


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  inner leaflet and sphingomyelin (SM) in the outer leaflet.
2 phipathic LPS molecules across the OM to the outer leaflet.
3 r translocation of MPD from the inner to the outer leaflet.
4 nd defective redistribution of sterol to the outer leaflet.
5 he induction of inner leaflet domains by the outer leaflet.
6 ria contains lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the outer leaflet.
7 a unique lipid bilayer containing LPS in its outer leaflet.
8 ation of ceramide within the plasma membrane outer leaflet.
9 cellular envelope and is assembled at the OM outer leaflet.
10 f diblock copolymer and an independent lipid outer leaflet.
11 ation of phospholipids from the inner to the outer leaflet.
12 ted galactosylceramide from the inner to the outer leaflet.
13 ry, with only 2% of the total present in the outer leaflet.
14 f the membrane leading to PS exposure on the outer leaflet.
15 ent NBD-labeled phospholipids exposed to the outer leaflet.
16 leaflet and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in the outer leaflet.
17 osition mimics the mammalian plasma membrane outer leaflet.
18 end into the hydrocarbon chain region of the outer leaflet.
19 n the inner leaflet and a single site in the outer leaflet.
20 ing a majority of lipopolysaccharides in its outer leaflet.
21 d GM3 (monosialodihexosylganglioside) in the outer leaflet.
22 lipid bilayer with lipopolysaccharide in the outer leaflet.
23 dylcholine (PC) family from the inner to the outer leaflet.
24 formation of nano-clusters of GM3 within the outer leaflet.
25 between the physical states of the inner and outer leaflets.
26 ral perturbation moved through the inner and outer leaflets.
27 aflet and lipopolysaccharides comprising the outer leaflet (1-3) .
28 ent for PS appearance in the plasma membrane outer leaflet, aminophospholipid translocase activity ul
29                           When inserted into outer leaflets, amphipaths did not promote the transitio
30  observe an enrichment of cholesterol in the outer leaflet and a general non-ideal lateral mixing of
31 line (POPC) as the predominant lipids in the outer leaflet and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC), PO
32 tive pressure in the headgroup region of the outer leaflet and increasing the positive pressure throu
33 distribution with lipopolysaccharides at the outer leaflet and phospholipids (PLs) at the inner leafl
34  composed of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the outer leaflet and phospholipids in the inner leaflet.
35 ne, with lipopolysaccharide molecules in the outer leaflet and phospholipids in the inner leaflet.
36 FFA into vesicles containing both FPE in the outer leaflet and pyranine trapped in the inside aqueous
37  species including the glycolipid GM3 in the outer leaflet and the anionic lipid, phosphatidylinosito
38 n a cavity that is open to both the membrane outer leaflet and the periplasm.
39       Then the coupling between the hardened outer leaflet and the softer inner leaflet generates ben
40 usion intermediates are shown to have merged outer leaflets and distinct inner leaflets prior to form
41                 However, LPS is found in the outer leaflet, and RcsF was thought to be tethered to th
42  DOPC (dioleoylphosphatidylcholine) in their outer leaflets, and DOPC in their inner leaflets.
43 ght to pass through hemifusion, in which the outer leaflets are fused while the inner leaflets engage
44 and thereby stress small unilamellar vesicle outer leaflets as well as the periphery of intermediate
45 ions when alphaSyn is bound to the vesicle's outer leaflet at a 200:1 L/P.
46  only the outer leaflet of the bilayer, this outer leaflet becomes more ordered, and thus more solid-
47                                Surprisingly, outer leaflet components characteristically associated w
48 dynamic, large-scale uncoupling of inner and outer leaflet components of lipid rafts.
49 tions of the fluorescently labeled inner and outer leaflet components on RBL-2H3 cells.
50 mbrane of gram-negative bacteria contains an outer leaflet composed of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that
51 mentioned nonextractable cardiolipin and its outer leaflet composed of trehalose dimycolates, phospha
52        Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is the major outer leaflet constituent of the Gram-negative outer mem
53                                          The outer leaflet contained a mixture of sphingomyelin (SM)
54 UVs, lateral diffusion in the bSM-containing outer leaflet decreased, whereas that in the DOPC-contai
55 ance of endogenous PS in the plasma membrane outer leaflet detected with fluorescein isothiocyanate-l
56 nes, the lipid compositions of the inner and outer leaflets differ.
