


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he brain (intracranially) or by oral gavage (orally).
2 transferase inhibitor GMX1778 (100 mg/kg/wk, orally).
3 (PGs) as a unique method to deliver vaccines orally.
4 ere exposed to a second 10-day period of PPE orally.
5 ompound 20-fold compared to when 1 was dosed orally.
6  model with an ED90 of 11.7 mg/kg when dosed orally.
7 ies show good exposure in rodents when dosed orally.
8                    All treatments were given orally.
9  both rodent brain and CSF at 30 mg/kg dosed orally.
10 2, then intravenously 4 mg/kg twice daily or orally 200 mg twice daily from day 3 onwards).
11 f panobinostat, a pan-HDI administered 30 mg orally 3 times weekly, with or without rituximab, in 40
12 ng four to thirty-seven amino acids that are orally absorbed by mammals.
13 rovides colonization resistance against many orally acquired pathogens, and antibiotic-mediated deple
14        However, whether these cells conveyed orally acquired prions toward FDC within Peyer's patches
15                             Novobiocin is an orally active antibiotic that inhibits DNA gyrase by bin
16 ata show that 31 is a potent, selective, and orally active BET inhibitor.
17 haracterized the ability of RVX-297, a novel orally active BETi with selectivity for BD2, to modulate
18 ish to describe work aimed at producing new, orally active CCR9 antagonists based on the 1,3-dioxoiso
19                       We also synthesized an orally active glycosaminoglycan (LHbisD4) that specifica
20  resulted in the identification of the first orally active JAK3 specific inhibitor, which achieves JA
21  findings with atosiban, the presence of the orally active OTR antagonist, nolasiban, reduced the eff
22 C50 = 6.5 +/- 0.5 nM), highly selective, and orally active small-molecule inhibitor of Mps1 that was
23 rein, we describe the potent, selective, and orally active small-molecule inhibitor PT2385 as a speci
24                            In this study, an orally active specific 5-LO inhibitor is used to assess
25 nated with the identification of a series of orally active tetrahydropyrazolopyridines.
26 evelopment as a LANCL2-based, first-in-class orally active therapeutic for IBD.
27 tly, there is a demand for novel, especially orally active therapeutics.
28 eta receptor activin receptor-like kinase 5, orally active) to inhibit the increased, but not the bas
29 pursuits aimed at identifying and developing orally active, small-molecule GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R) ag
30                                   We used an orally-active specific 5-LO inhibitor to assess its role
31                           Pregnant mice were orally administered 0.3 and 3 mug PFOS/g body weight unt
32 strains of the Collaborative Cross (CC) were orally administered a single dose of PERC (1,000 mg/kg)
33                                We identified orally administered anticancer medications and summarize
34                                              Orally administered anticancer medications are among the
35 tantial concern surrounding affordability of orally administered anticancer therapies, particularly f
36 a substantial financial barrier to accessing orally administered anticancer therapy, warranting urgen
37  the parasite, with potency equal to that of orally administered atovaquone at 10 mg/kg.
38 ng Medicare Part D beneficiaries who receive orally administered chemotherapy.
39 al immunity, has yielded safe and protective orally administered cholera vaccines that are now global
40                  To test this hypothesis, we orally administered clemastine, an antimuscarinic compou
41  investigated the atheroprotective action of orally administered CrP in type 1 diabetic apolipoprotei
42              Adiponectin knock-out mice were orally administered dextran sulfate sodium for 7 days an
43  profiles from the gastrointestinal tract of orally administered drugs is a critical factor guiding d
44 alivarius PS2 to prevent this condition when orally administered during late pregnancy to women who h
45 lacebo-controlled between-subject design, we orally administered either the alpha2-adrenergic antagon
46 reliable gastrointestinal drug absorption of orally administered immunosuppressive medications posttr
47                                 CUDC-907 was orally administered in a standard 3 + 3 dose-escalation
48 ledge, this is the first report showing that orally administered mastic oil induces tumor-suppressing
49 armacist researcher directly observed solid, orally administered medications in tablet or capsule for
50                                              Orally administered microparticles also included an M-ce
51  2 study of the ability of latiglutenase, an orally administered mixture of 2 recombinant gluten-targ
52                                The mice were orally administered myricetin (50 mg/kg/day) for 3 weeks
53 ciaries with myeloma, who can receive either orally administered or parenteral (bortezomib-based) the
54 injectable cabotegravir as an alternative to orally administered pre-exposure prophylaxis regimens.
