


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n of zone 2 (fossa ovalis and coronary sinus ostium).
2 ion of the PV diameters predominantly at the ostium.
3 ithin 12.0 mm +/- 11.0 of the coronary sinus ostium.
4 within 24.0 mm +/- 8.0 of the coronary sinus ostium.
5 he connection extended to the coronary sinus ostium.
6 m stent area <5 mm2 in 76%, typically at the ostium.
7 allest minimum stent area appeared at the SB ostium.
8     The remainder (n = 28, 14%) had a single ostium.
9 teroseptal mitral annulus and coronary sinus ostium.
10 ol; each focus was localized near the venous ostium.
11 polar Lasso catheter was positioned near the ostium.
12 n segments were grouped by distance from the ostium.
13  posterior LA, near or at the pulmonary vein ostium.
14 trial site (P) just below the coronary sinus ostium.
15 al LA pacing) was located 26+/-7 mm from the ostium.
16 ithin the isolated segment containing the CS ostium.
17  35+/-9-mm length of the CS beginning at the ostium.
18  the high right atrium or the coronary sinus ostium.
19 uspid annulus anterior to the coronary sinus ostium.
20 thmus (septal isthmus) between the TA and CS ostium.
21  the cases (n = 58) had evidence of a patent ostium and 100% were patent on lacrimal irrigation.
22 lock between the IVC and coronary sinus (CS) ostium and forms a second isthmus (septal isthmus) betwe
23 d, diagnostic-quality images of the coronary ostium and proximal coronary artery course were acquired
24                         Lower-lying coronary ostium and shallow sinus of Valsalva were associated ana
25 rdings were made at each pulmonary vein (PV) ostium and simultaneously from the coronary sinus (CS) a
26 nhanced aortic lumen at the level of the IMA ostium and the number of additional patent aortic side b
27  modes (high right atrium and coronary sinus ostium) and the long-term need for cardioversion, antith
28 opic ablation system was advanced to each PV ostium, and arcs of laser energy (90 degrees to 360 degr
29 s usually focal, most often involves the LCX ostium, and often occurs without symptoms.
30  within 2.2 mm +/- 3.8 of the coronary sinus ostium, and proximal connections measured 15.4 mm +/- 10
31 proximal stent, crush area, distal stent, SB ostium, and SB distal stent.
32 nhanced aortic lumen at the level of the IMA ostium, and the number of additional patent aortic side
33 nnection was located in the region of the CS ostium as well as confirming the presence of the LA-CS c
34  at the high right atrium and coronary sinus ostium at an identical rate to the baseline stimulation,
35 ack of increase in the His-to-coronary sinus ostium atrial interval during incremental pacing (IP) fr
36 <10 ms increase in the His-to-coronary sinus ostium atrial timing during low lateral right atrium IP
37  in a coronal and axial view at 3 levels (A, ostium; B, 1 cm more distal; C, 2 cm more distal).
38         This phenomenon is most acute in the ostium but holds throughout the renal artery, which requ
39  repair for obstruction of the left coronary ostium by the accessory cusp of QAV.
40 rom the high right atrium and coronary sinus ostium can suppress inducible AF or atrial flutter elici
41                                              Ostium closure after endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (D
42 tly greater within the left circumflex (LCX) ostium compared to the parent vessel (PV) of the LMCA bi
43 gest that restenosis at the side branch (SB) ostium continues to be a problem.
44         During RA pacing posterior to the CS ostium, CS electrodes recorded septal-to-lateral activat
45 ions surrounding the CS ostium isolating the ostium from the RA had no effect on the CS musculature a
46 ctivation was recorded at the coronary sinus ostium in 60% and 65% of patients with typical and atypi
47 , the minimum stent area was found at the SB ostium in 68%.
48 nd IVC (measured at the level of the hepatic ostium) is >2 mm Hg.
49                 Incisions surrounding the CS ostium isolating the ostium from the RA had no effect on
50   Among all 115 PVs, including 1 left common ostiums (LCOs), 25 (21.7%) showed a PV reconnection in 2
51 nosis of the left circumflex coronary artery ostium (LCX-ISR) (HR, 2.51; 95% CI, 1.59-3.97; P=0.001)
52        The incremental His-to-coronary sinus ostium maneuver is analogous to the IP maneuver in disti
53 euver, the incremental His-to-coronary sinus ostium maneuver was consistent with functional CTI block
54 ylaxis, the geometric variability of the LAA ostium may result in an incomplete seal of the LAA.
