


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 is also feeds back to regulate the circadian oscillator.
2 ve at the native behaviour of the cell cycle oscillator.
3 gene expression from the mammalian circadian oscillator.
4 oplasm drives a self-organized standing wave oscillator.
5 vely coupling it with a Josephson parametric oscillator.
6  the 'repressilator', a three-node synthetic oscillator.
7  sugar sensor, HEXOKINASE1, or the circadian oscillator.
8 th Si3 being part of the primary half-center oscillator.
9 perated in dynamic mode within a closed loop oscillator.
10 scillator genes in vivo that may entrain the oscillator.
11 cillator is different from the average plant oscillator.
12  of the effects of ethylene on the circadian oscillator.
13 re very large numbers of nanoscale nonlinear oscillators.
14  approach can be applied to other biological oscillators.
15 es, and wireless transmitters clocked by the oscillators.
16 itro and a lack of known molecular ultradian oscillators.
17 ed femtosecond degenerate optical parametric oscillators.
18 roscopic level, cells must synchronize their oscillators.
19 dual cells can behave as autonomous cellular oscillators.
20 ze alternatives to conventional quartz-based oscillators.
21 ies between aperiodic fluctuations and noisy oscillators.
22 ular molecular connections between these two oscillators.
23 ted circuits based on exciton-polariton Rabi oscillators.
24 matic changes to the dynamics of interacting oscillators.
25 inct patterns of interactions between neural oscillators.
26 est, such as magnetic memory and spin torque oscillators.
27 ermines the intrinsic (natural) frequency of oscillators.
28 r aspects of physiology involving biological oscillators.
29 a compromise between AIS and somatodendritic oscillators.
30 stigate a network of coupled micromechanical oscillators.
31 artmentalised chemical networks and designed oscillators.
32 el, on-chip computation based on networks of oscillators.
33 e potentials and budded more slowly than non-oscillators.
34  synchronization in ensembles of interacting oscillators.
35 w experimentally that a nanoscale spintronic oscillator (a magnetic tunnel junction) can be used to a
36 -maintenance midbandwidth optical parametric oscillator, a few second measurement should yield nearly
37 es, including memristive and superconducting oscillators, a proof of concept of neuromorphic computin
38 knock-in cells NF-kappaB behaves as a damped oscillator able to synchronize to a variety of periodic
39 adian clocks and the connections between the oscillator and circadian-regulated processes such as met
40 cells compared with the "average" whole-leaf oscillator and examined gene expression and stomatal ape
41  structure of the cyanobacterial clock as an oscillator and explored the physiological relevance of t
42           Although the intracellular genetic oscillator and intercellular biochemical coupling mechan
43  identified TF, is a central circadian clock oscillator and is required not only for the daily oscill
44 s mediate metabolic signals to the circadian oscillator and that sucrose directly affects PIF binding
45 es, the isotropic three-dimensional harmonic oscillator and the 3-sphere.
46 ock and cell cycle as interdependent coupled oscillators and identify DNA replication as a critical p
47 lying numerical techniques to control linear oscillators and pave the way for utilizing their large H
48 cal models including free-running and forced oscillators and signalling systems.
49  transistors to fabricate GHz self-sustained oscillators and synchronized oscillator arrays that prov
50 ical systems, including linear and nonlinear oscillators and the chaotic Lorenz system, to the fluid
51 ranslates to large networks of type-II phase oscillators and, hence, crucially impacts on the overall
52 arger than previously achieved in a harmonic oscillator, and create complex multi-component superposi
53 urcations associated with a noisy biological oscillator, and demonstrate a general strategy for bifur
54  models (e.g., the fluctuating charge, Drude oscillator, and the induced dipole models), the angular
55 ation and characteristics of inverters, ring oscillators, and NAND gates based on complementary-like
56                        This coupled cellular oscillator architecture permits stable and replicable en
57        When the functions of these circadian oscillators are disrupted by age, environment, or geneti
58 ogy of anatomical connections, provided that oscillators are heterogeneous.