55 portant role in the efficient propagation of orally administered prions toward FDC within Peyer's pat
56         This study evaluated the capacity of orally administered quercetin (0.2%) in 2 month old mdx
57          In a phase 1 study, BIA 10-2474, an orally administered reversible FAAH inhibitor, was given
58                                              Orally administered SCFAs induced effector (Th1 and Th17
59                                              Orally administered small-molecule inhibitors that suppr
60 ment of colon cancer through the creation of orally administered squalenoylated nanoparticles loaded
61 hance the efficacy of standard therapies, we orally administered the lysis strain alone or in combina
62                                         When orally administered to 17-month-old APPOSK mice at 0.5 a
63  rats, implanted for EEG/EMG recording, were orally administered vehicle (VEH), 100 mg/kg ALM, or 100
64 ull (Ldlr(-/-)) mice on a high-fat diet were orally administered with vehicle control or UFP (40 mug/
65                     C57BL/6 mice on HFD were orally administered with vitamin D supplement, Lentinula
66                                              Orally administered, 31 achieves significant antitumor a
67  We determined whether avacopan (CCX168), an orally administered, selective C5a receptor inhibitor, c
68 nchocerca ochengi that elevated exposures of orally-administered rifampicin can lead to Wolbachia dep
69                             The challenge in orally administering this type of treatment lies in the
70                                          The orally administration to infected mice induces a total e
71 ty of probiotics when they are administrated orally and apply Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) as a p
72 se, 11 sat unassisted, 9 rolled over, 11 fed orally and could speak, and 2 walked independently.
73   Methotrexate was started at 10 mg per week orally and increased stepwise every 4 weeks by 5 mg to a
74 elasma that is administered both locally and orally and inhibits excessive melanin via melanocyte.
75 e db/+ and db/db mice were administered DATS orally and/or given a local intramuscular injection of g
76 d EN (EN-S) (n = 94), preoperatively (5 days orally), and postoperatively via a jejunostomy until 1 m
77 ir monotherapy twice daily for 5 days, given orally, and participants were followed up for 28 days.
78              Group ATV received 27 mg/kg ATV orally, and the others received SAL 30 minutes before EP
79 sis who have lost the ability to communicate orally are limited.
80    If malaria patients who cannot be treated orally are several hours from facilities for injections,
81             Mice were administered ketorolac orally at 1 mg/kg twice daily to approximate the typical
82  (n = 79) or a placebo (n = 81) administered orally at 20 mg, 3 times daily for 12 weeks, followed by
83 ministered the synthetic sex hormone danazol orally at a dose of 800 mg per day for a total of 24 mon
84 e placebo or 274 mg of ADS-5102 administered orally at bedtime for up to 25 weeks.
85                             OTX015 was given orally at increasing doses from 10 mg/day to 160 mg/day
86                      PT2385 was administered orally at twice-per-day doses of 100 to 1,800 mg, accord
87 on led to compound 2 (entrectinib), a potent orally available ALK inhibitor active on ALK-dependent c
88 P2Y12 antagonists and the recently developed orally available anticoagulants that directly target fac
89 0, a novel blood-brain barrier penetrant and orally available BACE1 inhibitor, was verified by immuno
90 and route of administration, a more flexible orally available compound has been sought to pursue the
91                             Starting from an orally available compound with demonstrated anti-inflamm
92 id, 6-ECDCA), a synthetic FXR agonist, is an orally available drug that is currently in clinical tria
93  by the inhibitor, mNOX-E36) or CCR2 (by the orally available dual CCR2/CCR5 inhibitor, cenicriviroc)
94                                  NSC12 is an orally available pan-FGF trap able to inhibit FGF2/FGFR
95                 We developed a novel potent, orally available PORCN inhibitor, ETC-1922159 (hencefort
96 Collectively, these data demonstrate that an orally available selective ROCK2 inhibitor downregulates
97 of the JCI describes the characterization of orally available small molecule activators of PP2A (SMAP
98 ed inhibition of CSF1R in APP/PS1 mice by an orally available tyrosine kinase inhibitor (GW2580) resu
99 as shown to be potent, moderately selective, orally available, and brain-penetrant in wild-type mice,
100 vored conformations of target proteins, with orally available, bona fide small molecules remains a si
101 nt of MLi-2 (1): a potent, highly selective, orally available, brain-penetrant inhibitor of LRRK2.
