


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ic acid and chronic activation of the ACC by optogenetic stimulation.
2 physiological recordings with electrical and optogenetic stimulation.
3  prediction, we aligned periodic tactile and optogenetic stimulation.
4 nce was achieved through subnetwork-specific optogenetic stimulation.
5 o be restored in a controllable manner using optogenetic stimulation.
6 s area reflects their choosing to experience optogenetic stimulation.
7 re-entrant AT (induced via rapid pacing) via optogenetic stimulation.
8 ng the intensity, duration, and frequency of optogenetic stimulation.
9 s temporal resolution by MRI with sensory or optogenetic stimulation.
10 ustic, and electrical stimuli indicated that optogenetic stimulation achieves better frequency resolu
11 as been reported on the response kinetics of optogenetic stimulation across different neuronal subtyp
12 del thus offers a theoretical account of how optogenetic stimulation alters the excitability of corti
13                       Using a combination of optogenetic stimulation and 2-photon imaging in mice, we
14 avioural assays, volumetric calcium imaging, optogenetic stimulation and circuit modelling to reveal
15                                        Using optogenetic stimulation and in vivo two-photon imaging i
16                                 By combining optogenetic stimulation and intracellular recordings in
17 ictable chronic mild stress and repeated ACC optogenetic stimulation and is reversed by fluoxetine.
18                              Finally, we use optogenetic stimulation and multicircuit recording techn
19                   Moreover, using concurrent optogenetic stimulation and opto-fMRI), we observed opto
20                    This was obtained through optogenetic stimulation and subsequent confocal imaging
21  using optical imaging of intrinsic signals, optogenetic stimulation, and multi-unit recording.
22 hronic multielectrode recording, closed-loop optogenetic stimulation, and pharmacology to show that r
23  value of sucrose relative to sucralose plus optogenetic stimulation, and that leptin decreased it.
24 iode (LED)-based fluorescence microscopy and optogenetic stimulation as well as a Peltier-based tempe
25                        We show that targeted optogenetic stimulation based on analysis of AT morpholo
26                        We show that targeted optogenetic stimulation based on automated, non-invasive
27 locked the dopamine release induced by local optogenetic stimulation but only partially antagonized d
28 tonic currents, and that both electrical and optogenetic stimulation can evoke NMDA-mediated synaptic
29          Responses to sinusoidally modulated optogenetic stimulation confirmed that the CA3 network o
30                                     Finally, optogenetic stimulation confirmed the functional role of
31 ptors to their axon terminals in the EB, and optogenetic stimulation coupled with electrophysiologica
32         Surprisingly, we find the effects of optogenetic stimulation depend primarily on distance and
33                                              Optogenetic stimulation designed to saturate LTD produce
34                Long-term in vivo recordings, optogenetic stimulation, drug perturbation and analysis
35 fire immediately before slow waves and their optogenetic stimulation during ON periods of NREM sleep
36 ynaptic to specific populations targeted for optogenetic stimulation, giving rise to all-optical func
37 ltaneous patch-clamp recordings and targeted optogenetic stimulation in acute mouse hippocampal slice
38 strong neural modulations can be evoked with optogenetic stimulation in macaque motor cortex without
39                                              Optogenetic stimulation in pgant mutants alters presynap
40 ion-making tasks [9-13], previous studies of optogenetic stimulation in primates have not demonstrate
41                                              Optogenetic stimulation in the caudate-putamen and neoco
42                                              Optogenetic stimulation, in contrast, initiated and main
43   Increasing neuronal activity by sensory or optogenetic stimulation increased neuronal DSBs in relev
44                                      In vivo optogenetic stimulation-induced downregulation of CP-AMP
45       Importantly, we also show that LDT-VTA optogenetic stimulation is reinforcing, and that iuGC an
46 his spatiotemporal dynamic using closed-loop optogenetic stimulation is sufficient to increase moveme
47 ption of a direct path, using electrical and optogenetic stimulation methods that selectively activat
48 s from layer V pyramidal neurons showed that optogenetic stimulation normalized cortical hyperexcitab
49 for the anxiolytic effect observed following optogenetic stimulation of 5-HT inputs into the dBNST.