59 ead as the only driving force, these fluidic oscillator arrays realize a wide range of periods (0.4 s
60  self-sustained oscillators and synchronized oscillator arrays that provide RF references, and wirele
61 effects of intrinsic noise on the Hes1/miR-9 oscillator as a consequence of low molecular numbers of
62            Using the Escherichia coli MinCDE oscillator as a model system, we showed that a sufficien
63 effective environment of a compartmentalized oscillator as the cause of the lifetime extension.
64 ) neurons of primates behave as synchronized oscillators as was found for rodents using intracellular
65 scriptomic signature of the core respiratory oscillator at a perinatal stage of development.
66     Here we demonstrate a coupled relaxation oscillator based dynamical system that exploits insulato
67 reasing the phase noise of spin orbit torque oscillators based on Pt/Ni80Fe20 nanowires.
68 mote the entrainment of CA3-autonomous gamma oscillators bilaterally, synchronizing lateralized gamma
69 ian rhythmicity controlled by the core clock oscillator BMAL1 and AKT/glycogen synthase kinase 3beta
70 similarities with the well-known Van der Pol oscillator, but has unique characteristics.
71                   Entrainment of these novel oscillators by palatable snacks and timed exercise could
72 ently, networks of mutually injected optical oscillators, called coherent Ising machines, have been d
73   According to quantum mechanics, a harmonic oscillator can never be completely at rest.
74                                Moreover, the oscillators can be organized into arbitrary topologies b
75 our technique, even low-frequency mechanical oscillators can in principle be cooled arbitrarily close
76 on of whether a complex network of nonlinear oscillators can maintain its synchronization stability a
77 pulation-wide oscillations and 95% of 5-node oscillator cells oscillated for up to 72 hr.
78 hing-related motor pattern, a brainstem core oscillator circuit projects to a population of premotor
79                         Pairwise coupled VO2 oscillator circuits have been analyzed before for basic
80 uprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), noisy cellular oscillators communicate within a neuronal network to gen
81                       Genes encoding central oscillator components behaved in the same dual manner, u
82 hip in mRNA oscillations was altered between oscillator components in the circadian pacemaker system
83 ripts (NATs) to transcripts encoding central oscillator components were proposed as modulators of cor
84                         The core biochemical oscillator comprised of the Kai proteins behaves similar
85                                The circadian oscillator comprises transcription-translation feedback
86 urons into a Melibe-like primary half-center oscillator configuration, indicating that the connectivi
87               In mammals, the main circadian oscillator consists of transcription-translation feedbac
88                             These autonomous oscillators contain complex feedbacks with nonlinear dyn
89             Using this approach, we built an oscillator containing only DNA components, establishing
90                                     Thalamic oscillators contribute to both normal rhythms associated
91 discover that an independent RhoA pacemaking oscillator controls this instability, generating a pulsa
92 trength of coupling between individual actin oscillators controls cell polarization and directional m
93 pears already at weak connectivity, with the oscillators converging to one common oscillation frequen
94 response pathways and the internal circadian oscillator coordinate physiological processes with predi
95 e how an ensemble of these noisy spontaneous oscillators could be entrained to efficiently detect sig
96   Here the authors demonstrate a spin torque oscillator device driven by pure spin current arising fr
97                 By postnatal day 2 (P2), SCN oscillators displayed the daily, dorsal-ventral phase wa
98 ns-morning oscillators (M cells) and evening oscillators (E cells)-are largely responsible for these
99 ar behaviors, we show that two complementary oscillators emerge from i) mechanical stretch with calci
100 s in silicon-based monolithic optomechanical oscillators, enabled by the strong and coupled nonlinear
101 smatic nucleus (SCN) is the master circadian oscillator encoding time-of-day information.
102 the Dual Oscillator Model, that a glycolytic oscillator endogenous to islet beta-cells drives pulsati
103 hing spatiotemporal structures in biological oscillator ensembles is a challenging task that requires
104 f food availability via the food-entrainable oscillator (FEO).
105 oscillating motion of a polymer-coated metal oscillator floating inside a surrounding tube.