102                                Compound 1 is orally available, crosses the blood-brain barrier, and d
103                                (8S,9R)-47 is orally available, displaying favorable pharmacokinetic (
104                         Here, we describe an orally available, selective and potent KDM4 inhibitor (Q
105 ly every 6 months) or clodronate (1,600 mg/d orally) be considered as adjuvant therapy for postmenopa
106 es, in particular, cannot typically be given orally because they are broken down in the intestinal tr
107  Here we report the therapeutic effect of an orally bioactive and brain permeable delta-secretase inh
108                                        It is orally bioavailable (%F ranges from 20 to 72% in preclin
109                 These are potent, selective, orally bioavailable across several species, and active i
110 tematic approach for the development of both orally bioavailable and bioactive cyclic N-methylated he
111                                        It is orally bioavailable and brain penetrant with robust prec
112 5-c]pyrimidin-5(6H)-one was identified as an orally bioavailable and brain penetrating PDE1B enzyme i
113  rats demonstrate that these antagonists are orally bioavailable and cause pronounced beta1-mediated
114 ent optimization effort identified the first orally bioavailable and CNS penetrant glucagon-like pept
115                        The chemical probe is orally bioavailable and displays efficacy in a human ova
116  of compound 8; the compound was found to be orally bioavailable and highly effective, leading to a r
117       We used a novel, potent, and selective orally bioavailable antagonist, LY2940094, to test the h
118 ound 28a), a novel, selective, nonclassical, orally bioavailable antifolate with potent and specific
119                    In BRAF-mutant melanomas, orally bioavailable B-Raf inhibitors, such as vemurafeni
120                   Venetoclax is a selective, orally bioavailable BCL-2 inhibitor that induces cell de
121 efficacy of venetoclax, a selective, potent, orally bioavailable BCL-2 inhibitor.
122 le-containing compounds to obtain potent and orally bioavailable BET inhibitors.
123                               Voruciclib, an orally bioavailable clinical stage CDK-selective inhibit
124                                          The orally bioavailable compound 2 exerted excellent potency
125 enerate new lead compounds in the search for orally bioavailable cyclophilin inhibitors.
126                   Roxadustat (FG-4592) is an orally bioavailable hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) proly
127                Peptides and proteins are not orally bioavailable in mammals, although a few peptides
128                 The resulting conjugate 5 is orally bioavailable in the mouse, rat, and dog and allow
129 al chemistry optimization resulted in 83, an orally bioavailable inhibitor molecule with remarkable s
130                   Venetoclax is a selective, orally bioavailable inhibitor of BCL-2 active in previou
131 of 109 (CCT251921), a potent, selective, and orally bioavailable inhibitor of CDK8 with equipotent af
132 emine (MSI-1436), is a potent, specific, and orally bioavailable inhibitor of PTP1B.
