


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  severing, and capping protein essential for osteoclastic actin cytoskeletal organization.
2 hanisms mediating commensal microbiota's pro-osteoclastic actions include altered marrow effector CD4
3 egulates actin cytoskeletal organization and osteoclastic activation remain largely unknown.
4 -induced osteoblastic lesions and underlying osteoclastic activities.
5 inhibited inflammatory cell infiltration and osteoclastic activity (P <0.05).
6 mes were achieved, in part, by reductions in osteoclastic activity and a biasing of hematopoietic ste
7 at systemic melatonin treatment may decrease osteoclastic activity and reduce ABL in the model using
8  Bisphosphonates such as pamidronate inhibit osteoclastic activity and reduce bone resorption.
9 o disturbed and was accompanied by increased osteoclastic activity and reduced trabecular bone format
10 ment of cancers metastatic to bone decreases osteoclastic activity and tumor burden and also may acco
11 urden and also may account for the decreased osteoclastic activity associated with successful treatme
12 nfirm the presence of either osteoblastic or osteoclastic activity associated with the DFDBA particle
13 of osteopontin (OPN), which in turn enhances osteoclastic activity by up-regulating cathepsin K and M
14                         Lastly, we find that osteoclastic activity contributes to the TGF-beta-induce
15  results from increased osteoblast-dependent osteoclastic activity due to decreased osteoprotegerin m
16                            However, apparent osteoclastic activity in periodontitis subjects is assoc
17 Such an autocrine-paracrine loop may sustain osteoclastic activity in the face of an inhibitory Ca2+
18 matory cell infiltration in the gingivae and osteoclastic activity in the jaw bones.
19 tion secondary to increased osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity is the price paid for metabolic co
20 as well as enhanced urinary excretion of the osteoclastic activity marker dexoypyridinoline.
21 id, a bisphosphonate given for prevention of osteoclastic activity of bone metastasis, secondary to b
22                                 However, the osteoclastic activity of TRAF6 is blunted by its associa
23           In vivo studies also revealed high osteoclastic activity surrounding developing teeth in mi
24  led researchers to test agents that inhibit osteoclastic activity to prevent or halt the formation o
25 m phosphate, ionized calcium, increased bone osteoclastic activity, and lower free fetuin-A, plasma p
26                                  By reducing osteoclastic activity, bisphosphonates inhibit bone reso
27                                  By reducing osteoclastic activity, bisphosphonates inhibit bone reso
28 nhibitor of CCR1 and in turn a suppressor of osteoclastic activity, osteolytic lesions, and disease b
29  loss specifically through the regulation of osteoclastic activity.
30 ell system to investigate RANKL-driven THP-1 osteoclastic activity.
31 derived from the long bones showed increased osteoclastic activity.
32 vastating bone disease mediated by increased osteoclastic activity.
33 and mature osteoblasts control the degree of osteoclastic activity.
34  level, resulting in decreased THP-1-derived osteoclastic activity.
35  which facilitates tumor growth via enhanced osteoclastic and endothelial cell activity in bone marro
36 hatase and osteocalcin were used to identify osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity, respectively.
37 sion, migration adhesion, and stimulation of osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity.
38 ted that it does lead to an increase in both osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity.
39 ifies a BM myeloid precursor population with osteoclastic and T cell-suppressive activity that is exp
40 lux (r = 0.944; n = 23; P < 0.0001), between osteoclastic beta-glucuronidase activity and net calcium
41 edium prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) levels and osteoclastic beta-glucuronidase activity were determined
42 pe of global Shn3 KO mice, including reduced osteoclastic bone catabolism in vivo, indicating that Sh
43 microgravity by 170% (p = 0.004), indicating osteoclastic bone degeneration.
44                                              Osteoclastic bone degradation requires intimacy between
45  is characterized both by markedly increased osteoclastic bone destruction and severely impaired oste
46 homes in the bone marrow and induces massive osteoclastic bone destruction presumably by producing cy
47 elucidate the mechanism underlying extensive osteoclastic bone destruction.