50 on, Lee et al. (2014) show that subthreshold optogenetic stimulation of a brainstem locomotion area c
51                 Here, we show that selective optogenetic stimulation of a molecularly defined subset
52                                  Conversely, optogenetic stimulation of adult-born neurons has been s
53                             Here we combined optogenetic stimulation of afferents from the visual tha
54 e resolve this paradox by showing that brief optogenetic stimulation of AgRP neurons before food avai
55                  Despite these observations, optogenetic stimulation of AgRP neurons reliably produce
56           Furthermore, we find that constant optogenetic stimulation of anesthetized cat area 21a pro
57 to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus; optogenetic stimulation of ARC TH axons inhibited parave
58                                              Optogenetic stimulation of ARC TH cells inhibited pro-op
59 micking pH-evoked Ca2+ responses by means of optogenetic stimulation of astrocytes expressing channel
60 ing an animal to associate a foot shock with optogenetic stimulation of auditory inputs targeting the
61                  Responses to self-generated optogenetic stimulation of auditory thalamocortical term
62 ts by increasing germline proliferation, and optogenetic stimulation of AWB neurons is sufficient to
63                                    Moreover, optogenetic stimulation of axon collaterals of double-pr
64 ing cholinergic levels in the cortex through optogenetic stimulation of basal forebrain cholinergic n
65 n cells, we observed that temporally precise optogenetic stimulation of basolateral amygdala (BLA) te
66 us, the wake-promoting effect of "selective" optogenetic stimulation of BF cholinergic neurons could
67 d by C3 neurons is less than that induced by optogenetic stimulation of C1 neurons; however, combined
68             Here we demonstrate in rats that optogenetic stimulation of C3 neurons induces sympathoex
69                                              Optogenetic stimulation of CA3 pyramidal cells at 1 Hz l
70                   Specifically, we used 1 Hz optogenetic stimulation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent
71                                              Optogenetic stimulation of CANE-captured social-fear neu
72 express ChR2 solely in Tac2 neurons, in vivo optogenetic stimulation of CeA Tac2-expressing neurons d
73       Dentate hyperactivity was abolished by optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic fibers.
74 , we now provide physiological evidence that optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic interneurons trig
75                                        Using optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic neurons in ChAT-C
76                                 Furthermore, optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic neurons/fibers ca
77                                 Furthermore, optogenetic stimulation of ChR2 expressing DRGs induces
78                                              Optogenetic stimulation of ChR2-expressing FS interneuro
79 A single short-lasting (30-300 milliseconds) optogenetic stimulation of CN neuron activity abruptly s
80                           Here, we show that optogenetic stimulation of cortical neurons within rhesu
81                       They also suggest that optogenetic stimulation of cortical projection systems m
82              Therefore, we hypothesized that optogenetic stimulation of cortical projections would re
83                                   Unilateral optogenetic stimulation of cortical pyramidal neurons bo
84                               Mice preferred optogenetic stimulation of DA neurons to sucralose, but
85                               Electrical and optogenetic stimulation of dopamine terminals evoked rob
86 ts of choice behavior, we employed selective optogenetic stimulation of dopamine terminals in the NAc
87                                  Conversely, optogenetic stimulation of dopamine-excitable cells in d
88                      We found that transient optogenetic stimulation of dorsal striatal dopamine D1 a
89                                              Optogenetic stimulation of DRN Pet-1 neurons reinforces
90                                     Although optogenetic stimulation of either cell type significantl
91 is specific to vHIP afferents to the NAc, as optogenetic stimulation of either mPFC or AMY afferents
92 tion channels that have been widely used for optogenetic stimulation of electrically excitable cells.