133 portion of the compound led to 26, a readily orally bioavailable inhibitor with potency in HWB compar
134                                          The orally bioavailable modulators of gap junctions meclofen
135 d to the invention of MLN9708 (ixazomib), an orally bioavailable next-generation proteasome inhibitor
136 d in the discovery of potent, selective, and orally bioavailable NHE3 inhibitors with 13d as best com
137                  Furthermore, treatment with orally bioavailable PAK4 allosteric modulator (KPT-9274)
138  the discovery of two potent, selective, and orally bioavailable PI3Kdelta inhibitors, 1 (AM-8508) an
139  the discovery of two potent, selective, and orally bioavailable PI3Kdelta inhibitors, 6a (AM-0687) a
140 e describe GDC-0810, a novel, non-steroidal, orally bioavailable selective ER downregulator (SERD), w
141   Our group previously developed a series of orally bioavailable small molecule activators of PP2A, t
142 ry and characterization of GDC-0994 (22), an orally bioavailable small molecule inhibitor selective f
143 rategy was realized with the approval of the orally bioavailable small molecule PI3Kdelta inhibitor i
144                   Venetoclax is a selective, orally bioavailable small-molecule BCL-2 inhibitor; bort
145 1 (PF-06827443), is a potent, low-clearance, orally bioavailable, and CNS-penetrant M1-selective PAM
146 in-2-amine (SHP099, 1), a potent, selective, orally bioavailable, and efficacious SHP2 inhibitor.
147 esents a viable approach to the discovery of orally bioavailable, brain-penetrant BACE1 inhibitors.
148 -derived lead resulting in AT-IAP, a potent, orally bioavailable, dual antagonist of XIAP and cIAP1 a
149                   We evaluated selinexor, an orally bioavailable, first-in-class inhibitor of the nuc
150  investigated by examining the effects of an orally bioavailable, small molecule p75NTR ligand, LM11A
151                                    ERX-11 is orally bioavailable, with no overt signs of toxicity and
152 llular potency, microsomal stability, and is orally bioavailable.
153 The cabozantinib starting dose was 60 mg/day orally but could be escalated to 80 mg if the patient di
154 oproteins in anaphylactic mice as well as in orally challenged food allergic patients.
155                                    Mice were orally challenged with OVA to induce anaphylaxis.
156 ol (low-moderate permeability compound) were orally co-administered to rats.
157  against gut inflammation is diminished when orally coadministered with iron.
158 o CM maintenance (cyclophosphamide 50 mg/day orally continuously and methotrexate 2.5 mg twice/day or
159                         In addition, for use orally, cytotoxicity and biocompatibility were important
160 al immunomodulatory properties that help the orally delivered antigen to effectively induce an immune
161          The pharmacological availability of orally delivered conjugates-loaded MNPs was 17.98+/-5.61
162  the Sirt1 activator, SRT1720 (50 mg/kg/day, orally), demonstrated 40% and 45% decrease in plasma ala
163 ican trypanosomiasis (or sleeping sickness), orally dosed fexinidazole stands poised to replace the c
164 telotristat ethyl 500 mg three times per day orally during a 12-week double-blind treatment period.
165 Finally, we show that the lead compounds are orally efficacious in a 4 day murine model of malaria di
166                In particular, compound 17 is orally efficacious in a mouse xenograft model (KMS-12 BM
167 the design and discovery of a novel, potent, orally efficacious liver X receptor beta (LXRbeta) agoni
168 ssigned in a 1:1:1:1:2 ratio to receive (all orally) either 35 mg/kg rifampicin per day with 15-20 mg
169  received 200 mg lumacaftor/250 mg ivacaftor orally every 12 hours for 24 weeks in addition to their
170                         Wistar rat dams were orally exposed to FM 550 during gestation (0, 300 or 100
171 s to induce a systemic allergic response and orally exposed to the same allergen.
172 dren in GMFCS group I, with the exception of orally fed children in GMFCS group V.
173 in 275,072 adults prescribed glucocorticoids orally for >/=15 d (women: 57.8%, median age: 63 [interq
174 ract (PPE) with adjuvant, and then given PPE orally for 10 days, a sequence leading to gastric eosino
175 atin 40 mg with matching placebos once daily orally for 12 weeks, followed by a 40 week safety extens
176 el with ED90 values below 1 mg/kg when dosed orally for 4 days.
177 apy by l-ornithine l-aspartate and rifaximin orally for 4 weeks.
