コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 weeks, 175 mg/m(2) should be considered the optimal dose.
2 d as both the maximum-tolerated dose and the optimal dose.
3 teness of current designs for identifying an optimal dose.
4 oses in 10 steps starting at 1 : 1000 of the optimal dose.
5 uptake of motexafin gadolinium (MGd) and its optimal dose.
6 he treatment of tuberculosis (TB), is not an optimal dose.
7 aft models, ultimately curing 80% of mice at optimal doses.
8 on, but more research is needed to determine optimal doses.
9 itory than anti-CD154 mAb (100 microg/ml) at optimal doses.
10 ll fusion were enhanced, albeit at different optimal doses.
11 eeded in this area to determine efficacy and optimal dosing.
12 luded in AREDS-type supplements, and at what optimal doses?
13 expended to define chemopreventive activity, optimal dose, administration schedule, and toxicity for
17 s who would benefit from prophylaxis and the optimal dose and duration of such prophylaxis should be
20 dism require further studies to evaluate the optimal dose and frequency of administration to increase
21 growth dynamics and optimal control theory, optimal dose and frequency of medication customized for
22 ive pulmonary disease (COPD); however, their optimal dose and route of administration are uncertain.
23 in complex concentrates; ambiguity about the optimal dose and route of administration of vitamin K; a
27 ecommended for routine clinical use, but the optimal dose and schedule for PBSC collection are still
28 resis beginning on day 5 was selected as the optimal dose and schedule for the mobilization of PBPCs.
29 ity associated with the current regimen, the optimal dose and schedule of paclitaxel in combination c
32 s with acute myocardial infarction (MI), the optimal dose and the timing of its initiation have not b
33 e purpose of this study was to determine the optimal dose and timing of administration of sirolimus (
35 initiated a phase 1/2 study to determine the optimal dose and to assess its efficacy and safety in le
37 (PK/PD) experiments, and hence the design of optimal doses and dose schedules for the treatment of tu
38 tic potential of these two drugs and predict optimal doses and dose scheduling, it is essential to un
39 studies and first clinical results to select optimal doses and regimens of everolimus to explore in f
42 tations may be useful to select patients for optimal doses and/or modalities of upfront AML therapy.
43 colitis, controversies remain regarding the optimal dosing and delivery systems of the most fundamen
45 in-7 (IL-7) can boost CD4 T-cell counts, but optimal dosing and mechanisms of cellular increases need
46 elated laboratory and clinical efficacy, but optimal dosing and monitoring regimens for Africa remain
52 e similarly treated with 0.5 mg simvastatin (optimal dose) and daily intraperitoneal injections of CO
56 anations for why antibiotics differ in their optimal dosing are lacking, limiting our ability to pred
57 G(40kd) IFN alpha-2a dose appeared to be the optimal dose based on sustained virological response and
59 r optimizing antimicrobial use include using optimal dosing based on the manufacturer's instructions
60 t that continued therapy with ruxolitinib at optimal doses contributes to the benefits seen, includin
62 tion, including the mechanism of action; the optimal dose; definitive indications; ultimate safety; a
65 ) mafosfamide was performed to determine the optimal dose, dose-limiting toxicities, and incidence an
66 ss, important questions remain regarding the optimal dose, duration, and mechanisms of action in the
67 ditional research is necessary to assess the optimal dose, duration, and probiotic strain or strains
68 philic leukemia (CEL), little is known about optimal dosing, duration of treatment, and the possibili
69 aximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the mean optimal dose for a 60-min uptake period ranged from 366
70 reclinical and clinical data to identify the optimal dose for an antiangiogenesis agent, anti-EGFL7.
71 reated with dopamine (5.0-7.0 microg/kg/min, optimal dose for contractile increase based on dose-resp
72 rats spinalized as neonates, to identify the optimal dose for improved weight-supported stepping with
79 Further studies are needed to define the optimal dose for use in combination with other antineopl
81 underlying pathomechanisms and identify the optimal dosing for the treatment of patients with this i
84 or use in combination regimens; however, the optimal dose has not been defined and final safety and e
85 randomized, controlled trial to evaluate the optimal dose, immunogenicity, safety and immune persiste
88 dies, using early MPEP treatment (15 min) at optimal doses, infarct volume was reduced by 44% at 72 h
93 ere is an appropriate patient population and optimal dose (LDL concentration) for the treatment of sy
94 Deutetrabenazine or placebo was titrated to optimal dose level over 8 weeks and maintained for 4 wee
95 down designs treated only 35% of patients at optimal dose levels versus 55% for Bayesian adaptive des
96 on of mouse or human RPGR-ORF15 vector at an optimal dose maintained the expression of RPGR-ORF15 thr
97 factor (VEGF).After the establishment of an optimal dose, minocycline treated HASMC were exposed to
98 to review practical guidelines in regard to optimal dosing, monitoring, managing common side effects
101 full length protein to the membrane with an optimal dose of 100 microM in CHO-K1 cells, while diC8 f
102 ventilator-supported patients; however, the optimal dose of a bronchodilator from a MDI is unknown.