57                         In addition, reduced outer-leaflet diffusion upon introduction of outer-leafl
58                                       In the outer leaflet, distinct nanodomains consisting of gangli
59         Approximately 80-100% replacement of outer leaflet DOPE and POPS was achieved.
60 osphatidylserine (PS) in the plasma membrane outer leaflet during apoptosis, a cell surface change th
61 lasma membrane inner leaflet, appears in the outer leaflet during apoptosis, where it triggers non-in
62                 For asymmetric vesicles with outer-leaflet egg SM or milk SM, a fluorescent lipid wit
63 distinct waves, presumably hemifusion of the outer leaflet followed by inner leaflet (core) fusion.
64                         However, the SM-rich outer leaflet formed an ordered state, melting with a mi
65 ed residues in the vicinity of the inner and outer leaflet head-groups.
66 y flipped across the liposome bilayer to the outer leaflet in the presence of Mg(2+)-ATP, whereas no
67   The presence of phosphatidylcholine in the outer leaflet increased the cholesterol concentration re
68    At room temperature, SM exchange into the outer leaflet increased the inner leaflet lipid order, s
69 veral assays showed that the ordering of the outer leaflet induced by the presence of SM was not refl
70 osphatidylserine (PS) to the plasma membrane outer leaflet is a nearly universal marker of apoptosis
71 unique asymmetric lipid bilayer in which the outer leaflet is composed of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) an
72                                       The OM outer leaflet is comprised of endotoxin containing lipid
73 ta-thalassemic RBCs indicates that PS on the outer leaflet is distributed either over the entire memb
74                             In contrast, the outer leaflet is enriched in phosphatidylglycerol and ca
75              Our approaches using inner- and outer-leaflet-labeled fluorescent vesicles and (1)H NMR
76 e outer leaflet of brain SM, which decreased outer-leaflet lateral diffusion, had little effect upon
77                       Asymmetry of inner and outer leaflet lipid composition is an important characte
78 ously defined for erythrocytes, as judged by outer leaflet lipid composition; and plasma membrane out
79  both V55P and V55P/S71P was at the level of outer leaflet lipid mixing.
80 without a targeting ligand anisamide, in the outer leaflet lipid mixture.
81 le neutral or cationic lipid was used as the outer leaflet lipid to form an asymmetric lipid bilayer
82 rically perturbed by hydrolyzing 2.5% of the outer leaflet lipid with phospholipase A(2) and removing
83  envelope protein induced mixing of membrane outer leaflet lipids but did not lead to content mixing,
84 ids from the asymmetric vesicles or only the outer leaflet lipids from the asymmetric vesicles.
85 stant rafts exhibited a balance of inner and outer leaflet lipids, whereas the Triton X-100 rafts con
86 or inclusion into rafts occurs mainly on the outer leaflet lipids.
87 ton X-100 rafts contained a preponderance of outer leaflet lipids.
88 /PSs/Chol also exhibit lo phases adjacent to outer leaflet lo phases.
89 re not induced to form lo phases by adjacent outer leaflet lo phases.
90               This indicates that inner- and outer-leaflet Lo domains can have significantly differen
91                    Here, we characterize how outer-leaflet Lo domains induce inner-leaflet-ordered do
92   For asymmetric vesicles containing egg SM, outer-leaflet Lo domains were also depleted in a saturat
93 on-enhanced coupling resulting in inner- and outer-leaflet Lo domains with similar physical propertie
94 t the two populations of cells have distinct outer leaflet membrane compositions with the membranes o
95 was no detectable coupling between inner and outer leaflet membrane order.
96 nes, communication between inner leaflet and outer leaflet, membrane adhesion, and raft mobility.