178 ther continuous use of letrozole (2.5 mg/day orally for 5 years) or intermittent use of letrozole (2.
179 or intermittent use of letrozole (2.5 mg/day orally for 9 months followed by a 3-month break in years
180 n-label, BIIB074 150 mg three times per day, orally, for 21 days.
181 iferol 1000 IU/day or matched placebo, taken orally, from 14 weeks' gestation (or as soon as possible
182                            Male C57BL/6 mice orally gavaged with TCDD (0.01-30 microg/kg) every 4 day
183                                   Similarly, orally given LPA blocked tumor necrosis factor-mediated
184 utaneous implant, whereas P was administered orally in a cyclic fashion.
185 onstrated maximal efficacy when administered orally in a rat adjuvant arthritis model.
186 trated impressive efficacy when administered orally in a rat model of arthritis and in a mouse experi
187 e dissolved into a solution and administered orally in a single dose.
188 iding >99% inhibition at 12.5 mg/kg (b.i.d., orally) in the Leishmania infantum hamster model.
189 out the in vivo fate of drug particles taken orally, in particular, the drug release kinetics and int
190 eriocin highly expressed in the intestine of orally infected mice that alters the host intestinal mic
191                                     Here, we orally infected mice with coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) and f
192 t (iNOS KO), and C57BL/6 wild-type mice were orally infected with A. actinomycetemcomitans and analyz
193                                    Mice were orally infected with Aa and treated with the melanocorti
194  C57BL/6 WT and C57BL/6 IL-17RA KO mice were orally infected with G. muris cysts.
195  basis of a gonococcal vaccine, rabbits were orally infected with S. enterica Typhimurium strain chi3
196                                              Orally ingested ATIs are largely resistant to proteases
197                          To induce abortion, orally ingested Campylobacter must translocate across th
198                         We hypothesized that orally ingested UFP promoted atherogenic lipid metabolit
199  groups, intracranially inoculated (n = 20), orally inoculated (n = 19), and noninoculated (n = 9).
200  intracranially inoculated aged pigs and one orally inoculated aged pig were positive by EIA, IHC, an
201                                           We orally inoculated neonatal, conventional suckling piglet
202 and lymphoid tissues from intracranially and orally inoculated pigs as early as 8 months of age (6 mo
203   Regardless, positive results obtained with orally inoculated pigs suggest that it may be possible f
204         However, detection of infectivity in orally inoculated pigs with a mouse bioassay raises the
205 es of positive pigs was small, especially in orally inoculated pigs.
206 to date of in vivo norovirus cell tropism in orally inoculated, immunocompetent hosts at the peak of
207 lar targets of a murine norovirus inoculated orally into immunocompetent mice are macrophages, dendri
208 s, prebiotics, or synbiotics; were delivered orally, intravenously, or per rectum; were on biomarkers
209                           When given to rats orally, it was found that some of the administered UAPs
210                            When administered orally, mastic oil inhibited the growth of colon carcino
211 ntinuously and methotrexate 2.5 mg twice/day orally on days 1 and 2 of every week for 1 year) or to n
212 ) intravenously and temozolomide 100 mg/m(2) orally on days 1 to 5.
213  initially at 30 mg/m(2) per dose, was given orally on days 1, 3, 8, 10, 22, and 24 and was escalated
214 sone, and cyclophosphamide (PomCyDex) 400 mg orally on days 1, 8, and 15 (arm C).
215 intravenously on days 1 and 8 or 100 mg/m(2) orally on days 1-14; 40 mg/m(2) methotrexate intravenous
216 k size of six to receive lenalidomide (25 mg orally on days 1-21 every 28 days) until progressive dis
217 ratumumab doses plus lenalidomide (25 mg/day orally on days 1-21 of each cycle) and dexamethasone (40
218 either chlorambucil monotherapy (6 mg/m(2)/d orally on weeks 1 to 6, 9 to 10, 13 to 14, 17 to 18, and
219 in parasitemia of 96% when dosed at 30 mg/kg orally once a day for 4 days in the P. berghei mouse mod
220 mly assigned (1:1) to receive 200 mug iodine orally once a day or placebo until delivery.
