


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 2+) with each other and with each individual organophosphate.
2  resistant to pyrethroids but susceptible to organophosphates.
3 DDT) but fully susceptible to carbamates and organophosphates.
4  may be associated with exposure to specific organophosphates.
5 el for carbamates and full susceptibility to organophosphates.
6 n preventing lipid oxidation and detoxifying organophosphates.
7 ated pesticides and have ongoing exposure to organophosphates.
8 hemical biosensor for paraoxon as a model of organophosphates.
9  fipronil have been used as replacements for organophosphates.
10 or chlorpyrifos, 2.3 (95% CI: 0.98, 5.3) for organophosphates, 2.1 (95% CI: 0.9, 4.8) for pyrethroids
11 rylation rate constant k(OP) for the neutral organophosphate 7-[(methylethoxyphosphonyl)oxy]-4-methyl
12 h standard deviation increase of use for two organophosphates (acephate and oxydemeton-methyl) and th
13 nd manganese fungicides) and five individual organophosphates (acephate, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, mala
14                                          The organophosphate acid anhydrolase (OPAA) is a member of a
15                                        After organophosphate addition, BSP accumulates within these B
16 that the enzyme may be resistant to dead-end organophosphate aging reactions that permanently inactiv
17 only in primates, are reactive to nonpeptide organophosphate and alkylamine antigens secreted by bact
18 n be explained in part by exposure of GWV to organophosphate and carbamate acetylcholinesterase inhib
19                                        Acute organophosphate and carbamate pesticide poisonings resul
20 ion of organochlorine, synthetic pyrethroid, organophosphate and carbamate pesticide residues in frui
21 rase biosensor and its application to detect organophosphate and organocarbamate pesticides.
22 ive material for the efficient adsorption of organophosphate and organophosphonate species.
23 le uranium phosphates via the addition of an organophosphate and promote the development of reducing
24 g metabolic resistance (carboxylesterase) to organophosphates and carbamates in aphids, can have dele
25           Gut microbes were shown to degrade organophosphates and cause intestinal dysfunction.
26 f traces of different pesticides (triazinic, organophosphates and chlorurates) present in hydrophobic
27 many of the same neuropeptide targets as the organophosphates and concordance analysis showed signifi
28 anti-electrostatic anion-anion homodimers of organophosphates and cyanostar macrocycles was investiga
29 ent catalysts of the breakdown of neurotoxic organophosphates and have great potential as both biothe
30 t microbiome-mediated diabetogenic nature of organophosphates and hence that the usage of these insec
31 r nerve targets are acetylcholinesterase for organophosphates and methylcarbamates, the nicotinic ace
32 arget for the developmental neurotoxicity of organophosphates and other neurotoxicants, and further,
33                                              Organophosphates and pyrethroids are the most common cla
34 on SVOCs (e.g., brominated flame retardants, organophosphates, and phthalates) and in house dust extr
35 pollutants including hazardous nitrophenols, organophosphates, and polychlorinated arenes and hydroca
36 estational pesticide exposures, particularly organophosphates, and provides novel results of ASD and
37  P for organisms that cannot directly access organophosphates, and thereby increase marine biological
38 -S variant, which is the target of poisonous organophosphate anticholinesterase insecticides such as
39                                              Organophosphates are the most frequently and largely app
40 r 550 (FM 550), Firemaster 600 (FM 600), and organophosphate aryl ester technical mixtures have been
41 rvation response mutants on media containing organophosphates as the only source of phosphorus.
42                       AChE is inactivated by organophosphates as they pass through the P-site and pho
43                                 Proximity to organophosphates at some point during gestation was asso
44 as diminuta, catalyzes the detoxification of organophosphate-based insecticides and chemical warfare
45 osphate (TDCIPP) is a high-production volume organophosphate-based plasticizer and flame retardant wi
46 cally to the P-site and block the passage of organophosphates but not acetylcholine.
