


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he abscissa and HFpEF predispositions in the ordinate.
2 e activities of the two ribonucleases are co-ordinated.
3 miting slope of 2.4 in double logarithmic co-ordinates.
4 oreign genes and 1,984 bp of plastid DNA (co-ordinates 57,424-59,317) containing the rbcL gene.
5  proteins including the GluN2A subunit, unco-ordinated-5H3 (unc5H3), doublecortin, cyclo-oxygenase, s
6 us bound by phage or a recipient cell) to co-ordinate a late stage morphogenetic or gating reaction t
7 ue: E424, D498, D500 and D502, thought to co-ordinate a magnesium ion, were mutated to alanine; in ad
8              Aurora kinase family members co-ordinate a range of events associated with mitosis and c
9  a sophisticated interaction network that co-ordinates a wide range of cellular responses required to
10 nce that this viral protein is capable of co-ordinating a Fe-S cluster.
11 king result of individual microbial cells co-ordinating a group behaviour.
12 ldosterone and insulin, primarily through co-ordinate actions on serum and glucocorticoid regulated k
13 n together, our findings demonstrate that co-ordinate activation and binding of ESE-1, Sp1, and NF-ka
14  wall peptidoglycan sacculus requires the co-ordinated activities of peptidoglycan synthases, hydrola
15  organisms use a variety of mechanisms to co-ordinate activity within a community and accomplish comp
16 -like breathing pattern as defined by the co-ordinated activity of cranial and spinal motor inspirato
17  breathing in mammals is dependent on the co-ordinated activity of cranial and spinal motor outputs t
18   Skeletal integrity is maintained by the co-ordinated activity of osteoblasts, the bone-forming cell
19  signalling within and between tissues to co-ordinate adaptive metabolic responses within the organis
20        They use a metal-binding pocket to co-ordinate an activated water molecule for phosphodiester
21  relationship was studied using principal co-ordinate analysis.
22 scriminated by visual representations early, ordinate and superordinate category levels emerged relat
23 c to specialized actin cables in order to co-ordinate and target the final stages of vesicle secretio
24 ynthetic complexes resulting in spatially co-ordinated and efficient peptidoglycan synthetic activity
25 le to investigate how these processes are co-ordinated and repair is accomplished.
26 the two motility systems are functionally co-ordinated and that any system-specific branching of the
27 at domain A and domain B are functionally co-ordinated and topologically arranged in a specific manne
28 of Log relative Intrinsic Activities) as the ordinates and Log(bias) as the abscissae is proposed as
29 ke a virtual head rotation fixed in skull co-ordinates and measure its perceptual effect.
30         Addressing disparities requires a co-ordinated approach to improving Indigenous people's acce
31                     The velvet gene, veA, co-ordinates asexual and sexual development in the homothal
32 'clients', and provides insights into the co-ordinated assembly of sequential enzymatic steps in PCNA
33 he results strongly suggest that the loop co-ordinates ATP binding/hydrolysis in trans by the two cat
34 erve as a molecular rheostat to precisely co-ordinate B. subtilis cell size with nutrient availabilit
35 ned that the Aer-2 PAS domain binds penta-co-ordinated b-type haem and that reversible signalling req
36  in V. cholerae biofilm development is to co-ordinate bacterial biofilm accumulation with the presenc
37 them unique to Salmonella, and suggests a co-ordinated bacterial response to conditions that exist at
38 l signalling in prokaryotes that leads to co-ordinated behaviour has been termed quorum sensing.
39 ion process called quorum sensing (QS) to co-ordinate behaviours in response to changes in population
40  with respect to the cis-Golgi suggests a co-ordinated biogenesis of these domains.
41 th and bone primordia cells has a role in co-ordinating bone and tooth development.
42 ation, indicating that these proteins may co-ordinate both the pilus and flagellum motility systems.
43 acts as a global regulator in C.albicans, co-ordinating both metabolic and morphogenetic responses to
44 ular differentiation of L. pneumophila is co-ordinated by a regulatory circuit that integrates severa
45 aemorrhagic Escherichia coli is primarily co-ordinated by expression of the LEE1 operon.