107 ofetil (MMF), it remains unclear what is the optimal dose of CsA beyond the first 6 to 12 months afte
112 sight into important questions regarding the optimal dose of inhaled nitric oxide, potential adverse
114 rsus MMR(+) normal tissues by predicting the optimal dose of IUdR and optimal timing for IR treatment
118 ontrast occurred in 74% of patients with the optimal dose of OPTISON (3.0 mL) compared with only 26%
119 Protocol 9342 was initiated to determine the optimal dose of paclitaxel administered as a 3-hour infu
127 s with solid tumors to define the safety and optimal dose of the combination regimen and to assess ph
130 Exposure of the rabbit eye in vivo to an optimal dose of UVB produced an increase in the PGE2 lev
133 evaluable population (n = 39) found that the optimal doses of aldesleukin to induce 10% and 20% incre
134 levels of proliferation upon stimulation by optimal doses of anti-CD3, suggesting the lack of a cost
136 sistant schizophrenia who were maintained on optimal doses of clozapine (400-1200 mg/day) were admini
139 cts with grass allergen and challenging with optimal doses of grass, birch, recombinant house dust mi
142 ors and indomethacin, and treatment with sub-optimal doses of signal transduction inhibitors, affect
144 n of Akt to approximately the same extent as optimal doses of wortmannin and LY294002, known inhibito
145 Our report warrants the need to establish optimal dosing of AL in adults and to alert clinicians a
150 y used successfully to define the safety and optimal dosing of human spinal stem cells after grafting
155 ive efficacy in human cancer trials, but the optimal dosing of such agents must still be determined e
156 ditional studies are required to clarify the optimal dosing of tenapanor in patients with CKD-related
158 e was only a slight (1 MBq/kg) dependence of optimal dose on patient weight but a larger dependence o
159 ever, these reports have not established the optimal dosing or ideal timing of the administration of
160 ully ascertain the therapeutic potential and optimal dosing paradigm of a post-ischemic treatment wit
161 owledge of old and new mechanisms of action, optimal doses, pharmacokinetic behavior and drug interac
162 ponsiveness of blood lymphocytes in vitro to optimal dose phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was reduced on day
166 ) effect and the tumor microenvironment, the optimal dosing regimen for carrier-mediated agents, and
168 properties of the drug and to rationalize an optimal dosing regimen in the clinic, a method is needed
170 r define the efficacy, long-term safety, and optimal dosing regimen of rituximab in this setting.
174 oing clinical trials will help determine the optimal dosing regimens for all of these agents, as well
176 more specific recommendations can be made on optimal dosing regimens for reversal; maintenance; and p
180 topotecan may necessitate a reevaluation of optimal dose schedule, with the possible incorporation o
181 inical trials are warranted to determine the optimal dosing schedule of rituximab, the potential for
182 nce and the quantitative model can determine optimal dosing schedule to enhance the effectiveness of
183 uture studies are warranted to determine the optimal dosing schedule to improve therapeutic efficacy
186 been made for radiotherapy but questions of optimal dose, schedule, timing and treatment volume rema
188 el of intracellular tuberculosis to identify optimal dose schedules and exposures of moxifloxacin and
189 cokinetic studies were encouraged to develop optimal dosing schedules based on therapeutic ranges.
191 population analysis methods, can facilitate optimal dose selection for children and pregnant women.
199 eroids may be of value; safety, efficacy and optimal dosing strategy need prospective appraisal in a
201 eridol in schizophrenic patients requires an optimal dose that blocks the brain dopamine D2 receptors
202 tro/in vivo PK studies were conducted and an optimal dose that depletes NK cells and NK cell function
203 IT) topotecan was performed to determine the optimal dose, the dose-limiting toxic effects, and the i
204 most appropriate osmotherapeutic agent, the optimal dose, the safest and most effective mode of admi
206 urther studies are necessary to identify the optimal dose, timing, and route of administration of EGF
207 ped here allows one to directly estimate the optimal dose to inject for specific clinical scans and p
210 investigation might be aimed at elucidating optimal dosing to minimize adverse events without detrim
211 tients who received 13 days of treatment, at optimal doses, using a biphasic model to describe first-
212 al overall survival rates for patients with "optimal" dose-volume histogram coverage versus "suboptim
214 ld allow more patients to be treated at near-optimal doses while controlling for excessive toxicity.
215 f extending continuous-infusion O6-BG at the optimal dose with intracranially implanted carmustine wa
216 may be the most useful method in determining optimal dosing without the risk of disease exacerbation.
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