47            A mechanism for the hydrolysis of organophosphates by the bacterial PTE has been proposed.
48 ive potentially neurotoxic pesticide groups (organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, neonicotinoid
49                                  Most of the organophosphate chemical warfare agents are a mixture of
50                                              Organophosphate chemicals (OPs), which form the basis of
51 s elevated among women who had ever used the organophosphates chlorpyrifos [HR=1.4 (95% CI: 1.0, 2.0)
52 ore the targeting of neuroactive peptides by organophosphates (chlorpyrifos, diazinon), an organochlo
53                                  We compared organophosphates (chlorpyrifos, diazinon), an organochlo
54  neonicotinoid, imidacloprid, but not by the organophosphate chlorpyriphos, which does not affect NF-
55                                          The organophosphate class of compounds includes common herbi
56 essed with cumulative exposure scores for 34 organophosphates combining an historical crop-exposure p
57                                FM550 and its organophosphate components increased human PPARgamma1 tr
58 nted of PAF acetylhydrolase reacted with the organophosphate compound paraoxon via its active site Se
59 al flame retardant mixture of brominated and organophosphate compounds applied to polyurethane foam u
60                                              Organophosphate compounds are heavily used in agricultur
61                              NTE reacts with organophosphate compounds that cause a paralyzing axonal
62  rapid, sensitive and selective detection of organophosphates compounds.
63  fine Utah dirt sample as a model system for organophosphate-contaminated soil.
64       The pyrethroid tau-fluvalinate and the organophosphate coumaphos have been used for Varroa cont
65 anophosphate hydrolase (OPH), encoded by the organophosphate degradation (opd) island, hydrolyzes the
66                   In previous studies of the organophosphate degradation gene cluster, we showed that
67 tabolomic analyses reveal that gut microbial organophosphate degradation produces short chain fatty a
68 lactonase (PLL) family that show promiscuous organophosphate-degrading activity.
69 phate-induced hyperglycemia, mediated by the organophosphate-degrading potential of gut microbiota.
70 iated enzyme that plays an important role in organophosphate detoxification and prevention of atheros
71 and other data indicate that paraoxonase, an organophosphate-detoxifying enzyme whose natural substra
72                      Sex-specific effects of organophosphate diazinon on the gut microbiome and its m
73  to facilitate transport of Pigenerated from organophosphates due to the combined action of OPH and p
74 phosphate) were readily degraded into a mono-organophosphate (e.g., adenosine monophosphate) during h
75                              The presence of organophosphate ester (OPE) flame retardants and plastic
76 that mimic the properties of the more common organophosphate ester metabolite yet are not readily deg
77                                 Levels of 13 organophosphate esters (OPEs) and 45 brominated and chlo
78          Volatile methylsiloxanes (VMSs) and organophosphate esters (OPEs) are two suites of chemical
79                                              Organophosphate esters (OPEs) are widely used as flame r
80 ters, brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and organophosphate esters (OPEs) by clothing from indoor ai
81 dants (AFRs), such as FireMaster 550, and of organophosphate esters (OPEs) has increased.
82                                         Many organophosphate esters (OPEs) have been reported to prim
83                    The concentrations of six organophosphate esters (OPEs) in atmospheric particle ph
84                                              Organophosphate esters (OPEs) including triphenyl phosph
85                                     Fourteen organophosphate esters (OPEs) were measured in the filte
86              These flame retardants included organophosphate esters (OPEs), brominated flame retardan
87 s polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and organophosphate esters (OPEs), which were not manufactur
88 s of flame retardants: brominated (BFRs) and organophosphate esters (OPEs).
89 tember 21-28, 2013) and were analyzed for 12 organophosphate esters (OPEs; current-use plasticizers a
90 domonas diminuta catalyzes the hydrolysis of organophosphate esters at rates close to the diffusion l
91  the direct nucleophile in the hydrolysis of organophosphate esters by PTE.
92 ving sugars, nucleic acids, amino acids, and organophosphate esters.
93 yzing a broad range of substrates, including organophosphates, esters, and carbonates.
94           We studied the association between organophosphate exposure and cognitive performance in vi
95   Two reports agree that increased levels of organophosphate exposure in utero result in greater numb
96 elopmental disorder with increased levels of organophosphate exposure.
97 ging strategy in protection and treatment of organophosphate exposure.