221 rally twice a day), or aspirin alone (100 mg orally once a day).
222 on each 21-day cycle, plus lapatinib 1250 mg orally once daily on days 1-21).
223 e randomly assigned 2:1 to anamorelin 100 mg orally once daily or placebo, with a computer-generated
224  to raltegravir 1200 mg (two 600 mg tablets) orally once daily or raltegravir 400 mg (one tablet) ora
225 g regimen were treated with 560 mg ibrutinib orally once daily until progression or unacceptable toxi
226 atment with either 6 or 18 mg of selonsertib orally once daily with or without once-weekly injections
227 n days 1 and 2, then either intravenously or orally once daily) or voriconazole (6 mg/kg intravenousl
228 muscularly every 28 days), everolimus (10 mg orally once daily), or both in combination, for the core
229 ofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine orally once daily, for up to 96 weeks.
230                  Sunitinib (50 mg) was given orally once daily, with each cycle defined as 4 weeks on
231 ere enrolled and received savolitinib 600 mg orally once daily.
232 inhibitor therapy received osimertinib 80 mg orally once daily; treatment could continue beyond progr
233 et of 90 mg ledipasvir and 400 mg sofosbuvir orally once per day for 12 weeks.
234           Patients received neratinib 240 mg orally once per day, and tumors were assessed every two
235 ib 100 mg orally per day plus MK-2206 135 mg orally once per week or mFOLFOX (oxaliplatin, 85 mg/m2 i
236 90 mg of ledipasvir and 400 mg of sofosbuvir orally once-daily for 12 weeks.
237 y, to receive PF-00489791 (20 mg) or placebo orally, once daily for 12 weeks.
238 imethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or placebo taken orally, once daily, for 2 years.
239 e system to receive everolimus 10 mg per day orally or identical placebo, both with supportive care.
240 /HeJ mice were sensitized to ovalbumin (OVA) orally or through the skin and treated with EPIT using O
241 tic cells or model animals when administered orally or topically.
242 ed by 90 mg twice daily for days 2-90, given orally) or aspirin (300 mg on day 1 followed by 100 mg d
243 to receive fevipiprant (225 mg twice per day orally) or placebo, stratified by the use of oral cortic
244 ssigned (1:1) to receive panobinostat (20 mg orally) or placebo, with bortezomib (1.3 mg/m(2) intrave
245 apagliflozin 5 mg or 10 mg once daily, given orally, or matched placebo.
246               Salsalate (3.5 g/d) or placebo orally over 30 months.
247 m(2) intravenously) and dexamethasone (20 mg orally), over two distinct treatment phases.
248         Patients received selumetinib 100 mg orally per day plus MK-2206 135 mg orally once per week
249    Patients were given 60 mg of cabozantinib orally per day.
250 ANCE Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is transmitted orally, replicates in the throat, and then invades the B
251 two percent of infant mountain gorillas were orally shedding GbbLCV-1, suggesting primary infection d
252 ability of bisphosphonates when administered orally, subsequent studies tested the mice with subcutan
253  or web-response system, to receive ataluren orally three times daily (40 mg/kg per day) or matching
254 6 week cycle, sorafenib 400 mg twice per day orally throughout each cycle, or placebo.
255  receive 54 weeks of sunitinib 50 mg per day orally throughout the first 4 weeks of each 6 week cycle
256                        Neonates were exposed orally to 0, 25 or 50 mg Mn/kg/day during early postnata
257                    Rather, when administered orally to fasted mice, glucose was directed toward hepat
258 ts efficacy in vivo, BTKB66 was administered orally to mice for 7 days before subjecting them to 90 m
259                  Lorlatinib was administered orally to patients at doses ranging from 10 mg to 200 mg
260 acridar and cold erlotinib were administered orally to wild-type (WT) and Abcb1a/b;Abcg2 knockout mic
261            Thus, XWL-1-48 may be a promising orally topoisomerase II inhibitor for treatment of HCC.
262 h desmoid tumors received PF-03084014 150 mg orally twice a day in 3-week cycles.
