


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of sulfonylurea drugs, the most widely used oral hypoglycemic agents.
2  occasions or patients taking any insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents 1 month or later after kidney t
3 3.9%), oral antiplatelet agents (13.3%), and oral hypoglycemic agents (10.7%).
4 rely required pharmacological treatment (17% oral hypoglycemic agents, 4% insulin).
5 iption of rosiglitazone, compared with other oral hypoglycemic agents, among 2393 long-term hemodialy
6 and exercise therapy; staged introduction of oral hypoglycemic agents and finally insulin regimens of
7 were obtained from patients taking long-term oral hypoglycemic agents and were also exposed to 5 minu
8 casions: the first (control) while receiving oral hypoglycemic agents, and the second after the addit
9 eecham, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is a new oral hypoglycemic agent approved for the treatment of ty
10                                    The newer oral hypoglycemic agents are also in use and have mechan
11                                              Oral hypoglycemic agents are inhibitors of the ATP-sensi
12 with insulin monotherapy, is the addition of oral hypoglycemic agents associated with benefits (measu
13 6.4% filled a prescription for insulin or an oral hypoglycemic agent during the 120 days before admis
14                           Patients receiving oral hypoglycemic agents for diabetes mellitus are at in
15                Basal insulin can be added to oral hypoglycemic agents (generally stopping sulfonylure
16                           Pioglitazone is an oral hypoglycemic agent in the thiazolidinedione class.
17 atic alpha-amylase, a therapeutic target for oral hypoglycemic agents in type-2 diabetes.
18  from patients without long-term exposure to oral hypoglycemic agents is functionally protected by pr
19 d long-term inhibition of KATP channels with oral hypoglycemic agents may explain the excess cardiova
20 reater, age 18 years or older, taking 0 to 3 oral hypoglycemic agents (metformin, thiazolidinedione,
21 Rosiglitazone maleate is the second approved oral hypoglycemic agent of the thiazolidinedione class.
22 tients with type 2 diabetes---7 treated with oral hypoglycemic agents (OHA R(X); mean [+/- SD] HbA(1c
23 or those not fasting), the use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents, or self-reported history.
24              In patients receiving long-term oral hypoglycemic agents (Oral Hypo+IPC), recovery of DF
25      Compared with patients prescribed other oral hypoglycemic agents, patients prescribed rosiglitaz
26    Troglitazone (Rezulin) is a promising new oral hypoglycemic agent recently approved by the Federal
27 /dL (>/= 7.0 mmol/L) >/= 30 days apart, (ii) oral hypoglycemic agent use for >/= 30 consecutive days,
28 ere either taking no medication or taking an oral hypoglycemic agent (with or without insulin) were c
29 at myocardium from patients taking long-term oral hypoglycemic agents would be resistant to the prote

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