


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n spherules, aciniform carbon, platinum, and osmium.
2 aining precious metals such as ruthenium and osmium.
3 and impacted the global geochemical cycle of osmium.
4                                              Osmium(0) complexes derived from Os3(CO)12 and XPhos (2-
5         Using XPhos-modified ruthenium(0) or osmium(0) complexes, enol carboxylate-carbonyl oxidative
6       The properties of tris(2,2'-bipyridine)osmium (1) were investigated for use as the liquid-phase
7 zed to NAD by a thermostable redox mediator, osmium (1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione)2-poly(4-vinylpyri
8 he best catalyst, platinum(44)/ruthenium(41)/osmium(10)/iridium(5) (numbers in parentheses are atomic
9 ic lavas from Hawaii show enrichments in the osmium-186/osmium-188 ratio (186Os/188Os) of 0.008 to 0.
10 om Hawaii show enrichments in the osmium-186/osmium-188 ratio (186Os/188Os) of 0.008 to 0.018%, relat
11                                        Three osmium ((192)Os, (190)Os, and (188)Os) and three unique
12 hesize the first examples of mixed ruthenium-osmium 3D-nanocrystals.
13 s-linked FcepsilonRI and GM1 also accumulate osmium, a stain for unsaturated lipids, and are sites fo
14 eprived and NaCl-treated plants had elevated osmium accumulation in their cuticles.
15 lation technique to analyse large numbers of osmium alloy grains to quantify the distribution of depl
16 In particular, peridotites with unradiogenic osmium and ancient rhenium-depletion ages (to 1.36 x 10(
17 ns-from air bubbles (rho approximately 0) to osmium and iridium (rho approximately 23 g/cm(3)).
18  in the marine isotopic ratios of strontium, osmium and lithium suggest that extensive uplift of moun
19  anomalous scattering from the LIII edges of osmium and lutetium to obtain the necessary phasing sign
20        These trends are compared to those of osmium and rhenium forebears as well as to the reactivit
21 rcolating melts enhance the mobility of both osmium and rhenium.
22 uence of two well-defined and iso-structural osmium and ruthenium polypyridyl complexes results in in
23 cessive deposition of redox-active layers of osmium and ruthenium polypyridyl complexes, leads to sel
24         The hydrocarbyl group does not go to osmium and then move to nitrogen--there is no change in
25 lts place new constraints on the behavior of osmium (and possibly other platinum group elements) duri
26 tween the PFET reagent, tris(2,2'-bipyridine)osmium, and standards ((ferrocenylmethyl)trimethylammoni
27                       A new combined rhenium-osmium- and platinum-group element data set for basalts
28 ymium, or europium; M is iron, ruthenium, or osmium; and X is phosphorus, arsenic, or antimony) and r
29 mical proton-coupled electron transfer of an osmium aquo complex attached to a self-assembled monolay
30               Dinuclear trihydroxido-bridged osmium-arene complexes are inert and biologically inacti
31 in a Pt(PBu(t)3) group that is bonded to the osmium atom and a bridging alkenyl ligand that is pi-bon
32  HCC(Ph)C(H)C(H)Ph, that is pi-bonded to the osmium atom and sigma-bonded to the platinum atom.
33 ging alkenyl ligand that is pi-bonded to the osmium atom.
34 ith the expected greater pi donation for the osmium atom.
35  doped graphitic support on which individual osmium atoms hop and migrate to form 3D-nanocrystals, as
36    Horseradish peroxidase cross-linked in an osmium based redox polymer hydrogel (HRP-Os) was physica
37 anodic and cathodic bioelectrocatalysts with osmium based redox polymers and home-made enzymes we cou
38 f a new nonvolatile, stable, and recoverable osmium-based reagent devised for the stoichiometric cis
39  a number of attempts to harness alternative osmium-based reagents, including microencapsulation and
40 ccase of Trametes versicolor and a series of osmium-based redox polymer mediators covering a range of
41 -sGDH) from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus with osmium-based redox polymers and a cross-linker.
42     The choice of metal catalyst (cobalt- or osmium-based) allowed for the formation of THF rings wit
43                                          The osmium bipyridil redox relay sites on polycation poly(al
44                The array features 7 nm thick osmium bipyridyl poly(vinylpyridine) chloride [Os(bpy)2(
45 s derived from the divalent attachment of an osmium bis-bipyrdine complex to histidine residues withi
46 7-trithiacyclononane (Co(TTCN)2(3+/2+)), and osmium bis-dimethyl bipyridine bis-imidazole (Os(Me2bpy)
47 nd theoretical analyses of the nature of the osmium-bound, "elongated" dihydrogen ligands in [Cp*OsH(
48              These observations suggest that osmium can be partitioned into oxidized and chlorine-ric
49  subduction of oceanic crust by showing that osmium can be transported into the mantle wedge.
