


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             Our analyses show that, among the methods, the negative binom
2                                                             Our data show that a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mut
3                                                             Our data show that prefrontal infusions of KYNA attenuated th
4                                                    Overall, our data show that prostate cancer-derived LO powerfully prom
5                                                             Our data show that targeting of p32 with linTT1 tumor-penetra
6                                                             Our data show that the position occupied by W972 within WT Ar
7                                                             Our data show that the protein kinase GSK-3, one of the first
8                                                             Our data show that Troy marks a renal stem/progenitor cell po
9                                                             Our findings show that abstained smokers exhibited a heighten
10                                                             Our findings show that climatic factors can have a substantia
11                                             INTERPRETATION: Our findings show that early post-SE abnormal depolarizing GA
12                                                             Our findings show that, in the striatum, a brain region impli
13                                                   Together, our findings show that intestinal PPARdelta is important in m
14                                                             Our findings show that MPI acquired with a CZT SPECT camera p
15                                             Taken together, our findings show that pilocarpine can act as either an agoni
16                                                             Our observations show that the memory of subtle differences i
17                                                             Our predictions show that a clear distinction between unicell
18                                                    Overall, our results show that a handful of regions carry most of the
19                                                             Our results show that a reduction in the expression of this m
20                                                             Our results show that brain tissue deformation induced by hea
21                                                   Together, our results show that cellular localization of Clusterin lead
22                                                             Our results show that CM Tln2 is essential for proper beta1D-
23                                                             Our results show that differential connectivity analysis can
24                                                             Our results show that dormant HSCs are preferentially mobiliz
25                                                             Our results show that early diet specialization may be reinfo
26                                                             Our results show that FOXO1 is continuously required for all
27                                             In EL subjects, our results show that (i) quadriceps volume, maximum voluntar
28                                                       Here, our results show that in primary mouse submandibular gland (S
29                                   For freely behaving mice, our results show that information flows from the activity of
30                                                             Our results show that it is possible to avoid the confounding
31                                                             Our results show that m6A-dependent RNA structural alteration
32 eviously thought to drive fission by hydrophobic insertion, our results show that membrane coverage correlates equally wi
33                                                             Our results show that osmotic stress induces transient energy
34                                                             Our results show that oxygen vacancy rows are not only natura
35                                                             Our results show that (p190)BCR-ABL-specific CTLs are capable
36                                               Collectively, our results show that PI3K delta is essential for survival du
37                                                             Our results show that PTEN controls multicellular assembly th
38                                                             Our results show that seroconversion to a salivary molecule,
39                                                             Our results show that synaptic scaling sustains strength of t
40                        Combined with ab initio calculation, our results show that TaIrTe4 is a Weyl semimetal with the mi
41                                                 In summary, our results show that TCF19 interacts with an active transcri
42                                                             Our results show that the combination of activity of several
43                                                             Our results show that the lasing wavelength of the fabricated
44                                                             Our results show that the major insect opsin class (SW) that
45                                                             Our results show that there is variability for circadian trai
46                                                             Our results show that three types of thorny ganglion cells in
47                                                             Our results show that WASp is a novel substrate of ALK and ha
48                                                             Our simulations show that the asperity junction size dictates
49                                                             Our simulations show that the electric dipole moment of resid
50                                                   Moreover, our studies show that SCs retain their plasticity to myelinat

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