98 pidemiologic evidence has focused largely on organophosphate exposures, while research on other pesti
99                                          The organophosphate flame retardant, triphenyl phosphate (TP
100 mobisphenol A (TBBPA), and three chlorinated organophosphate flame retardants (ClOPFRs), tris(1,3-dic
101 gates the occurrence of 37 organohalogen and organophosphate flame retardants (FRs) from Norwegian ho
102 s), and emerging flame retardants, including organophosphate flame retardants (OPEs).
103       The occurrence and fate of 14 triester organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) and plasticizer
104 ng chlorinated alkyl and nonchlorinated aryl organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) as well as arom
105                                              Organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) had the highest
106                                              Organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) were the most c
107 in an increased use of and human exposure to organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs).
108                                              Organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs) are becoming pop
109                                              Organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs) are widely used
110 rom animal studies suggests that exposure to organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs) can disrupt endo
111                                              Organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs) have been propos
112            We compared the human exposure to organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs) via inhalation,
113  polyurethane foam are commonly treated with organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs), including tris(
114 . strain TCM1 that is capable of hydrolyzing organophosphate flame retardants was determined.
115               Chronic treatment of mice with organophosphate for 180 days confirms the induction of g
116 ed obstacle for proposed models of prebiotic organophosphate formation.
117  mothers, was as important for the intake of organophosphate FRs as dust ingestion.
118     In addition, a mixture of nonhalogenated organophosphate FRs that included triphenyl phosphate (T
119                       Some of the most toxic organophosphates have been adapted for use as chemical w
120                                      Several organophosphates have been shown to interact as mixtures
121 onmental influence (e.g. from air pollution, organophosphates, heavy metals) in ASD, and some of the
122 e which consists of elastin-like-polypeptide-organophosphate hydrolase (ELP-OPH), bovine serum albumi
123 durans ), we designed an extremely efficient organophosphate hydrolase (OPH) with broad substrate spe
124                                              Organophosphate hydrolase (OPH), encoded by the organoph
125                     Curiously, a promiscuous organophosphate hydrolase activity is observed in all th
126  toward the goal of engineering hCE1 into an organophosphate hydrolase and protein-based therapeutic
127            It has also been implicated as an organophosphate hydrolase, with the ability to hydrolyze
128                                              Organophosphate hydrolases are proficient catalysts of t
129 ed in the rational design of next-generation organophosphate hydrolases that are capable of selecting
130  active sites and guide the future design of organophosphate hydrolases that hydrolyze compounds with
131 promiscuity drove the parallel divergence of organophosphate hydrolases within these lactonase famili
132 s such as serum paraoxonase 1 (PON1) and the organophosphate-hydrolyzing lactonase SsoPox are unable
133 rapid detection and quantitation of relevant organophosphates in neutral water.
134                    Mitigating the effects of organophosphates in our bodies is critical and yet an un
135 of diabetes among people directly exposed to organophosphates in rural India (n = 3080).
136        Compounds 1-3 dealkylated a series of organophosphates in stoichiometric reactions by breaking
137               TiO2NFs was employed to enrich organophosphates in the nanocomposite due to its strong
138                                              Organophosphates inactivate acetylcholinesterase by reac
139              One strategy to protect against organophosphate inactivation is to design cyclic ligands
140 talloenzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of organophosphates, including pesticides and chemical warf
141 f-target serine hydrolase inhibition include organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy and disruptio
142 confirm the involvement of gut microbiota in organophosphate-induced glucose intolerance.
143  to understand the role of gut microbiota in organophosphate-induced hyperglycemia and to unravel the
144  gluconeogenesis as the key mechanism behind organophosphate-induced hyperglycemia, mediated by the o
145 ma murine AChE-R levels while minimizing the organophosphate-induced neuromuscular junction dismorpho
146                 Malathion is the most common organophosphate insecticide applied in the United States
147  significantly (P<0.05) with exposure to the organophosphate insecticide fonofos, after correction fo
148 utants ofB. diminutafailed to grow using the organophosphate insecticide methyl parathion as sole sou
149 ol on apple crops was dominated by intensive organophosphate insecticide regimes to control tortricid
150                Chlorpyrifos is a widely used organophosphate insecticide that is a suspected developm
151                This substantially eliminated organophosphate insecticide use by 2001, replacing it wi
152 alities of the increasing organochlorine and organophosphate insecticide use in the United States pos
153                            The commonly-used organophosphate insecticide, chlorpyrifos (CPF), impairs
154 ic acid; maternal rubella infection; and the organophosphate insecticide, chlorpyrifos.