50                The binding of organometallic osmium carbonyl clusters onto the surface of gold nanopa
51  projectile size, if the soluble fraction of osmium carried by the impacting body is known.
52 rd (E)-alpha,beta-unsaturated ester 16, then osmium-catalyzed asymmetric dihydroxylation for the intr
53                        The syntheses utilize osmium-catalyzed asymmetric dihydroxylation of (E)-alpha
54 y steps in the syntheses are as follows: (i) osmium-catalyzed asymmetric dihydroxylation of 4-O-prote
55  Key steps in the synthesis of 1 include the osmium-catalyzed asymmetric dihydroxylation of olefin 13
56    The key transformation was the sequential osmium-catalyzed bis-dihydroxylation reaction of substit
57 omplishing the synthesis of heterocycles via osmium-catalyzed oxidative cyclization onto an alkene is
58 ormed nitrogen sources in the intermolecular osmium-catalyzed oxyamination reaction of a variety of m
59 nearly identical to those of (mes)3Ir=O, the osmium complex (ArN)3Os=O transfers its oxygen atom 12 o
60 with electroactive polyvinylpyridine bearing osmium complex (Os-PVP).
61                      The new results on this osmium complex are compared with earlier work on the sim
62                                           An osmium complex bearing a terminal hydrogen-substituted s
63 etal are found to be larger for the ethylene-osmium complex than for the analogous ethylene-iron comp
64                            Newly synthesised osmium complex-modified redox polymers were tested for p
65 ugh a spacer to the oligonucleotide) and the osmium complex.
66 between LAMP amplicon and the redox-reactive osmium complex.
67  sphere chloride ligand of the polymer-bound osmium-complex: Cross-linking and electrodeposition of t
68 tuted of polyallylamine bearing redox-active osmium complexes and glycosidic residues (lactose) is us
69 ult when inner-sphere chloride anions of the osmium complexes are exchanged by imidazole functions of
70 ven at 1 atm, whereas excited states of both osmium complexes are quenched in the presence of oxygen.
71                                  Coupling of osmium complexes containing amine functional groups to e
72 y we incorporate highly luminescent divalent osmium complexes into PSP.
73               In addition, the corresponding osmium complexes of the unsubstituted ligands have also
74                       We report new divalent osmium complexes that feature strong red metal-to-ligand
75                                 The divalent osmium complexes were heptafluorobutyrate salts of [Os(N
76 the first time in these types of luminescent osmium complexes.
77 t on the mechanism of action of these organo-osmium complexes.
78 t to platinum drugs, exposure to this organo-osmium compound does not cause significant apoptosis wit
79 To the best of our knowledge, 4 is the first osmium compound to induce ER stress in cancer cells.
80 ring of the data based on the possibility of osmium contamination by sea water.
81                                      Iridium-osmium cross-exchange takes place at an intermediate rat
82                               DNA binding of osmium did not correlate with cytotoxicity, indicating t
83  photoinduced homolysis of the corresponding osmium dimers.
84 al tool to investigate stratified copper and osmium distribution in LbL thin films relevant to biosen
85             The fractionation of rhenium and osmium during partial melting in the upper mantle makes
86 there is no change in the atoms bound to the osmium during the reactions.
87    Time-series RNA sequencing suggested that osmium-exposed A2780 cells undergo a metabolic shunt fro
88                                              Osmium extracted from unequilibrated bulk chondrites has
89 of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (visualized by osmium ferricyanide staining of thin tissue sections), w
90 , as demonstrated by electron micrographs of osmium ferrocyanide-stained SR in the two smooth muscles
91                                              Osmium-ferrocyanide treatment also disclosed several pre
92  core, formed through the fast dealloying of osmium from an Ir25Os75 alloy, exhibits an exceptional b
93                                              Osmium from metamorphosed bulk chondrites does not have
94                                      Rhenium/osmium geochronology demonstrates that the enrichment is
95  ocean is particularly remarkable given that osmium has few industrial uses.
96 h's surface anthropogenic fluxes of iridium, osmium, helium, gold, ruthenium, antimony, platinum, pal
97 ine)(2+) bis-hexafluorophosphate (Ru-PZn-A); osmium(II) [5-(4'-ethynyl-(2,2';6',2' '-terpyridinyl))-1
98 idine)(2+) bis-hexafluorophosphate (Ru-PZn); osmium(II) [5-(4'-ethynyl-(2,2';6',2''-terpyridinyl))-10
99 boxylate to deliver allylic ruthenium(II) or osmium(II) alkoxides.
100 n the A2780 ovarian carcinoma cells for four osmium(II) arene complexes [(eta(6)-arene)Os(4-methyl-pi
101 (2,2':6',2' '-terpyridine)ruthenium(II) and -osmium(II) centers connected via a geometrically constra
102                                       Iodido osmium(II) complexes [Os(eta(6)-arene)(XY)I](+) (XY = p-
103 s to a central bis(2,2':6',2' '-terpyridine) osmium(II) core.