46  In almost all bacteria, cell division is co-ordinated by the essential tubulin homologue FtsZ and re
47  gene expression and chitin synthesis was co-ordinated by the PKC, HOG MAP kinase and Ca2+/calcineuri
48 ported by two zinc ions, each of which is co-ordinated by the tetrahedral arrangement of thiol groups
49            The active centre has a Mg ion co-ordinated by three acidic residues, D401, E458 and D542.
50 ne metabolism gene expression was tightly co-ordinated by three ArgR/AhrC family regulators, encoded
51  is composed of the active-site zinc ion, co-ordinated by three histidine residues (401, 405 and 411)
52  Site-directed mutagenesis of amino acids co-ordinating Ca2+ drastically decreased the binding of CRP
53 ding site on CRP consisted of amino acids co-ordinating Ca2+.
54 anisms to regulate their sugar status and co-ordinate carbohydrate partitioning.
55 be involved in regulatory mechanisms that co-ordinate cell division and segregation of the chemosenso
56                        Myxococcus xanthus co-ordinates cell movement during its complex life cycle us
57          The YycG sensor histidine kinase co-ordinates cell wall remodelling with cell division in Gr
58 ogue, is thought to function in spatially co-ordinating cell morphogenesis in conjunction with MreC,
59 ependently of the Pdgf/PI3K pathway, thus co-ordinating cell motility and coherence.
60 evealed a fundamental requirement for two co-ordinated cellular processes--cytoskeletal alterations a
61 e for Policy and Practice Information and Co-Ordinating Centre approach to mixed method reviews.
62 e for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre evidence library for studies published
63 ique is ideal for simultaneously studying co-ordinate changes in mRNA levels from multiple genes.
64 anipulation of Rab5 expression results in co-ordinate changes to clathrin protein expression levels a
65 related proteins/peptide pairs exhibiting co-ordinated changes expression profile are discovered, whi
66 the accumulation of autoinducers leads to co-ordinated changes in gene expression across the bacteria
67         Microarray hybridization revealed co-ordinated changes in gene expression in response to infe
68                                       The co-ordinated changes involved are seen to be critically lin
69 ntific Procedures Act of 1986, and the UK Co-ordinating Committee on Cancer Research guidelines.
70 veal that the loop plays a direct role in co-ordinating conformational changes involved in long-range
71                             This requires co-ordinated control of components encoded by both the nucl
72 d MtrA form a three-component system that co-ordinates cytokinetic and cell wall homeostatic processe
73 ve interactions maintain and regulate the co-ordinated daily production of reticulocytes.
74         The (my)Grid services collect and co-ordinate data inputs and outputs for the experiment, as
75                                There is a co-ordinated decline in the abundance of ovine intestinal H
76             Normal organogenesis requires co-ordinate development and interaction of multiple cell ty
77 spatiotemporally distinct mechanisms that co-ordinate development of the cranial base with that of th
78                                     Thus, co-ordinated development of the brain and face is dependent
79 might also serve as a signalling hub that co-ordinates development transitions.
80  that E. chaffeensis CtrA plays a role in co-ordinating development of the stress resistance for pass
81 ate with central cell cycle regulation to co-ordinate developmental decisions with cell proliferation
82  suggest that several signalling pathways co-ordinate differential post-transcriptional and transcrip
83 f the planarian intestine are achieved by co-ordinated differentiation of stem cells and the remodeli
84  We applied principal coordinate analysis to ordinate distances from beta diversity data.
85    To proliferate efficiently, cells must co-ordinate division with chromosome segregation.
86 ar motor that functions in cell division, co-ordinating division with clearing chromosomal DNA from t
87  here that the drebrin/EB3 pathway, which co-ordinates dynamic microtubule/actin filament interaction
88                   The Sda checkpoint thus co-ordinates early events of spore development, including t
89 cular niche has been described, where the co-ordinated effects of angiogenesis and migration of neuro
90 ensing regulatory system is essential for co-ordinating electron flow and cannot be easily replaced.
91                                           Co-ordinate epigenetic silencing is the main regulatory mec
92 lled by a complex signalling network that co-ordinates events.
93 ce of Pseudomonas aeruginosa involves the co-ordinate expression of a range of factors including type
94                                           Co-ordinate expression of many virulence genes in the human
95 alciparum parasites, and suggest that the co-ordinate expression of PfRh2a, PfRh2b together mediate e
96 h multiple elements contribute to tightly co-ordinated expression in vivo.