106 lates the strength of coupling between actin oscillators for efficient polarity and directional migra
107 del based on a broadly coupled set of neural oscillators for PD, but a more finely tuned set of oscil
108 ex networks of VO2 oscillators, or any other oscillators, for more complex tasks have been challengin
109 nstrate that an inhibition-coupled intrinsic oscillator framework, pyramidal resonance interneuron ne
110                          In our circuit, the oscillator frequency and duty cycle are defined by the s
111 sight into the behavior and structure of the oscillator from which the data originated.
112 LE (CLK-CYC) heterodimers initiate circadian oscillator function by activating per and tim transcript
113 days before novel factors activate circadian oscillator function during metamorphosis.
114      Moreover, the differences in guard cell oscillator function may be important for the correct reg
115                Additionally, output from the oscillator functions to inhibit RpaA activity in the mor
116 s (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants in which the oscillator gene CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 (CCA1) was o
117 sed large-scale qRT-PCR to compare circadian oscillator gene expression in guard cells compared with
118                                         This oscillator generated firing frequencies in a variable ba
119 IF binding to the promoters of key circadian oscillator genes in vivo that may entrain the oscillator
120                                              Oscillators had lower mitochondrial membrane potentials
121 g biochemical answers to why this remarkable oscillator has such a long time constant and how it can
122 pt of neuromorphic computing using nanoscale oscillators has yet to be demonstrated.
123 rly coupled to dissipative baths of harmonic oscillators, has become the workhorse of this field.
124 d genes, indicating that the circadian clock oscillators have been reset, was independent of its pres
125 xperimental realizations of globally coupled oscillators have proven to be invaluable in settings as
126 role of the pump on the bursting activity of oscillator heart interneurons in leeches.
127 y of a large population of discrete chemical oscillators, here we report on the unexpected discovery
128 owave signals generated by spin orbit torque oscillators hinders practical applications of these magn
129                                Despite these oscillators' importance, data from an oscillatory system
130 mechanism by which Suc affects the circadian oscillator in a GI-dependent manner was unknown.
131 o, by coupling the sensory input to a neural oscillator in continuous time, we show that the mechanis
132  insects and are components of the circadian oscillator in mammals.
133 ons of limiting nutritional carbon; the core oscillator in the prd-1 mutant strain runs with a long p
134 idual neurons oscillate or from a population oscillator in which individual neurons fire sparsely and
135 e the structurally and dynamically identical oscillators in a coupled networked system spontaneously
136         Here, we assembled cell-free genetic oscillators in a spatially distributed system of on-chip
137                   In DD, individual neuronal oscillators in all circadian subgroups are initially wel
138 ral desynchrony between autonomous circadian oscillators in different regions, with different consequ
139 ed on enhanced or reduced interactions among oscillators in different spatial groups, to explain why
140 ators for PD, but a more finely tuned set of oscillators in ET.
141                 A critical role of circadian oscillators in orchestrating insulin secretion and islet
142 genous cell-autonomous human skeletal muscle oscillators in regulating lipid metabolism independent o
143            Here measurements are made on the oscillators in single cells of the model fungal system,
144 ral clock in the SCN is dampened, peripheral oscillators in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb become
145 antum yield is a result of the absence of OH oscillators in the inner sphere of the complex.
146 m, we have focused on the cardio-respiratory oscillators in the medulla oblongata that modulate heart
147               These actions involve separate oscillators in the medulla, located respectively in the
148 e this array of all-to-all coupled nonlinear oscillators in the presence of stochasticity and demonst
149 can be used to generate entanglement between oscillators in the quantum regime.Coupled mechanical res
150  the hypothalamus and it regulates circadian oscillators in tissues throughout the body to prevent in
151 naptic plasticity, we simulated a network of oscillators incorporating Hebbian learning.
152          On E15.5, the fraction of competent oscillators increased dramatically corresponding with st
153 igh-dimensional data from various biological oscillators increases, ZeitZeiger should enhance efforts
154 d mechanism: that of a stochastic population oscillator independent of the dynamics of individual neu
155 ics theory that describes how weakly coupled oscillators influence each other's phase relations.