104 ipyridine)chloro(4,4'-trimethylenedipyridine)osmium(II) in fast-scan voltammetric measurements (scan
105                              Two nanocrystal-osmium(II) polypyridyl (NC-Os(II)PP) conjugates have bee
106  of a dilute (submillimolar) solution of the osmium(II) polypyridyl complex [Os(bpy)2dcbpy](PF6)2 (dc
107 ) [5-(4'-ethynyl-(2,2';6',2' '-terpyridinyl))osmium(II)-15-(4'-ethynyl-(2,2';6',2''-terpyridinyl))-10
108 microscopy (TEM) samples, our technique uses osmium impregnation (OTO) to make the samples conductive
109 ng scenario and suggests that the radiogenic osmium in ocean-island basalts can better be explained b
110 suming total vaporization and dissolution of osmium in seawater.
111                                              Osmium in the Os(i) carrier is likely from nucleosynthet
112 y of magmatic sulphides (the main carrier of osmium) in abyssal peridotites and show that the 187Os/1
113 ntaining five elements (platinum, ruthenium, osmium, iridium, and rhodium), 80 binary, 280 ternary, a
114 wer than in urban aerosols, 69% of the total osmium is of anthropogenic origin.
115                                              Osmium is one of the rarer elements in seawater, with ty
116 rites from the conglomerates yield a rhenium-osmium isochron age of 3.03 +/- 0.02 gigayears and an in
117 this study, we report PGE concentrations and osmium isotope ((187)Os/(188)Os) ratios of airborne part
118                      To explain the elevated osmium isotope (186Os-187Os) signatures in oceanic basal
119                       Here we report rhenium-osmium isotope and mineral compositions of peridotite xe
120                                          The osmium isotope composition ((187)Os/(188)Os ratio) of de
121                               Here we report osmium isotope compositions of more than 700 osmium-rich
122                                       Paired osmium isotope data and numerical modelling results sugg
123                               Here we report osmium isotope data on lavas from a transect across the
124      We infer that the gaussian shape of the osmium isotope distribution is the signature of a random
125                                              Osmium isotope ratios in Hawaiian lavas indicate a mass
126                  Paquay et al. reported that osmium isotope ratios in marine sediments can be used to
127                                              Osmium isotope ratios provide important constraints on t
128  produce observable excursions in the marine osmium isotope record, suggesting that previously unreco
129                    Instead, we interpret the osmium isotope signature as having a deep origin and inf
130 ges extend to 2.5 Gyr, and we infer that the osmium isotope signature is unlikely to be derived from
131 /Si and Al/Si ratios, oxygen-isotope ratios, osmium-isotope ratios and D/H, Ar/H2O and Kr/Xe ratios s
132                   This result indicates that osmium isotopes record information about ancient melting
133 cting upper mantle may be less radiogenic in osmium isotopes than previously recognized.
134                                              Osmium isotopic analyses of picritic lavas from Hawaii s
135                                 However, the osmium isotopic compositions of abyssal peridotites and
136 ates and in the Japan arc have neodymium and osmium isotopic compositions that are consistent with ad
137                                          The osmium isotopic data form a wide, essentially gaussian d
138                                              Osmium isotopic data on peridotite xenoliths from the Ke
139 restimated and consequently there is no true osmium isotopic gap between MORBs and abyssal peridotite
140                            Lead, oxygen, and osmium isotopic ratios measured on Hawaiian basalts can
141 e measured rotational constants for the main osmium isotopomer ((192)Os) are A = 929.3256(6), B = 755
142                                          The osmium loading can also be reduced to as little as 0.2 m
143 with a catalytic amount of Lewis acid in the osmium mediated oxidative cyclization results in higher
144 e polarization immunoassay (FPI) based on an osmium metal-ligand complex, Os(bpy)2(dcbpy).
145             The combination of ruthenium and osmium metallopolymers in the films provided a catalytic
146                            Attachment of the osmium moiety is demonstrated by mass spectroscopy (MS-M
147                            Complexation with osmium of quinoxalinone derivatives with benzimidazole o
148  (= 1.3), indicating a terrestrial origin of osmium (Os) in these samples.
149                                     Metallic osmium (Os) is one of the most exceptional elemental mat
150 s difference between the iridium-iridium and osmium-osmium exchange rates can be rationalized by an a
151 ct cholesterol and osmium-thiocarbohydrazide-osmium (OTO) to detect neutral lipids in Bruch's membran
152 lectrodes (SPCEs) modified with a conductive osmium polymer (Os-PVP) complex were employed to quantif
153 irect wiring of the FDH in a highly original osmium-polymer hydrogel was found to offer a better enzy
154  at subduction zones will retain high Re/Os (osmium) ratios and become enriched in radiogenic 187Os.