97  that in Streptococcus mutans CSP induced co-ordinated expression of competence and mutacin productio
98 nome rearrangements suggest operon-based, co-ordinated expression of genes functioning in common biol
99                             This involves co-ordinated expression of hundreds of genes, many dependen
100 imurium to cause disease depends upon the co-ordinated expression of many genes located around the Sa
101 tablishment of neuronal identity requires co-ordinated expression of specific batteries of genes.
102                        Thus, Hfq promotes co-ordinated expression of the LEE-encoded T3S apparatus an
103                                Transient, co-ordinated expression of the operon was thought to be con
104                Disruption of this tightly co-ordinated expression system presents an opportunity for
105             Our results suggest that VjbR co-ordinates expression of the T4SS and at least two of its
106 ural transformation in Vibrio cholerae by co-ordinating expression of the regulators CRP, CytR, HapR
107 ation that is separate from their role in co-ordinating expression of the SPI1 TTSS through hilA.
108  QseA acts as a global regulator in EHEC, co-ordinating expression of virulence genes.
109                    Therefore, V. cholerae co-ordinates fatty acid metabolism with 1-acyl G3P synthesi
110 y phase and following starvation, thereby co-ordinating flagella and ribosome assembly and preventing
111 ne expression is extensively regulated to co-ordinate flagellar assembly in both space and time.
112 l and also that the upper and lower limbs co-ordinate for an appropriate whole-body sway response.
113           Fitting of the crystallographic co-ordinates for DAF(34) and EV11 into the reconstruction s
114 tructural data, down to the level of atom co-ordinates, for each structure in the Protein Data Bank (
115      These responses are triggered by the co-ordinated function of bacterial proteins delivered into
116 cells, particularly the gastrin (G) cell, co-ordinate gastric acid secretion with the arrival of food
117                  We propose that IgeR may co-ordinate gene expression during Salmonella's transition
118 versatility likely depends upon carefully co-ordinated gene expression, epigenetic regulation in C. a
119  We describe the molecular machinery that co-ordinates gene transcription at the M-G(1) interval duri
120 velopmental regulon with the potential to co-ordinate genes important in parasite transmission.
121 otein complex called a cellulosome, which co-ordinates glycoside hydrolase assembly, bacterial adhesi
122 life cycle of Myxococcus xanthus includes co-ordinated group movement and fruiting body formation, an
123           We show that at least two extra co-ordinating groups are involved in binding this copper(II
124 of autolysins and autolysin inhibitors to co-ordinate growth and division with cell wall restructurin
125 2E)] consistent with a predominantly five-co-ordinate high-spin iron.
126  benefit to a relatively high degree from co-ordinated implementation of broadly consistent managemen
127 ir::egfp, intimin, but not map::egfp were co-ordinated in a subpopulation of bacteria.
128 n how these different modes of growth are co-ordinated in space and time.
129 and counter-nick mechanism involving dual co-ordinated incisions that lead to the formation of ligata
130                         In the ice plant, co-ordinate induction of Na+/H+-antiporters and Na+/myo-ino
131                                       The co-ordinated induction of these genes correlated with an in
132                                  Although co-ordinate interaction between different signal transducti
133  Elective multisystem assessments will be co-ordinated into a 'one stop' admission, bringing the spec
134   Fission of bacterial cells involves the co-ordinated invagination of the envelope layers.
135 ke proteins of actinomycetes are known to co-ordinate iron-sulfur (Fe-S) clusters and are believed to
136                     Each bacterium has to co-ordinate its growth with division to ensure genetic stab
137 evel of ppGpp and other stress signals to co-ordinate L. pneumophila differentiation.
138 lusion, natural stimuli can be used to probe ordinate-level categorization in rats.
139 ing other objects and from scrambled movies (ordinate-level categorization).
140 ealed a patch-like labeling, suggesting a co-ordinate localization to discrete regions on the chlorop
141 ively, maintains membrane integrity while co-ordinating localized release of MVs with distinct size d
142 for plant biotechnology, will require the co-ordinate manipulation of multiple genes on a pathway.
143 lular mechanism to reduce metabolism in a co-ordinated manner when cells become starved for nitrogen.
144 rowth phase-dependent and developmentally co-ordinated manner, and is subject to pathway-specific and
145                               Stereotaxic co-ordinate mapping was performed over all animals leading
146 ocess by acting as a molecular timer that co-ordinates membrane targeting with the synthesis of the a
147                                           Co-ordinating metabolism and growth is a key challenge for
148 family of nuclear receptors whose members co-ordinate morphogenesis of the mammary gland in response
149                 Animals take time to make co-ordinated motor responses to a stimulus.
150 axia that limits their ability to perform co-ordinated motor tasks.
