


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ry domain in the embryonic chicken and mouse otocyst.
2 lized to discrete axial domains in the early otocyst.
3 he periotic mesenchyme surrounding the chick otocyst.
4  sensory-competent region in the rudimentary otocyst.
5 E2 and E3.5, neuroblasts delaminate from the otocyst.
6 a, seem to arise from a single region of the otocyst.
7 ecifically expressed in the developing mouse otocyst.
8  with dysgenesis of the pars inferior of the otocyst.
9 ogenesis but also normal neurogenesis in the otocyst.
10 otch function, was deleted in the developing otocyst.
11 racter in specific regions of the developing otocyst.
12 roliferation of the dorsolateral part of the otocyst.
13 opus, and promotes its morphogenesis into an otocyst.
14 helial cells that contributes to most of the otocyst.
15 e and promotes dorsal cell identities in the otocyst.
16  pit, before spreading throughout the dorsal otocyst.
17 , Dlx5 and Wnt2b in the dorsal region of the otocyst.
18 pressing activated Notch (NICD) in the chick otocyst.
19 ch pinches off as a small vesicle called the otocyst.
20 todermal placode that invaginates to form an otocyst.
21 or otic induction or early patterning of the otocyst.
22 gionalized expression pattern throughout the otocyst.
23  and sensory organ fate specification in the otocyst.
24 is expressed in the macula of the developing otocyst.
25 re expressed in the epithelial layers of the otocyst.
26 significant number of embryos failed to form otocysts.
27 of the ChR-2 gene into the developing murine otocyst, 2) expression of ChR-2(H134R) in an auditory ce
28 undaries intersect at the dorsal pole of the otocyst, a convergence that may be critical for the spec
29                Conditional knockout and null otocysts also had reductions in vestibulo-cochlear gangl
30 ert non-neuronal epithelial cells within the otocyst and cochlea as well as the 3T3 fibroblast cells
31 minate from the anterior ventral part of the otocyst and form the cochleovestibular ganglion of the i
32  Dlx3 expression then resolves to the dorsal otocyst and gradually becomes limited to the endolymphat
33 prevalent in the epithelium of the otic pit, otocyst and membranous labyrinth as they underwent morph
34  on 382 individual cells from the developing otocyst and neuroblast lineages to assay 96 genes repres
35  events requires the normal formation of the otocyst and sensory maculae, specific secretion and loca
36 m cells in different parts of the placode or otocyst and that cell mixing plays a large role in ear d
37 trate our method, we used cells of the mouse otocyst and the renal vesicle as examples.
38 enitors express NEUROG1, delaminate from the otocyst, and coalesce to form the neurons that innervate
39 in this region as the pit closes to form the otocyst, and distinct boundaries become defined along th
40 reaction (RT-PCR) in murine tissue sections, otocyst, and ganglion explants.
41 ified, delaminate from the epithelium of the otocyst, and migrate to form the auditory-vestibular gan
42 phorin3a (Sema3a) is expressed in the dorsal otocyst, and Sema3a mutant mice show defects in afferent
43 nd expansion of the dorsolateral wall of the otocyst, and showed that this process is generated by ch
44 inate from this islet-1-positive zone of the otocyst, and these neurons maintain islet-1 expression u
45  and Wnt3a, are incorrectly expressed in VAD otocysts, and the sensory patches and vestibulo-acoustic
46 r cell precursors and throughout the growing otocyst as it functions through proliferation or its lat
47 dy presents such an analysis for the chicken otocyst at stages 13-29 (embryonic days 2.5-6).
48  ear arises independently in the rudimentary otocyst based on Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4) exp
49                    Prox1 is expressed in the otocyst beginning at embryonic day (E)11, in the develop
50 enous Noggin was delivered to the developing otocyst by using a replication-competent avian retroviru
51 ows that all regions of the otic placode and otocyst can give rise to the sensory organs of the inner
52                                 In Lmo4-null otocysts, canal outpouches failed to form and cell proli
53 urn is related to a down-regulation of early otocyst cell proliferation.
54 that this process is generated by changes in otocyst cell shape from columnar to squamous, as opposed
55  and resemblance to mouse embryonic day 10.5 otocyst cells implied reasonable robustness of the guida
56 tion of MSCs with embryonic hindbrain/somite/otocyst conditioned medium or prenatal cochlea explants
57              Immunohistochemistry applied to otocyst cultures in the absence of glia revealed that ne
58               Since the superior part of the otocyst demonstrates outward expansion that is comparabl
59  component of the previously uncharacterized otocyst-derived factor, which directs initial neurite ou
60                                              Otocyst-derived ganglia exhibit rapid neuron-specific mi
61         We have investigated the fate of the otocyst-derived inner ear sensory neurons in the absence
62 shown to be essential for the development of otocyst-derived inner ear sensory neurons.
63 play a role in neurogenesis, is expressed in otocyst-derived neural precursor cells and later in the
64                The inner ear consists of two otocyst-derived, structurally and functionally distinct
65 omeobox transcription factor, cProx1, during otocyst development in chickens.
66 ic abnormalities, Tbx1 is expressed early in otocyst development in the otic epithelium and in the pe
67      The simple primordium of the inner ear (otocyst) differentiates into many cell types, including
68 F-3 is required only in the later process of otocyst differentiation.
69 derived from defined compartments within the otocyst during embryogenesis.
