


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cal testing of modifications to the standard oral rehydration solution.
2  the stimulation of net sodium absorption by oral rehydration solution.
3 tion and might contribute to the efficacy of oral rehydration solutions.
4 reviously, we found that an amino acid-based oral rehydration solution (AA-ORS) improved gastrointest
5 e transport was the basis for development of oral rehydration solution, and was hailed as potentially
6 onals' physical examination, prescription of oral rehydration solutions, antibiotics and other medica
7  has been primarily attributed to the use of oral rehydration solutions, continuous feeding and zinc
8  care for a respiratory complaint, and using oral rehydration solution for diarrhea.
9 ention to recent efforts to develop improved oral rehydration solution formulations.
10                                       Use of oral rehydration solution has stagnated, despite being e
11             This article reviews the role of oral rehydration solution in the treatment of acute diar
12                   Net sodium absorption from oral rehydration solution is increased by both glucose-s
13 till-water control (1337 +/- 330 g) after an oral rehydration solution (ORS) (1038 +/- 333 g, P < 0.0
14  (n = 240) were aware of cholera (97.5%) and oral rehydration solution (ORS) (87.9%).
15 GA) to a 90 mmol/L sodium-111 mmol/L glucose oral rehydration solution (ORS) enhances its effectivene
16                                              Oral rehydration solutions reduce diarrhea-associated mo
17 gestion [so-called resistant starch (RS)] to oral rehydration solution (RS-ORS) improves the efficacy
18                     Before widespread use of oral rehydration solution, treatment for diarrhoea was r
19 not enough" to ensure the appropriate use of oral rehydration solutions, zinc and antibiotics by heal

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