


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1             Cells were allowed to grow under optimal conditions for 14 days.
2                                              Optimal conditions for activation and inactivation of th
3                                          The optimal conditions for activity were pH 7.0 and 40 degre
4                                          The optimal conditions for activity were pH 7.8 and 35 degre
5 characterized biochemically to determine the optimal conditions for activity.
6                                Moreover, the optimal conditions for ASE are met in only one spatial o
7 lary light reflex (PLR) and to determine the optimal conditions for assessing the health of the rod,
8 peats and acidic soils, and to better define optimal conditions for bioremediation processes.
9 nine XSCID provides a model to determine the optimal conditions for bone marrow transplantation in hu
10                                          The optimal conditions for cell immobilization included coat
11 hematical mass-action model to determine the optimal conditions for ceRNA activity in silico.
12 aid contour plots prediction showed that the optimal conditions for CJPL were 125mL juice volume, 6.5
13                                              Optimal conditions for coating glass plates and time for
14                                              Optimal conditions for collection, transport, and storag
15 semiconductor heterostructure we predict the optimal conditions for controlling multiexciton generati
16 nd mutant strains of V. cholerae grown under optimal conditions for CT and TCP expression.
17                                Specifically, optimal conditions for culturing bovine pulmonary artery
18 ring during pathogen infection would lead to optimal conditions for DC maturation, migration, and fun
19                                              Optimal conditions for depositing protein microarrays us
20 l agar for conidial formation along with the optimal conditions for dermatophyte susceptibility testi
21 ck system control scheme to quickly pinpoint optimal conditions for desired biological activities, an
22                                          The optimal condition for diabetic skin was six pulses of 10
23 ment conditions have been tested to identify optimal conditions for DNA immobilization using this app
24                                           At optimal conditions for each system, superoxide/H2O2 was
25                                              Optimal conditions for efficient continuous fractionatio
26 een as informative as those for RyR1 because optimal conditions for electron microscopy, which requir
27                     This study evaluates the optimal conditions for elicitation with H2O2 for improvi
28                                     However, optimal conditions for emulsion stability should be care
29              Thus, our studies establish the optimal conditions for experimental modeling of human ad
30                                        Under optimal conditions for expression of TSG-6, the hMSCs al
31 RSM constitutes a powerful tool for deriving optimal conditions for extraction of antioxidant phenoli
32 xture of acetone/n-hexane 1:3 (v/v) provided optimal conditions for extraction of lycopene.
33                                          The optimal conditions for extraction were as follows: extra
34  the above results, in the present study the optimal conditions for fermentation and drying of cocoa
35                                        Under optimal conditions for folding, Glu-22 and Asp-23 form t
36  closer and the gaps widths are more uniform-optimal conditions for forming a complete bandgap that i
37                                              Optimal conditions for gamma-glutamyl transferase activi
38 esponse of alkali degradation determined the optimal conditions for generation of the chemoattractant
39 al temperature dependence, which suggests an optimal condition for grain refinement.
40 ies alters the global environment toward the optimal conditions for growth and tends to regulate agai
41                        Our results prescribe optimal conditions for HC generation and extraction, and
42                                              Optimal conditions for labeling Mregs with 50-nm gold pa
43 , most importantly, to stabilize NADPH under optimal conditions for long-term storage.
44 f reactants, is developed that describes the optimal conditions for maximizing both the average curre
45 alculator allows rapid identification of the optimal conditions for maximizing incorporation, efficie
46 ajor shortcomings in miRNA FISH, identifying optimal conditions for miRNA fixation and ribosomal RNA
47                                          The optimal conditions for NALC-NaOH decontamination were de
48                                 Although the optimal condition for Np and Pu simultaneous determinati
49                                              Optimal conditions for oak growth favoured the productio
50                                          The optimal conditions for other factors such as temperature
51 ming of germination is required to encounter optimal conditions for plant survival and is the result
52 in script across primes and targets provides optimal conditions for prime word processing, hence gene
53 dependent RNA polymerase (3D(pol)) including optimal conditions for primer extension, processivity an
54   These results emphasize the need to define optimal conditions for prion conversion in vitro, under
55                                              Optimal conditions for promoting sequence-specific bindi
56 the usual for agar media, pH 6.8, to provide optimal conditions for PZA activity, and it also differs
57   Experimental design allowed us to find the optimal conditions for quantification of both IgA and Ig
58                                          The optimal conditions for Rad51-mediated DNA strand exchang
59                                              Optimal conditions for RecA protein-mediated DNA strand
60 rotein refolding and aggregation affects the optimal conditions for refolding of four-helix bundles.