156 omplementary shear-driven and stretch-driven oscillators interact, either may dominate, producing a r
157         By engineering a microwave avalanche oscillator into the laser cavity, which provides a 10 GH
158 ed CCA1 Our results show that the guard cell oscillator is different from the average plant oscillato
159  KaiC phosphomimetic, KaiC-pST, in which the oscillator is locked in the most active output state, ph
160                    The period of a circadian oscillator is relatively insensitive to changes in nutri
161 tion of a room-temperature AFM THz-frequency oscillator is similar to that of a cryogenic JJ oscillat
162  display a WT period when the core circadian oscillator is tracked using a frq-luciferase transcripti
163    The synchronization of stochastic coupled oscillators is a central problem in physics and an emerg
164 eriod and phase that-unlike other biological oscillators-is maintained over a wide range of condition
165 ct coherent states in a single-mode harmonic oscillator, known as "cat states," have been an elegant
166 o distinct clusters of clock neurons-morning oscillators (M cells) and evening oscillators (E cells)-
167     Even wider ramifications of the Hechtian oscillator may implicate AGPs in osmosensing or gravisen
168 o cortical rhythms and suggest that thalamic oscillators may be subject to both local and global cont
169 a dispersed network of dissociable circadian oscillators may provide greater flexibility when faced w
170  (ING) oscillations may arise from a coupled oscillator mechanism in which individual neurons oscilla
171         We explore how these noisy nonlinear oscillators mode-lock to frequencies higher than their i
172                                     The dual oscillator model (DOM) implicates glycolysis as the sour
173 tory in data simulated from a simple genetic oscillator model and in experimental data.
174             Here, we show that the nonlinear oscillator model does not apply in general to nonlinear
175  analytical methods are applied to a coupled oscillator model implemented in inhomogeneous networks.
176 en critical for developing the neuronal dual oscillator model in which clock gene expression in key c
177                                 As the Drude oscillator model is computationally tractable and availa
178 nchronized regime, the stochastic population oscillator model is often characterized by sparse firing
179      When comparing the AI with the harmonic oscillator model of AI, the latter is found to exaggerat
180 emical shielding surfaces (ICSSzz), harmonic oscillator model of aromaticity (HOMA), MCBO, Shannon ar
181                            We report a phase oscillator model that permitted derivation of the ideal
182 demonstrate with a static model and a neural oscillator model that recurrent excitation in the thalam
183 behavior is explained by the damped harmonic oscillator model with temperature dependent coefficients
184 tion, and here we review the classical Drude oscillator model, in which electronic degrees of freedom
185  support for the main hypothesis of the Dual Oscillator Model, that a glycolytic oscillator endogenou
186                   Analyzing with the coupled oscillator model, we find that the terahertz transmissio
187 cal beta-cell models, including our own dual oscillator model.
188 in the framework of the Ginzburg-Landau auto-oscillator model.
189 ze of a thumb, the lateral dimension of each oscillator must be smaller than one micrometre.
190                             The proposed VO2 oscillator network harnesses the natural analogue betwee
191 tostatin (SST) is considered to be a primary oscillator of the GH axis, we examined its acute effects
192                        The posttranslational oscillator of the Kai system can be entrained by transie
193 trinsic environmental cues and the intrinsic oscillators of immune cells, which together optimize imm
194                                          The oscillators of individual cells are stochastic with a pe
195 self-organizes into a cell-pole to cell-pole oscillator on the membrane to prevent divisions at the c
196 hythms in the fetal SCN begin with few noisy oscillators on E14.5, followed by widespread oscillation
197                                          The oscillator operates in slightly normal cavity dispersion
198 lation experiments targeting either the core oscillator or premotor network, respectively.
199 perations, but using complex networks of VO2 oscillators, or any other oscillators, for more complex
200 imple estimation indicates that to fit 10(8) oscillators organized in a two-dimensional array inside
201 ircadian system is a hierarchical network of oscillators organized to optimally coordinate behavior a
202  where a lab-built 500 Hz optical parametric oscillator outputting nanosecond optical pulses at a wav
203 anoscale resonators for their use to improve oscillator performance and probe the frontiers of fundam
204  since no cross correlation is necessary, RF oscillator phase noise can be directly suppressed via fe
205 s inspiration, and can reset the respiratory oscillator phase, we hypothesized that synaptic inhibiti
206  that the palatable meal-inducible circadian oscillator (PICO) and wheel-inducible circadian oscillat
207 which are well described by a simple coupled oscillator picture that assumes the vibrational coupling
208  a micron-sized sphere trapped in a harmonic oscillator potential.