97 ted at the cell surface mediated hemifusion (outer leaflet merger) upon low-pH treatment, but only th
98 outer-leaflet diffusion upon introduction of outer-leaflet milk SM or a synthetic C24:0 SM, both of w
99  contrast, in asymmetric vesicles containing outer-leaflet milk SM, which has long acyl chains capabl
100 ed in vesicle fusion is shown here to be (1) outer leaflet mixing accompanied by (2) transient pore f
101  never before been shown to be distinct from outer leaflet mixing, begins simultaneously with, but is
102  and TMA-DPH) were used to detect changes in outer leaflet molecular packing between nonfusing and fu
103                           PS exposure at the outer leaflet occurs early in apoptosis, but it is also
104 the wedging of its long alpha-helix into the outer leaflet of a membrane may cause curvature and an a
105 ptor, phosphatidylserine translocated to the outer leaflet of apoptotic cell membranes, and CD14 (LPS
106 sequesters cell wall precursors found in the outer leaflet of bacterial plasma membranes, Lipid II an
107                          The presence in the outer leaflet of brain SM, which decreased outer-leaflet
108  aberrant lipid composition presented on the outer leaflet of cancer cell membranes, which makes the
109 bined enrichment of both these lipids in the outer leaflet of cancer cells is highly significant for
110 cess serine (phosphatidylserine (PS)) on the outer leaflet of cancer cells.
111  1% of the human proteome is anchored to the outer leaflet of cell membranes via a class of glycolipi
112 amine, two aminophospholipids exposed on the outer leaflet of dead and activated cells, has shed new
113      Finally, DMPC-d54 incorporated into the outer leaflet of echinocytic erythrocytes exhibited a ph
114  In contrast, DMPS-d54 incorporated into the outer leaflet of echinocytic erythrocytes was conformati
115 hosphatidylcholine, which is enriched in the outer leaflet of eukaryotic cells, are not well understo
116 th lipopolysaccharide (LPS) constituting the outer leaflet of Gram-negative bacteria.
117 n planar bilayer patches originated from the outer leaflet of GUVs.
118 placement of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the outer leaflet of its outer membrane.
119                          The OM comprises an outer leaflet of lipid A, the bioactive component of lip
120 ment of drug substrate from inner leaflet to outer leaflet of lipid bilayer.
121 phiphile that spontaneously inserts into the outer leaflet of lipid bilayers to bury its hydrophobic
122 atidylethanolamine (FPE) introduced into the outer leaflet of lipid vesicles was used to monitor FFA
123 ith an inner leaflet of phospholipids and an outer leaflet of lipopolysaccharide.
124 A(2) rapidly hydrolyzed phospholipids in the outer leaflet of liposomes and proteoliposomes with a ha
125 ing the fraction of NBD-lipid exposed to the outer leaflet of membranes that are impermeant to dithio
126 s, containing UFAC, for penetration into the outer leaflet of membranes.
127 n, glucose 6-phosphate releases HKI from the outer leaflet of mitochondria; however, the site of gluc
128                                          The outer leaflet of neuronal membranes is highly enriched i
129 eaflet showed that PS already existed in the outer leaflet of null spermatozoa before sperm capacitat
130 ngle layer of WT annexin IV, attached to the outer leaflet of one vesicle, would undergo face-to-face
131 nction in preventing appearance of PS in the outer leaflet of plasma membrane, and ectopic exposure o
132 th lipid compositions typically found in the outer leaflet of plasma membranes induce liquid-ordered
133 containing glycosphingolipids present in the outer leaflet of plasma membranes, are produced at high
134 cyanine lipid analogs in the plasma membrane outer leaflet of RBL mast cells was used to investigate
135 l (DOPC/DPPC/Chol), which is a model for the outer leaflet of the animal cell plasma membrane.
136  This glycolipid is found exclusively in the outer leaflet of the asymmetric outer membrane (OM), whe
137                  Two residues located in the outer leaflet of the bilayer are critical for fusion.
138 rcellular spaces and that lens lipids in the outer leaflet of the bilayer bind to that calcium.
139  increase in the amount of PS exposed on the outer leaflet of the bilayer, and (4) a transient channe
140 g of wt20, which is known to affect only the outer leaflet of the bilayer, this outer leaflet becomes
141 syn penetrates approximately 9-14 A into the outer leaflet of the bilayer, with a substantial portion
142 4 charges with membrane phospholipids in the outer leaflet of the bilayer.
143 arrow region of 10-15 A corresponding to the outer leaflet of the bilayer.
144 ds are likely to become partitioned into the outer leaflet of the bilayer.
145 nzyme from intracellular compartments to the outer leaflet of the cell membrane, where hydrolysis of
146 osphocholine and DiI have been imaged on the outer leaflet of the cell membrane, while phosphocholine
147 ion that anchors the modified protein in the outer leaflet of the cell membrane.
148  many eukaryotic proteins that reside in the outer leaflet of the cell membrane.