155    The wide agricultural use of diazinon, an organophosphate insecticide, has raised serious environm
156  Prenatal exposure to chlorpyrifos (CPF), an organophosphate insecticide, is associated with neurobeh
157      The association for dichlorvos, another organophosphate insecticide, was not attenuated by chlor
158 th routine application of diazinon, a common organophosphate insecticide.
159                              We compared two organophosphate insecticides (chlorpyrifos, diazinon) wi
160 ct modification was observed for three other organophosphate insecticides (coumaphos, terbufos, and p
161                     The odds ratios for four organophosphate insecticides (terbufos, fonofos, chlorpy
162 yzes the triester bond found in a variety of organophosphate insecticides and nerve agents.
163 sults add to the emerging literature linking organophosphate insecticides and respiratory health and
164 organochlorine insecticide dieldrin; and the organophosphate insecticides diazinon, malathion, and pa
165                           The involvement of organophosphate insecticides in cognitive disorders is s
166 viduals chronically exposed to low levels of organophosphate insecticides may present with subtle imp
167 mers of a number of synthetic pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides on chiral selective columns
168                                These include organophosphate insecticides that inhibit acetylcholines
169                               Use of several organophosphate insecticides was associated with elevate
170                                        Three organophosphate insecticides were significantly associat
171 e observed association of organochlorine and organophosphate insecticides with diabetes is consistent
172         There have been reductions in use of organophosphate insecticides, largely by substitution wi
173 esticides, in particular, organochlorine and organophosphate insecticides, may be associated with inc
174 dation of the neurodevelopmental toxicity of organophosphate insecticides; documentation of links bet
175         Inherent AChE-R overproduction under organophosphate intoxication confers both short-term pro
176 ng both short- and long-term protection from organophosphate intoxication.
177        It measured urinary concentrations of organophosphate metabolites [dimethylphosphate (DMP), di
178 dichloro-2,2-bis-(p-chorophenyl)ethylene and organophosphate metabolites among cases and controls.
179                                 The dimethyl organophosphate metabolites had the highest 95th percent
180 phosphates, histidinol phosphate, and common organophosphate metabolites.
181 noids imidacloprid and clothianidin, and the organophosphate miticide coumaphos oxon, cause a depolar
182 icotinoids (nicotinic receptor agonists) and organophosphate miticides (acetylcholinesterase inhibito
183 nsport and intracellular hydrolysis of small organophosphate molecules is an important mechanism for
184 d for Pd-catalyzed ortho-acetoxylation using organophosphates, namely, benzylic phosphonic and aryl p
185 al system for separating and detecting toxic organophosphate nerve agent compounds, based on the coup
186 portant development in countering weaponized organophosphate nerve agents and detecting commercially-
187 atalyzes the hydrolysis of a wide variety of organophosphate nerve agents and insecticides.
188 talloenzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of organophosphate nerve agents at rates approaching the di
189 acetylcholinesterase with the same series of organophosphate nerve agents was also measured.
190 een isolated that catalyze the hydrolysis of organophosphate nerve agents with high-rate enhancements
191 important anaytes (nitroaromatic explosives, organophosphate nerve agents, phenols).
192  efficient enzymes for the detoxification of organophosphate nerve agents.
193  are examined for their ability to hydrolyze organophosphate nerve agents.
194 report a route to synthesize a wide range of organophosphates of biological significance in a deep eu
195  in some populations frequently treated with organophosphates, old and new control options are being
196 e Smu. 1393c catalyzes the hydrolysis of the organophosphate omethoate (kcat/Km of (2.0 +/- 1.3) x 10
197  to determine the effect of exposure such as organophosphates on central nervous system, which alters
198 bstrates and explores the effect of selected organophosphates on their enzyme mimetic activity.
199  been shown to exhibit activity against both organophosphate (OP) and lactone compounds.
200             We analyzed those samples for 19 organophosphate (OP) and pyrethroid pesticides.
201 ed electrodes to construct a novel gas phase organophosphate (OP) biosensor.
202  rMoAChE that was phosphorylated by the four organophosphate (OP) compounds tested.
