low-force regime of the optical trap; the specific unfolding pathway depends on
231 to freely control the number and position of optical traps, thus facilitating the unrestricted manipu
232 old-coated liposomes are maneuvered using an optical trap to achieve precise delivery of encapsulated
235 use measurements of swimming bacteria in an optical trap to determine fundamental properties of bact
238 idual DNA molecules were manipulated with an optical trap to examine the kinetics of torus formation
240 l properties of a primary cilium by using an optical trap to induce resonant oscillation of the struc
244 stigate these questions, we used a precision optical trap to measure the single-molecule kinetics of
250 ngle-molecule gold nanoparticle tracking and optical trapping to examine the mechanism of coordinatio
251 ce (flow cell) used in conjunction with dual optical trapping to manipulate DNA dumbbells and to visu
253 erties of microtubule cross-links we applied optical trapping to mitotic asters that form in mammalia
254 d confocal Raman microscope is combined with optical trapping to probe and analyze bacterial spores i
256 w vancomycin affects cell stiffness, we used optical traps to bend unflagellated mutants of B. burgdo
258 parameters must be considered when applying optical traps to the study of biological problems, espec
260 hoice of wavelength and polarization for the optical trap, two electronic states of an atom can exper
261 cal and ensemble-level experiments involving optical trapping using a photonic force microscope and p
262 ith a fluorophore at high efficiency, and 3) optical trapping virometry to measure the number of gp12
264 (CHO) cells was conducted after exposure to optical trapping wavelengths using Nd:YAG (1064 nm) and
265 ally, by measuring the cargo dynamics in the optical trap, we find that there is memory: it is more l
266 ules held under tension in a high-resolution optical trap, we found that the native folding pathway i
267 of nitrogen-vacancy centers suspended in the optical trap, we observe distinct peaks in the measured
271 ther, by integrating these enhancements with optical traps, we demonstrate how efficient bioconjugati
273 toms confined in an array of two-dimensional optical traps; we studied the spin-orbital quantum dynam
274 d motions in the focal plane relative to the optical trap were detected by measuring laser intensity
275 ingle living cells and beads suspended in an optical trap were recorded with 30-ms time resolution.
277 an one IgG per contact area were held in the optical trap while an SpA-coated substrate was scanned b
278 living microalgal cell held in place with an optical trap while simultaneously collecting Raman data.
279 e living bacterial cells held in place by an optical trap while simultaneously collecting Raman spect
280 d droplets (LDs) in COS1 cells respond to an optical trap with a remarkable enhancement in sustained
282 n of the biopolymer's elasticity by using an optical trap with nanometer-scale position resolution.
285 Finally, we demonstrate an array of magneto-optical traps with a single laser beam, which will be ut
286 we show that the spatial resolution of dual optical traps with dual-trap detection is always superio
287 usand times more atoms than previous magneto-optical traps with microfabricated optics and, for the f
288 ayer from the same vesicle is drawn into the optical trap, with an energy of approximately 6 x 10(-13
289 By setting up a well-calibrated single-beam optical trap within a fluorescence microscope system, on
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