55                                          The ostium measured 8.6 (95% confidence interval [CI], 5.0-1
56 16/128, 91%), whereas lesions located at the ostium (n = 16, 8%) were more frequently treated with st
57 X crossed CS at a variable distance from the ostium of CS (86.5 +/- 21 mm, range 37 to 123 mm) CONCLU
58                                Distance from ostium of CS to the intersection with left circumflex (L
59 lcified nodules were located <40 mm from the ostium of the coronary artery in 85% of left anterior de
60 by placement of the circular catheter at the ostium of the LAA guided by intracardiac echocardiograph
61          Idiopathic VAs originating from the ostium of the left ventricle may be ablated at the base
62      Three patients (2%) had a single venous ostium on the right side.
63  to determine the changes in size of the DCR ostium over time and investigate the correlation of osti
64 ectional area of the aortic lumen at the IMA ostium (P < .001).
65 the high right atrium and the coronary sinus ostium pacing sites was significantly greater (33 +/- 12
66 lief at 12 months and endoscopic evidence of ostium patency and canalicular patency.
67                                       Single ostium patterns and intramural coronary arteries remaine
68  right atrial septum near the coronary sinus ostium prevented the induction and clinical recurrence o
69 for the prevalence of atrial septal defects (ostium primum and secundum), ventricular muscular septal
70 entify Ccn1(+/-) mice as a genetic model for ostium primum ASD, and implicate CCN1 as a candidate gen
71 ents who underwent surgical correction of an ostium primum atrial septal defect at our institution at
72 t patients who undergo surgical repair of an ostium primum atrial septal defect.
73 tricular septum in the embryo and persistent ostium primum atrial septal defects (ASD) in approximate
74                                           An ostium primum defect can be repaired in adult patients w
75 d in two patients (6%) because of a residual ostium primum defect in one and severe mitral regurgitat
76  DMP and a completely penetrant phenotype of ostium primum defect, a hallmark feature of AV septal de
77 t atrioventricular septal defects, including ostium primum defects.
78 sults in impaired development of the DMP and ostium primum defects.
79        Fusion of these components closes the ostium primum, completing atrial and atrioventricular se
80 ed anomaly in 22 patients (49%), followed by ostium secundum ASD in 6 and patent foramen ovale in 4.
81 ciated (P = 9.5 x 10(-)(7)) with the risk of ostium secundum atrial septal defect (ASD) in the discov
82                          The majority of the ostium shrinkage occurs within 4 weeks postoperatively w
83                           The intraoperative ostium size and postoperative size were positively corre
84 over time and investigate the correlation of ostium size and surgical outcomes.
85              After endoscopic DCR, the final ostium size on average is 35% of the original at 12 mont
86                                              Ostium size was not predictive of overall surgical outco
87                                              Ostium sizes were measured at the end of surgery and at
88 .3%), chronic sinusitis (85.7%), presence of ostium stenosis (68.3%), nasal or sinus obstruction (82.
89 for each 10-mm increase in distance from the ostium, the risk of an acute coronary occlusion was sign
90 ous vessel was interrupted by closure of its ostium through a pulmonary arteriotomy during cardiopulm
91 ured at 5-mm intervals along the artery from ostium to a distal level where the cross-sectional area
92 divided by the sum of vessel volume from the ostium to the distal portion of the lesion.
93                                     When the ostium was completed, the randomization code was reveale
94    The vessel visibility of the renal artery ostium was significantly better in 3D-Gd-MRA than in DSA
95 p 1), distal isolation (> or = 5 mm from the ostium) was achieved targeting veins triggering AF.
96  393 pulmonary veins (7 patients with common ostium) were successfully isolated.
97  (98.5%) had endoscopic evidence of a patent ostium with a positive endoscopic dye test at the 12-mon
98                   PS optimally opened the SB ostium without deforming the main vessel (MV) bioresorba

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