151                    Signal transduction to co-ordinate movement of hormogonia might be accelerated by
152 and cilia to convert chemical energy into co-ordinated movement remain poorly understood.
153 antagonists at the same time as producing co-ordinated movements.
154 dings of the present study illustrate the co-ordinated multi-level adaptations to a mechanical lesion
155 rs to integrate environmental signals and co-ordinate multicellular behaviours that are subsequently
156 ntiation of the spinal cord and serves to co-ordinate neural and mesodermal development.
157 at the stages analyzed is not through the co-ordinate non-coding RNA or insulator mechanisms observed
158 r each residue from the three-dimensional co-ordinates of a protein structure to one of eight states.
159 ze the regional ecological space, plots were ordinated on the basis of species abundances.
160 e cell division regulator GpsB appears to co-ordinate PG synthesis at the septum during division and
161 CA transcriptional regulation and that it co-ordinates phycocyanin and phycocyanobilin biosynthesis i
162 r to have three general functions: (i) to co-ordinate physiological changes involved in developmental
163 cDF-YajC-YidC assembly machinery, thereby co-ordinating pigment delivery, the co-translational insert
164 ve role of the auxin transport network in co-ordinating plant growth and development.
165 at pole-specific control of PopZ function co-ordinates polar development and cell cycle progression b
166                                       Ppa co-ordinates Prd degradation and is important for expressio
167 ecretion (T3S) from enteric bacteria is a co-ordinated process with a hierarchy of secreted proteins.
168 us biofilm development is mediated by the co-ordinated production of the biofilm matrix, which can be
169 tory system and implicates this system in co-ordinating production of colonization and virulence dete
170 es of genes in a temporally and spatially co-ordinated programme of cell development.
171 ter into functional groups and revealed a co-ordinated programme of gene expression.
172 issue insults with a view to initiating a co-ordinated programme of inflammation and repair.
173 subtilis unfolds by means of separate but co-ordinated programmes of gene expression within two unequ
174 n of the complex molecular machinery that co-ordinates proliferation and differentiation.
175                   These findings describe co-ordinated proteolysis as a regulatory mechanism in V. ch
176 ic leukaemia protein (PML) nuclear bodies co-ordinate PTEN localization by opposing the action of a p
177 lls homotypically and heterotypically and co-ordinate reciprocal responses between the different cell
178                         We postulate that co-ordinate regulation as part of the HIF pathway may expla
179                             In this case, co-ordinate regulation may optimize the decision to underta
180 controlled by CDK activity, thus allowing co-ordinate regulation of carbohydrate metabolism with cell
181 on of Escherichia coli is responsible for co-ordinate regulation of genes involved in F1845 fimbrial
182 ll wall deposition in plants involves the co-ordinate regulation of several complex metabolic pathway
183                                           Co-ordinate regulation of virulence gene expression in resp
184                                      Such co-ordinate regulation requires that individual activators
185  growth and regression, involving closely co-ordinated regulation of cell proliferation, differentiat
186                                           Co-ordinated regulation of gene expression is required for
187     These dynamic changes require closely co-ordinated regulation of gene expression.
188            These results demonstrate that co-ordinated regulation of HEMA1 and Lhcb is largely achiev
189                                       The co-ordinated regulation of metal ion homeostasis and oxidat
190 f LpxTPa , and suggest the existence of a co-ordinated regulatory mechanism that permits adaptation t
191                      How these events are co-ordinated remains uncertain.
192 led at the transpososome is exploited for co-ordinated repair of both target gaps flanking Mu without
193         MutS protein dimer recognizes and co-ordinates repair of DNA mismatches.
194                                      This co-ordinated response of lateral roots also occurs in soil-
195                        We also observed a co-ordinated response of oxidative stress protection enzyme
196 y regulated dynamic process that requires co-ordinate responses of both epidermal and dermal compartm
197                      Proteobacteria often co-ordinate responses to carbon sources using CRP and the s
198 ed by several pathways and is proposed to co-ordinate responses to environmental signals.
199 rtant gaps remain and the mechanisms that co-ordinate responses to external signals remain enigmatic.