61 standing environmental adversity and seeking optimal conditions for reproduction are basic requiremen
62 able model to establish basic principles and optimal conditions for selective killing of neoplastic c
63 vironment is stoichiometrically varied until optimal conditions for selective MNF synthesis are achie
64 ribozymes has been studied extensively under optimal conditions for self-splicing in vitro (42 degree
65 nd Bub1(5AV) support the checkpoint under an optimal condition for spindle checkpoint activation.
66 AAC2 and ovine uncoupling protein UCP1 allow optimal conditions for stability in detergents to be est
67  hypothesis that intermediate levels provide optimal conditions for stability.
68  primate and possibly serve to establish the optimal conditions for stimulus encoding.
69                                          The optimal condition for storage was -70 degrees C.
70                                          The optimal conditions for strand exchange were 1 mM MgCl(2)
71  The OA/Zr ratio was varied to determine the optimal conditions for subsequent fluoride adsorption.
72 onsible for pollutant transformation and the optimal conditions for subsurface application remain poo
73 be dissociated from normal kidney aging when optimal conditions for successful aging are provided.
74                                              Optimal conditions for T-cell stimulation are encountere
75          A helicase assay was developed, and optimal conditions for T. aquaticus DnaB activity were d
76                                          The optimal condition for the first asymmetric reduction of
77                                           An optimal condition for the GTPase assay was determined to
78                                          The optimal condition for the liquid desorption was 150 muL
79 eans of ELISA and surface plasmon resonance, optimal conditions for the biomolecular testing with the
80                                              Optimal conditions for the condensation were identified
81                                          The optimal conditions for the de novo initiation activity h
82 nstitute methods for BMD and DD testing, the optimal conditions for the detection of mupirocin HLR we
83                                              Optimal conditions for the development of IL-17-producin
84                                     However, optimal conditions for the DNA pairing and DNA strand ex
85                                          The optimal conditions for the enzyme treatment were: water
86 ction outcome was evaluated to determine the optimal conditions for the evaluation of HIV-1 preventiv
87                                              Optimal conditions for the first step were established a
88 the crystal growth process and determine the optimal conditions for the formation of single crystal l
89 CD was varied from 30 to 60% to evaluate the optimal conditions for the fragmentation of peptide back
90                                          The optimal conditions for the highest yield of TPC (7.21+/-
91  EpsE is an Mg2+-dependent ATPase and define optimal conditions for the hydrolysis reaction.
92                                              Optimal conditions for the mini-RIA were established usi
93  5.2% and 97.7% +/- 1.5% were obtained under optimal conditions for the miniaturized and conventional
94   These results demonstrate how discovery of optimal conditions for the separation of new analytes ca
95                                          The optimal conditions for the separation were 100mM borate
96                                              Optimal conditions for the slow release of the boronic a
97 echanisms and would help in determination of optimal conditions for their ethnopharmacological use.
98         It is essential for bacteria to find optimal conditions for their growth and survival.
99 m the overlying Cambrian succession, despite optimal conditions for their preservation, and instead t
100 id molecules onto PEM films to determine the optimal conditions for these parameters to achieve effic
101 nspecific control LNA were used to determine optimal conditions for this type of flow-FISH.
102 l and possible graft-specific tolerance (eg, optimal conditions for tolerance induction and how immun
103 According to the theoretical discussion, the optimal conditions for two model analytes, 5-carboxyfluo
104 igned to reclassify climate data relative to optimal conditions for vector establishment, could be ap
105                                              Optimal conditions for VPE were determined, and the resu
106                                        Under optimal conditions for wild type, variants with one addi

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