48 that T cell-replete mice undergo significant osteoclastic bone loss after IL-7 administration, concur
49 y via the inhibition of defined mediators of osteoclastic bone remodeling (e.g. receptor activator of
50  in osteoblastic bone formation activity nor osteoclastic bone resorption activity in vivo.
51 s a key mechanism by which estrogen prevents osteoclastic bone resorption and bone loss.
52  and atorvastatin (ATV) are known to inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption and have been proposed to h
53 nflammatory bone loss through stimulation of osteoclastic bone resorption and inhibition of osteoblas
54 thermore, PTHrP caused a coupled increase in osteoclastic bone resorption and new bone formation that
55 loma bone disease is caused by uncoupling of osteoclastic bone resorption and osteoblastic bone forma
56 e of tumor implantation profoundly inhibited osteoclastic bone resorption and prevented hypercalcemia
57 -9 signaling, resulting in the inhibition of osteoclastic bone resorption and prostate cancer bone me
58    The bone disease is mediated by increased osteoclastic bone resorption and suppressed bone formati
59  an aminobisphosphonate, is known to inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption and was proposed to have os
60 nes during osteoclastogenesis, and prevented osteoclastic bone resorption but did not impair osteobla
61 264.7 cells suggested that the inhibition of osteoclastic bone resorption by these compounds did not
62                                              Osteoclastic bone resorption depends upon the cell's abi
63 oblasts takes advantage of the regulation of osteoclastic bone resorption exerted by osteoblasts.
64                                  Accelerated osteoclastic bone resorption has a central role in the p
65 ncreased recognition of factors that promote osteoclastic bone resorption in cancer patients led us t
66                          The mimetic dampens osteoclastic bone resorption in vitro and in vivo.
67 tives that have potent inhibitory effects on osteoclastic bone resorption in vitro and that prevent o
68 teoblastic activity to match the increase in osteoclastic bone resorption induced by estrogen deficie
69 nd 100 microg/l), reversed the inhibition of osteoclastic bone resorption induced by high extracellul
70                It has been hypothesized that osteoclastic bone resorption is a critical component bef
71                                              Osteoclastic bone resorption is a prominent feature of p
72 position, whereas in modern humans extensive osteoclastic bone resorption is found in the same region
73                                    Increased osteoclastic bone resorption leads to periarticular eros
74 ata suggest that the actions of IFN-gamma on osteoclastic bone resorption may be mediated by its effe
75 nment of the tooth because of the failure of osteoclastic bone resorption on the coronal tooth surfac
76                                    Increased osteoclastic bone resorption plays a central role in the
77                                  Accelerated osteoclastic bone resorption plays a central role in the
78 sive loss of bone mass resulting from excess osteoclastic bone resorption relative to osteoblastic bo
79 itory effect of Pyk2(Y402F), suggesting that osteoclastic bone resorption requires both c-Src kinase
80                                              Osteoclastic bone resorption requires cell-matrix contac
81 arge enough shift in systemic pH to increase osteoclastic bone resorption seems untenable.
82 ortisol inhibits acid-induced, cell-mediated osteoclastic bone resorption through a decrease in osteo
83 he aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr) to induce osteoclastic bone resorption through the activation of c
84 s process of osteoblastic bone formation and osteoclastic bone resorption to maintain normal bone mas
85                                              Osteoclastic bone resorption was more sensitive to the i
86 ive phosvitin potently inhibited PTH-induced osteoclastic bone resorption with simultaneous new osteo
87 rparts, HIV-1 transgenic rats undergo severe osteoclastic bone resorption, a consequence of an imbala
88       In most cases, hypercalcemia is due to osteoclastic bone resorption, and agents that inhibit or
89 ase of bone is based on giving inhibitors of osteoclastic bone resorption, and bisphosphonates are th
90 remodeling, osteoblastic bone formation, and osteoclastic bone resorption, mediated via the TSH recep
91 wn to enhance osteoblastogenesis and inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption, thus promoting tissue rege
92 osteoblastic bone formation and by increased osteoclastic bone resorption, we assessed whether oxidiz
93  ovariectomy-induced bone loss by inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorption, whereas flurbiprofen at si
94 xamination revealed that ibandronate reduced osteoclastic bone resorption, with increased apoptosis i
95 ance between osteoblastic bone formation and osteoclastic bone resorption.
