


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed immune systems, in the pathogenesis of an organ specific autoimmune disease.
2  of CD40 plays a key role in the etiology of organ-specific autoimmune disease.
3 (EAO), 2 classical T cell-mediated models of organ-specific autoimmune disease.
4 ry T cells; T(regs)) can function to control organ-specific autoimmune disease.
5 thway has immunoregulatory potential in this organ-specific autoimmune disease.
6 tulates observations made in other models of organ-specific autoimmune disease.
7 on of HLA-DQ8 confers susceptibility to this organ-specific autoimmune disease.
8 reactive T cell response and T cell-mediated organ-specific autoimmune disease.
9 bgroups, one of which may be associated with organ-specific autoimmune disease.
10 epitopes that are sufficient to produce this organ-specific autoimmune disease.
11 lerance have not been studied in spontaneous organ-specific autoimmune disease.
12 suppressor T cells that prevent induction of organ-specific autoimmune disease.
13 uction and skin blistering in a prototypical organ-specific autoimmune disease.
14 multiple chemokines in vivo during a complex organ-specific autoimmune disease.
15 udy the immunopathogenic features of a human organ-specific autoimmune disease.
16 ell tolerance and lead to the development of organ-specific autoimmune disease.
17 A-deficient mice did not develop systemic or organ-specific autoimmune disease.
18 s into the pathogenesis of both systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases.
19 opment and pathogenesis of both systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases.
20 ctive at blocking the development of certain organ-specific autoimmune diseases.
21 se molecules promote or inhibit systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases.
22 T cells are essential in the protection from organ-specific autoimmune diseases.
23 hypersensitivity reactions, and induction of organ-specific autoimmune diseases.
24 e immunopathogenic mechanisms of uveitis and organ-specific autoimmune diseases.
25 ism to explain the etiology of virus-induced organ-specific autoimmune diseases.
26  the immunopathology responsible for several organ-specific autoimmune diseases.
27 more heterogeneous and had both systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases.
28 antigenically distinct CD4+ T cell-mediated, organ-specific, autoimmune diseases.
29                     Graves disease, a common organ-specific autoimmune disease affecting humans, diff
30 ells that can prevent both the initiation of organ-specific autoimmune disease after day 3 thymectomy
31 ies in the pathogenesis of most systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases, although there is co
32 ings represent a critical component of human organ-specific autoimmune disease and may have important
33 mune disorders comprise more than 30% of all organ-specific autoimmune diseases and are characterized
34                                   Many human organ-specific autoimmune diseases are characterized by
35 ommon among patients with Down syndrome, but organ-specific autoimmune diseases are common.
36                    The mechanisms underlying organ-specific autoimmune diseases are incompletely unde
37 autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and other organ-specific autoimmune diseases are induced by autoan
38 nitiate and maintain MHC class II-associated organ-specific autoimmune diseases are poorly defined.
39                                              Organ-specific autoimmune diseases are usually character
40 s have been implicated in the development of organ-specific autoimmune diseases as well as pathogen-s
41 h can be customized for application to other organ-specific autoimmune diseases as well.
42           Thus, EAM represents a model of an organ-specific autoimmune disease associated with a Th2
43 IL-23) play crucial roles in pathogenesis of organ-specific autoimmune diseases by inducing the diffe
44 ontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis (SAT) is an organ-specific autoimmune disease characterized by chron
45                                           As organ-specific autoimmune diseases do not become manifes
46 te this, mice lacking DRAK2 are resistant to organ-specific autoimmune diseases due to defective auto
47 gle self-antigens can be sufficient to cause organ-specific autoimmune disease, even in otherwise sel
48 ls, and endothelia as well as participate in organ-specific autoimmune disease, graft rejection, and
49 gers of systemic autoimmunity, but a role in organ-specific autoimmune disease has not been demonstra
50 ions both in the induction and regulation of organ-specific autoimmune diseases have been defined and
51  has advanced more slowly than that of other organ-specific autoimmune diseases, however, largely bec
52 peripheral tolerance, and the development of organ-specific autoimmune disease in adult mice.
53 eg accumulation and function during an acute organ-specific autoimmune disease in vivo.
54               We now recognize that MN is an organ-specific autoimmune disease in which circulating a
55 xplained excess of type 1 diabetes and other organ-specific autoimmune diseases in children with Down
56 ffecting the skin, is one of the most common organ-specific autoimmune diseases in humans.
57                           The development of organ-specific autoimmune diseases in mice thymectomized
58           The target autoantigens in several organ-specific autoimmune diseases, including type 1 dia
59 ysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) is a prototypic organ-specific autoimmune disease induced by autoantibod
60 tal autoimmune anterior uveitis (EAAU) is an organ-specific autoimmune disease induced by immunizatio
61     CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells inhibit organ-specific autoimmune diseases induced by CD4(+)CD25
62     CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells inhibit organ-specific autoimmune diseases induced by CD4(+)CD25
63 tal autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an organ-specific autoimmune disease inducible in susceptib
64 ssue destruction and point to a new model of organ-specific autoimmune disease involving lipid Ag pre
65               The highly selective nature of organ-specific autoimmune disease is consistent with a c
66 e production of pathogenic autoantibodies in organ-specific autoimmune diseases is largely T cell dep
67                                Recovery from organ-specific autoimmune diseases largely relies on the
68 e diseases, suggesting that resistance to an organ-specific autoimmune disease may be regulated at le
69                         Hence, virus-induced organ-specific autoimmune diseases may be dependent on v
70 D) in mice, a slowly progressing Ab-mediated organ-specific autoimmune disease of the thyroid induced
71            To understand the pathogenesis of organ-specific autoimmune disease requires an appreciati
72                     Infection may exacerbate organ-specific autoimmune disease such as glomerulonephr
73 , a member of herpes viridae, causes various organ-specific autoimmune diseases, such as autoimmune g
74                             The induction of organ-specific autoimmune diseases, such as experimental
75                        Type 1 diabetes is an organ-specific autoimmune disease that is mediated by au
76 ons are also critical in the pathogenesis of organ-specific autoimmune diseases that were previously
77                                      In many organ-specific autoimmune diseases, the identity of the
78  in almost all of the animal models of human organ-specific autoimmune diseases, transplant rejection
79                                              Organ-specific autoimmune disease was present in 7 of th
80 implicated in the immunopathology of certain organ-specific autoimmune diseases whereas a role as reg

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