149 d DiI, a fluorescent dye that remains in the outer leaflet of the cell membrane.
150 hobic drugs and lipids from the inner to the outer leaflet of the cell membrane.
151 A is a 30-kDa protein, lipid anchored to the outer leaflet of the cell membrane.
152 dases of prokaryotic organisms reside in the outer leaflet of the cytoplasmic membrane and catalyze t
153 ught to power the extraction of LPS from the outer leaflet of the cytoplasmic membrane and its transp
154 d within a coiled-coil domain of Rz near the outer leaflet of the cytoplasmic membrane and were not a
155              Abundant lipoproteins cover the outer leaflet of the cytoplasmic membrane, in contrast t
156 al and the lipid attaches the protein to the outer leaflet of the cytoplasmic membrane.
157 l wall dd-carboxypeptidase, localized in the outer leaflet of the cytosolic membrane of this Gram-neg
158 ell-derived exosomes and is localized on the outer leaflet of the exosomal membrane.
159 Kdo) is an essential component of LPS in the outer leaflet of the Gram-negative bacterial outer membr
160 hey fail to make productive contact with the outer leaflet of the host target membrane.
161 huttling hopanoid virulence factors from the outer leaflet of the inner membrane to the periplasm.
162 e faces, RS is associated primarily with the outer leaflet of the inner segment plasma membrane throu
163 ng conformation with two portals open to the outer leaflet of the membrane and a unique topology of t
164                                 In ECVs, the outer leaflet of the membrane bilayer contains aminophos
165  of phosphatidylserine from the inner to the outer leaflet of the membrane bilayer during platelet ac
166 PS) externalization has been observed on the outer leaflet of the membrane shortly after nsPEF exposu
167 geranyl-geranyl lipid tail of Cdc42 from the outer leaflet of the membrane to the isoprenyl binding s
168 bstrates, phosphatidylserine exposure on the outer leaflet of the membrane, and loss of viability.
169 , translocation of aminophospholipids to the outer leaflet of the membrane, and release of microvesic
170 lipooligosaccharide (LOS) exclusively in the outer leaflet of the membrane, establishes an impermeabl
171 appearance of phosphatidylserine (PS) in the outer leaflet of the membrane.
172  lipid droplets are thought to form from the outer leaflet of the microsomal membrane, the reduction
173 membrane protein that is associated with the outer leaflet of the mitochondrial outer membrane.
174 sh chemical treatments accumulate PLs in the outer leaflet of the OM and this disrupts lipopolysaccha
175 oprotein that removes phospholipids from the outer leaflet of the OM of Escherichia coli, increases O
176 ert LPS from the periplasm directly into the outer leaflet of the OM to establish the asymmetry of th
177 assembled with divalent metal cations in the outer leaflet of the OM to form an impervious layer that
178 ransport of misplaced phospholipids from the outer leaflet of the OM to the cytoplasmic membrane (4)
179 across the periplasm, and insertion into the outer leaflet of the OM.
180 hat serves to prevent PL accumulation in the outer leaflet of the OM.
181 D form a complex that assembles LPS into the outer leaflet of the OM.
182          As a result of DAGK presence in the outer leaflet of the outer envelope membrane, phosphatid
183 S), a glucosamine-based phospholipid, in the outer leaflet of the outer membrane (OM).
184     Lipid A species comprise the bulk of the outer leaflet of the outer membrane and are produced thr
185                            We found that the outer leaflet of the outer membrane contains a similar n
186 s of lipopolysaccharides that constitute the outer leaflet of the outer membrane in Gram-negative bac
187 e (LPS), a glycolipid that forms most of the outer leaflet of the outer membrane in Gram-negative bac
188  endotoxin) is an essential component of the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of gram-negative bac
189 k, anchors lipopolysaccharide (LPS) into the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of gram-negative bac
190  lipid anchor of a lipopolysaccharide in the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bac
191 highly acylated saccharolipid located on the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bac
192  antigen (ECA), a glycolipid situated on the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of members of the fa
193                                          The outer leaflet of the outer membrane of the Gram-negative
194  Similar to most Gram-negative bacteria, the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of Vibrio cholerae i
195  lipid A of the LPS may be inserted into the outer leaflet of the outer membrane through a lateral op
196 ase subunits reveals that they reside on the outer leaflet of the outer membrane under anaerobic cond
197 slocated lipoprotein that is anchored in the outer leaflet of the outer membrane, with its C-terminal
198 to terminal reductase enzymes located on the outer leaflet of the outer membrane.
