


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gastroenteritis in children can help promote oral rehydration and prevent medical visits for dehydrat
2 ondansetron to children at greatest risk for oral rehydration failure.
3 treatment of diarrhoea-including an improved oral rehydration formulation, zinc supplementation, and
4 eport), handwashing with soap (observation), oral rehydration salt solution preparation (demonstratio
5 strong evidence of an intervention effect on oral rehydration salt solution preparation and breastfee
6            Secondary outcomes were intake of oral rehydration salt solution, severity of vomiting, an
7 rst, specific questions on fluids other than oral rehydration salts (ORS) should be eliminated to ref
8 ementation (9%); treatment of diarrhoea with oral rehydration salts and zinc, and careseeking for fev
9 eding, handwashing with soap, correct use of oral rehydration salts, and zinc administration.
10                                     Although oral rehydration salts, the correct treatment for diarrh
11                                              Oral rehydration seems to be here to stay.
12 reviously, we found that an amino acid-based oral rehydration solution (AA-ORS) improved gastrointest
13 till-water control (1337 +/- 330 g) after an oral rehydration solution (ORS) (1038 +/- 333 g, P < 0.0
14  (n = 240) were aware of cholera (97.5%) and oral rehydration solution (ORS) (87.9%).
15 GA) to a 90 mmol/L sodium-111 mmol/L glucose oral rehydration solution (ORS) enhances its effectivene
16 gestion [so-called resistant starch (RS)] to oral rehydration solution (RS-ORS) improves the efficacy
17  care for a respiratory complaint, and using oral rehydration solution for diarrhea.
18 ention to recent efforts to develop improved oral rehydration solution formulations.
19                                       Use of oral rehydration solution has stagnated, despite being e
20             This article reviews the role of oral rehydration solution in the treatment of acute diar
21                   Net sodium absorption from oral rehydration solution is increased by both glucose-s
22 e transport was the basis for development of oral rehydration solution, and was hailed as potentially
23                     Before widespread use of oral rehydration solution, treatment for diarrhoea was r
24 cal testing of modifications to the standard oral rehydration solution.
25  the stimulation of net sodium absorption by oral rehydration solution.
26                                              Oral rehydration solutions reduce diarrhea-associated mo
27 onals' physical examination, prescription of oral rehydration solutions, antibiotics and other medica
28  has been primarily attributed to the use of oral rehydration solutions, continuous feeding and zinc
29 not enough" to ensure the appropriate use of oral rehydration solutions, zinc and antibiotics by heal
30 tion and might contribute to the efficacy of oral rehydration solutions.
31                                              Oral rehydration therapies are the mainstay of managemen
32      The features integral to the success of oral rehydration therapy are active glucose transport in
33                                              Oral rehydration therapy followed institutional protocol
34                                              Oral rehydration therapy for the management of dehydrati
35  illnesses globally, but the introduction of oral rehydration therapy has reduced mortality due to di
36                                              Oral rehydration therapy has reduced the number of death
37                 Antiemetics as an adjunct to oral rehydration therapy have been proven well tolerated
38 nsiders new approaches that might supplement oral rehydration therapy in controlling diarrheal diseas
39 hanced by glucose, and this is the basis for oral rehydration therapy in patients with secretory diar
40 ccines protecting against cholera exist, and oral rehydration therapy is an effective treatment metho
41 focused on the treatment of dehydration with oral rehydration therapy, few studies have focused on th
42 programmes in family planning, immunisation, oral rehydration therapy, maternal and child health, tub
43 broad understanding of the cellular basis of oral rehydration therapy.
44 admissions of children with diarrhoea to the Oral Rehydration Unit of the Instituto de Salud del Nino
45 d daily data on hospital admissions from the Oral Rehydration Unit, and meteorological data from the

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