


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                                                             Our data demonstrate that barrier leakiness in asthmatic pati
2                                                             Our data demonstrate that Gsalpha deficiency in JG cells of a
3 e ROS plays an important role in a variety of inflammation, our data demonstrate that IL-27 is a potent regulator of ROS
4                                                             Our data demonstrate that mTORC1-regulated autophagy is neces
5                                                     In sum, our data demonstrate that pCRY is a key blue light receptor i
6                                                             Our data demonstrate that the circuitry containing VLS D2-MSN
7                                                             Our data demonstrate that the decoy receptor IL-1R2 plays an
8                                                             Our data demonstrate that the NMD and alternative splicing pa
9                                                             Our data demonstrate that the pH1N1 internal-protein genes to
10                                                             Our data demonstrate that the reaction occurs exclusively on
11                                             Taken together, our data demonstrate that TMM dictates the specificity of ERf
12                                             Taken together, our findings demonstrate that CD by triggering a robust neuro
13                                                    Overall, our findings demonstrate that integrity of the respiratory ep
14                                                             Our findings demonstrate that lung gammadelta T cells provide
15                                             Taken together, our findings demonstrate that PGCCs represent somatic equival
16                                                             Our findings demonstrate that Ras oncogene-independent activa
17                                                             Our findings demonstrate that sediment supply is encoded in t
18 ssion and tension) and nano-indentation loading geometries, our findings demonstrate that the former loading leads to siz
19                                                   Together, our findings demonstrate that the levels of ESX-1 substrates
20                                                             Our findings demonstrate that the up-regulation of the ALOX5
21                                                             Our findings demonstrate that, while transgenerational memory
22                                                             Our observations demonstrate that the production of both nucl
23                                                    Overall, our results demonstrate that a population of Thy1.2(+) non-NK
24                                                             Our results demonstrate that AAV-mediated muscle-specific gen
25                                                             Our results demonstrate that BtAdV 250-A represents a new mas
26                                                             Our results demonstrate that CATH functional families can be
27                                                             Our results demonstrate that E6-expressing cells exhibit prev
28                                                             Our results demonstrate that exome sequencing in multigenerat
29                                                             Our results demonstrate that failing to account for nonbreede
30                                                             Our results demonstrate that freshly thawed cryopreserved xen
31                                                   Together, our results demonstrate that human macrophages exposed to HCV
32                                                 Altogether, our results demonstrate that IFN-inducible LY6E promotes HIV-
33                                                             Our results demonstrate that MDC1 also plays a fundamentally
34                                                             Our results demonstrate that neurons in the human EC represen
35                                                             Our results demonstrate that persistent itch and inflammation
36                                                             Our results demonstrate that Scn8a plays a vital role in neur
37                                                             Our results demonstrate that silver nanoparticle collision an
38                                                             Our results demonstrate that social interactions among consum
39                                                             Our results demonstrate that the application of down-shifting
40                                                             Our results demonstrate that the current distribution of CAST
41                                                             Our results demonstrate that the Mdm30-Ubp2-Rsp5 crosstalk re
42                                                             Our results demonstrate that the most effective option for in
43                                                     Rather, our results demonstrate that the PVT is essential for balanci
44                                                             Our results demonstrate that these microarchitectures form du
45                                                             Our results demonstrate that this new and unexpected behaviou
46                                                             Our results demonstrate that ToxDock can overcome two fundame
47                                                             Our results demonstrate that vesicles docked to the s-PSM wer
48                                                             Our results demonstrate that vestibular control of the upper
49                                                             Our studies demonstrate that complementary pathways can be en
50                                   The findings derived from our studies demonstrate that TIM-1, but not TIM-3 or TIM-4, p

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