96 s from inflammatory reactions that stimulate osteoclastic bone resorption.
97 xpression of lysosomal enzymes essential for osteoclastic bone resorption.
98 d by osteoblasts and seems to be involved in osteoclastic bone resorption.
99 ance between osteoblastic bone formation and osteoclastic bone resorption.
100 and metastasize into bone tissue by inducing osteoclastic bone resorption.
101 ys its so far uncharacterized action against osteoclastic bone resorption.
102 nhanced expression of cytokines that promote osteoclastic bone resorption.
103 hosphonates and their activity in inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorption.
104 L-6), an inflammatory cytokine implicated in osteoclastic bone resorption.
105 which mediates the subsequent stimulation of osteoclastic bone resorption.
106 nt bone loss because of a marked increase in osteoclastic bone resorption.
107 tastases that are characterized by excessive osteoclastic bone resorption.
108  is the major protease responsible for human osteoclastic bone resorption.
109         Superoxide production contributes to osteoclastic bone resorption.
110 tion and sealing zone formation required for osteoclastic bone resorption.
111 I collagen is necessary for PTH induction of osteoclastic bone resorption.
112  formation of the sealing zone, required for osteoclastic bone resorption.
113 family of diseases characterized by impaired osteoclastic bone resorption.
114 d a rising ambient Ca2+ interact to regulate osteoclastic bone resorption.
115 ast precursors with a subsequent increase in osteoclastic bone resorption.
116 reases in osteoblastic matrix deposition and osteoclastic bone resorption.
117  cathepsin O2 may play a major role in human osteoclastic bone resorption.
118 creases bone mass as the result of defective osteoclastic bone resorption.
119 stic bone formation and indirectly regulates osteoclastic bone resorption.
120  together have established that TSH inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption.
121  ovariectomy-induced bone loss by inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorption.
122 r of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL), which induces osteoclastic bone resorption.
123 FK) is, in contrast, a negative regulator of osteoclastic bone resorption.
124 ctor kappaB ligand, an essential mediator of osteoclastic bone resorption.
125 y at all ages examined, indicating defective osteoclastic bone turnover.
126 maturation of dendritic cells; and increases osteoclastic bone-resorbing activity as well as osteocla
127 presence of IFN-gamma, and we found that the osteoclastic capacity of CD40L(-/-) T cells could be gre
128          The ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity of osteoclastic CD38 was next demonstrated by its ability t
129 al pathogen, and Escherichia coli LPS induce osteoclastic cell formation from murine leukocytes in th
130  these involve not only the osteoblastic and osteoclastic cell lineages but also other marrow cells,
131 loss and revealed increased numbers of TRAP+ osteoclastic cells lining the alveolar bone surface in S
132 kemia-induced uncoupling of osteoblastic and osteoclastic cells may represent a novel approach to pro
133 al disorganization, the capacity of VCL(-/-) osteoclastic cells to normally phosphorylate c-Src in re
134                 The number of differentiated osteoclastic cells was determined after tartrate-resista
135             Oxylipids also induce resorptive osteoclastic cells within the bone environment, raising
136                                          For osteoclastic cells, cell count and lysate acid phosphata
137 ation that PTPepsilon is highly expressed in osteoclastic cells.
138 at PKD2 is the main PKD isoform expressed in osteoclastic cells.
139 oter to drive expression of rabbit PTP-oc in osteoclastic cells.