199 ation of lipid A, the major component of the outer leaflet of the outer membrane.
200                                          The outer leaflet of the outer membranes of Gram-negative ba
201 lucosamine-based phospholipids that form the outer leaflet of the outer membranes of Gram-negative ba
202 choring of these surface lipoproteins in the outer leaflet of the outer spirochetal membrane.
203 lasma membrane induced exposure of PS on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane at sites of egress,
204 X2 or tNOX), associated exclusively with the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane at the surface of c
205 ect traversing of CPPs through the uncharged outer leaflet of the plasma membrane bilayer is unlikely
206 ion, we show that coupling may extend to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane by examining the fl
207 ion with the GM1 ganglioside receptor in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane in intestinal (HT-2
208 quid disorder heterogeneity of lipids in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane in live cells.
209 imited exposure of aminophospholipids on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane is a fundamental fe
210 ellular pool of sphingomyelin present on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane is not involved in
211 monstrated that the lipid composition of the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane is sufficient for t
212 hatidylethanolamine, that are exposed on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane of dead and activat
213 PS), 2 phospholipids that translocate to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane of dead cells, as t
214 agged annexin V to phosphatidylserine in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane of degranulated mas
215 e the sphingolipids and phospholipids in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane of living mammalian
216               It was found to cluster on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane of the photorecepto
217 o remove FM1-43 nonspecifically bound to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane or extracellular mo
218 d signaling molecules typically float in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane or freely diffuse a
219                       Lipids enriched in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane oscillated in a hig
220  and phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane preceded loss of PM
221  of unknown function that is retained on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane when MCs are activa
222  by this flippase causing PS exposure on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane without disrupting
223 livery of acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, and a rapid form o
224 id not interact with liposomes mimicking the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, but it did induce
225  from the inner (cytoplasmic) leaflet to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, delivering Glc2-DA
226      The enzyme, peculiarly localized on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, has been shown to
227  membranes and, most interestingly, with the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, suggesting a role
228 id phosphatidylserine (PS) is exposed on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane.
229 a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane.
230 on that anchors the modified proteins in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane.
231 lserine to translocate from the inner to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane.
232 atidylserine translocation from the inner to outer leaflet of the plasma membrane.
233 e in expression of phosphatidylserine on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane.
234 to PIP2 redistribution from the inner to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane.
235  to selectively oxidize MPD molecules in the outer leaflet of the reconstituted vesicles, we demonstr
236  had been translocated from the inner to the outer leaflet of the vesicles.
237 n of the midspan Arg (694) "snorkels" to the outer leaflet of the viral membrane, the MSD assumes a m
238 ed viruses display phosphatidylserine on the outer leaflet of their membranes, enabling TAM receptor
239  phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) exposure on the outer leaflet of transduced cells triggers their engulfm
240 l-phosphatidylcholine was exchanged into the outer leaflet of vesicles composed of 1,2-dioleoyl-phosp
241 ich the physical properties of the inner and outer leaflets of a bilayer are coupled to one another.
242 t) and cardiolipin (present in the inner and outer leaflets of bacterial membranes).
243 and cholesterol composition in the inner and outer leaflets of biological membranes.
244 hat both vesicle systems fused only when the outer leaflets of both contacting vesicles were perturbe
245             Variations between the inner and outer leaflets of cell membranes are crucial for cell fu
246 proximately 1:1 if only the PG lipids in the outer leaflets of membranes are accessible to daptomycin
247                                    Inner and outer leaflets of the bilayer are affected nearly equall
248 through hemifusion, a condition in which the outer leaflets of the bilayers are mixed, but the inner
249 monstrated to involve both the inner and the outer leaflets of the membrane bilayer.
250 differences in tension between the inner and outer leaflets of the membrane contribute to this proces
251 l cases the solid domains span the inner and outer leaflets of the membrane, suggesting a strong coup
252  In all cases the domains span the inner and outer leaflets of the membrane, suggesting a strong coup
253 ns may even cause the fusion of at least the outer leaflets of the membranes, contributing to the abi
254 nthesizing major components of the inner and outer leaflets of the mycobacterial outer membrane.