200 as graded semiquantitatively on a four-point ordinate scale according to the Outcome Measures in Rheu
201 CNA interfaces that may contribute to the co-ordinated, sequential action of these enzymes.
202 ene-specific protein-mRNA ratios revealed co-ordinated shifts in control points in gene expression al
203 7 and Cpk1 kinases were found to act as a co-ordinate signalling module, whereas the Ste12alpha trans
204       This direct interpathway connection co-ordinates signals of nitrogen and carbon source depletio
205  range turnover, and boundary clumping of an ordinated site-by-species matrix.
206                                 How cells co-ordinate size with growth and development is a major, un
207 ts limited such mosaic evolution, causing co-ordinated size change among individual brain components.
208  the entire length of the gut and control co-ordinated smooth muscle contractile activity and other g
209  growth of the tooth and alveolar bone is co-ordinated so that a studied distance always separates th
210 r antagonistic relationships, acting in a co-ordinated spatial and temporal manner on different host
211 other small RNAs that also act on RpoS to co-ordinate stress responses.
212 , Vibrio cholerae, uses quorum sensing to co-ordinate such complex behaviours as pathogenicity and bi
213 he directions of these force vectors were co-ordinated such that the overall body sway response was a
214 inines with their preferential ability to co-ordinate sulfate groups), could form a single extended b
215 ventional and novel methods for achieving co-ordinate suppression or over-expression of up to three p
216 otein export, but how individual bacteria co-ordinate surface organelle expression to prevent interfe
217 ed by osteocytes and bone-lining cells in co-ordinating surface anabolic activity.
218 ing and sequencing the swallow cycle, for co-ordinating swallowing with breathing, or for closing the
219 culospinal neurons ensure alternating and co-ordinated swimming activity from the start.
220 d are therefore potentially important for co-ordinating synaptic strength and structure.
221 lation of encystation genes, and may help co-ordinate synthesis of cyst wall proteins and polysacchar
222                 During de-etiolation, the co-ordinated synthesis of chlorophyll and the chlorophyll a
223 hospholipid biophysical properties by the co-ordinated synthesis of saturated and unsaturated fatty a
224 analysing fine-scale motion in the curved co-ordinate system of vibrioid bacteria.
225         PBJelly also provides "lift-over" co-ordinate tables to easily port existing annotations to t
226 cated to regulating Pho80, but may act to co-ordinate the activity of both the Pho80-Pho85 and Pcl7-P
227  platforms for sophisticated devices that co-ordinate the activity of numerous transmembrane molecula
228 tion from the dorsal horn and thereby can co-ordinate the appropriate autonomic response, including a
229 ple regulatory pathways are integrated to co-ordinate the appropriate expression of virulence factors
230 , could be a strategy to non-specifically co-ordinate the behaviour of cells in communities composed
231 nase-related protein kinase (PIKK) family co-ordinate the cellular response to DNA damage.
232  Cys-13, to sense oxidative stress and to co-ordinate the expression of genes involved in metabolic s
233 high up in diverse regulatory cascades to co-ordinate the expression of key pathogenicity islands and
234 metabolism indicates that acP may help to co-ordinate the expression of surface structures and cellul
235 lvYC operon of Escherichia coli serves to co-ordinate the expression of this operon with other operon
236 e that IRES system, described herein, can co-ordinate the expression of two important abiotic stress-
237                            The ability to co-ordinate the eyes and head when tracking moving objects
238 ation is essential for bacterial cells to co-ordinate the faithful replication and segregation of the
239 on, consistent with the need to spatially co-ordinate the holdfast synthesis machinery with the flage
240       Cells of Bacillus subtilis actively co-ordinate the initiation of sporulation with DNA replicat
241 um-located DNA translocase, FtsK, acts to co-ordinate the late steps of Escherichia coli chromosome s
242 and, while Arg67, Thr82, Lys19 and Tyr156 co-ordinate the ligand side-chain carboxyl group.
243 of coat assembly, but the mechanisms that co-ordinate the morphogenesis of both structures are largel
244 tion that the core function of LasR is to co-ordinate the production of extracellular factors, althou
245 il to sporulate, exemplifying the need to co-ordinate the timing of SapB production with other develo
246 f the transport systems and by this means co-ordinate the transfer of substrates across the two membr
247  the transcriptional activator Mga, which co-ordinates the early stages of infection.
248 he transmembrane DNA-binding protein ToxR co-ordinates the expression of over 20 genes, including tho
249 Here, we have identified a mechanism that co-ordinates the expression of the Salmonella Typhimurium T
250 transcriptional factor that regulates and co-ordinates the expression of various inflammatory genes.