93 aventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVH), and optogenetic stimulation of GABAergic LH --> PVH fibers i
94 drives voracious water consumption, and that optogenetic stimulation of GABAergic neurons in the same
95                            Pathway-specific, optogenetic stimulation of glutamatergic LHA-LHb circuit
96                        In mice, we show that optogenetic stimulation of glutamatergic neurons in MnPO
97                                 Responses to optogenetic stimulation of glutamatergic premotor neuron
98                             Here, we applied optogenetic stimulation of HS cells to evaluate their be
99                             Here, we combine optogenetic stimulation of identified Schaffer collatera
100 sults demonstrate that ketamine infusions or optogenetic stimulation of IL-PFC are sufficient to prod
101 n vivo reversal of this pathophysiology with optogenetic stimulation of infralimbic cortex-accumbens
102 her, our findings indicate that the targeted optogenetic stimulation of intracellular Ca(2+) signal a
103   In the mouse whisker system, we found that optogenetic stimulation of L6 in vivo results in a mixtu
104 oduced a real-time place preference, whereas optogenetic stimulation of LHA-LHb glutamatergic fibers
105 e show, using sniff-triggered, dynamic, 2-D, optogenetic stimulation of mitral/tufted cells, that vir
106                                Consistently, optogenetic stimulation of MnR neurons suppressed ripple
107                                              Optogenetic stimulation of mouse ARC TH neurons increase
108                                 We find that optogenetic stimulation of mouse zona incerta (ZI) gamma
109 e-like phenotype, i.e., susceptible animals, optogenetic stimulation of mPFC exerted potent antidepre
110                     We previously found that optogenetic stimulation of mPFC neurons in susceptible m
111 inhibited EPSCs evoked at -70 mV in vitro by optogenetic stimulation of mPFC-NAcore terminals in alco
112                                 Furthermore, optogenetic stimulation of mPOA(Nts)-VTA circuitry promo
113                                              Optogenetic stimulation of NAc cell bodies induced a pos
114                                              Optogenetic stimulation of neurons in the left or right
115 -aspartate microinjection in the SNpc and/or optogenetic stimulation of nigro-vagal terminals in the
116          To explore this directly, we paired optogenetic stimulation of OH cells (at rates that promo
117                           Finally, selective optogenetic stimulation of olfactory cortical projection
118 al that both the application of oxytocin and optogenetic stimulation of oxytocinergic terminals suffi
119                                              Optogenetic stimulation of P2ry1 neurons acutely silence
120                      In agreement, selective optogenetic stimulation of parvalbumin-expressing, FS in
121                                              Optogenetic stimulation of parvalbumin-positive cells ev
122 ated chloride channel abolishes pumping, and optogenetic stimulation of pharyngeal muscle in these an
123                                      Indeed, optogenetic stimulation of PPN axons reliably evoked spi
124                     Here we show that direct optogenetic stimulation of prefrontal cortex (PFC) desce
125 eptor-mediated IPSCs evoked by electrical or optogenetic stimulation of Purkinje cells were more than
126 tent with their central role in NVC, in vivo optogenetic stimulation of pyramidal cells evoked COX-2-
127          IL-17 deficiency can be bypassed by optogenetic stimulation of RMG.
128                                              Optogenetic stimulation of RTN with channelrhodopsin-2,
129                                 Furthermore, optogenetic stimulation of S1 in expert mice was suffici
130  adults rescued the transport defects, while optogenetic stimulation of select synapses revealed CaMK
131         Serotonin release elicited by direct optogenetic stimulation of serotonergic neurons activate
132                                              Optogenetic stimulation of serotonin neurons in the dors
133                                 Furthermore, optogenetic stimulation of SGNs restored auditory activi
134                                    Selective optogenetic stimulation of somatostatin-expressing, PLTS
135 lectrical stimulation of dmPFC layer I or by optogenetic stimulation of specific interneurons ex vivo
136 l neurons in combination with mechanical and optogenetic stimulation of specific mechanoreceptor type
137                                              Optogenetic stimulation of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs
138 ized step function opsin (SSFO) in the mPFC; optogenetic stimulation of SSFO at mPFC-to-NAc projectio
139                                    Intra-NAc optogenetic stimulation of SSFO selectively at mPFC-to-N
140                        Our results show that optogenetic stimulation of Sst-GABA neurons results in a
141 triatal neurons combined with electrical and optogenetic stimulation of striatal afferents in mouse b
142 at/vglut2) neurons produces minimal wake and optogenetic stimulation of SuM(vgat/vglut2) terminals el
143                                        Local optogenetic stimulation of sympathetic inputs induces a
144 pproach, our results indicate that selective optogenetic stimulation of TH(VTA) neurons enhanced cere
145 ns of the facial vibrissae and electrical or optogenetic stimulation of thalamic neurons that project
146                     Finally, delta-frequency optogenetic stimulation of thalamic synaptic terminals o
147                                 Furthermore, optogenetic stimulation of the ACC was sufficient to ind
148        Our study demonstrates a strategy for optogenetic stimulation of the auditory pathway in roden
149                                              Optogenetic stimulation of the circuitry can drive behav
150 ivo and disrupted locomotor activation after optogenetic stimulation of the direct pathway.