203 ped as a tool for biomonitoring exposures to organophosphate (OP) compounds, e.g., insecticides and c
204 of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition by organophosphate (OP) compounds.
205                                              Organophosphate (OP) esters bind covalently to the activ
206                                   Early-life organophosphate (OP) exposures elicit neurobehavioral de
207                     Although recent usage of organophosphate (OP) flame retardants has increased subs
208 rase activity but are unusually resistant to organophosphate (OP) inhibitors.
209  and are implicated in the detoxification of organophosphate (OP) insecticides.
210                              Intoxication by organophosphate (OP) nerve agents and pesticides should
211 he possible effect of early-life exposure to organophosphate (OP) on pediatric respiratory health is
212   An electrochemical sensor for detection of organophosphate (OP) pesticides and nerve agents using z
213                                  Widely used organophosphate (OP) pesticides can induce oxidative str
214  is limited that long-term human exposure to organophosphate (OP) pesticides, without poisoning, is a
215 g bioscavenger candidate to treat or prevent organophosphate (OP) poisoning.
216 A new class of amidine-oxime reactivators of organophosphate (OP)-inhibited cholinesterases (ChE) was
217 AChE) intended to catalyze the hydrolysis of organophosphate (OP)-inhibited hAChE in the CNS.
218  binding constant for organophosphonates and organophosphates (OPPs) of K=2x10(6) M-1.
219 n, and VX, monitoring the decontamination of organophosphates (OPs) by OPH and determining serum para
220                                              Organophosphates (OPs) inhibit acetylcholinesterase (ACh
221 ly mandated phase-out of residential uses of organophosphates (OPs), use of and potential for human e
222 utyrylcholinesterase, are primary targets of organophosphates (OPs).
223  enzyme may prove useful in the detection of organophosphates or exposure to cholinesterase inhibitor
224 shows no cross-reaction with other analogous organophosphates or metal salts.
225 ganochlorine [OR=2.7 (95% CI: 1.8, 4.0)] and organophosphate [OR=2.0 (95% CI: 1.3, 3.0)] insecticides
226 cides, and fumigants) or chemical structure (organophosphates, organochlorines, and carbamates) with
227 cal properties, with IC50 = 10(-7) M for the organophosphate paraoxon, similar to mammalian cell cult
228 ted to contribute to wheeze, paraquat, three organophosphates (parathion, malathion, and chlorpyrifos
229 d (dexamethasone, used in preterm labor), an organophosphate pesticide (chlorpyrifos), or nicotine.
230                                              Organophosphate pesticide (OP) exposure to the U.S. popu
231 e element confers increased resistance to an organophosphate pesticide and has spread in D. melanogas
232  The sensor was applied to detect the sample organophosphate pesticide ethylparaoxon and organocarbam
233                                  Research on organophosphate pesticide exposure and neurodevelopment
234 ential adverse associations with gestational organophosphate pesticide exposure, or that dietary expo
235                                              Organophosphate pesticide exposures, nitric oxide syntha
236  additional evidence that prenatal levels of organophosphate pesticide metabolites are associated wit
237 nts to test the system were chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate pesticide, and tetrabromobisphenol A, a
238 vity of AChE is inhibited by the presence of organophosphate pesticides (OPPs), the subsequent thioch
239 tive monitoring of p-nitrophenyl substituted organophosphate pesticides (OPs) in aqueous system was d
240 nsor was successfully used to quantify three organophosphate pesticides (OPs) in milk samples.
241  the detection and discrimination of several organophosphate pesticides (OPs).
242 ts ability to catalyze the detoxification of organophosphate pesticides and chemical warfare agents.
243 no associations between prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and cognition at 1-5 years of
244 ve flow injection amperometric biosensor for organophosphate pesticides and nerve agents based on sel
245  a flow injection system was used to monitor organophosphate pesticides and nerve agents, such as par
246 em is an ideal tool for online monitoring of organophosphate pesticides and nerve agents.
247 ne associations between prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and neurodevelopment.
