


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nother ITAM protein, FcRgamma, were severely osteopetrotic.
2 th of the NF-kappaB p50 and p52 proteins are osteopetrotic.
3 eceptor gamma-chain (FcRgamma), are severely osteopetrotic.
4 phosphatase epsilon (PTP epsilon) are mildly osteopetrotic.
5             Cdc42 loss-of-function mice were osteopetrotic and resistant to ovariectomy-induced bone
6  This process fails in osteoclast-deficient, osteopetrotic animal models, resulting in a progressive
7                The toothless rat is severely osteopetrotic because of a frameshift mutation in the co
8 NK or the cognate RANK ligand are profoundly osteopetrotic because of the lack of bone resorption and
9                          Here, we found that osteopetrotic bone phenotypes in mice lacking DAP12 or D
10                             In mice rendered osteopetrotic by 17beta-estradiol treatment, NK1.1 posit
11 issue macrophage defects of CSF-1-deficient, osteopetrotic Csf1(op)/Csf1(op) mice were corrected by t
12 expression of csCSF-1 in the CSF-1-deficient osteopetrotic (Csf1(op)/Csf1(op)) background.
13                              Finally, in the osteopetrotic (Csf1(op)/Csf1(op)) mice lacking functiona
14                                              Osteopetrotic (Csfm(op)/Csfm(op)) mice, null mutants for
15 was examined by studying the CSF-1-deficient osteopetrotic (csfmop/csfmop) mouse.
16 ng recessive mutation in the gene for CSF-1 (osteopetrotic; Csfmop) with L. monocytogenes.
17 xpress distinct isoforms in CSF-1-deficient (osteopetrotic) Cx32def mice, we demonstrate that both is
18             Because functional rescue of the osteopetrotic defect in these mice extended their lifesp
19 hed numbers of NK and mast cells (MC) and is osteopetrotic due to a lack of the normal complement of
20          Shp2 mutant mice are phenotypically osteopetrotic, featuring a marked increase of bone volum
21 gous (Csf1(op)/Csf1(op)) mice, including the osteopetrotic, hematopoietic, tissue macrophage, and rep
22  Wnt5a, and Dickkopf 1 in stromal cells from osteopetrotic mice and used them in coculture experiment
23       The failure of osteoclasts in c-src-/- osteopetrotic mice to form ruffled membranes indicates p
24 in/beta integrin recognition, yields similar osteopetrotic mice.
25 duced by more than 85% in monocyte-deficient osteopetrotic mice.
26             These results define a new mouse osteopetrotic mutant and implicate NF-kappaB proteins in
27  model of GLD, with the macrophage-deficient osteopetrotic mutant and studied the resultant macrophag
28 bsence represents the earliest developmental osteopetrotic mutant yet described.
29                                              Osteopetrotic mutants have provided a wealth of informat
30 Here, using mice carrying the recessive null osteopetrotic mutation in the colony-stimulating factor-
31     Transgene expression corrected the gross osteopetrotic, neurologic, weight, tooth, and reproducti
32                          Previous studies of osteopetrotic (op) mice lacking macrophage colony-stimul
33 SF concentration, as not only did homozygous osteopetrotic (op/op) mice have dramatically reduced les
34                                              Osteopetrotic (Op/Op) mice have no detectable M-CSF and
35                                              Osteopetrotic (op/op) mice lack functional M-CSF and hav
36 hypothesis, we have studied atherogenesis in osteopetrotic (op/op) mice, which lack M-CSF due to a st
37 CSF-1 treatment of neurons cultured from the osteopetrotic (op/op) mouse, a null mutant for CSF-1, pr
38 nce in myelination of the optic nerve in the osteopetrotic (op/op) mouse, which results from a sponta
39                     These animals exhibit an osteopetrotic phenotype characterized by the absence of
40               These findings may explain the osteopetrotic phenotype in the Src(-/-) mice.
41                In surprising contrast to the osteopetrotic phenotype of PLCgamma2(-/-) mice, Tmem178(
42 c protein and the defect responsible for the osteopetrotic phenotype of the c-src-deficient (src-) mo
43                                          The osteopetrotic phenotype was rescued by bone marrow trans
44 ed impaired osteoclastogenesis, and a severe osteopetrotic phenotype, but unaffected monocyte/macroph
45 targeted deletion of Plcg2 in mice led to an osteopetrotic phenotype.
46 contrast to sgCSF-1, completely resolved the osteopetrotic phenotype.
47 mitf in a pattern that closely matches their osteopetrotic phenotypes.
48                                           An osteopetrotic rat of unknown genetic defect (mib) has be
49 the CSF-1-null toothless (csf1(tl)/csf1(tl)) osteopetrotic rat.
50 vironment in normal and incisors absent (ia) osteopetrotic rats.
51 Dap12 double-deficient mice) were profoundly osteopetrotic, reflecting severe osteoclast dysfunction
52                                   Studies of osteopetrotic rodents suggest that localized alveolar bo
53 t this, we compared the expression of OPG in osteopetrotic toothless (tl/tl) rats deficient in CSF-1
54         Conditional knock-out (cKO) mice are osteopetrotic when compared with WT controls due to a de
55 esis in the marrow spaces, and remodeling of osteopetrotic woven bone in the shafts of long bones int

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