263 ays 1 to 28 and abexinostat was administered orally twice a day on days 1 to 5, 8 to 12, and 15 to 19
264 atients and Methods MK-8242 was administered orally twice a day on days 1 to 7 in 21-day cycles.
265 igned (1:1:1) to receive rivaroxaban (2.5 mg orally twice a day) plus aspirin (100 mg once a day), ri
266 (100 mg once a day), rivaroxaban alone (5 mg orally twice a day), or aspirin alone (100 mg orally onc
267    Participants were given 10 mg ruxolitinib orally twice a day.
268 patients), tofacitinib at a 10-mg dose taken orally twice daily (104), adalimumab at a 40-mg dose adm
269 g regimens: tofacitinib at a 5-mg dose taken orally twice daily (107 patients), tofacitinib at a 10-m
270 r regimens: 5 mg of tofacitinib administered orally twice daily (132 patients); 10 mg of tofacitinib
271 bselen 200 mg, 400 mg, or 600 mg, or placebo orally twice daily for 4 days, beginning 2 days before a
272 (capecitabine 1000 mg/m(2) self-administered orally twice daily on days 1-14 on each 21-day cycle, pl
273 ed (2:1) to receive either binimetinib 45 mg orally twice daily or dacarbazine 1000 mg/m(2) intraveno
274 ve, 5 mg/mLmin) combined with AZD1775 225 mg orally twice daily over 2.5 days every 21-day cycle unti
275 ays followed by clemastine fumarate (5.36 mg orally twice daily) for 60 days (group 2).
276  receive either clemastine fumarate (5.36 mg orally twice daily) for 90 days followed by placebo for
277 m(2) intravenously; capecitabine 625 mg/m(2) orally twice daily) in 21-day cycles for up to ten cycle
278 aily fractions) with capecitabine (825 mg/m2 orally twice daily) prior to pancreatectomy.
279                         Veliparib (20-400 mg orally twice daily) was administered daily starting on d
280  patients received capecitabine (825 mg/m(2) orally twice daily) with radiotherapy (50.4 Gy in 1.8 Gy
281 nce daily or raltegravir 400 mg (one tablet) orally twice daily, each with tenofovir disoproxil fumar
282 e either 100 mg of minocycline, administered orally twice daily, or placebo.
283 g/m(2) intravenously with 5 mg of prednisone orally twice daily.
284         Patients received vemurafenib 960 mg orally twice daily.
285 perable ALK-positive IMT received crizotinib orally twice daily.
286 icipants received 4 weeks of MLE4901 (40 mg, orally, twice daily) and placebo (orally, twice daily) i
287 01 (40 mg, orally, twice daily) and placebo (orally, twice daily) in random order separated by a 2 we
288 d by 2 weeks without treatment) administered orally until disease progression or unacceptable toxicit
289 ng the trial, with rates of increase for six orally vaccinated chimpanzees very similar to four intra
290          Male Sprague-Dawley rats were dosed orally with 3 mg/kg of one of three hexabromocyclododeca
291                        Cediranib, when given orally with chemotherapy and continued as maintenance, y
292 zed with ovalbumin (OVA) and then challenged orally with OVA.
293      Starting at week 10, mice were infected orally with P. gingivalis (W50) or placebo to induce alv
294 al compared the efficacy of pazopanib 800 mg orally with paclitaxel (80 mg/m(2) days 1, 8, and 15 eve
295 sed with bovine collagen type II and treated orally with specific CDK9 inhibitors.
296 uring the challenge phase, mice were treated orally with the H1R antagonist, loratadine, and/or the H
297 ne-month-old rhesus macaques were inoculated orally with the simian-human immunodeficiency virus SHIV
298  urea and in islets from normal mice treated orally with urea for 3 weeks.
299 ollowed by 100 mg daily for days 2-90, given orally) within 24 h of symptom onset.
300                 More patients may be treated orally without worsening outcomes.

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