209 se extreme periodicities, we reveal that the oscillator progresses as a sequence of distinct stages.
210  that Suc affects the stability of circadian oscillator proteins and can mask the effects of ethylene
211 t kHz repetition rates, and tens of kV/cm at oscillator repetition rates.
212 hich contribute to a network of bio-chemical oscillators responsible for the slime mould's distribute
213 A simple mathematical model of coupled actin oscillators reveals the importance of appropriate coupli
214 hronized but then show monotonic decrease in oscillator rhythm amplitude and synchrony with time.
215                               The mechanical oscillator's Brownian motion, an important source of noi
216 s we show that the newly identified shear-NO oscillator shares similarities with the well-known Van d
217                                    Spin-Hall oscillators (SHO) are promising sources of spin-wave sig
218    An important property of spin-torque nano-oscillators (STNOs) is their ability to produce a freque
219                                  Spin torque oscillators (STOs) are compact, tunable sources of micro
220                By exploiting the exceptional oscillator strength and sharp excitonic transition of (6
221 ies such as the essential balance of singlet oscillator strength and triplet harvesting.
222  relative to pure CsPbBr3 indicates enhanced oscillator strength consistent with earlier published at
223 ystems with low exchange energy, substantial oscillator strength is sustained at the singlet-triplet
224 ime, together with the combination of modest oscillator strength of atoms and low collection efficien
225 ture is not identified probably due to lower oscillator strength of plasmon compared to the coronene.
226 bits approximately 8-fold greater absorptive oscillator strength over the 380-700 nm range relative t
227 mitting characteristics and enormous exciton oscillator strength, however, their low charge carrier m
228 ular architecture (M-(PM')n-M), wherein high-oscillator-strength NIR absorptivity up to 850 nm, near-
229  explored the physiological relevance of the oscillator structure for accurately timed rhythmicity in
230 tely independent timing between the multiple oscillator sub-circuits connected in parallel.
231 However, in complex systems with interacting oscillators such as the brain, amplitude and frequency a
232 s a simple, miniaturized, voltage-controlled oscillator suitable for a variety of practical applicati
233 me with mutual coupling between a mechanical oscillator supporting the mirror of a laser and the opti
234                         We examine how these oscillators synergize to control sniffing and whisking.
235             The organization of this coupled oscillator system, which is essential for life, may have
236 adian clock feedback to affect the circadian oscillator that generates rhythms.
237 en tube tip growth based on a novel Hechtian oscillator that integrates a periplasmic arabinogalactan
238 lates its own synthesis by a Hechtian growth oscillator that regulates overall tip growth.
239                  Hair bundles are biological oscillators that actively transduce mechanical stimuli i
240 a new stochastic approximation of biological oscillators that addresses these needs.
241                                        Actin oscillators that are normally weakly coupled to one anot
242              Circadian clocks are endogenous oscillators that control 24-hour physiological and behav
243 iological clocks are autonomous anticipatory oscillators that play a critical role in the organizatio
244 e SCN, interconnected individual neurons are oscillators that, as an ensemble, function to send a coh
245 es, and later vertebrae, relies on a genetic oscillator (the segmentation clock) driving the rhythmic
246 in metabolism governed by a cellular genetic oscillator, the circadian core clock.
247  Here we revisit the first synthetic genetic oscillator, the repressilator, and modify it using princ
248       Here we studied the interaction of two oscillators, the cell division cycle (CDC) and the yeast
249 l qubits or larger dimensional modes such as oscillators, the individual elements in realistic device
250  result from the interaction of two distinct oscillators: the preBotzinger Complex (preBotC) driving
251 g effect in a high-Q coherent optomechanical oscillator to dramatically enhance the sensing resolutio
252 nsing of sugars to feedback to the circadian oscillator to dynamically adjust the timing of starch tu
253 , this circuit potentially functioning as an oscillator to integrate the effects of these two hormone
254 tabolic oscillations, i.e. the ability of an oscillator to resist external perturbations.