255 species are segregated between the inner and outer leaflets of the plasma membrane by ATP-dependent l
256  the context of lipid rafts at the inner and outer leaflets of the plasma membrane, respectively, for
257  of aminophospholipids between the inner and outer leaflets of the plasma membrane.
258 ion activity, i.e., lipid mixing between the outer leaflets of the reacting membranes.
259                  During membrane fusion, the outer leaflets of the two membranes merge first, whereas
260 ried as glycoproteins and glycolipids on the outer leaflets of their plasma membranes and constitute
261 usion intermediate, a condition in which the outer leaflets of two bilayers are combined and the inne
262 ially binds to mammalian cell membranes, the outer leaflets of which are enriched in sphingomyelin, c
263 etrically (both leaflets) or asymmetrically (outer leaflet only) labeled bilayers.
264 s also significantly lower than the D in the outer leaflet or in giant unilamellar vesicles and the d
265 ster, indicative of coupling between SM-rich outer-leaflet-ordered domains and inner-leaflet-ordered
266                                 PE disrupted outer leaflet packing as demonstrated with TMA-DPH lifet
267 gesting that fusion is dependent not only on outer leaflet packing but also on the properties of the
268       This optimal CH/SM ratio also enhanced outer leaflet packing, suggesting that fusion is depende
269 erent lipid systems took the form of altered outer leaflet packing.
270 aflet lipid composition; and plasma membrane outer leaflet phosphatidylcholine had a significantly lo
271                                The amount of outer leaflet phosphatidylethanolamine in both mutant st
272   Furthermore, in all raft preparations, the outer leaflet phospholipid species were significantly di
273 eaflet phospholipids to the pore, but allows outer leaflet phospholipids to bind to a pronounced ridg
274 d transport protein that selectively removes outer leaflet phospholipids to help maintain the essenti
275                                          How outer leaflet plasma membrane components, including glyc
276  asymmetric in labeled lipid by reduction of outer leaflet probe with externally added sodium dithion
277 brane, but some sickle RBCs expose PS in the outer leaflet (PS+ cells).
278 oon as FPE detects adsorption of FA into the outer leaflet, pyranine detects its movement to the inne
279 eaflet components with IgE-Fc(epsilon)RI and outer leaflet raft components, ganglioside GD1b and glyc
280 s coupled across the water layer, while the "outer" leaflets remain unaffected.
281 ol POPE:POPS inside (SMo/2:1 POPE:POPSi) the outer leaflet SM formed an ordered state with a thermal
282   In other words, ordered state formation by outer-leaflet SM in asymmetric vesicles was not destabil
283 anoparticles was held at a distance from the outer leaflet-solution interface of bilayers containing
284 tent and location of binding relative to the outer leaflet-solution interface.
285 sF/OMP complexes are required for sensing OM outer leaflet stress.
286 within the TMD region spanning the vesicle's outer leaflet strongly impairs exocytosis and decelerate
287  characteristic time of lipid mixing between outer leaflets (tau approximately equal to 24 s) was com
288 redistributes lysosomal-derived PS to the PM outer leaflet that leads to membrane expansion and the f
289 ect phospholipid packing modification in the outer leaflet, that is promoted by protonation of cardio
290 e bilayer: upon hemifusion and mixing of the outer leaflets, the DNA-lipid is free to diffuse into th
291 sphingomyelin resided in the plasma membrane outer leaflet; the asymmetry of metabolically active cel
292 plasmic membrane and must translocate to the outer leaflet to propagate a bilayer.
293 ethanolamine and phosphatidylserine from the outer leaflet to the cytosolic leaflet of the plasma mem
294 luorescent PtdIns(3,4)P(2) can flip from the outer leaflet to the inner leaflet of the membrane.
295 diffusion of annular lipids in the inner and outer leaflets was observed and correlated with an asymm
296 (asymmetric) compositions in their inner and outer leaflets were deposited at surface pressures of 20
297                           If, however, their outer leaflets were repleted with the l-, but not the d-
298 the sum of the molar ratios of the inner and outer leaflets), were characterized before and after bet
299 rom the plasma membrane inner leaflet to the outer leaflet where it triggers recognition and phagocyt
300 tor activation, PM sterol was shifted to the outer leaflet, where it could be removed by HDL.

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