


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             Our results confirm that mating system manipulation dispropor
2                                                             Our results demonstrate that E6-expressing cells exhibit prev
3                                                 Altogether, our results demonstrate that IFN-inducible LY6E promotes HIV-
4                                                     Rather, our results demonstrate that the PVT is essential for balanci
5                                                             Our results demonstrate that this new and unexpected behaviou
6                                                             Our results illustrate that for the top 20 meters the V S mod
7                                                             Our results indicate that a significant portion of a model co
8                                                             Our results indicate that, although phase separation is the m
9                                                             Our results indicate that GRIKs phosphorylate and activate Sn
10                                             Taken together, our results indicate that in addition to its function in cave
11                                                             Our results indicate that in the setting of HF, potentiation
12                                             More generally, our results indicate that kinetics, and not just thermodynami
13                                                             Our results indicate that NADPH oxidase is important to contr
14                                                    Overall, our results indicate that stress cross-over occurs in animal
15                                                             Our results indicate that the increased ribosome loading of m
16                                                             Our results indicate that the start of the epidemic was drive
17                                               Collectively, our results indicate that ZO-1 binding regulates channel accr
18                                                             Our results reveal that tuning the interface structure, distr
19                                                             Our results show that a reduction in the expression of this m
20                                                             Our results show that CM Tln2 is essential for proper beta1D-
21                                                             Our results show that osmotic stress induces transient energy
22                                                             Our results show that oxygen vacancy rows are not only natura
23                                               Collectively, our results show that PI3K delta is essential for survival du
24                                                             Our results show that PTEN controls multicellular assembly th
25                                                             Our results show that the major insect opsin class (SW) that
26                                                             Our results show that there is variability for circadian trai
27 contrast to results from previous studies on other viruses, our results showed that filtration and nuclease treatment did
28                                                             Our results suggest that, although the role of individual and
29                                                             Our results suggest that coffee-suitable areas will be reduce
30                                                             Our results suggest that designing compounds to target specif
31                                                             Our results suggest that DISARM is a new type of multi-gene r
32                                                             Our results suggest that Fe-rich clay minerals such as nontro
33                                                             Our results suggest that Hrd1 forms a retro-translocation cha
34                                                             Our results suggest that HRV may serve as an easily acquired,
35                                                             Our results suggest that in marine ecosystems, pathways for b
36                                                             Our results suggest that in these inflammatory models, acute
37                                                             Our results suggest that life successfully moved into arsenic
38                                             Taken together, our results suggest that MoVps17 specifically functions as a
39                                                             Our results suggest that Nav1.2-driven spiking of pre-OLs is
40                                                             Our results suggest that PPC plays a causal role specifically
41                                             Taken together, our results suggest that selection in urban environments favo
42                                              In particular, our results suggest that sexual selection is likely to favour
43                                                             Our results suggest that the phospholipid transporter activit
44                                                             Our results suggest that the proposed permutation selection p
45                                                             Our results suggest that the size distribution of bioaerosols
46                                                             Our results suggest that these particle-associated and free-l
47                                                    Overall, our results suggest that ubiquitous unreliability of synaptic
48                                                             Our results suggest that viral glycoproteins induce a strong
49                                                             Our results suggested that wheat flour dust dispersed by sift
50                                                             Our results suggests that miR-203-3p, miR-664-3p and miR-708-

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