140 mune response that disturbs osteoblastic and osteoclastic cellular homeostasis through cytokine produ
141 sponge construct), miR-29 knockdown impaired osteoclastic commitment and migration of pre-osteoclasts
142 astic skeletal metastases with an underlying osteoclastic component.
143  findings were partially explained by higher osteoclastic coverage of the bone-periodontal ligament i
144 bone accumulation by modulating osteoblastic/osteoclastic cross-talk through the direct regulation of
145 deficiency to an osteoblastic rather than an osteoclastic defect.
146 nd indicate that this loss is not limited to osteoclastic degradation.
147 cal TLR5 ligation in vivo provoke homing and osteoclastic development of myeloid cells, which are ass
148 derived preosteoclasts with isoPGE2 enhanced osteoclastic differentiation as evidenced by increased t
149                                 The enhanced osteoclastic differentiation by isoPGE2 was observed whe
150                                              Osteoclastic differentiation capacities of bone marrow m
151 egulation of chondrocytic, osteoblastic, and osteoclastic differentiation during skeletal development
152 rom MLO-Y4 cells decreased the capability of osteoclastic differentiation from the cells induced by m
153 ent developments in the area of mediators of osteoclastic differentiation have expanded our knowledge
154 onocyte proliferation but regulated monocyte osteoclastic differentiation in a cell-density dependent
155 e beta-PDGFR, only PDGF-D was able to induce osteoclastic differentiation in vitro, and upregulate th
156 at MB and LB was cultured in osteoblastic or osteoclastic differentiation media.
157     These data suggest that isoPGE2 enhances osteoclastic differentiation of marrow preosteoclasts an
158 ompressive stress regulates osteoblastic and osteoclastic differentiation through osteoblasts in a ma
159               We studied estrogen effects on osteoclastic differentiation using RAW264.7, a murine mo
160               Consistent with these results, osteoclastic differentiation was induced when monocytic
161   Both osteoblastic and osteoblast-regulated osteoclastic differentiation were enhanced at 2 g/cm(2).
162 l a new function of PDGF-D as a regulator of osteoclastic differentiation, an activity critical for t
163 significantly inhibited osteoblast-regualted osteoclastic differentiation.
164 eceptor (TweakR) was not responsible for the osteoclastic effect of TWEAK on RAW cells.
165 lencing of CypA verified osteogenic and anti-osteoclastic effects.
166 , CypA dually exerts pro-osteogenic and anti-osteoclastic effects.
167 eocytic sclerostin and up-regulating the pro-osteoclastic factor receptor activator of NF-kappaB liga
168 s, pro-osteoclastic gene expressions and pro-osteoclastic function.
169 her increased their RANKL expression and pro-osteoclastic function.
170 vested for comparison of their beta-ARs, pro-osteoclastic gene expressions and pro-osteoclastic funct
171 givalis and Pam2 also up-regulated RANKL and osteoclastic genes in vivo, resulting in an increased nu
172 ur findings indicate that tamoxifen inhibits osteoclastic HCl transport by binding membrane-associate
173 tion by a proteasomal inhibitor (PS-341) and osteoclastic inhibition by zoledronic acid (Zol) on the
174  the current state of pathophysiology of the osteoclastic lesion and outline diagnostic and therapeut
175  through binding to its specific receptor on osteoclastic lineage cells and stimulates osteoclastogen
176  commitment of hemopoietic precursors to the osteoclastic lineage.
177 one formation and by decreased expression of osteoclastic markers and bone resorption activity, as we
178  and greater suppression of osteoblastic and osteoclastic markers than Runx2-II(+/-) mice.