151                                       Random optogenetic stimulation of the DOG thermosensory neurons
152                           We also found that optogenetic stimulation of the IL-PFC produced rapid and
153                                      Focused optogenetic stimulation of the lateral orbitofrontal cor
154                           Here, we find that optogenetic stimulation of the MLR in awake, head-fixed
155                         In this work, we use optogenetic stimulation of the premotor cortex in awake,
156                                              Optogenetic stimulation of the RIA interneurons has a mo
157                   We first demonstrated that optogenetic stimulation of the STN excited its major pro
158 ed locomotion could be reversed in adults by optogenetic stimulation of the touch receptor (mechanose
159 reduced aggression-seeking behavior, whereas optogenetic stimulation of the VMHvl accelerated moment-
160                                 Furthermore, optogenetic stimulation of these GABAergic projections f
161                                              Optogenetic stimulation of these neurons inhibited a sub
162 lls, in flies that are blind, we reveal that optogenetic stimulation of these neurons is typically su
163                                 Simultaneous optogenetic stimulation of these neurons produces vigoro
164                                Functionally, optogenetic stimulation of these neurons promotes the ac
165                         Next, we studied how optogenetic stimulation of these projections affects beh
166 g reward with fear extinction training or by optogenetic stimulation of this circuit during fear exti
167                                              Optogenetic stimulation of this circuit has net excitato
168                     We also demonstrate that optogenetic stimulation of this population of TRP-expres
169 in the host hippocampal network via targeted optogenetic stimulation of transplanted hESC-derived neu
170                                 We find that optogenetic stimulation of TRN neurons and their axons e
171                                              Optogenetic stimulation of tVTA neurons inhibited VTA DA
172 e activated during theta network activity or optogenetic stimulation of ventral CA1 pyramidal cell ax
173                                              Optogenetic stimulation of VMHvl in male mice evokes att
174                                 Furthermore, optogenetic stimulation of VTA GABA neurons directly sup
175                               We report that optogenetic stimulation of VTA glutamate neurons or term
176                                              Optogenetic stimulation of wM1 evokes rhythmic whisker p
177                                              Optogenetic stimulation of wS1 drove activity in wM1 wit
178                                        Brief optogenetic stimulations of CN interneurons, through sel
179 osing the loop optogenetically (i.e., basing optogenetic stimulation on simultaneously observed dynam
180  circumvent this limitation, we used in vivo optogenetic stimulation or inhibition of glutamatergic f
181 that endogenous NPY, released in response to optogenetic stimulation or synaptically evoked spiking o
182 ity to manic behaviors, we developed a novel optogenetic stimulation paradigm that produces a sustain
183                Cortical electrical and local optogenetic stimulation produced significant increases i
184 esponses and memory formation, whereas their optogenetic stimulation produces defensive responses and
185                                              Optogenetic stimulation provides a powerful tool for ana
186 0-45 min, and in vivo electrophysiology with optogenetic stimulation requires 1-4 h.
187                    Network analysis based on optogenetic stimulation revealed a symmetrical sham netw
188                                              Optogenetic stimulation revealed that this population wa
189                                     Previous optogenetic stimulation studies have confirmed that rein
190 t was ipsilateral, but not contralateral, to optogenetic stimulation, suggesting involvement of inter
191                                  After local optogenetic stimulation, SWA and cortical synchrony decr
192                                     Constant optogenetic stimulation targeting both pyramidal cells a
193  tested this hypothesis using electrical and optogenetic stimulation to determine if brain slices cou
194  glutamatergic terminals (lower frequency of optogenetic stimulation to induce glutamate release).
195  functional effect of such networks, we used optogenetic stimulation to trigger antidromic spikes in
196 croscopy, functional imaging, and electrical/optogenetic stimulation tools, super-resolution fluoresc
197 ists even under the artificial conditions of optogenetic stimulation, underscoring the canonical natu
198                                              Optogenetic stimulation using cre recombinase-dependent
199 in glucose metabolism (BGluM) in response to optogenetic stimulation (using the excitatory channelrho
200   However, the mice preferred sucralose plus optogenetic stimulation versus sucrose.
201 rtex as a Wilson-Cowan neural field in which optogenetic stimulation was represented by an external c
202 a wide range of variation in both visual and optogenetic stimulation we find linear addition of the t
203                                        Using optogenetic stimulation, we determined that these neuron
204                                        Using optogenetic stimulation, we find that these subtypes rec
205                                        Using optogenetic stimulation, we show that GLP-1 excites medi
206                               Electrical and optogenetic stimulations were used to analyze amygdala-d
207 locally transformed into a type II medium by optogenetic stimulation which predominantly targets inhi
208  Here, we used animal models to characterize optogenetic stimulation, which is the optical stimulatio
209 nts, e.g., when combining Ca(2+) uncaging or optogenetic stimulation with Ca(2+) imaging in cells exp
210  implant produces sufficient light power for optogenetic stimulation with minimal tissue heating (<1
211 at pairing central nucleus of amygdala (CeA) optogenetic stimulation with one option for earning intr
212 ted in increasingly powerful ways, combining optogenetic stimulation with simultaneous multichannel e
213                          The consequences of optogenetic stimulation would optimally be recorded by n

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