248                        Prenatal exposures to organophosphate pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls
249 riculture and military activities, while non-organophosphate pesticides are mostly used in agricultur
250 Strong evidence now supports the notion that organophosphate pesticides damage the fetal brain and pr
251                   In our cohort, exposure to organophosphate pesticides during pregnancy was not asso
252 ability of causation, in the European Union, organophosphate pesticides were the largest contributor
253  and three quaternary ammonium/three neutral organophosphate pesticides) were successfully analyzed w
254                                        Three organophosphate pesticides, chlorpyrifos, dichlorvos, an
255 were estimated for chemicals (methylmercury, organophosphate pesticides, lead) and a variety of medic
256 hree environmental chemicals (methylmercury, organophosphate pesticides, lead), the results suggest t
257 veloping high-performance sensors monitoring organophosphate pesticides, primarily due to their broad
258 ialkylphosphates, nonspecific metabolites of organophosphate pesticides, were measured.
259                         Prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides, which is ubiquitous, may be
260 s on in-utero exposure to organochlorine and organophosphate pesticides.
261 viation increase in toxicity-weighted use of organophosphate pesticides.
262  polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorines, organophosphates, phenols, metals, and other environment
263 e mechanism we propose may be a paradigm for organophosphate:phosphate antiporters.
264  capsule suspension formulations (CS) of the organophosphate pirimiphos methyl were evaluated as IRS
265 lopment of prophylactic therapeutics against organophosphate poisoning and other important targets.
266                                              Organophosphate poisoning can occur from exposure to agr
267 long-term toxic side effects associated with organophosphate poisoning.
268 f case reports, extrapolation from pediatric organophosphate poisonings, and expert opinion.
269                         PON1 also hydrolyzes organophosphates, protecting the nervous system from tho
270 -II-1 populations of B. tabaci to the tested organophosphate, pyrethroid, and neonicotinoid insectici
271 el of the insecticide resistance to selected organophosphates, pyrethroids, and neonicotinoids in sev
272 tion with ever use of herbicides, fumigants, organophosphates, pyrethroids, or carbamates.
273 s reveal a strong association between plasma organophosphate residues and HbA1c but no association wi
274                                       Plasma organophosphate residues are positively correlated with
275                                   For the 11 organophosphates retained in the analysis, exposure (eve
276 aldoxime methiodide for reactivation of four organophosphate (sarin, cyclosarin, VX, and paraoxon) co
277 sterase activity from being inhibited by two organophosphate simulants.
278                               Addition of an organophosphate source to UMR osteoblastic cultures acti
279 (DDFP)], a close analogue of the nerve agent organophosphate substrate diisopropyl fluorophosphate (D
280                   The OPH activity for seven organophosphate substrates was simultaneously enhanced b
281  of these residues alter UhpT preference for organophosphate substrates.
282 ts, while being insensitive to inhibition by organophosphates such as paraoxon.
283 nas diminuta catalyzes the detoxification of organophosphates such as the widely utilized insecticide
284  Our findings extend earlier observations of organophosphate synergism in salmon and reveal an unusua
285                                          The organophosphate temephos a larvicide recommended by WHO
286 esterase (NTE), which is the target of toxic organophosphates that induce human paralysis due to seve
287 l as both biotherapeutics for treating acute organophosphate toxicity and as bioremediation agents.
288 ited arylesterase activity and resistance to organophosphate toxicity.
289 an high density lipoprotein (HDL)-associated organophosphate triesterase, suppresses atherosclerosis
290                                              Organophosphate triesters are high production volume add
291 inetic studies with a series of enantiomeric organophosphate triesters have shown that the wild type
292  world." However, synthesizing RNA and other organophosphates under plausible early Earth conditions
293 osphatases (APases) are important enzymes in organophosphate utilization in the ocean.
294                          At least one of the organophosphates was detected in the analyzed samples at
295                   The diabetogenic nature of organophosphates was recently reported but the underlyin
296 ates of exposure to pyrethroids and dimethyl organophosphates were higher in NYC than in the United S
297                   Insecticides, particularly organophosphates, were the strongest modifiers of risk,
298 y occurs widely in synthetic pyrethroids and organophosphates, which are the mainstay of modern insec
299 diminuta (PdPTE), which hydrolyzes synthetic organophosphates with remarkable catalytic efficiency.
300 ngs suggest that impaction of the conjugated organophosphate within the constraints of the active cen

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