


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             Our analyses identify recurrent mutations in 4 genes not prev
2                                                In addition, our calculations identify the exciton absorption bands in tra
3                                                       Thus, our data identify a key cellular trafficking factor important
4                                                       Thus, our data identify a previously unsuspected mechanism by which
5 hem with two existing models that conditionally delete Tcf4 Our data identify a set of overlapping phenotypes that may se
6                                             Taken together, our data identify cerebellar astrocytes as key responders to
7                                                             Our data identify different receptor regions that are importa
8                                                       Thus, our data identify Flower as a key protein mediating granule e
9                                                             Our data identify Fyn and Lyn as important factors that promo
10                                                             Our data identify GA as an attractive drug repurposing candid
11                                                             Our data identify Gag-protease as a major determinant of subt
12                                                             Our data identify GFRAL as a new regulator of body weight and
13                                                   Moreover, our data identify mIndy as a target gene of IL-6 and determin
14                                                             Our data identify Sema7A as a key regulator of adult hippocam
15                                               Collectively, our data identify the canonical autophagy pathway in DCs as a
16                                                             Our findings identify a core learning process disrupted by br
17                                               Collectively, our findings identify a molecular decoy naturally generated d
18                                             Taken together, our findings identify a new chromatin-based epigenetic mechan
19                                                             Our findings identify a novel role for MC1-R in macrophage ch
20                                                             Our findings identify a potential pathogenic mechanism attrib
21                                              In conclusion, our findings identify a previously unidentified role for pero
22  mice infected with wild-type P. aeruginosa Taken together, our findings identify a previously unknown mechanism by which
23                                                             Our findings identify a previously unrecognized molecular mec
24                                                             Our findings identify a unique function for Themis2 in differ
25                                                             Our findings identify an architecture and fate of stomata in
26                                                   Together, our findings identify context-specific miRNA-regulated checkp
27                                                             Our findings identify elevation of A3A expression in AML cell
28                                                             Our findings identify kindlin-2 as a key protein that couples
29                                                             Our findings identify NDPK-C as an essential requirement for
30                                                             Our findings identify PABPC1 as a direct regulator of cardiac
31                                                   Therefore our findings identify PKC-theta as a critical factor for ILC2
32                                                             Our findings identify RCL1 as a novel candidate gene for depr
33  essential for many metabolic pathways in eukaryotic cells, our findings identify the phosphorylation of sPPases as a pot
34                                             Taken together, our results identify a neuronal mechanism for controlling int
35                                                             Our results identify a novel intracellular signaling module t
36                                                             Our results identify a repertoire of toxins with different mo
37                                                             Our results identify cell-adhesion molecule-mediated inhibiti
38                                                             Our results identify DsbA-L as a critical regulator of mitoch
39                                                             Our results identify MCL-1 as a critical prosurvival protein
40                                                   Together, our results identify Nur77 as a critical intracellular target
41                                                             Our results identify promoter shape as a molecular trait that
42                                                    Overall, our results identify RXR as a regulator in the myeloid cell-a
43                                                             Our results identify SAP as an inhibitor of PD-1 function and
44                                                             Our results identify that MCAK promotes fast MT growth speeds
45                                                    Overall, our results identify the CXCL2/MIF-CXCR2 axis as an important
46                                                             Our results identify the ERK1/2 pathway as a direct regulator
47                                                    Overall, our results identify the impact of different risk factors, wh
48                                                             Our results identify viral transformation-driven synthetic le
49                                                             Our studies identify a complex regulation of 5-HT homeostasis
50                                                 In summary, our studies identify distinct expression patterns and roles i

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