179 al density (BMD), decreased osteoblastic and osteoclastic markers, lower bone formation rates, impair
180                                              Osteoclastic matrix degradation occurs in the extracellu
181 f breast and skin cancers, are diminished in osteoclastic miR-34a transgenic mice, and can be effecti
182                                              Osteoclastic miR-34a-overexpressing transgenic mice exhi
183  both in the osteolytic PC3 and osteoblastic/osteoclastic mixed C4-2B cells; while the activation of
184 resulted in the formation of an osteoblastic/osteoclastic mixed tumor with increased osteoclasts surr
185  osteopetrosis due to an intrinsic defect of osteoclastic modelling activity that was confirmed in th
186 ) staining showed that zoledronate decreased osteoclastic numbers and that there was a dose-dependent
187 gated based on phenotypes that are primarily osteoclastic, osteoblastic or mixed.
188 in bone marrow and development of associated osteoclastic osteolysis through cell-cell interactions h
189  knowledge or quantitation of alveolar crest osteoclastic (periodontitis) activity and infiltrate.
190 e resorbing cells in RA exhibit a definitive osteoclastic phenotype, suggesting that pharmacological
191 ssessed whether oxidized lipids regulate the osteoclastic potential of marrow hematopoietic cells.
192 entoblasts participate in the recruitment of osteoclastic precursor cells by up-regulation of chemoki
193                                           An osteoclastic protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP-oc), esse
194                  These results indicate that osteoclastic reaction is required even in the osteoblast
195 l-mimosine) and 100 ng/ml ANGPTL4 stimulated osteoclastic resorption 2- to 3-fold in assays of lacuna
196 tion and necrosis during acute infection and osteoclastic resorption accompanied by new woven bone fo
197 nd cathepsin K in an in vitro assay of human osteoclastic resorption and an in situ assay of osteocla
198 wever, aging of bone increased CatK-mediated osteoclastic resorption by approximately 27%, and neglig
199 r attention should be paid to the effects of osteoclastic resorption in designing methods for enhanci
200     Because, in the 5TGM1 model, blockade of osteoclastic resorption in other situations does not dec
201                   Bone mass is increased and osteoclastic resorption is decreased in haploinsufficien
202                     This study suggests that osteoclastic resorption is the predominant activity in '
203                                    Increased osteoclastic resorption leads to many bone diseases, inc
204 geneous disorder, characterized by defective osteoclastic resorption of bone that results in increase
205  of bone metastases depends on tumor-induced osteoclastic resorption of bone, which may be inhibited
206 ey regulator of the bone loss that is due to osteoclastic resorption of bone.
207                       BR is characterized by osteoclastic resorption of preexisting bone followed by
208  extensively pigmented, there was aggressive osteoclastic resorption of the subchondral plate.
209       When studied on resorbable substrates, osteoclastic resorption was suppressed by wortmannin and
210 factors released from the bone matrix during osteoclastic resorption, estrogen deficiency unleashes s
211 a central role of SLP-76/Vav3 association in osteoclastic resorption, retroviral transduction of SLP-
212 e involved in bone remodeling and can induce osteoclastic resorption.
213 d not detect significant effects of MK801 on osteoclastic resorption.
214 se of osteoblastic defects and not increased osteoclastic resorption.
215                  A similar condition, feline osteoclastic resorptive lesions (FORL), affects up to 70
216              We attributed this phenotype to osteoclastic sensitization to the receptor activator of
217                            The regulation of osteoclastic signaling is incompletely understood, but u
218  Antisense oligonucleotides of Nox 4 reduced osteoclastic superoxide generation as well as resorption
219 steoblastic surface, resorption surface, and osteoclastic surface and a lower mineralizing surface, c
220 g through osteoblastic matrix deposition and osteoclastic tissue resorption and immunomodulation for
221 ted whether transgenic expression of PTP-oc (osteoclastic transmembrane protein-tyrosine phosphatase)
222      A potent and selective inhibitor of the osteoclastic V-H(+)-ATPase, (2Z,4E)-5-(5,6-dichloro-2-in
223  with SB 242784, a specific inhibitor of the osteoclastic V-H+-ATPase, will inhibit arterial calcific
224 reduce bone resorption through inhibition of osteoclastic vacuolar proton pumps.

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