155 n probing future applications of derivatized osmium reagents.
156 yranose dehydrogenase as an enzyme catalyst, osmium redox polymers [Os(4,4'-dimethoxy-2,2'-bipyridine
157 d" to graphite electrodes with two different osmium redox polymers: [Os(4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine
158 ectioning of large samples but is limited to osmium-resistant probes, and is technically difficult.
159 aining half-sandwich complexes of ruthenium, osmium, rhodium and iridium are also reviewed.
160 s into half-sandwich complexes of ruthenium, osmium, rhodium and iridium might lead to the developmen
161 osmium isotope compositions of more than 700 osmium-rich platinum-group element alloys derived from t
162 nvolved in oxidation-reduction cycles of the osmium sites, the ellipsometric enzyme film thickness, a
163 he trans-Golgi cisternae, and an increase in osmium staining of the secretory products.
164         Thus, the effect of sea water on the osmium systematics of abyssal peridotites has been overe
165  identified by the potassium pyroantimoniate-osmium technique and as the electron-dense vacuoles obse
166              These chlorins on reacting with osmium tetraoxide produced the corresponding vic-dihydro
167 tivity of meso-substituted porphyrins in the osmium tetraoxide reaction nor the general substituent m
168           Treatment of the photoproduct with osmium tetraoxide transforms the alkene to a diol and th
169 ituents upon the reaction of porphyrins with osmium tetraoxide, and the pinacol-pinacolone rearrangem
170 lled carbon nanotubes have been reacted with osmium tetroxide (OsO(4)) in solution in the presence of
171 e transition states) of ethylene addition to osmium tetroxide (OsO(4), and amine ligated), rhenate (R
172 obtained from tissue biopsy samples fixed in osmium tetroxide and analyzed by Beckman Coulter Multisi
173                         Base ligation lowers osmium tetroxide and ethylene distortion energies due to
174     We present here a comparison of CCM with osmium tetroxide and with potassium permanganate, tested
175                            Here we show that osmium tetroxide can be replaced by potassium permangana
176 er (HPA-S, Anton Paar), sparging of volatile osmium tetroxide from the sample solution, and measureme
177        Recently, the expense and toxicity of osmium tetroxide have led to a number of attempts to har
178                                              Osmium tetroxide is reduced by molecular hydrogen in the
179 ul, we did develop a sensitive test for free osmium tetroxide leached from the reagent in situ: this
180                                              Osmium tetroxide mediated dihydroxylation of a range of
181                                              Osmium tetroxide on poly (4-vinylpyridine) was used to w
182 xylation of these didehydro derivatives with osmium tetroxide or with AD-mix alpha gave a mixture of
183                                         With osmium tetroxide postfixation, the lipid bilayer was mai
184             Postfixation with a ferrocyanide-osmium tetroxide solution preserved a dense network of c
185 talyzed oxidations, for example, acting with osmium tetroxide to catalyze the aerobic dihydroxylation
186  3% glutaraldehyde, postfixed in 1% buffered osmium tetroxide, dehydrated, and embeded in araldite.
187 tructure, demonstrated by hyperreactivity to osmium tetroxide, hydroxylamine, and diethyl pyrocarbona
188 utaraldehyde alone, and those postfixed with osmium tetroxide, were imaged under ethanol according to
189 1w cells were not distinctively stained with osmium tetroxide, which interacts specifically with UFA
190 st efficiently accomplished by reaction with osmium tetroxide.
191 ith N-methylmorpholine N-oxide and catalytic osmium tetroxide.
192 isomer of Tg were prepared by oxidation with osmium tetroxide.
193  the need for toxic chemicals, in particular osmium tetroxide.
194 ith tannic acid in lieu of postfixation with osmium tetroxide.
195 essing, for the enhancement of contrast with osmium tetroxide/potassium ferricyanide, for BSE imaging
196 ectron microscopy (EM) or for ruthenium-, or osmium-tetroxide vapor fixation, followed by immediate e
197 ained with filipin to detect cholesterol and osmium-thiocarbohydrazide-osmium (OTO) to detect neutral
198                                         Like osmium, tungsten is a siderophile ('iron-loving') elemen
199 y, pyramidalization of the planar tris(imido)osmium(VI) fragment requires placing a pair of electrons
200                                          The osmium(VI) nitrido complex TpOs(N)Cl(2) (1) has been pre
201              The effect of a newly developed osmium(VI) nitrido complex, 1, on breast cancer stem cel
202 ellular response evoked by antiproliferating osmium(VI) nitrido compounds of general formula OsN(N^N)
203                            The oxotris(imido)osmium(VIII) complex (ArN)3Os=O (Ar = 2,6-diisopropylphe

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