


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                                                 Altogether, our data support a model in which small neutral hydrophobic r
2                                                             Our data support a model whereby nascent NepR(IDR)-PhyR inter
3                                              In conclusion, our data support a model wherein a pre-TfH wave of IL-4 secre
4                                                    Together our data support a model wherein the production of type I int
5                                             Taken together, our data support a novel miRNA-mediated pathway downstream of
6                                                    Together our data support that increased levels of circulating CXCL4 m
7                                               Collectively, our data support the clinical relevance of this protease in h
8 ents have increased risk for HAIs and inadequate nutrition, our data support the consideration of nutritional and/or micr
9                                                             Our data support the early consideration of epilepsy surgery
10                                                             Our data support the finding that mutations in the MAGI2 gene
11                                                             Our data support the hypothesis, in a subpopulation of patien
12                                                             Our data support the virucidal activity of a region that comb
13                                                             Our data support unappreciated and dominant oncogenic roles f
14                                     As discussed in detail, our findings support a general role of compact inter-ZF struc
15                                                             Our findings support a model by which CaM binds to Akt to fac
16                                                             Our findings support an important role for the adipose PPARga
17                                                             Our findings support that delta-secretase phosphorylation by
18                                                             Our findings support the "To Go or To Grow" hypothesis whereb
19                                                             Our findings support the absence of large differences in risk
20                                               More broadly, our findings support the emerging view that cellular systems
21                                                             Our findings support the existence of a long-lived, adaptive
22                                                       Thus, our findings support the existence of a rapid subcortical pat
23                                                             Our findings support the hypothesis of a general CO2-fertiliz
24                                                             Our findings support the hypothesis that fast Hebbian short-t
25                                                             Our findings support the hypothesis that the second Vibrionac
26                                                             Our findings support the need for additional research on the
27                                                             Our findings support the use of the SOFA and qSOFA classifica
28                                                             Our results support a causal link between dysregulation of a
29                                Moreover, in a wider context our results support a major demographic transition in West As
30                                                   Together, our results support a model in which acute inflammation after
31                                             Taken together, our results support a model whereby the amphipathic helix in
32                                             Taken together, our results support a new paradigm that GOT enables metabolis
33                                             Taken together, our results support a novel nuclear role for SmgGDS in protec
34                                               Collectively, our results support a role for CML36 as a Ca(2+) sensor that
35                                                             Our results support a role for phenylalanine-derived small mo
36                                                             Our results support DNF as a valuable resource to the cancer
37                                                             Our results support measurement and classification of CBE tec
38                                                             Our results support our hypothesis that performance on invari
39                                                             Our results support previous studies suggesting that, given p
40                                                 Altogether, our results support roles for non-Cas nuclease(s) during crRN
41                                                             Our results support the argument that odor coding in the olfa
42                                                             Our results support the feasibility of a larger trial to eval
43                                                             Our results support the hypothesis that the mitochondrion-spe
44                                                             Our results support the idea of prediction as a unifying cere
45                                                             Our results support the idea that cross-modal plasticity in t
46                                                   Together, our results support the notion that differential epigenetic m
47                                                             Our results support the rationale for targeting metabolism in
48                                                             Our results support the use of a cocktail of R1, R2 and XVX a
49                                                             Our results support the view that striatal neurons integrate
50                                                             Our results support two major first, young eels distinguish a

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