251  the divisome, a complex of proteins that co-ordinates the invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane,
252 lear antigen (PCNA), a DNA sliding clamp, co-ordinates the processing and joining of Okazaki fragment
253 oxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF) co-ordinates the response of tumours to low oxygen by stimu
254                          Within SMX, SLX4 co-ordinates the SLX1 and MUS81-EME1 nucleases for Holliday
255                               The cascade co-ordinates the synthesis rates of a large number of gene
256                      The circadian system co-ordinates the temporal patterning of behaviour and many
257                            A simple model co-ordinating the activity of leafy shoot tips can account
258 may be a general phenomenon important for co-ordinating the cell cycle with growth.
259 pGpp facilitates this massive response by co-ordinating the downregulation of genes of the translatio
260 l programs and reveal a novel function in co-ordinating the extent and/or timing of proliferation wit
261  response (APR), which is responsible for co-ordinating the peripheral immunological response to inju
262 ltogether, Hfq plays an important role in co-ordinating the temporal expression of the LEE by control
263 that populations of bacterial cells often co-ordinate their behaviour via diffusible chemical signals
264 ved elaborate communication strategies to co-ordinate their group activities, a process termed quorum
265                                        To co-ordinate their response to SCFAs, L. pneumophila utilize
266 ites of several genes, including dnaA, to co-ordinate their transcription with initiation of replicat
267  ftsZ and ssgB, during vegetative growth, co-ordinating their expression during sporulation septation
268         How ATG4 activity is regulated to co-ordinate these events is currently unknown.
269 ed to be linked with deprotonation of the co-ordinating thiol groups and folding of the polypeptide.
270 utral pH, approximately four of the eight co-ordinating thiol groups release protons with zinc uptake
271                               Motility is co-ordinated to allow cells to effectively feed on macromol
272  how the action of its 12 AAA+ domains is co-ordinated to catalyze disaggregation remained unexplaine
273  with YycH and YycI and its activation is co-ordinated to cell division in dividing cells by specific
274 lved in sugar transporting and metabolism co-ordinated to enhance the cell's survival and energy gene
275 rate that upper and lower-limb forces are co-ordinated to produce an appropriate whole-body sway resp
276 t activities are spatially and temporally co-ordinated to promote productive cytoskeletal rearrangeme
277 ell to respond to diverse environments by co-ordinating tolC transcription with other appropriate fun
278 ntial integral function with relativistic co-ordinate transform, allowing application at radiotherape
279                                       The co-ordinate upregulation of ZEB1 and suppression of miR-200
280 evels is observed in melanoma models, and co-ordinated upregulation of genes positively regulated by
281 experiments in bioinformatics involve the co-ordinated use of computational tools and information rep
282             To test directly whether RpoS co-ordinates virulence with stationary phase, isogenic wild
283 e coat then encases the spore in multiple co-ordinated waves.
284 tention and saccadic processing therefore co-ordinate well to ensure that relevant locations are atte
285 n the mid-1980s, these efforts were often co-ordinated with American tobacco manufacturers.
286 rmation/positioning was delayed or poorly co-ordinated with cell growth in the absence of TopJ.
287 tal rearrangements during mitosis must be co-ordinated with chromosome movements.
288 ted gene expression in the mother cell is co-ordinated with events in the forespore chamber.
289                     Expression of bteA is co-ordinated with expression of TTSS apparatus genes, BteA
290 nstrate that phospholipid biosynthesis is co-ordinated with phosphate utilization via the bHLH protei
291 n insight into how the actions of Hda are co-ordinated with replication.
292 hia coli, regulation of RNR expression is co-ordinated with the cell cycle, and involves several regu
293 p and firm grip), as well as how they are co-ordinated with the lower limbs to maintain balance.
294  direction of this active hand vector was co-ordinated with the lower limbs.
295 , and approved gene symbols are carefully co-ordinated with the Mouse Genome Database (MGD).
296  by grip context, as well as how they are co-ordinated with the rest of the body.
297 lerated gluconeogenic mRNA degradation is co-ordinated with transcriptional repression by common sign
298 ily of lines intersecting to the left of the ordinate, with either ATP or peptide 1 as the varied sub
299 ation of these two polymerases is tightly co-ordinated within the nucleus.
300 ation of these two polymerases is tightly co-ordinated within the nucleus.

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