


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                                                             Our studies also showed that abundance of CXCR2 ligand in bli
2                                                       While our studies are motivated by the mating response of yeast, we
3                                                             Our studies at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction indicate
4                                                 In summary, our studies bring new insights to the general principles of l
5                                               Collectively, our studies clarify how CENP-N and CENP-C decode and stabiliz
6                                                             Our studies demonstrate an essential role of FP oligomerizati
7                                                             Our studies demonstrate that a linear hexazole-bearing interm
8                                                   Together, our studies demonstrate that atypical E2Fs act as tumor suppr
9                                                             Our studies demonstrate that complementary pathways can be en
10                                                   Together, our studies demonstrate that MNCs from HF rats exhibit increa
11                                   The findings derived from our studies demonstrate that TIM-1, but not TIM-3 or TIM-4, p
12                                                             Our studies demonstrate the suitability of the phenoxazine an
13                                                             Our studies establish that single-base bulges 7T8, 5A6 and 4A
14                                                             Our studies focus on an important agronomic trait in a major
15                                                             Our studies further illustrate the importance of normal membr
16                                                             Our studies further suggest that the regulation of chemotaxis
17                                                             Our studies have revealed the molecular nature of the tumour
18                                                             Our studies help to define the enzymatic mechanism of macrocy
19                                                             Our studies identified a highly up-regulated mammalian lncRNA
20                                                             Our studies identify a complex regulation of 5-HT homeostasis
21                                                 In summary, our studies identify distinct expression patterns and roles i
22                                                             Our studies indicate that an imbalance of two opposing transc
23                                                             Our studies indicate that ChlR1 is an important regulator of
24                                                             Our studies indicate that combinatorial bioactive botanicals
25                                                             Our studies indicate that the defective NEDDylation of HBx ne
26                                                          In our studies of mouse models of acute leukemia, we used high-r
27                                                             Our studies offer a glimpse into how these critical bone cell
28                                                             Our studies provide a significant insight into understanding
29                                                             Our studies provide evidence that remodeling of the fibronect
30                                                       Thus, our studies provide new insights into the mechanism of ligand
31                                                             Our studies reveal a complex molecular network that defines a
32                                                      Hence, our studies reveal a novel signaling axis that regulates JAK2
33                                                             Our studies reveal that O2 reduces hydroxyl ion density at ca
34                                                             Our studies reveal that oncogenic Kras induces SOX9 mRNA and
35                                             Taken together, our studies shed new light on the role of mRNA splicing genes
36                                                   Moreover, our studies show that SCs retain their plasticity to myelinat
37                                                             Our studies show that the levels of two putative targets of m
38                                                             Our studies show that the spectral line splits into distincti
39                                                             Our studies showed even though HIF-1alpha is accumulated in t
40                                             Taken together, our studies strengthen models that posit, at least in part, a
41                                                             Our studies suggest that a reduction in SK channel expression
42                                                             Our studies suggest that ACTN3 R577X genotype is a modifier o
43                                               Collectively, our studies suggest that maintaining physiological levels of
44                                                             Our studies thus for the first time provide complementary gai
45                                            We report herein our studies to improve permeability of nNOS inhibitors as mea
46                                             Taken together, our studies uncover a new metastasis-promoting pathway in Ewi
47 le of I-PTH on the MCC and subchondral bone, we carried out our studies using 4 to 5 week old triple transgenic mice (Col
48                                                             Our studies utilized the well-characterized Pax9(-/-) mouse m
49 ty and malignant growth of SCLC cells in vivo Collectively, our studies validate the utility of the Lu-iPSC model for elu
50                                                       Thus, our studies, which have established mouse models for parathyr

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