


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 otect S. cerevisiae from the toxic action of osmotin.
2 erotrimeric G-protein, confers resistance to osmotin.
3 ein that is required for full sensitivity to osmotin.
4 id sequence identity to pathogenesis-related osmotins.
5 nction to be a thaumatin-like protein (grape osmotin), a lipid-transfer protein, and a basic and an a
6                           It is sensitive to osmotin, a tobacco pathogenesis-related protein (PR-5) t
7 and BiP; defense genes such as chitinase and osmotin; a cytokinin-responsive gene CKR; and gibberelli
8 iae differ in their sensitivities to tobacco osmotin, an antifungal protein of the PR-5 family.
9                                              Osmotin and adiponectin, the corresponding "receptor" bi
10  and ATLP-3 proteins cross-reacted with anti-osmotin and anti-zeamatin antibodies.
11 he cell membrane interacts specifically with osmotin and facilitates its action.
12 ns as a receptor for the plant PR-5 defensin osmotin and has pleiotropic effects on cellular biochemi
13 analysis showed that it has high homology to osmotin and osmotin-like proteins.
14 up 5 (PR5) plant proteins include thaumatin, osmotin, and related proteins, many of which have antimi
15             Null mnn1 cells exhibit enhanced osmotin binding and sensitivity.
16 ulates lipid and phosphate metabolism, is an osmotin binding plasma membrane protein that is required
17  their polysaccharide constituent determines osmotin binding.
18 sceptible to the cytotoxic action of tobacco osmotin but not to other osmotin-like proteins, indicati
19 tionic dye alcian blue protect cells against osmotin cytotoxicity.
20                The basic chitinase and grape osmotin exhibited activities against the principal grape
21 nduced in epibrassinolide treated plants; an osmotin gene (DMG400003057) specifically enhanced by ami
22  5' and 3' untranslated regions of a tobacco osmotin gene (osm) increased toxin A production 10-fold
23                         We isolated a tomato osmotin gene that contains two PR boxes in its promoter
24 genic potato and tobacco plants carrying the osmotin gene under the control of the cauliflower mosaic
25              It was therefore concluded that osmotin induced proapoptotic signaling in yeast.
26      PHO36 functions upstream of RAS2 in the osmotin-induced apoptotic pathway.
27 teins in a GDP-bound inactive form, inhibits osmotin-induced conidial lysis.
28                            We show here that osmotin induces apoptosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
29                                              Osmotin is a plant PR-5 protein.
30                                              Osmotin is a tobacco PR-5 family protein that induces ap
31                                              Osmotin is a tobacco PR-5 protein that has antifungal ac
32 romyces cerevisiae cells to the PR-5 protein osmotin is dependent on the function of MNN2, MNN4 and M
33     The gene encoding the antifungal protein osmotin is induced by several hormonal and environmental
34 main of both proteins can be overlapped, and osmotin, like adiponectin, activates AMP kinase in C2C12
35 DNA Tomf216 representing an mRNA encoding an osmotin-like protein was identified by the differential
36 tive to tobacco osmotin showed resistance to osmotin-like proteins purified from the plant Atriplex n
37 c action of tobacco osmotin but not to other osmotin-like proteins, indicating that the cell membrane
38 wed that it has high homology to osmotin and osmotin-like proteins.
39 l wall constituents that block the action of osmotin (PR-5), an antifungal plant defense protein, aga
40 nesis-related (PR) gene promoters, including osmotin (PR-5).
41                     The two GCC boxes on the osmotin promoter are known to be required, but not suffi
42 ) fused to different fragment lengths of the osmotin promoter was evaluated in transgenic tobacco (Ni
43 of a heterotrimeric G-protein also increases osmotin resistance.
44          However, cells sensitive to tobacco osmotin showed resistance to osmotin-like proteins purif
45  and the susceptibility of a yeast strain to osmotin suggest that cell surface polysaccharides of inv
46 l wall mannoproteins can bind to immobilized osmotin, suggesting that their polysaccharide constituen
47                                 We show that osmotin susceptibility of F. oxysporum f. sp. nicotianae
48 us 35S promoter constitutively overexpressed osmotin to a level of approximately 2% of total cellular
49 he genes that conveyed resistance to tobacco osmotin to a susceptible strain.
50  phosphomannans and are defective in binding osmotin to the fungal cell wall.
51 n and demonstrated that the abundance of the osmotin transcript rapidly increases during an incompati
52                                              Osmotin treatment resulted in suppression of transcripti
53              Using in vitro assays, purified osmotin was found to be more effective against P. infest
54 sion of Pir proteins increased resistance to osmotin, whereas simultaneous deletion of all PIR genes

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