70 sion of miR-96 or miR-182 induces duplicated otocysts, ectopic or expanded sensory patches, and extra
71      To address this issue, each axis of the otocyst (embryonic day 2.5, E2.5, stage 16-17) was chang
72 d after deafening by surgical removal of the otocyst (embryonic precursor of the inner ear) or colume
73 onal differences in proliferation within the otocyst epithelium that are more complex than previously
74                    We show that in the mouse otocyst epithelium, Tbx1 suppresses neurogenin 1-mediate
75 sion during the initial morphogenesis of the otocyst epithelium.
76  narrow ventromedial band of the rudimentary otocyst, extending between its rostral and caudal poles.
77 nitor the cellular movements associated with otocyst formation and to aid in interpreting the changin
78                                          The otocyst harbors progenitors for most cell types of the m
79 s further show that the inferior part of the otocyst has a high level of proliferation, whereas the s
80 acode induction and early development of the otocyst; however, the results of experiments in mouse an
81  a LIM-HD protein, is expressed early in the otocyst in the region that gives rise to both the audito
82 established a three-dimensional model of the otocyst in which each individual cell can be precisely m
83 sl1 is expressed in the prosensory region of otocyst, in young hair cells and supporting cells, and i
84 controls the development of the dorsolateral otocyst into semicircular canals and cristae through two
85 estriction of Wnt target genes to the dorsal otocyst is also influenced by Shh.
86 t thinning and expansion of the dorsolateral otocyst is regulated by BMP/SMAD signaling, which is bot
87 increased cell death in the early developing otocyst, leading to a decreased size and malformation of
88 ing otic tissue expresses exclusively dorsal otocyst markers.
89                            The otic vesicle (otocyst) occupies a pivotal position in inner ear develo
90 gmentation of E-cadherin in the dorsolateral otocyst, occurring concomitantly with cell shape change,
91 NM) that follows surgical destruction of the otocyst on E3, a procedure that deafferents NM neurons b
92 ormed after injecting virus into the chicken otocyst on embryonic days 2.5-5.5.
93 he otic placode, growth of the otic vesicle (otocyst), otolith formation, morphogenesis of the semici
94  cytokine that is released by the developing otocyst, plays a role in regulating early innervation of
95     The dual role of Six1a in the developing otocyst provides a mechanism for balancing the relative
96 initial dorsal-specific morphogenesis of the otocyst, providing new information about how regional mo
97                    During development of the otocyst, regional morphogenesis establishes a dorsal ves
98 causes dysregulation of neural competence in otocyst regions linked to the formation of either mechan
99 reas the initial compartmentalization of the otocyst remains unaffected.
100             Neither unilateral nor bilateral otocyst removal caused detectable changes in the intensi
101 ell population has established itself in the otocyst, restores marker expression lost in germ line mu
102 on of Notch by cDNA electroporation in chick otocysts results in formation of ectopic sensory patches
103 ttern of expression occurs just prior to the otocyst's transition to a more complex three-dimensional
104 nstrated and this resulted in a reduction of otocyst size together with reduction in expression of ea
105 nction blocks inner ear development at early otocyst stage and after neurogenesis.
106                                       At the otocyst stage, Bmp4 is expressed in each presumptive sen
107                                       By the otocyst stage, the expression of both L-fng and Ser1 lar
108 y arrest of the inner ear development at the otocyst stage.
109                           SOX2 deficiency at otocyst stages caused a near-absence of NEUROG1-expressi
110                                           At otocyst stages the two genes define a broad lateral doma
111 Xenopus laevis inner ear at otic placode and otocyst stages to determine the developmental origins of
112 ession is maintained at the otic pit and the otocyst stages.
113  of these genes is affected in the Hmx2 null otocyst suggesting a complex regulatory role for Hmx2 in
114  and as well as in regions of the developing otocyst that are mainly fated to give rise to sensory ce
115               Tbx1 null mutants have a small otocyst that fails to grow and remodel and does not give
116        Our findings show that regions of the otocyst that give rise to neurons or hair cells are dist
117 enchymal cells surrounding the region of the otocyst that is destined to form the semicircular canals
118 rge from epithelial outgrowths of the dorsal otocyst, the central regions of which fuse and resorb to
119 of the dorsal portion (pars superior) of the otocyst to a fully developed vestibular system.
120 nd morphogenesis of the pars superior of the otocyst to form a complex labyrinth of cavities and duct
121 s well as outgrowth and restructuring of the otocyst to form a complex labyrinth.
122 cochlea emerges from the ventral pole of the otocyst to form a one and three-quarter coil.
123 nditional deletion of Chd7 in the developing otocyst using Foxg1-Cre resulted in cochlear hypoplasia
124 e the posteroventral rim becomes the lateral otocyst wall.
125 genes within the Rac1(CKO); Rac3(-/-) mutant otocyst was largely normal, however, indicating that Rac
126 aling pathway regulators to developing chick otocysts, we show that BMP signaling regulates the expre
127  prosensory epithelial cells in the anterior otocyst, where they are diverted into a neuroblast fate
128 , and Dlx5 in the dorsolateral domain of the otocyst, whereas the initial compartmentalization of the
129 brain is required to induce formation of the otocyst, while the latter imply that FGF-3 is required o

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