255 old promise for transforming these lab-scale oscillators to chip-scale level.
256 r dynamic response of microelectromechanical oscillators to couple two different vibrational modes th
257 s exhibiting complex dynamics-from inorganic oscillators to gene regulatory networks-have been long k
258 me-multiplexed degenerate optical parametric oscillators to implement maximum cut problems on arbitra
259  combined with the ability of the spintronic oscillators to interact with each other, and their long
260      Metabolic compensation allows circadian oscillators to run with a constant speed at different su
261 etwork model of loosely-coupled Wilson-Cowan oscillators to simulate a patch of cortical sheet, we de
262 The ability of a large population of coupled oscillators to synchronize constitutes an important mech
263 lized Bogoliubov modes of the two mechanical oscillators to the cavity modes via beam-splitter-like i
264 ported a decrease in the period of torsional oscillators (TO) containing samples of solid (4)He, as t
265 a phosphorylation-based protein modification oscillator, together with its accompanying push-pull rea
266 e of the Hamiltonian to manipulate a coupled oscillator-transmon system.
267 e of the Hamiltonian to manipulate a coupled oscillator-transmon system.
268 ies that are fractions of the basic harmonic oscillator trap quantum and have spatially separated gro
269 xtended system of compartmentalized chemical oscillators under batch and semi-batch conditions.
270  designing controls to steer linear harmonic oscillators under optimal forcing.
271 a single trapped atom's motion in a harmonic oscillator using ultrafast laser pulses.
272 cular properties of alpha-cell and beta-cell oscillators using a mouse model expressing three reporte
273 rformance complementary carbon nanotube ring oscillators using fully manufacturable processes, with a
274 nguish molecular characteristics of the core oscillator we compared preBotC neurons derived from Dbx1
275 genetic requirements of this stress response oscillator, we hypothesize that such oscillatory behavio
276 ncodes a critical component of the circadian oscillator, we showed that dper codon usage is important
277           Using multiple-frequency torsional oscillators, we can separate frequency-dependent period
278 To understand the interactions between these oscillators, we independently altered their excitability
279           Consistent with a model of coupled oscillators, we show that fluctuations in instantaneous
280 0% of all active neurons were self-sustained oscillators when disconnected, each with its own natural
281 synchronization principles of weakly coupled oscillators, where input drive determines the intrinsic
282 ibility is that the preBotzinger inspiration oscillator, which paces whisking, can selectively lock w
283     Neurons in the brain behave as nonlinear oscillators, which develop rhythmic activity and interac
284  from phase coherence in a system of coupled oscillators, which is consistent with the notion of "coh
285 t dopaminergic neurons function as a coupled oscillator whose frequency of discharge results from a c
286                    Specifically, we consider oscillators whose phase dynamics and spatial dynamics ar
287 illator (PICO) and wheel-inducible circadian oscillator (WICO) are generated by non-canonical circadi
288 ming woodpecker may be modeled as a harmonic oscillator with a periodic forcing function.
289 eckers may be modeled in terms of a harmonic oscillator with an impulsive forcing, and this hypothesi
290      We here consider an adaptive network of oscillators with a stochastic, fitness-based, rule of co
291 y in cell behavior using a theory of generic oscillators with correlated noise.
292                           Cells have evolved oscillators with different frequencies to coordinate per
293  show that networks of coupled heterogeneous oscillators with different structures capture well the g
294 ck that behave as self-sustained, autonomous oscillators with distinctive noisy dynamics.
295 ted and sustained in nanocontact spin-torque oscillators with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy free
296 sically realistic network of micromechanical oscillators with silicon-based fabrication process can b
297 ve photonic signal, supplied by a Gunn diode oscillator, with coherent acoustic waves of frequency ~1
298 illator is similar to that of a cryogenic JJ oscillator, with the energy of the easy-plane magnetic a
299 rrays of flames that act as master and slave oscillators, with groups of candles numbering greater th
300 erns in ensembles of heterogeneous nonlinear oscillators without using state feedback information.

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