


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                                               Collectively, our data argue that DHX15 enhances AR transcriptional activit
2                                                             Our data demonstrate that barrier leakiness in asthmatic pati
3                                                             Our data demonstrate that Gsalpha deficiency in JG cells of a
4                                                             Our data demonstrate that mTORC1-regulated autophagy is neces
5                                                     In sum, our data demonstrate that pCRY is a key blue light receptor i
6                                                             Our data demonstrate that the circuitry containing VLS D2-MSN
7                                                             Our data demonstrate that the pH1N1 internal-protein genes to
8                                                             Our data demonstrate that the reaction occurs exclusively on
9                                             Taken together, our data demonstrate that TMM dictates the specificity of ERf
10                                                             Our data demonstrated that ECONEXIN is a potential oncogene t
11                                                             Our data demonstrates that extensive long-term culture-induce
12                                                    Finally, our data emphasize that sHsp chaperone efficiency depends on
13                                                             Our data establish that cargoes containing Yxxphi motif, but
14                                   At the genome-wide scale, our data indicate that ATRX modifies gene expression concomit
15                                                             Our data indicate that Ct infection of ESC impairs decidualis
16                                                   Moreover, our data indicate that PI(4)P is needed to anchor Arl8 (Arf-l
17                                                             Our data indicate that SOCE and KATP channel activity are reg
18                                                             Our data indicate that stress-associated suicide risk is elev
19                                                             Our data indicate that the reduction in mucosal damage occurs
20                                             Taken together, our data indicate that VPS4 activity is important for generat
21                                                 Altogether, our data reveal that miR-155 collaborates with FLT3-ITD to pr
22                                                             Our data reveal that tissue and stage-specific expression of
23         Wnts are known regulators of synapse formation, and our data reveal that Wnt5a inhibits glutamatergic synapses fo
24                                                             Our data show that the position occupied by W972 within WT Ar
25                                                             Our data show that Troy marks a renal stem/progenitor cell po
26                                                             Our data showed that mixing sand with PW350-UO at a 20 wt % a
27                                                    Overall, our data suggest that CT-optimal, affective touch enhances su
28                                                             Our data suggest that defective self-renewal ability and leuk
29                                                             Our data suggest that interorgan signaling plays an important
30                                                             Our data suggest that miR-323-3p acts in a negative feedback
31                                               Collectively, our data suggest that NGD and subsequent quality control are
32                                                             Our data suggest that nivolumab is active in relapsed/refract
33                                                             Our data suggest that patients who have an efficiently-wired
34                                                             Our data suggest that polymorphisms in the CYP2R1 and GC gene
35                                                   Together, our data suggest that PON-2 regulates ENaC activity by modula
36                                                    Together our data suggest that pTRS1 inhibits PKR by binding to conser
37                                                             Our data suggest that recessive mutations in FOXI1 can explai
38                                                             Our data suggest that SERPINA3 may be involved in the pathoge
39                                                             Our data suggest that Src kinase may represent a potential ta
40                                                             Our data suggest that the decay of platelet mRNAs is slowed b
41                                              Interestingly, our data suggest that the following base on the template stra
42                                                   Together, our data suggest that the heptad repeat LIZ contributed to TM
43                                                             Our data suggest that the implantation reaction that occurs i
44                                                             Our data suggest that Top3beta is the major topoisomerase for
45                                                             Our data suggest that Wnt-induced dissociation of the Axin/GS
46                                                             Our data suggest that ZIKV, when produced from mammalian cell
47                                                   Together, our data suggested that protein O-mannosylation is required f
48                                                             Our data suggests that in Sargassum muticum there is no conne
49                                                             Our data suggests that mouse behavior and EEG recordings are
50                                                             Our data suggests that RARgamma initiates the formation of de

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