


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ion of awake female mice during two types of oromotor activity, licking and bruxing, using specific e
2 zed spatially nor temporally correlated with oromotor activity.
3  significantly correlated with the degree of oromotor activity.
4                   Rats display stereotypical oromotor and somatic responses to small volumes of intra
5 3) and had more severe speech abnormalities (oromotor apraxia, P=0.007).
6  context of spontaneous, centrally-patterned oromotor behavior.
7 f the neural substrate involved in eliciting oromotor behaviors in response to taste input.
8 lation of the waist area increased ingestive oromotor behaviors over baseline (p<.01).
9 nd surrounding the PBN were stimulated while oromotor behaviors were monitored in conscious rats.
10 bdivisions that regulate ingestion and other oromotor behaviors.
11 ircuit that mediates ingestion and rejection oromotor behaviors.
12             Maternal behavior, activity, and oromotor carrying capability were tested.
13 pment of this nucleus and the impairments in oromotor control and articulation reported in the KE fam
14 isual-motor integration, motor function, and oromotor control.
15 donic taste evaluation, appetitive behavior, oromotor coordination, and inhibitory postingestive feed
16 r Fmr1-KO mice also display appendicular and oromotor deficits comparable to the ataxia and dysarthri
17 , intellectual disability, early feeding and oromotor difficulties, microcephaly and/or craniosynosto
18 al bilateral perisylvian syndrome, featuring oromotor dysfunction, cognitive impairment, and epilepsy
19 long-term fluid-licking assay to investigate oromotor function in Fmr1-KO mice and their wild-type (W
20 audal brainstem pathway leading to reflexive oromotor functions.
21                     A high proportion of pre-oromotor neurons were positive for VGLUT2 (pre-mXII: 68%
22 inergic and nitrergic neurons overlapped pre-oromotor neurons, but there was sparse double-labeling (
23 roportion of neurons with projections to the oromotor nuclei, these areas of the RF are heterogeneous
24  is characterized by cerebellar dysfunction, oromotor/oculomotor apraxia, emotional lability and muti
25 s that project bilaterally to left and right oromotor pools, which could potentially mediate bilatera
26 in stimulus-specific gustatory autonomic and oromotor reflex circuits.
27 ains speculative, their possible function in oromotor reflex control is considered.
28 a in the brainstem processing that underlies oromotor rejection behaviors and also help substantiate
29 viously demonstrated that quinine-stimulated oromotor rejection reflexes and neural activity (assesse
30 nges in firing rate were correlated with the oromotor response to intraoral infusions.
31 y leading to the return of normal protective oromotor responses, provided the nerve regenerates.
32 cal assessment of the preterm human neonatal oromotor system has been limited due to their fragile me
33 for the hypothesis that participation of the oromotor system may be essential for laying down the mem
34                             Here, during two oromotor tasks, licking and bruxism, individual neighbor
35                                              Oromotor taste reactivity (TR) was videotaped during int

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